Spiral Hill

Chapter 34: Chapter 33

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After stashing away the particularly important bits, I started on trying to butcher the rest of it. As this was my first time doing such a thing, it didn’t go great. I ended up with a few chunks of meat but the majority would have to be left as is. Whatever wolves or scavengers lived around here would have an easy dinner in the coming days- if any hadn’t been driven away by the monster. 


It was still pretty early in the morning so I washed off in the river, dressed, and headed back to camp. It took a little to pack things properly. I had particular trouble with the antlers as they were bulky and sharp, which ended with me strapping them to the outside of my pack after wrapping them in the tarp I had used as a ground cover. The extra weight of the materials was negligible, so I expected to make pretty good time back- I might be able to catch a late lunch if I hurried.


Like going there, the trip back from River Mill was uneventful. I got a few understandably weird looks- I was carrying a large backpack, sword, and bundle of antlers that combined to be about half as heavy as me, and I was running faster than a quick wagon. Before the halfway point the number of people quickly thinned out, and as I continued I realized it was because a tree had oh so conveniently fallen into the road. On the other side of it was a single wagon, oddly enough. At this time of day, there should have been multiple groups of people consisting of merchant wagons and on-foot travelers, but at least until the next bend there was no one else.


I immediately came to the conclusion that it was a trap of some kind- either sprung on the wagon or using it as bait- so I did decided to do the reasonable thing and run by it as fast as possible. After having stopped in front of the log to make my decision, I was easily able to jump it and take off down the road. On my way past I heard some bushes rustle and someone call out, but I ignored both and continued sprinting. My paranoia was validated when an arrow wildly missed and before whoever fired it had a chance to try again I had jumped another log that was being worked on by some merchant’s crew.


I was a good person, so I briefly stopped to inform the backup of the situation, and was given thanks in return. As this was the third time I had run into trouble on the supposedly safe roads I figured I’d ask if it was common saying, “Are the roads much worse recently? In the past few weeks I’ve run into two other similar occurrences” to one of the nicer looking people in the line.


“Ya know miss, I think you just might be onto something. I’ve heard plenty of warnings from my colleagues in whatever cities I stop in- not an uncommon practice, but the frequency certainly has been. Since you’re already stopped, mind if I ask where you were coming from in such a hurry?”


“Ah, yes. I was just out hunting a Goredeer on a request from the Vigilantes near River Mill up the road. The plan was to try to be back in Duransburg around early-afternoon.”


“Oh ho ho, if that's the plan you must be quite the runner- I normally allocate an entire day to the trip, getting between the two in twelve hours. I know my pony here isn’t the fastest, but we make good time.”


“Well, depending on your stance on Abilities, my speed isn’t exactly natural. I better get going so I can have lunch at a reasonable time.” I said with a smile before moving to start again.


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“Ah, miss before you go- the name’s Finn.” He said handing me a very business card like piece of paper. “Feel free to stop by anytime you see me in the market.”


I stashed the card in a pocket and ran off after only a quick glance. By the time I made it back to town, my other body had gone to get lunch, left some in my room, checked the guild for Mack, had a quick chat with Mouse after failing to do so, and left to do my usual gathering. 


I was tempted to report my success the next day as I just wanted to relax. I had good tasting food and was able to set up a lukewarm bath to wash off the sweat from running back to the city- so I very much didn’t want to leave. However, the water didn’t stay warm forever so I begrudgingly got ready to go to the guild. I could leave pretty much everything except the bits I harvested from the Goredeer and what I borrowed: backpack, tent, firestarter, leftover meals, sword… I realized that I had left the sword I was given in a bush, and while I could easily go get it, I wasn’t feeling it. 


It was easy to get an appointment with the guildmaster- my guess was that either he or Deryl told the staff to just let me into the office whenever I got back. I guess that's the perks of nepotism. Anyway, the meeting was quick- I gave a report on how it was, including that I was kinda underwhelmed. That got a sigh from the guildmaster who asked if I had tested how strong I was. Looking back, I had only ever tested my tail’s strength, but I did know I was much stronger than someone of my generally skinny appearance should be, and told the guildmaster so.


“Yes, I have heard so from our mutual friend and annoyance,” he replied. “Cutting through the spine of any large animal is difficult without being very precise or very lucky- which do you think you were?”


“Probably more stubborn or over enthusiastic than anything. I kinda messed up my sword.” As I said this, I pulled my (large) sword from its partial shealth and pointed at the chip in the edge.


With a raised eyebrow the guildmaster asked, “I see. May I ask why you took a sword from our warehouse despite already  having one? We needed those gone anyway, but I’m just curious.”


“Ahh, it wasn’t in the city and leaving without one would be suspicious… I didn’t steal it or anything! No one would want it back and if someone did claim ownership, I doubt they have a better claim to it then me- since it’s mine.”


“Haaa, it’s too much work to care, and I trust you probably just found it unattended somewhere.” He turned to the attendant in the room and said, “Would you please add another mark to Ripple’s card.”

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