Stale life/ a new experience

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: plan

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Now that I think about it, escaping from the grasp of someone that is a direct servant of a God should be unthinkable.

"What do you think you're doing here young lady?" Said Fidus behind me.

"Trying... To see the events unfolding," I said rather casually.

Right now, my clothes are being held up by Fidus at the back making me immobilized.

The reason why I'm being held up like this is because of a specific decision of mine that could date back to maybe around 10 minutes ago...


I only have two routes out of this room. 

The first one is the door which is already a no-go as Fidus is always standing there. Unless I make a plan that diverts Fidus' attention to somewhere else, escaping there is nigh impossible.

The second route on the other hand is the window. It is maybe the safest option out of the two because there are no guards here. 

We are also on the second floor of the inn so the fall would be a bit high. It's not a problem though. 

The real problem lies in Fidus' detection magic.

Magic has some categories regardless of its elements. There is support magic, offensive magic, defensive magic, and a lot more. Detection magic is one of them.

My spell, search, is also detection magic while having the element of fire.

Fidus' magic should have some kind of detection magic simply because he found me and manage to sneak around me when I was trying to explore the events that were happening.

Thinning my aura also may not be enough as I will appear on the detection magic anyways. 

This seems to be a hopeless situation huh? Detection magic is a pain. They have simple yet very useful abilities... Abilities... Abilities...

Then... It hit me. In what way does detection magic detect me? By heat. If I can heat something at the level of my body temperature then it could possibly work as a decoy.

I also should hide my body temperature as it could very well reveal my position. I should get things ready.


Mana, check. Location, check. Distraction, check. Explanation, check. Plan B that will hopefully not be used, check. Enhancement spells, check. Water spells, check. Dummy, check. I should be ready now.

Planning like this is tiring and is a bit stale but sometimes they do pay a lot of satisfaction. My enemy is maybe a servant of a God but I won't back down easily. Just a slight preparation is needed.

I will also use water magic to cool down the water molecules around me creating a cold but bearable surrounding.

The dummy was only two pillows stacked upon each other. I also heated it to the point that it matches my body temperature.

If push comes to shove then I'll just do plan B which is not very optimal per se.

Seeing that waiting wouldn't make any results, I decided to initiate my plan immediately.

"Water: cold. Enhancement: touch. Enhancement: perception"

I opened the window and saw the distant pillar of light approximately 89 km away from me. It seems to be where Teach was.

Let's just hope that Fidus didn't notice me.

I jumped out off the floor and started running in the direction of the light.

"Enhancement: touch. Wind: Turbo."

My speed suddenly sped up accelerating to its utmost potential. My stamina is also boosted by my enhancement so using spells such as these four do less fatigue.

I jumped from rooftop to rooftop making it look like I was flying. Maybe I did trick him.

"Not so fast young lady," a voice said behind my back while also reaching his hand towards me.

I immediately tried to dodge his hand at the last second but failed to do so as he catches my clothes anyway.


All of that leads to this particular scene where I am being held up by Fidus. 

"That isn't valid reasoning," Fidus said while putting me down.

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"It... Is," I retorted with a tilt of my head.

"You're just being a reckless young lady. My lord can handle this situation very smoothly as this always happens. You will just be a burden there."

"I... Don't sense any trouble here though?"

"That is because they are using a magical artifact that can hide their presence."

Artifacts. Artifacts are technologies that are infused with either mana or aura. There are four rankings to this and these are Common, uncommon, relic, and treasure. It's in one of the books in my mother's library.

Common artifacts are widely used as substitutes for electricity, normal weapons, and many other things that you may or may not see in your daily life.

Uncommon are weapons or things that are very hard to find. They also outperform every single common artifacts that we find today. 

Relics can only be found in auctions, noble houses, and empires. They are usually used by the best of the best warriors and researchers.

Treasures, the hardest one to- Ouch.

While I was explaining things, Fidus suddenly punch me in the head which rather destroyed my thought process.


"You seem to be fazing out. I just have to return you to reality for safety purposes," Fidus said with an innocent smile which made my impression of him low.

Still, I was thinking for approximately around 0.4 seconds which is hardly noticeable due to its fast nature. I am also not dazed in my outside appearance because I always do some normal things a human would do. Seeing that Fidus manage to notice this, I should be careful from now on- Ouch.

He punched me again in the head causing severe pain all over it.

"You're doing it again young lady."

"Please... Stop punching my head," I said with a plead. 

"Understood," Fidus said with a bow. 

Silence descended the area. In an attempt to destroy it, I asked some questions.

"How... Did you find me again? This time I made sure to cover my heat signature."

"Hmm, good question," Fidus exclaimed. "It's because you hid your heat too much. I saw on my radar that there is something very cold running towards My lord. Naturally, I was curious about what it was so seeing you here was a very unexpected event."

I see... So that's how it was. Noted.

"So... What are we going to do now?"

"Hmm, another good question. You should return to the inn immediately. I did some investigations and concluded that there are still at least two enemies around here. It's dangerous," Fidus said as he switches to a serious tone of voice.

Since he seems to be serious about it, maybe I should comply with his request... Or maybe not.

"One... Last question."

"Hmm, what is it then?" He asked.

"How... Did you not notice this?" I asked while showing my right arm.

He looked at my right arm not understanding what I meant but soon enough was shocked at what he was witnessing. At least it looks like it.

"You... You're fading away? No, that's not quite right. It looks like your life force is being transported to a different location... Oh..."

He widens his eyes seemingly surprised at the sudden realisation. It seems that he has caught up already.

"Thank you... for warning me about the temperature issue Fidus. I'll take note of that," I said with a bow as I began to fade away slowly but surely.

First, it was my right arm, then my right leg down to the left side of my body. 

I'm sorry mother, I'll have to use it for the sake of my selfishness and curiosity.

"Death: tilemetaforàs."

Those were my last words before I faded away.

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