Star People

Chapter 10: Chapter 9

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Star People

Chapter 9

“If I Were You…”

Aug 4th, 11 AE…

“I am Princess Lexina Lorcra of the Empire of Sath.” Lexina introduced as she gestured to the knight beside her. “This is my personal bodyguard and Captain of the Emerald Thorn Knights, Rosani Carille.”

“Please to make your acquaintance.” Captain Delan nodded as he motioned for the security men to back off a bit and put their weapons on safety. “Princess, would you mind telling your guards to put away their weapons?” He then pointed up to the two starfighters hovering above them. “I severely doubt swords, lances and arrows will be effective against a pair of Star Hawks.”

Seeing that they were clearly outmatched, Lexina nodded and motioned for the knights to stand down. She took a moment to compose herself and began these impromptu negotiations with the fate of her Empire at stake.


The Plains of Kilori…

After devastating the Sath defensive line and forcing them to retreat, the platoons from the 472nd Battle-Mech division and their infantry support, set up a temporary base as they waited for the rest of the platoons to join them. There were also a large number of Sath prisoners of war to look after; over 10,000 in fact.

 After surrendering to the Free Land forces, the defeated soldiers wondered about their fate. Were they going to be tortured and beaten before being sold into slavery? Were they going to be held for ransom? Were the Free Landers going to just execute them all? A good number of them had been conscripted from the nearby villages and would not be worth keeping alive for ransom, unlike some of the upper nobility. Some of the prisoners with noble titles were screaming about being kept with the peasants and demanded separate lodging befitting their stations.

However, these demands were ignored as the Free Land forces set up temporary stations to house the POWs, regardless of their individual statuses. This would include bunks to sleep, bathing facilities, food, water and waste disposal. The prisoners were amazed at how fast these facilities were set up. What would have taken days or even weeks for the Empire to build, took only a half-hour for Free Land to build, thanks to advanced pre-fabrication construction technology.

The prisoner of war camp was far more decent and sanitary, than the Empire’s way of keeping prisoners, and the conscripted men were surprised that they would be fed three decent meals a day. Being a peasant in the Empire meant that you were practically starving every day, and there were very few resources for a person to rely upon. In addition to immense taxation and the Sath brutally exploiting their vassal states, the death rate among the peasantry was high, especially in the more distant nations under Sath rule. Some of the conscripted men were actually grateful they had surrendered to Free Land. And they were especially impressed with the Instant Food Packets. To think that a hot and delicious meal could come from such a tiny object, just by adding water!

Even the nobles had to admit that Free Land was an advanced nation, perhaps even more so than those found in Vados. If that was true, then the Empire may have done the equivalent of angering an ancient dragon.


Back at the negotiations…

“Unconditional surrender?!” Lexina exclaimed. Rosani and the other knights were also in shock.

 “To be quite honest Princess, that is your only option. If I were you, I’d take it.” Mark said simply.

“It’s not like there’s anything in the Empire that could stand against us.” Reelan added.

“There must be another way!” Garres’ daughter insisted. “To unconditionally surrender would mean the destruction of the Empire!”

“And the Empire isn’t already on its way toward destruction by waging a hopeless war against us?” The Missouri’s captain pointed out. “Your ships, your Wyvern Knights, your armies, all of it… are no match for us. In the words of Prime Director Nasaak, you’re all nothing but target practice.”

“Forgive my husband’s bluntness, but he is correct.” Reelan stated. “Your Empire simply has no chance. It would be best for you to save your people and Empire by stopping all hostilities before it’s too late.”

“Excuse me? You and the captain are married?” Lexina asked.

“Yes. He is both my superior and my lifemate. And let me tell you, both he and I did not take kindly to your brother’s attempt to force me to become his concubine. And the Kyteeri Prime Director was NOT amused by your brother’s demand that all Kyteeri were to be sent to the Empire as slaves.”

Vexor’s sister winced as she heard that. Subtlety was not one of her brother’s strong points and Vexor tended to just bludgeon his way through all situations. Furthermore, by trying to force one of the emissaries to become his concubine, and later declaring that all elven women were to become slaves, Vexor did nothing but make an already volatile situation even worse.

“On that instance, I apologize for my brother’s behavior.”

“Apologizing for ONE instance of rudeness doesn’t make up for starting a war. A war in which you have no hope of winning.” Mark stated. “The Council of Prime Directors was quite clear and will not settle on any compromises.”


The Plains of Kilori…

“The Fourth, Seventh and Twelfth Battle-Mech-Squads have arrived, along with the Fifteenth, Twenty-Seventh and Thirty-Second Infantry Units.” Lieutenant Gracs reported.

Commander Vandelin nodded. Once his Mech-Squad and three others had been replenished and re-armed, they would push deeper into Sath territory, while the reinforcements would hold here. Their final goal would be the capital city that bore the emperor’s name, Garres. The Yorktown would provide additional air cover, but it didn’t seem necessary. The air force of the Sath consisted of Wyvern Knights and they were no challenge whatsoever to the starfighters or the Battle-Mechs.

And according to a few reports, the Battle-Mechs may not have to take the capital city as turmoil within the Empire began to threaten to tear it apart.


The vassal state of Ardelous…

In a small room behind a local bar, three figures sat at a table. Two were secret leaders of the underground resistance while the third was an operative with important news.

“So it’s true? One of the men asked. He was the leader of the southern region’s resistance fighters named Gili.

“Yes! I just confirmed it. They’ve reduced the garrison by at least 25% to fight off the Free Land invasion.” Mirona stated. “That stupid officer complained in bed that many of the remaining soldiers were working double-duties.”

“It sounds impossible that the Empire would purposely reduce their forces like this.” The other man said. He was named Vercos and he led the northern region.

“Not only in Ardelous, but also in Crogera, Vestor, and Merdainn as well! The Empire just can’t stop the Free Landers! I say that it’s time for us to start taking back our own country!” The covert hooker insisted.

“Whoa! Slow down there!” Gili warned. “Even though the garrison has become weaker, it still possesses enough power to destroy us.”

“He’s right.” Vercos admitted. “We don’t have enough manpower or firepower to openly rebel against the Sath. And if we fail now, then it’s the hangman’s noose for all of us.”

“I agree. We should wait for the Free Landers to push the Sath a bit further and wear them down. If they can get the Sath to send even more forces to fight them, then we’d have a greater chance to take back our nation!”

As much as Mirona wanted to start the rebellion right away, she couldn’t fault Vercos’ and Gili’s caution. Even at reduced strength, the Sath military was still formidable, especially with their Wyvern Knights and flintlock technology. She would just need to be more patient, if only for a little while longer.


The negotiations…

“You really don’t have a choice, Princess.” Mark stressed.

During the negotiations, Mark had decided to show Lexina and her group the battle footage that had been recorded by satellites, drones, starfighters and Battle-Mechs. It was irrefutable proof that the Empire didn’t have the slightest chance against the Star Alliance and that surrender was their only option. The princess and her entourage could only watch in shock as their mighty armies, navies and air forces were easily defeated and destroyed without causing a single casualty to their enemies.

After the holo-display ended, both Mark and Reelan took on very serious expressions as they waited for Lexina to respond.

 Vexor’s sister could only shake her head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. Even though I agree that the Empire cannot win against you, I do not have the authority to stop this war. My father and brother will not listen to reason and I fear that they will bring down the Empire with their arrogance and pride. I had hoped we could come to some kind of arrangement …”

“You know that is impossible, Princess.” Mark’s wife stated. “We will not make any compromises against an enemy who was clearly at fault and intends to force us to bend to its will.”

“And if you feel that you cannot convince your father and brother to end this conflict, then we have no choice but to continue this war until its inevitable conclusion; the fall of the Empire of Sath.” Reelan’s husband added.

“You can’t mean that!”

“As the captain says, that will be inevitable, unless the Sath surrenders unconditionally. And if you feel that your father and brother cannot be convinced to agree to that, then there is another option.”

Lexina paused for a very long while. It was obvious what the Free Landers were suggesting, and she couldn’t deny that the thought had occurred to her before. However, it was a very dangerous suggestion which could end badly for her if her father and brother were to find out.

“Do you realize what you are suggesting? The very thought of overthrowing my father and brother would be considered as basically treason.”

“And yet it is the only feasible option you can take in order to save your people and the Empire. “ Mark pointed out. “It’s up to you, Princess. Either you stand by and let your Empire fall with millions of people suffering…”

“Or you do what needs to be done to save your nation.” Reelan said as she and her mate turned around and headed back to the shuttlecraft.

“Wait! Where are you going?” Lexina called out to them.

Both of them stopped and turned back to face her.

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“It is very clear that the war will not stop today, and the next move in these… negotiations, is up to you, Princess.” Mark stated. He reached behind his back and took out a device. It was about the size of a very small, pocket calculator. “Here.” He tossed it to the Princess, in which Lexina caught in her hands. “Simply press the blue button to contact us, when you make your decision.”

Lexina looked down at the tiny device, which in fact was a tachyon communicator. The Captain and his First Officer turned about and continued back to the shuttlecraft. After entering it, they were followed by the security team. In a matter of seconds, the shuttlecraft powered up its engines and rose up into the sky. Both it and the two Star Hawk fighters sped off over the horizon and were out of sight almost instantly.


Lexina turned towards her bodyguard and took on a serious expression.

“Rosani, give me your honest opinion. Do you think it is possible that my father and brother could be convinced to accept Free Land’s demand for unconditional surrender? Answer me not as the Captain of the Emerald Thorn Knights, but as my friend.”

“To be perfectly honest… your highness… my answer would be… no.”

“Do you think the Empire has a chance of defeating Free Land?”

“Again, my answer as your friend, would be no. Free Land is just too powerful.”

“So if neither my father nor brother can be convinced to end this futile war, then there really is only one feasible option.”

“Princess… are you serious? As you said before, to go against the Emperor and Crown Prince is tantamount to treason.”

“If you can think of a better option to end this war, I am open to suggestions.”

Rosani went silent. Considering how arrogant and stubborn Lexina’s father and brother were, convincing them to accept unconditional surrender would be impossible. However, they were currently the supreme authority of the Empire. Their word was law. And if the Princess wished to stop this senseless war and save the Empire from ruin, then she would have to become the supreme authority. In other words, a coup d’état.

After getting back into her carriage and starting back toward the capital city, Lexina began to make plans.


Aug 5th, 11 AE…

Commander Vandelin’s Mech-Squad trudged through the wooded area near Fortress Argint, some 300 miles northeast from Garres. His orders were to destroy their defenses and use that fortress as a staging ground to launch attacks against the nearby regions. They didn’t expect much resistance from the defenders, considering their antiquated weapons and tactics.

When they came within view of the fortress, the commander used his scanners to check out the surrounding terrain and the overall defenses. Seeing nothing but primitive cannons, muskets and various ancient artillery pieces such as ballistae and catapults, he decided on a simple, two pronged attack. He raised his subordinates on the communication system of his Battle-Mech.

“Pair off. Lieutenant Gracs and I will storm the west side while Corporals Wizer and Vanx take the east side. Have the ground troops take the front gate after we neutralize all heavy artillery. Acknowledged?”


“Roger that.”


“Yes sir!”

“Ready to go!” The Infantry Transport driver stated.

The Battle-Mech leader nodded as he signaled the start of the operation.


The fortress lookouts began sounding the alarm as four giant, iron golems appeared from the woods before them. Soldiers began moving the magic cannons into position as the metal monsters advanced toward them. One such cannon position had the commander of the fortress looking through a telescope.

“How far are they, Captain?”

“Around 1,300 meters, give or take. We need them to move in closer to less than a 1,000 in order to increase the chance of hitting them.”

The other crews manning their cannons and their superiors also held their fire as the golems advanced. Once they got within range, the officers shouted out the order to open fire.

All magic cannon batteries let loose with a barrage of explosive rounds. Most missed their targets due to poor accuracy and lack of rifling. One actually managed to hit a Battle-Mech as it raised its shield. As its upper half was engulfed in a huge explosion, the Sath soldiers cheered as they believed they had defeated it. However, to their horror, when the smoke cleared, the Battle-Mech remained unscathed. Even if it hadn’t raised its shield, the armor plating on its body was more than enough to protect it from magical cannon fire.

Inside the cockpit, Corporal Vanx, a Catian, opened a channel to his commander.

“Sir? I think the Beam Rifles and 100 millimeter guns might too excessive. We’re supposed to take this fortress intact, correct?”

“Acknowledged.” Vandelin replied. “Switch to Vulcan and secondary Beam guns. Use anti-personnel weapons. Also deploy melee gear when necessary.”

The Vulcan guns on each head of the Battle-Mechs began laying down a murderous rain of 65mm shells, shooting over the fortress walls and devastating those situated inside. One Mech raised its right arm and fired off the dual Beam Guns mounted on its forearm. The twin blasts obliterated a magic cannon emplacement, along with the crew manning it. Another Mech used its grenade launcher to take out more cannon emplacements. Before long, all the magic cannons were silenced.

When Vandelin’s machine came up to the fortress walls, he ignored the numerous arrows and other projectiles that pinged harmlessly off the armor. He simply put away his Beam Rifle and had his Mech’s right hand reach down toward the hip. A cylindrical object popped out from its charging station and into the Mech’s hand. As soon as the Mech brought it out, a shaft of light burst forth from one end. With a single stroke, the Battle-Mech’s Beam Sword cut through the main gate like a hot knife through butter. Solid granite, wrought iron and reinforced timber proved to be no match against a blade made from energized plasma. The sight of a giant metal golem armed with what appeared to be a magic sword sent the remaining soldiers into a panicked frenzy.

Bursting out from the forest, the Infantry Transport roared toward the fortress, coming to a stop one hundred meters from the main gate. The Battle Troopers were deployed and began to storm the fortress. They all surged through the massive breach in the Sath defenses as the Battle-Mechs provided covering fire. Sath soldiers who tried to fight back were mercilessly cut down by small arms fire and explosives.

In less than ten minutes, the battle was over. The surviving Sath defenders surrendered and the Fortress Argint fell into Free Land hands.

All around the surrounding area, similar events took place as other fortresses and outposts were being easily overwhelmed by Free Land ground forces. There was simply nothing the Empire could do to stop or even slow the onslaught.


On the bridge of the Missouri…

Mark nodded as he accepted a cup of coffee from his First Officer. The star battleship was still stationed at Grevel, waiting for new orders. In the meantime, the crew continued distributing food and medical aid to the people of the port city.

“So what’s the current progress of our forces in Merdov?” The captain asked he took a sip of coffee.

Reelan nodded as she tapped the controls on her chair’s console. The main holo-viewer depicted a tactical map of the northern region of the continent.

“We’ve already secured the landing area on the northern coastline as well as the regions 300 miles southward. The 472nd Battle-Mech division has already captured several key forts and outposts and is getting ready for the next push. We have total air superiority over all these regions with very little to challenge the starfighters.”

“And the enemy forces?”

“The satellite and drone surveillance has picked up several legions of men and material being moved from the Main East and West Bases to the front. Plus they’ve reduced the amount of forces among the garrisons that keep some of their vassal states in check. One state in particular seems to be experiencing more unrest than the others.”

“Which one?”

“This one.” Reelan indicated a region some 200 miles south of Garres. “The nation is called Ardelous. According to the information we’ve gathered, it was annexed by the Empire some five years ago and has been experiencing a steady decline in its economy and resources.”

“Not at all surprising, considering how brutally the Empire exploits its neighbors.”

“Indeed. There have been rumors of an underground resistance movement and the decreasing numbers of Sath forces may be the cause of the increase in disturbances.”

“Have we heard anything from Princess Lexina yet?”

“Not yet, Captain.”

You better hurry up and make a decision, Princess! Mark thought as he took another sip of coffee. If you take too long, there might not BE an Empire for you to save!


The Royal Palace of the Empire of Sath…

After hearing the latest reports of fortresses and outposts falling to Free Land, the youngest child of Emperor Garres had come to a decision. She had already sent secret messages to several high-ranking officers and nobles to meet with her and discuss the future of the Empire.

To Be continued…

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