Spiral Hill

Chapter 29: Chapter 28

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It’s been a while since I last mentioned my couriering job, and that's because it’s very repetitive and surprisingly safe. You might not think that running around a city in the early morning would be dangerous, but a surprisingly low crime rate combined with the fact that even dedicated troublemakers need sleep comes together to make the pre-sunrise nice and calm. There's no one out besides us, and our routes very rarely overlap, so it’s like you have the entire city to yourself.


What made today interesting is that Julious finally showed up again. Ever since he acted weird a while ago, I hadn't been able to catch him in the headquarters- and since I didn’t go to the basic academic skills course, we had no other place we’d see each other. He wasn’t really someone I had a positive or negative impression of- just kinda being there and being generally respectful. I did want to keep an eye on him because he was someone who I knew for sure had put together what my hair and eyes might mean, and although he had made a promise not to tell anyone, there wasn’t any way to enforce such things. 


All in all, work was only slightly more interesting than normal as he didn’t come talk to me or act weird- but I also wasn’t forcing the issue. All I did was make it obvious that I had seen him and that I knew he saw me before slowly leaving on a route. I could have done more, but I wasn’t feeling it today- maybe in the future I’ll intentionally both him for some entertainment.


Morning training was similar to work: pretty similar day-to-day. We were on day two of weapon training, and both Charlotte and I might have been slightly better than yesterday. I had a new training dummy which I was careful not to break, and getting plenty of personalized recommendations from a professional went a long way. I’m sure it’s not usually this easy to learn form and technique, but maybe my higher baseline athleticism was helping. Or, maybe Deryl had some teaching-related Ability. Sush and occurrence was statistically unlikely in the general population, however given how many classes he was teaching- two and the morning session with me and like more later-year courses- and that he was here at the Academy, the chances were definitely higher. Even if he didn’t, having an enthusiastic teacher goes a long way.


At the end of the session, Deryl came over to me and said, “You might consider join’ the Vigilantes. Probably got enough strength and resistance to do some fightin’ ‘gaisnt some of them monsters. It could really help learn you some actual experience. If you stick to the smaller ones- less dangerous.”


I tried to act surprised- not hard- and deep in thought like I was trying to recall who the Vigilantes were- a bit more difficult. 


“Do you know the Vigilantes well?” I asked.

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“Sure, I was recruited by this Academy from ‘em. Still friends with the boss- occasionally get some drinks when jobs allow. Could introduce ya- would make signin’ up easier.”


“I’ll consider it. I don’t want to over-work myself so early into my school life.”


“A’ight, just come ask- offer’s still there.”


I had to hurry to get to the workshop where my craftsman class was. Well, not really- but I wanted to get there with plenty of time so spare and maybe get started earlier. There were only a couple other people when I arrived, and to my delight- they were hard at work. This time I didn’t even bother with the tools and went straight to using my tail. A noticed people trickled in out of the corner of my eye as I worked. It was fun. I didn’t really consider myself an artsy person- focusing more on math and science before coming here- but I was doing pretty good if I do say so myself. It was pretty basic, but what I had by half way through the class time was certainly a wooden glass or chalice. 


I quickly realized that while my tail acted as a great imitation chisel, it wasn’t great for sanding. I was surprised when I was given sandpaper by the instructor who themself was surprised that I already needed some. Taking a look around, most of the other students were not even close to getting the shape close enough to require sanding- but those with applicable Abilities were definitely doing better. As I waited for the teacher to find what I needed, I saw some of the non-Ability students giving me bad looks. If it was only one or two from separate areas I’d be less concerned, but there was a clump of five or six that were glaring and whispering. 


I did my best to ignore them as I got back to work, and by the end I was done. It didn’t have any fanciness to it, but the teacher told me that I passed this section and could spend the rest of the remaining two wood carving sessions engraving it or working on something else.

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