Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 343: Arc Twelve. Chapter Three Hundred Thirty-Four. A Delicate Touch

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Peter had no idea how to take the news that Earth was joining the Nova Empire. So far the countries that objected were being outnumbered by those who did, and who could blame them.

Financial, technological, and societal inequalities were about to be swept aside in one massive upgrade of the whole planet. Who wouldn't want to suddenly be on equal terms with a country that threatened your borders every day? Who wouldn't want to suddenly have enough to eat for all your citizens? Which corrupt governments wouldn’t suddenly want access to high tech weapons and technology? Peter knew it was only time before everyone agreed. With one or two exceptions.

Once the Nova Empire found out about the vibranium in Wakanda, it would be bloody and messy. Shuri was already preparing for war, but they had no real idea on what scale. Carol had provided tactical information the best that she could, but with the sudden rise of militancy in both the Nova Corp and Asgard, would they be facing scorched earth tactics or would Asgard opt for a more peaceful diplomatic route. So far, they were being polite, but that could well change.

There was also Doom. He had no idea what Doom was hiding, and his Doombots were a great enough threat to the forces of Earth, but would they be any match for the Asgardians? Add in the mystical arts and he knew it was another ticking timebomb. 

Carol knew that most other worlds had little to no magic, especially on Asgard where only Queen Freya and Loki were known to be practitioners but they made up for it with high-grade technology. If Asgard was so inclined they could withdraw behind the moon and launch strikes against the planet.

That was the problem though. It was the Augments and Enhanced that were saying no, the ordinary Joe on the street liked the idea of space and new alien life. To them, once more it was the powered who were making life harder, and if the Sentinel event taught everyone one thing, it was that Augments pushed back when threatened. 

Protests were starting. It was why on a cloudy and bleak February morning, Peter was walking the streets of New York. JJ had begun his push once more. That while alien, the Asgardians had provided more ain to the earth than any augment had, that the powered were happy to fight and destroy, while Asgard gave out medical aid, and was helping to fix environmental problems. He walked past several “Mutants Out” placard-carrying protestors, and while their numbers were small, only a few hundred, it was enough. He could feel the growing animosity. It was just the start.

Peter, he heard, are you busy? As he was walking around Central Park, holding a barely warm cup of coffee, he sighed,

No Charles, not at all.

Can you visit?

Sure, and a portal appeared not too far from him. Throwing his coffee cup in the trash he slid through and was greeted by the sight of a massive warship above the domes of Avalon.

“Scary isn't it?” Charles said, and Peter could only nod. “It's been there since they entered the system, and I will admit, even I am apprehensive.”

Peter followed Charles down the main walkway, and it was unusually quiet.

“As you can see, a lot of people are returning to Earth. Genosha has already been repopulated by Selene, and the Government is making plans to make it a new state. Avalon failed.”

Peter shook his head, “It didn't fail, People are scared, and the familiar helps with that. So, is that why I am here?”

Charles shook his head, “No, sorry, but you are here as we have a problem. A muscular blonde, seven-foot-tall problem. And I was rather hoping you could deal with him.” Charles sighed, “He is being difficult, unreasonable, and so far has eaten most of the food we have left. I was hoping as you had already met him, you could talk to him?”

Peter huffed, “Thor?” and Charles nodded, “of course, he can travel through space.” shrugging, “fine, let’s go then.”

Charles smiled, “excellent. We have him waiting in one of the dining rooms. But he isn't too happy.”

Charles led Peter to the same dining hall they had used, and there, sat eating what looked like a roast chicken was Thor. He grinned with a mouth full of food “Friend Peter, come, eat. The food here is small but very good.” and he waved a drumstick at the chair next to his. “It seems there is nothing else to do, and I could use the company.”

Peter looked over at Charles who sighed, “I’ll get the kitchen to cook more food, I hope chicken is okay. We really don’t have anything else.”

Peter shook his head,d “I’ll deal with this and take him back to Earth, so, I’m fine.”

Charles nodded, ”hopefully you can be more persuasive”

And be careful, my powers dont seem to affect him,

Peter snorted, they won't, he’s not human, you’ll need to spend time with an Asgardian to learn how to read their thoughts.

Peter sat at the table next to Thor, who was busy spooning what looked like mashed potatoes into his mouth.

“So, how's Asgard?” Peter asked while Thor ate,

“Peter. Let's not be bilgesnipes okay. We both know Carol is on Earth, and she’s fine. Asgard wasn't her fault,” he said, with a more serious tone than before. Looking at the spoon, Thor shrugged, took the last bite of potato from it and then threw it back into the dish. “But let's also not how do your people say it, beat around the bush.” Leaning back in his chair and belching, “The satellite is to be used as a base for training Nova soldiers, and as a launching area for troop deployment throughout the system. This is not negotiable Peter, no matter who you send.”

Peter took a deep breath, “and if we say no?”

Thor snorted, “See up there?” and he pointed up, “that cruiser could obliterate this satellite with a few well-aimed shots. So let's not pretend this is anything other than us asking nicely before we stop being nice. The treaty is signed, and the inclusion of Earth into the Nova Empire is already done. You, this place, and that wife of yours isn't going to change things Peter, and all you’ll do is get a lot of people killed trying to stop it.”

Peter leaned back, “Seems Asgard changed since last I heard about it. So, what's the real story. Carol already filled us in. Asgard defenders of freedom and peace. Now aggressive invaders? Not buying it.”

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Thor laughed, “aggressive invaders? Peter, your government asked us here. Nobody in the Empire gives two shits about a backwater planet with no real resources. Sure, there is that gas giant, but your people are so primitive you might as well throw stones at us.”

Peter rubbed his forehead, “Earths government called you?” and Thor shrugged and lifted a chick leg,

“The U.S of A I believe, wanted more of the technology we found at that lunatic's place.” Thor scratched one of his eyebrows embarrassed. “Seems we missed some and one of your Shield scientists managed to get a message into the gal-net. And here we are.”

Peter sighed again, and shook his head, “they dont speak for the whole planet. Earth doesn't have a centralised government, it's one country.”

Thor shrugged and after dropping the now clean chicken bone began to lick his fingers, “doesn't matter. Once the Nova Corp and the Asgardians agreed to their terms, it soon will have.”

“And there is no way to I dunno, say no?” Peter asked,

Thor laughed, “rule under Asgard won't be so bad. I mean, nobody else complains.” but Peter frowned,

That was the problem. Was it Asgard or the Nova Empire? So far nothing Thor said made sense. They cleaned the place out, so how did they get a transmitter powerful enough to contact Asgard? Even the pager Fury had to contact Carol was a well-guarded secret and why didn't Carol know about it. Something was wrong, but he just didn't know what.

“Which is what I’m worried about. We just had someone try to take over, this might end badly.”

“Oh stop worrying Peter. It’ll be fine. But, you do have to ask your friends to leave this base. Nova training is harsh and we might accidentally damage it, and humans are so tiny, and fragile.”

Charles, he’s refusing. If you still have anyone here, get them back to New York. He’s thinly threatened to destroy the place if you dont.

I was afraid of that Peter, and I am also afraid I cannot let this technology fall into the wrong hands. You have five minutes to leave, I will not allow Avalon to be used for soldiers. We will make sure nothing important is left behind. None of the ACDs or the Arcstar reactors. 

Peter huffed, “fine. Uh, we need to leave though, The current owners dont like being evicted.” as Peter stood, “you can stay though. But it probably won't be pretty.”

Thor looked at the food in front of him, “fine. I would like to see New York again, and maybe MJ if she is around.”

“Sure, I think she’s free, plus I've got a few upgrades since you last saw me, how about a spar?”

Thor stood and snorted, “Friend Peter. I appreciate the offer, but uh,” and Thor looked down at himself. He had his battle armour on, with the long flowing red cape and was still as buff as normal, he motioned to himself, “you are not up to an Asgardian standard.”

Peter furrowed his brow, “I dunno, seems all that food made you fat.” he said. The table was covered in empty bowls and it looked like Thor had eaten not just several whole chickens himself but several large bowls of mashed potatoes as well.

Thor looked disgruntled “Well, maybe some after dinner exercise would be good. You have somewhere we can fight. Maybe Next to a medical centre.”

Peter laughed, “dont worry, I won't hurt you that badly.”

Thor laughed but he narrowed his eyes as he stared at Peter. The pair made their way to the Breach room. Charles had stayed behind,

“I will make this clear Thor, Asgard or not, Nova Empire or not We will not take an invasion force laying claim to the Earth lying down. Maybe have tried, and we are willing to take a stand.”

Thor just smiled and shook his head, “I just smile and wave my young friend, I just smile and wave.”

Charles snorted, “The demolition of Avalon will take place five days from now. I suggest you are nowhere near here when we set the charges off.” As he touched the side of his head a second portal opened and he stepped through, to what Peter could only assume was his office in the mansion.

I am sorry it came to this Peter. I am now in agreement that something is wrong here. Too many things are falling into place too easily. First our government, and the rest of the world. If I was a paranoid man I would say that pieces are being moved behind the scenes. While I am hesitant to force their hand, I will warn you that this may turn bloody. There are Augments who were not pleased to be chased from Earth, and they will not be pleased to be forced back.

I already know Charles, Protests have already started on Earth. Peter sighed, All I can ask is that you stay safe, and if we find out what's actually going on, that you help as much as you can.

We will Peter, but Avalon was mainly families. We are not a fighting army, you may stand alone.

Peter resisted the urge to laugh, I’m never alone Charles.

“Well, that went well. So, we can get back through here.” Peter motioned to Thor as he swiped a hand over the ACD, opening a portal back to the warehouse.

“Just uh, to warn you. You kinda have fans on Earth.”

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