Star People

Chapter 62: Star People Side Story 12: Let’s Join Up With Free Land, Someday

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Star People

Side Story 12

Let’s Join Up with Free Land Someday…

Jan 17th, 15 AE…

An agricultural research center in Gillenside…

“So how is the latest batch of Super Seed coming along?” Head Mage Agriculturalist Siyeen asked. She was a tall, willowy forest elf with long blonde hair, and green eyes. Like all forest elves, she had long, tapered ears that pointed upwards. Dark elves or mountain elves, had ears that pointed horizontally.

Her subordinate, Lyra, nodded sat at a table on a podium that overlooked a large field of grain that was covered by a huge, transparent dome. She was a Dark Elf and had red hair with brown eyes and bronze skin. Her figure was also more voluptuous.

“Right now, the grain seems to be flourishing, despite being in a complete vacuum.”

In front of her was a console that resembled that of a Gigaran control panel. Connected by a series of cables was a Neo-Psion reactor that had been loaned to them by the Dwarf Nations. The entire system was connected to an emitter array at the top of the inside of the dome. Currently, the entire area within the dome had all of the air extracted out of it, to simulate the vacuum of space.

“Excellent! If the grain is able to grow and flourish in all types of environments, then it will be quite the boon to our people… and perhaps it might be something that we can offer to the Star Alliance when we apply for membership. We must also thank the Dwarf Nations for allowing us to use their Neo-Psion reactors. They’re certainly speeding up magical casting and rituals and making them far easier.”

“Excuse me for asking, but why would this grain be important to the Star Alliance? After all, they have Instant Ration Packets, and their agricultural technology is quite advanced. I mean most of the farms and greenhouses in Gillenside are making use of their fertilizers and plant foods. They’re far more effective than some of our best Earth spells and farming magic.”

“Yes, I’ll admit that their agricultural products are good, but they can only work when the environment is suitable for growing crops.” Siyeen pointed out. “Now think about it. What if we had a crop that will thrive when the environment is poor or unsuitable? And the most unsuitable environment would be in outer space. Remember that guided tour we had of one of their orbital colonies?”

“Yes. I was really impressed that they were able to grow vegetables in space.”

“However, they did it by simulating the environment on a planet, and on a relatively small scale. In other words, they use up resources to improve the environment order for the crops to grow normally. We’re doing the opposite. We’re improving on the crop itself so it can grow, regardless of the environment.”

“So… it wouldn’t matter where the location would be, our Super-Seed will still be able to grow?”

“Exactly! And furthermore, the Super-Seed are showing a side-effect that’s quite unexpected but welcome.”

“What kind of side-effect?”

“Take a good look at the readouts in the dome. It’s supposed to be a total vacuum, correct? Now what are the sensors detecting?”

Lyra looked down and her eyes widened as she gazed upon the readout. “Atmosphere… around each sprout is a tiny space of atmosphere, covered by a membrane. The grain is actually making its own atmosphere!”

“Precisely! The grain detected the lack of atmosphere and began drawing on the nutrients from the ground, broke them down into their key elements and expelling them into the membrane. We’ve learned from Free Land that by using photosynthesis, plants draw in carbon-dioxide and expel oxygen, using sunlight as an energy source. That’s the main reason why plants normally do not thrive in a vacuum.”

“I think I understand now. Due to our new breed of Super Seed, the grain is creating its own carbon dioxide by breaking down the nutrients, expelling oxygen as waste, and then the membrane converts the oxygen into carbon dioxide via photosynthesis. So the only real sources of energy the plants need are either sunlight or…?”

“Psions or in this case, Neo-Psions.” Siyeen finished. “And what’s more intriguing is the fact that the Super Seed has been able to grow in soils that are contaminated, poisoned or have little to no nutrients. Thanks to the Neo-Psions, the Super Seed is able to convert inorganic or even poisonous molecules into viable nutrients.”

“So in other words, we wouldn’t have to manipulate the soil or environment to suit the Super Seed’s needs. It would do that on its own.”

“We still need more experimentation, but if it works out, then we may have achieved the first step in a dream of Free Land’s… terra-forming.”

“Let’s join up with Free Land someday!”


Jan 29th, 15 AE…

The Empire of Sath…

“Are you certain such a process will work?” Empress Lexina asked as she and one of the Empire’s top mage engineers gazed upon a strange-looking device that looked like an old printing press. Lexina noted that a Dwarf Neo-Psion reactor was attached to it via long cables.

“I see no reason why it should not, Your Highness.” Arch Mage Sygellis Vestarn replied. “According to the chemistry classes I took in Free Land, things termed as matter are made of things called atoms. Every piece of matter is made of these atoms. And depending on the atomic number or how many atoms determines what the matter is.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“Yes, it took quite a while for me to understand the basics.” The Arch Mage admitted with some embarrassment. “Here, look at this.” He reached into one of the pockets in his robe and took out a small, shiny object. It was about the size of a Spanish doubloon “Now what is this?”

“That’s a Hundred Verlado coin.”

“Yes! And what is this coin made of?”

“It is supposed to be pure silver, right?”

“I am sorry, Empress, but that is incorrect.”

“It’s not made of silver?”

“Not entirely, Your Highness. This is a coin that’s been debased. In other words, it’s been smelted down and remade with less silver than the usual amount.” He then took out another small object and showed it to his Empress. “This is another coin that is similar to the first one. It’s been cut in half. Note that the center is not silver, but a cheaper, lesser metal.”

“So the coins are worth far less than their intrinsic value.”

“Indeed. These samples were part of a gigantic horde of debased coinage that was seized from a corrupt noble in the northern highlands. Only about fifty-percent of these Verlado pieces are silver, mostly on the outer layers. The inner cores are actually composed of lead.”

“I see. How deplorable. If a large number of these coins came into circulation, it could greatly damage our economy.”

“Indeed. It was fortunate that we were able to arrest this noble. However, these counterfeit coins are also an opportunity.”

“What do you mean?”

“It would take far too long to melt down these coins, separate the silver from the lead and then recast the recycled silver into genuine Verlado coins. So here’s a thought. Why don’t we just transform the lead into silver?”

Lexina was silent for a long moment as she considered the Arch Mage’s suggestion. It had been the dream of many greedy men to be able to be able to transform lead into precious metals. It wasn’t that the feat was impossible. It had already been accomplished through the sorcery known as alchemy. The main problem was that it took massive amounts of magical power or psions to transmute a tiny amount of lead into gold or silver. The cost was just far too great and the reward was just too little.

“Are you telling me that you can transform these forgeries into pure silver?”

“Normally I would say I couldn’t. The ancient alchemy spells of transmutation are inefficient and not worth the time or effort. Not to mention the immense number of calculations needed to perform a transmutation process on even a small scale. However, thanks to Star Alliance technology, namely the Dwarven Neo-Psion Reactor and Terran Quantum Computers, the process is now more feasible.”

“This could also be more dangerous than letting those debased coins go into circulation.” The Empress pointed out. “If we’re successful in transmutating base metals into precious ones, then we could undermine the entire economy.” Lexina had also taken a course in business economics.

“Yes, I am aware of the social and moral implications.” The Arch Mage admitted. “However, I am also aware of the applications of an improved alchemy process. Instead of letting rusted metal and damaged materials crumble away in landfills and garbage heaps, why not restore them and make them useable again?”


“The transmutation process itself is simply breaking down the original material to its base forms, namely atoms, rearrange the atomic structure of the new material and rebuild it back up. In this case, we simply skip the second step and go straight to rebuilding the material back to its original form.”

“Can it really be done? And there’s also something else I learned in Free Land. I read somewhere that splitting atoms is dangerous. The instructors wouldn’t tell me the specifics, but they did say that the Zedan were able to achieve something called nuclear fission? Whatever that means. I think it has something to do with their Ender Bombs.”

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“Ah, I’ve learned about that as well. Fortunately, alchemy poses no danger of atomic detonation. The energy released from separating atoms is redirected into rearranging and rebuilding them, due to the spell’s configuration.” He placed his hand on the device he had cobbled together. “This apparatus should be able to perform the entire process once I have finished refining the inner mechanisms.”

“And how do you know of this?”

“I have studied the ancient texts on the matter and they do state that the massive amounts of magical energy or psions are necessary to control the process of changing lead into gold. There is no record of massive explosions. The theory behind the alchemic process is very similar to the theories I learned in Free Land, namely thermodynamics and energy-conversion laws. It’s all feasible. Right now, I need your permission to continue with these experiments. Who knows? In addition to benefiting the Sath Empire, this might be our means to become part of the Star Alliance.”

“Star Alliance Membership?”

“Yes. In addition to making the transmutation process more efficient, we can also offer the means for objects to repair themselves.”

“Can it be done?”

“The dwarves were able to inscribe their runes into tiny lines that they called Dwarf Rune Circuits. These circuits are like instructions which direct the magical energy or psions into doing whatever task they want. We should be able to use the same process to inscribe instructions into the material to repair itself using the improved transmutation process.”

“So they will repair themselves automatically?”

“Yes, it will be a… automatic repair system.  Yes, I think that’s a good name for it.”

“An automatic repair system might be something Free Land would want… hmmmm.” The Empress thought for a long while before finally nodding. “You have my permission to continue with your experiments. You will have the resources you require to perfect this process. Once it has been achieved, we will present it as our application for Star Alliance Membership.”

“It will be done, Your Majesty!”

“Let’s join up with Free Land someday!”


Feb 4th, 15 AE…

Andromeda City, Free Land…

“I can’t believe you actually had this rebuilt!” Mark Delan said as he looked upon the vehicle.

His friend, John Vikes of the Vanguard Destroyer Johnston nodded as he placed a hand on the hood. “What can I say? I love the classics!”

Parked in front of the Delan home was a vehicle that had not been seen, since the destruction of the Earth. In his spare time, John had been working on re-building the ancient automobile which was a 1965 Ford Mustang 2 +2 Fastback. Amazingly, the wreckage had been found floating in space near the asteroid field of Earth’s Solar System. Unlike the Missouri, it had not been encased in duralyte polymer, but somehow it had survived the planet’s destruction. It had probably been stored in an auto-museum.

John Vikes and Mark Delan were avid fans of the ancient cars of Earth and were especially interested in the vehicles of the 1960s and 70s, the so-called Pony and Muscle Car era.

The Mustang’s exterior had been restored to its original appearance and was colored red with a white racing stripe. The interior was white with back highlights.

“It’s really beautiful. So how does it handle?” Mark asked.

“Want to go for a spin?” John asked.

“Hell, yeah!”

John got into the driver’s seat, while Mark got into the passenger side. After belting up and closing the doors, John inserted the key and started up the engine. There was a powerful but short roar as he put the car into gear and pushed down on the accelerator pedal.

The Mustang took off with a fast but even motion. Mark noticed the lack of being pressed into the seat from the sudden acceleration.

“You installed inertial dampers, didn’t you?”

“That’s right.” John affirmed. “As much as I would have loved to feel how this car handled back in the 1960s, I wanted it to do more than its original specs.”

“So I’m guessing that what’s under the hood isn’t the original internal combustion engine, right?”

“Nope. The original engine could run on Neo-Fuel but I wanted something with a bit more oomph! So I replaced the V8 small block with a micronized, plasmonic reactor, coupled to a kinetic torque rotor mechanism.”

“Isn’t that bit much for a civilian land vehicle?” Mark asked as the car sped down the highway at 70 mph.

“Who said this was just a land vehicle?” John smirked as he pressed a button on the steering wheel.

The entire Mustang shuddered slightly as it began undergoing a transformation. The dashboard flipped about, revealing a more technologically advanced version, complete with holo-digital readouts. The steering wheel separated at the top and bottom, becoming H-shaped as more sensor-touch controls appeared on its surface.  New environmental systems in the car’s structure began working as field generators activated.

The car began to rise off the ground and g-force nullifiers engaged. The rubber tires deflated and shrunk as the wheels rotated inside. Panels appeared to cover the wheel wells and hermetically sealed them. Other panels came out and sealed the entire underside. As the Mustang began gaining altitude, the back end rose up and opened up new panels, revealing twin ion thrusters which ignited and propelled the car towards the stratosphere. In less than a minute, the Mustang left the planet’s atmosphere completely and was now flying through space.

“I don’t believe it! You turned a 1965 Mustang into a spaceworthy craft?” The Missouri’s captain asked.

“Hey, if we could repurpose an old World War II battleship into a starship, then turning an automobile into a personal shuttle shouldn’t be that hard, right?”

“What gave you the idea to do this?”

“Well, after the Valiant Battle-Mech was developed, I figured that we could use its transformation technology for other vehicles. And I was inspired after watching an old vid-story from 1984, what they called a movie. It was called the Last Starfighter.”

“I saw that one. So you were inspired to rebuilding the Mustang into something like Centauri’s Star Car, right?”

“That’s right. After seeing that movie, I asked the engineers at Polaris City if they could do that to the Mustang and here we are.” He patted the dashboard. “The car is completely certified for both civilian and military use and some of the vehicular companies are planning to produce these new Star Cars for the market. Of course, only Star Alliance member races are allowed to have them, and only those who have undergone the proper spaceflight training.”

“So this car is fully certified for deep space travel?”

“Yes, it’s been thoroughly tested and it even has a Class A-1A hyperdrive; a smaller version of the type that our Starfighters use.”

“So if we want to go in the Mustang to the next quadrant in the galaxy, we could do that?”

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t recommend it. That’s quite a road trip with no pit stops.” He then pointed towards the research station Wisdom. “They’re expecting us.” He touched a control on his steering and spoke on the hailing frequency. “Space station Wisdom, this is Captain John Vikes of the Vanguard Destroyer Johnston, identification code Vikes, Zeta-Seven-Four-Seven-Seven.” He then nodded to his colleague.

Mark nodded and spoke. “This is Captain Mark Delan of the Star Battleship Missouri, identification code Delan, Gamma-Six-Seven-Nine-Nine.”

“Identification verified.” The station’s computer replied. “Please head for Docking Bay 4, vector Alpha-Tango-One-Eight.”

“Acknowledged.” Vikes replied as he directed the Mustang Star Car towards the indicated docking bay.

As he approached the station, large doors on its side opened up and landing lights lit up like a runway. The panels on the underside of the Star Car opened up as the tires rotated out and expanded themselves. Letting momentum do its job, he cut off the ion engines and triggered the transformation back into its vehicular mode. The Star Car shifted back into its Mustang configuration as it passed by the docking bay doors and made a smooth landing on the docking bay deck. After touching down, Vikes applied the brakes and the car came to a complete stop. The bay doors then closed as the entire bay repressurized.

“So what do you think?” John asked.

“Where can I get one of these?”

To be continued…

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