Stale life/ a new experience

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: search, well it was quick though.

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Yeah now, where do I find her again?

The whole fight earlier made quite a big mess you know? It was A 2000 meters disaster with no signs of survivors.

"Hey, Fidus. Are you sure she's still alive?" I asked nervously.

"My lord," he spoke with seriousness. "I don't think the young lady would die easily like that. Her intelligence and feats are quite hard to accept after all."

"And that is?"

"Being able to create a spell that would instantly transport you to another place with no difficulty was already proven impossible," he pauses as he seemed to think for a moment and continued. "That bane was strong but not smart. Smart enough to know the young lady's powers. It's just a matter of luck if the young lady manages to cast her spell before she was killed."

"Oh, I see," why does everyone have a transportation spell nowadays though?

"Well then. I'll search the southeast and you'll search the southwest. Basing it off with your deduction, I don't think that she could've gone too far. What happened to the ones that attacked me?"

"I took care of two of them. "Bane" was the only obstacle," Fidus said before he disappeared before my very own eyes.

Now I'm here, all alone. In this vast land with no one to talk with.

Why did Fidus lie about such a thing though? Bane being a problem that is. 

To be honest, I've known Fidus for a long time, like really long. Even then, he still releases this non-existent mysterious aura around him. Even I cannot completely see through him.

That's not a problem as I still trust him. I have my reasons.

"Wind: Volare!"


Now then, where should I start?

I flew to the sky and looked at the devastated town high above.

The people were panicking and adventurers were doing their thing. Many died and many grieved.

Over the years, my empathy numbed. Things like this never bothered me anymore and just saw it as the way of life.

Even now I just see my job as a hassle.

Not gonna lie though, it was kinda my fault for holding back from my enemy. Maybe I should apologise to the town folks? Nah, too much hassle.

"Wind: voir!"

My vision strengthens and my other sense weakens. 

This also amplifies my perception and overall sight.

I tried to find Lapiz this way but to no avail. She seems to be under a roof.

I cancelled my flying spell and walked through the crowd in the streets. 

It was pretty crowded with people but was not at the point where I would drown under it.

People are crying, begging, and even going to the already wasteland of a battlefield to see their dead loved ones.

Helping them would just be a big waste of time but at the same time, I don't want to stop them. I'm still at fault here too.

While I'm walking down the street, lesser and lesser people were to be seen. Some stalls are still active too due to the sudden abundance of people. I don't think they will be in the mood to eat though.

It was at this moment that I reached the inn. It was still very noisy but I do not mind it one bit.

When I was about to enter it, my body suddenly felt something. It's as if someone or something is watching me.

"Enhancement: perception."

I murmured. The watching feeling immediately disappeared and the source was already nowhere to be found.

This is very weird. Maybe someone is spying on me? My aura is still active I think? The spy must have a strong aura too. If there is one in the first place.

Maybe that was just nothing? If it was indeed someone spying on me then shame on them. I have much better things to do.

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Shaking it off, I began to enter the inn. The only reason I visited this site first is to ensure that she isn't here. If she is hiding then this place should be off her list. 

Doubt that she would hide though. Her curiosity, when piqued, would go out of control and she will do everything within her power to satisfy it. In this case, her answers are found within me.

It's a pretty sloppy theory about her because of a lack of proof but this was the only thing I find unique about her.

Even then, that will not be enough to make her a student. The main reason why I picked her up is because of her persistence.

Every time she finds something new, her behaviour becomes relative to hyenas hunting their prey. It was that severe and it made me genuinely interested.

I reached our room and entered it with a carefree demeanour.

Someone was inside the room and it was just as expected, she was here.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," I exclaimed happily. "Also, congratulation on making a new spell, Lapiz."

She only nodded subtly before she asks me a question.

"What... Was the spell earlier?" She asked with a tilt of a head. Thus, began the series of questions and answers.

"Which one?" I asked back. Also, this is a genuine question because there are so many spells that were launched earlier.

"The... Spell that imprisoned you," she clarifies.

"Oh, that. It was a spell that specifically imprison gods," this is confidential but I don't think it would matter. "It won't have any effects on normal people but the effects on someone with sacred mana are immense. Some won't even get up after that!"

"How... Did you escape then?"

"Good question, it's because I'm strong!"

She stares at me suspiciously and menacingly as if she just has found her new prey.

"It's true though! Sometimes, If you imprison someone leagues above you, the spell will just break," I backed up my claims. "Though I needed to hurry so I just used my tenant."

"I... see," she answers back thoughtfully. 

Seconds have passed with only quietness in the atmosphere. Some might even say that it was suffocating. The only reason I'm not speaking is that I'll only answer her questions.

Let me see how dedicated you are to your nature, Lapiz.

"Does... that mean you're a strong god?" She started it off again but this time, with a pretty controversial question.

"Yes and... No."

She tilts her head indicating that she didn't get it.

"Hmm, you can say that I'm pretty strong for someone with sacred mana but I'm not that high in the ranks," I clarified. "What I do have though is my abilities."

"My abilities are stupidly strong and unique in a sense. I may not be able to catch up to the other guys in terms of pure firepower but if it's a contest of abilities then I'm the strongest."

This self-proclamation is a bit vague and a bit questionable but hey, it's true. 

Lapiz nods with understanding and slept immediately on the bed.

A strange eerie of quietness arrives with me standing there. Like a stone wall never to be moved again.

This, my friend, left me in shock. In fact, it was so shocking that it will probably haunt me in my dreams. 


I was about to leave her in the room when she suddenly complained. Hmm, she's a fast sleeper.

"Flame: adjustment."

Since I'm a nice living being, I wrapped her body with fire magic at a satisfactory temperature. It's the least I can do for my student. Now that I think about it...

Have I ever taught her yet? Wait, nope I didn't. Did I mess up? This is my first apprentice too. Better be prepared next time.

With that in mind, I prepared everything for us once we leave this place. Sorry for the inconvenience little town.

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