Stale life/ a new experience

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: second… Escape… Disaster…

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"How did you find out about my identity?"


Welp, things aren't going smoothly.

It all started when I had to use my trump card at Fidus.

It was a newly created spell so it was bound to have some side effects. I also never tested it in the first place so getting this result is still within my expectations.

Then again, Teleporting directly at the enemy lines was just beyond all of my anticipation.

I mean... I know that Fidus said that there are still many enemies in the vicinity and all but to think I would stumble into one of them after I teleported is just unthinkable.

Like, I know I'm not being my usual self but this is just absurd. Now that I think about it, with my luck, these results are probably still acceptable. Maybe I'm just being paranoid? If that's the case then I should stop and think productively.

I have three choices, first, I can at least try to tell some lies hiding my real powers while also making sure that the lies I made are satisfactory to him.

This is a risky plan because I don't know his abilities. All I know about his magic was the dark whips and the dark gate that blocked me. He also struggled to block off my attacks which were kind of underwhelming for an enemy of a god.

With all of these points considered, I can conclude that he should be a non-combatant enemy. I don't know which type of non-combatant but all I can say is that they should be smart. Smart enough to see through my lies.

Secondly, I can try to be honest with my answers. Maybe this way I can try to survive a bit longer than my first bet but one problem though. Teleportation.

Revealing the discovery of teleportation will be a death sentence. He wouldn't hesitate to interrogate. Then again, he said he doesn't like torture so who knows?

Third and last option. This is the most likely way of surviving my current situation but it's also the most painful one.

It also includes a good amount of luck which I don't currently have. It's pretty much a gamble but knowing the situation, I'd rather choose this option.

"I... Didn't find out," I said out loud which ultimately confused his poker face. 

All of my thinking earlier was just about a second long so he shouldn't be able to notice it, I think? He's a non-combatant after all.

"Pardon?" He asked while twitching a little bit.

"I... am usually a person who suspects everybody with every little move they have. I'm also someone who would trust someone I just met. You were simply the former one."

Silence formed as the two of us looked at each other with weird faces. 

"How does that even make sense?" Bane exclaimed which break the silence immediately after it was formed.

"I... Don't know myself either. Maybe I trust my instincts, or maybe I'm just being naive. Only time can tell."

"Then why did you attack me then? You said that you didn't know if I'm your enemy or not so why attack me when you're not even so sure?" 

His points are true. Attacking someone just because they are suspicious isn't a smart move. But...

"Why... Are you so sure my spell is an attack?" I questioned him clenching his curiosity even more.


"My... Spell wasn't an attack. It was a simple party trick that is only capable of distracting opponents. The purpose of this spell was to see if you will react to it or not," I said making his poker face crack with a smile.

"Oh, I see now! That's a very smart move you did there young lad," Bane exclaimed while pointing at me laughing maniacally, "so I was retaliating for no reason at all? I can't help but laugh about it. Are you really a kid? Are there any more secrets behind that mask of yours? I'm curious you know? C'mon, answer them please?"

This guy...

He's already up to something. Gotta move fast.


"Oh no you don't, Darkness: shadow bind!"

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Before I could mutter the chant, he lashes out a spell that was aimed at my head at Mach speeds startling me to my core.

My arms raised faster than I could think and my muscles tensed up as I prepare... For the upcoming attack.


Those words were the last thing I muttered before a certain kind of feeling arises. The feeling of death once again.


"Sigh, I killed her alright."

My name is Bane, or rather, my fake persona's name is Bane. I work under the 7th division as a non-combatant spy.

I was tasked to be put here for finding someone. Denying such orders is a no go so here we are, looking for that guy, with no leads whatsoever, great.

Since the town has a pretty peaceful surroundings and my mission has a long deadline, my hobby wasn't disturbed that much.

What hobby do you ask? It's experimenting kid- I mean bonding with kids? Yeah, bonding with kids! yeah...

Anyways, I found this noble girl earlier in my library. I thought it was just some random noble girl that happened to roam around here but I remember the 6th division doing some sketchy stuff around here.

The 6th division was well... Tasked to buy time against a god. 

Can you believe it? The higher-ups want the 6th division to buy some time against a god, a fucking god!!! Those guys never grew some brain.

The higher-ups also wanted to execute their mission here which was... Just why? I even almost shitted my pants when that guy went here.

And now there is some little girl outsmarting me in pretty much the dumbest way ever. Pissed me off so much that I decided to just kill her on spot. Well, not exactly but you get the point! Still though...

"That was such a waste. She had lots of potentials, even tricking me to the end. Maybe brainwashing her a bit would've done the trick."

That girl was a prodigy in the least. What can I do about it do? Past is past. Now I just have to clean up her corpse and move onto my day.

I was about to deploy a spell that can clean this mess up when I suddenly noticed something. Her body is disappearing.

"What's this?" I said to myself.

It looks like even if she's dead, her mana is still alive. Her mana also is still functioning.

"Now that I think about it, she did mutter a spell before she died right?"

What was the spell again? Right, right, death magic. Now, where did I hear that before... Also, it feels like the opposite of life magic because of the name.

Even then, death magic. I think I have heard of it but could be mistaken. Whatever it does it should be connected to death in some way or another.

"Thinking here is pointless, darkness: black hole."

Small black energy appeared right before me. It has a strong gravitational force due to its mass and it can pretty much crush everything it absorbs down to its very atoms.

"This is the end," I muttered. But that was disturbed by voice, a majestic one at that.

"Light: fallen down"

A ray of light suddenly engulfed me and the whole library. 

It was so powerful that the only thing I felt was... Pressure.

It all happened in a blink of an eye. No, it was much faster than that. It was at a speed faster than I could ever imagine. It was a speed faster than light.

The next thing I knew, the library was gone. All of it. Exposing me to the outside world.

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