Spiral Hill

Chapter 16: Chapter 15

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The Vigilante’s building was smaller than I expected. It was a pleasant three story building laid out like most businesses in the city. There was a larger open room you entered into, with back rooms for whatever is needed. It must not have been busy in the early afternoon as there were only a couple of other non-employee people milling about. From the looks of it, there were two groups both waiting for something at their own tables. 


As I entered, a couple people glanced at me, but didn’t seem that bothered or interested. I simply approached one of the employees and asked, “I’m looking for simple work- not great at fighting- do you have anything?”


“There's always something to be done, but may I get your name first?”




At this they raised an eyebrow, but continued on with “Do you have knowledge of the area around here and of the plants therein?”


“I made my way here and have access to knowledge on the subjects.”


Again they didn’t look so amused, but stayed professional and handed me a piece of paper with a drawing of a leaf on it. “This is called Spitweed, its sap has some medical use cleaning cuts if prepared properly. It grows in shaded, moist areas. The Academy likes to have a large stock of it on hand for beginner alchemists, and are always buying. There are a few plants that look like it, so remember the shape well.”I nodded and left, starting to walk towards the gate out of the city closest to me. 


At the same time my other body- already in the Academy’s library- started looking around the shelves for botany and herbology books. There was a large section covering plants from all over the continent so it took me a little to find books about local plants. While still on the way to the forests surrounding the city I started skimming books, writing down the most common and potentially useful plants. I figured that if I brought back a variety of things, there might be some other buy-orders out.


The bells for two o’clock had recently gone off by the time I started down on the roads out of the city. I wanted to get a good distance away from the city before heading out in search of plants. When a stream passed by the road, I turned off- deciding that I should follow it both because my objective likely grew near it, and to make sure I could easily get back. Right around three, I started to find what might have been what I was looking for. I spent a few minutes comparing the leaves to various drawings in books before deciding it was what I wanted. 


It was a simple matter of cutting the bunches off at the base and wrapping them in a damp rag. I hadn't been given any indication of an expected quantity, so I just gathered most of what I found- resulting in about a kilogram of the stuff. Once you got to the swampy bits of the forest, the stuff was everywhere. In addition I got a few other plants some books mentioned, being careful to harvest them as said books instructed. Each type was wrapped in its own damp rag. I’d have to air out my satchel when I got back home, but keeping everything fresh was more important.


On my way back I simply enjoyed how peaceful it was- both in the forest and library. I had only heard a few animals making their way through the brush, along with the usual smattering of birdsong. I had read that most predators in the area were most active in the evenings and night- and the ones that operated in the day were no threat to anything bigger than a large rodent. As I continued back, I looked over a few more books, writing down what seemed useful to have quick access to before stacking up the books and finding a cart to deposit them. 

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It was solidly past five by the time my city-body was heading home. I passed through a market and picked up some dinner for both of me- simple skewers that smelled good- and headed home to review my notes and wait.


Following the stream, it was easy to get back to the road- if inexperienced but smart people didn’t come back the vast majority of the time, the Vigilantes wouldn’t be considered one of the better ways to make some money as a student. There were a good number more groups on the road as I was heading back. A mix of merchants with carts and all sorts of people on foot. Just to be safe I stayed near a caravan, having to pick up the pace a little to do so- but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. At the gate I let them go ahead, pulled down my scarf, smiled as warmly as I could muster, and handed the guard my student card. They gave me a strange look but waved me through all the same, and I was headed back to turn in my bounty. 


I could tell the headquarters were busier before even entering- there was indistinct chatter coming from inside and the smell of food and drink. They didn’t sell food or alcohol, but it appears you were allowed to bring some in and use a table. The lively atmosphere made me pull everything a little tighter as I waited in the short line to the counter. Under my cloak I was fetching the still-damp bundles from my bag and checking the names of them with my other body. 


“I have some plants: mostly Spitweed, but a bit of stingleaf, waterbulb, and a few others” I said as I placed the bundles on the counter.


“Let me hand these off to someone else for verification- may I get your name so we can call you when we’re done?”




“Thank you, it should only be fifteen minutes- feel free to find a seat somewhere.”


As I waited, I noticed a few tables of people give me a couple of glances while quietly chatting amongst themselves, but I accepted that this was the tradeoff for anonymity. The other thing I noticed is that there wasn’t anyone I recognized- now, I didn’t know that many people so it wasn’t surprising. Well, there were a few other solo people that were also wearing baggy or obfuscating clothes accompanied by masks or some other face-hiding device- so it’s possible someone I would recognize was one of them. However, that would be a ridiculous coincidence.


Eventually, my (fake) name was called and I returned to the counter. I was given less money than what I made couriering- although that was to be expected- and was told that, for someone with no prior record, everything was harvested and transported quite well. Afterwards, they pulled out some sort of form and asked if I was literate. Saying I could read and write appeared to surprise them, and they handed the form over for me to quickly fill out. It asked some basic questions like name and age, and what Abilities I had- if any. I didn’t want to say any of my actual Abilities, but I felt saying I had none would also be a mistake. After a little deliberation, I settled on “Meditative Access to Vast Amounts of Knowledge.” 


After I handed it back, the employee gave it a once-over and added it to a large set of files nearby after thanking me. I took this as my cue to leave and headed home, making a brief stop in an alley to shed some layers before passing through the interior gate on the way back home- very ready to eat some skewers and go to bed.

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