Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 338: Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred Thirty. Embrace The Future

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With the Autobots leaving for their home planet it was the perfect time to deal with the Mind Stone.

The group was gathered in the warehouse and as Wanda opened a final Portal for Arcee, she bend down and in her human form gave Peter a huge kiss.

“You have the Soul Stone. We want you to take this one as well.” Peter lifted the yellow gem into its storage box. “It's the Mind Stone, and with the two you should be able to create much more stable Cybertronians.”

Arcee nodded and took the small box, “We shall treasure this Peter, and thank you for everything you have done for us.”

In her human form, Arcee didn't need to stoop, and she hugged him close, “there are some things we can never repay you for” and transforming back into her robot form she stepped through the portal onto the bridge of the Ark.

“Thank you, Peter. Without you, Cybertron and the Autobots would have no future. We will always remember our debt to you, and once our mission home is over I will make sure that Arcee can visit.” Optimus saluted him

As the engines of the Ark fired, and Ironhide began his countdown the portal slowly closed and Petr waved one final time goodbye.

Liv moved over and rubbed his arm, “are you okay?” and Peter sighed and nodded, 

“I’ll be fine, no worse than when Carol left,” he admitted. 

Liv laughed, “Oh yes. You moped around for a week after that happened.” and 

Carol raised an eyebrow. “Do tell, I was that memorable?”

Peter shrugged, “You saved MJ, made me realise that I want invincible, and a few other small details.”

Carol raised an eyebrow, “Small?” and he smiled and looked at her chest,

“Well, not small, in fact, you were more than a handful,” seeing the smirk cross her face, he knew what was about to happen and he shot out a web line to his apartment and leapt upwards before she darted forwards and got a hold of him,

“Get your ass back here mister. I’ll show you who’s a handful,” she yelled, and as her powers flared into life, she lifted off and shot after him.

Liv shook her head and headed back to the breakfast table.

“Are you okay? You look a little peaky dear?” she asked Jean who was sitting holding hands with Emma,

“I'm fine, it's just been an exhausting few weeks. What with Avalon, Shuri and now this. I’ll be fine,” and as Emma patted her hand she rubbed her forehead with the other. “I’ll be fine.”

“You have one more thing to do,” and as Jean looked over at Emma she was sitting tapping her fingers together.

“Me. It's too tempting, I know why he did it, I can feel why. Because I'm sat here thinking I could take it and have everything I ever wanted. So you need to make me forget as well, and make me stay away from him.” and Jean lay a hand on the back of Emmas


“Because I like it, when we have sex I like being inside the other person, feeling what they do, knowing that I’m driving them wild. If I slip, or one of you do and it’s not perfect I’ll find out, and if you’re the only one who knows then it won't be enough to stop me.” Emma sighed and looked at the hand on hers, “Do it before I change my mind,” and she laughed, “change my mind,” and she blanked out for a second before sitting up straight and sighing.

Jean watched with a sad face as she extended her powers once more.

“Sorry Peter,” Emma said. “I think I’d prefer the whole package, I mean, marrying into Wakandan royalty, who wouldn't want to be a princess.” but Peter shook his head

“Shuri said no already. There are enough, sorry Emma I can’t,” but 

Emma shrugged, “Oh well, darling. I guess I’ll have to make do.”

Emma walked over to Jean, “You are stronger than I ever was Jean, take care of him would you.” She leaned forwards and gave Jean a small peck on the cheek, “and do be careful of Charles. He has a nasty way of showing up when you dont want him.

Emma stood and straightened her top, grabbed her jacket and slid it on. “Well, that was depressing. I think I’ll go home, drown my sorrows and then find a handsome young thing to play with for a while.”

Peter watched as she left, unaware of the small tear in her eyes, and as he looked over at Jean she sighed and shrugged. It seemed to be the day for goodbyes.

Liv noticed that Emma had left, and moved over, “did she?” and Peter shook his head,

“She wanted more, and I have to learn to say no.” and Liv still pulled him into a hug

“It doesn't stop it from being painful and it doesn't mean you’re a bad person.” Peter rested his head on her shoulder,

Jean sighed, and the room froze, bathed in yellow the memories were complete and she lifted herself up, and with a box prepared by Shuri, lined with adamantium and made of vibranium she fitted it into a slot on the bottom of Peter’s home, easily within reach. She looked over at the group and moved back, making sure she was in the right place, and as she severed her connection to them.

Jean stood, “I uh” and she sighed, “I have a few things to take care of on Avalon.” Peter turned his head to frown at her, “Oh dont give me that look. I need to get the few things I have up there. You, Mister Parker, are making sure that everyone knows I’m not going anywhere, and you have some explaining to do about a giant large breasted half-robot woman, and keeping your pants on.” Peter snorted as she smiled and shook her head at him, “if my toaster gets pregnant, I’ll be blaming you.”

MJ sat up, “that's right, my toaster. You still owe me” 

Jean frowned, “he screwed your toaster?” making MJ laugh,

“No, asshole took it apart,” she explained, and Peter could only rill his eyes.

“Yeah, five years ago, I still can't believe you’re mad about that.” and 

MJ crossed her arms and huffed, “I liked that toaster, plus, someone didn't ask permission.” MJ had a small smile, “in fact. I remember, Gwen's microwave, Livs harness, my toaster and Felicia's, uh Felicia’s?” and Felicia just stood,

“Ooh who fucking cares, Pete, card. Wanda, magic hands thing, everyone, but Pete. Shopping. I think Italy first. Liv, you speak Italian?” and Liv shrugged.

“Sorry dear, just Russian for now, but if this is going to be a regular thing, then I can learn.”

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“Good.” and as Huntress morphed into a new set of stylish clothes, still her usual black, Felicia moved over and kissed Pete. “We all need a break, Pete. Take some time, draw, go see your mom, we’ll be back sometime this evening.” and as she looked at the collected shopping party, “how far ahead is Italy anyway?”

“Far enough we can have dinner, Peter, Italian for one?” and he snorted and smiled,

“Sure, If I'm not here, I'm at my mom's.”

As the Sling ring portal extended the excited group marched through, linking arms and talking excitedly about the stores they wanted to visit.

Peter watched them go, and as the portal closed he looked around the now empty warehouse

Liv had been right, Felicia had been right as well, and Peter was surprised that Emma was the first one to refuse to join in. He knew Ororo was hesitant, and with ten, who could blame her. He was amazed that everyone stayed with him, but it was more now. They had gone past a small group of sex friends and into a family. Each one had their own lives, each one had their own relationships, and he knew it was a good thing, even if nobody understood.

What he needed though was a break as well, as sometimes the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.

Picking up his phone Peter dialled his mom, “Hey, can I come over. It's not as bad now, I’d like to see you.”

Walking the streets of New York Peter wanted to feel the fresh air, and take in the city. He was never one for introspection, but today he had said goodbye to two people he cared about, Arcee had promised she would be back, but unlike Carol, he knew Cybertronains were long-lived and she could be gone for thousands of years before whatever plan they had for their homeworld was complete.

Emma was different, she made it clear, that their relationship would become like Peppers. Business, a little flirting but nothing more. He was sad, they had never actually sealed the deal or taken things further than flirting but he had enjoyed it. Spending time with Emma was something he looked forwards to, like any of them, and it was a small piece suddenly gone that made him aware of the loss.

As he walked to the two-story small terraced house where his mom and curt lived he looked at the building. Seeing a few signs of a scuffle, and knowing Curt he hadn't gone without a fight.

His mom was standing at the front door, waiting for him, holding a cup in her hand, half-finished from the time it took him to walk the distance

“You look sad Peter, come in and I’ll make a fresh pot,” May said before heading inside and leaving the door open.

May smiled as Peter sat at the kitchen table, “Lost a couple of friends today, not taking it so well?” and May patted him on the shoulder while the pot dripped water into its jug

“It never gets easier,“ and she leant forwards and slid her arms around his shoulders to hug him, “Even with Curt, I still miss your Uncle.”

As Peter patted her arms, he rubbed a cheek against one, “I know, its just, it was two.” and May smiled as she leant back up and rubbed a hand through his hair

“And you’re not used to people leaving. You expected your family to grow and this time, it didn't.” She set two mugs down, hers and a clean one for Peter. Pouring two cups she sat on the other side of the table, “You've got a big family Peter, and,“ she paused and looked at her cup, “you might need to get used to the idea.”

Peter raised an eyebrow as he added milk and sugar to his cup,

“Curt wants you to remove his formula, and fit him with an artificial arm. He explained it expands his lifespan, and as Captain America looks thirty but is in fact over 100, I can agree.”

Peter hadn't really thought about it, that while Liv had examined his cells and noted that cellularly at least, he was possible immortal, but that with the Symbiotes and the formula of their own, everyone in the warehouse was possibly looking at another hundred to hundred and fifty years of life. But with that, Gwen was enhanced, but without a Symbiote, would she age faster than the rest? And he already knew Liv was worried. She was a lot older and was prickly towards anyone who mentioned she was past fifty.

“I was devastated when your uncle died, Peter, and I dont want that to happen. This Sentinel business made us realise that the government will crackdown, and we dont want that. Curt wants a normal life, we both do.” Peter could only nod.

Curt's Enhanced status gave the military an excuse to arrest them both, and while it failed that didn't count the next time. 

“I’ll make an appointment with Liv. We can do it before they re-write the act.” and May nodded,

“And you?” but Peter sighed and shrugged, his mom had no idea he was Venom, only that he had pores thanks to Norman,

“No, my identity is safe, we have AIM and Parker Inc. Sorry.”

May reached over and patted his hand, “Never say sorry Peter. But, “ and she gave him a sad smile, “Please be careful.” and he nodded

“I will mom.” and she nodded as he smiled at her, “I do have some ideas though, and maybe Curt could help?”

“Oh?” she asked as she sipped her coffee

“I'm building a school, and I want to ask if you minded.” Peter slid over the building plans, and there was one label,

The Benjamin Parker Building


As the Ark made its way to the edge of the collar system, a small satellite, orbiting Pluto recorded its escape trajectory and then blinked as the massive wormhole slashed into existence in front of it and the Ark sped away through it.

Hidden in the rocky source the monitoring station was on full alert. “High Commander” the green-skinned technician yelled, “The unknown ship departed using unknown technology” and the commander watched in shock as the tunnel opened. He was a history buff, of all things military, and he knew what that ship represented, and he knew it wasn’t good.

“Immediate withdrawal. Contact High Command. We must inform Lady Veranke that the Earthlings have space bridge technology.”


And that was the final chapter in

Arc Eleven. Changes

The penultimate short story,

Logan. Small Game Hunter

will be published tomorrow, at the usual time.

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