Star People

Chapter 65: Chapter 51

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Star People

Chapter 51

Shakedown Cruise

May 9th, 15 AE…

The Council of Prime Directors Conference Chamber…

“So, my fellow Directors, what do you think?” Benjamin asked as he and his colleagues watched an image on the conference table’s holo-projector. A few satellites in orbit were currently recording live videos of a certain craft as it flew above the waters in the oceans between the Vados and Merdov.

“I suppose we can give credit where credit is due.” Nasaak commented as he shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll admit that they’ve been quite busy in Naran and they’ve managed to upgrade Deriaton One into something that could actually pose a threat to a Vanguard-class destroyer.”

“The energy readings we are receiving from the Naran vessel are rated at 250 gigadynes, so I would say Nasaak’s assessment is accurate.” Nerto concurred as turned to face the Catian. “So if we were to pit Deriaton One up against Captain Vikes and the Johnston?”

Nasaak let off a snort of disdain. “I said they would pose a threat. Captain Vikes would still kick their tails in. A ship is only as good as the crew that operates her, and the captain who guides her. Deriaton One may be more powerful now, but all those enhancements aren’t going to make a difference if the Johnston gets serious. And it holds the distinction of stalemating with a Cryterian Mothership.”

“Still, I am curious to see if they overcame that flaw of slow replenishment of psions.” The Dwarven Director commented as he stroked his beard. “Of course, I don’t expect them to have the same efficiency as the Neo-Psion reactor, but for a ship that big, they’re going to need something more effective than long-winded chants and cheap runes.”

“My guess is that they used a lot of their Psion Storage Batteries or PSBs.” Anida suggested as she looked over the image of the newly-upgraded Deriaton One.

Unlike before, the Naran magic battleship was about 1.5x times larger and sported an extra nacelle on each winglet. There was more crystalline armor surrounding the bridge superstructure, as well as the bow, sides and underbelly. The Kraister Guns were beefier and it looked like the Mana Over-Wave Cannon was redesigned with a larger muzzle. Overall, the entire vessel had been refit with more protection and upgraded the weapon systems. With the use of PSBs, the efficiency and power had increased substantially as well.

The real question was how it fared in battle.

“Where is Deriaton One heading at this moment?” Viska asked.

“It looks like it is heading for a group of uninhabited islands and islets, some 1,500 kilometers off the eastern coast of Vados.” The Catian Director stated as he looked over the readout to his console. “I’m also counting a small escort fleet of six cruiser and ten destroyer-type vessels.”

“Do we have any of our forces in that vicinity?” Benjamin asked.

“Let me see…” Naasak manipulated his console’s controls for a few seconds before nodded. “Yes, it seems that the Nebula-class battleship Michigan is on a training mission in that area, along with four destroyers from the 119th Flotilla.”

“I believe that is Captain Sareia’s ship.” Anida commented. “Are you going to send out the Michigan to confront Deriaton One?”

“Nothing that extreme.” The Terran Director stated. “We just want the Michagan and those destroyers to observe Deriaton One’s activities and give us an estimate of its overall abilities. From a distance, of course.”


The Michigan’s bridge…

Captain Sareia nodded as she read the new orders on her chair’s holo-viewer. She turned to her communications officer. “Lieutenant Sashi, inform the destroyer commanders that we’ve received new orders for a reconnaissance and observation mission. They are to follow the Michigan to coordinates Zeta, Lambda, seven, seven.”

“Aye, Captain.”

“Helmsman, take us up and head for those coordinates!”

“Aye, Captain!”

The Catian helmsman, Ensign Kisla manipulated the controls at her station, causing the Nebula-class battleship to rise out of the water and quickly achieved an attitude of 5 km above the ocean’s surface. The four Vanguard destroyers also rose out of the water and formed up behind the Michigan. In less than ten seconds, the Free Land ships departed the area, sonic booms left in their wake as they instantly accelerated to Mach 1.5.


Fifteen minutes later…

“Captain, we have reached the coordinates Zeta, Lambda, seven, seven.” The navigator Ensign Hizent announced.

“Set us down into the water.” Brittany commanded as she turned to her communications officer. “Inform the destroyers to do the same.”

“Aye, Captain!” Hizent and Sashi replied simultaneously.

The Michigan hovered for a moment before gently setting itself into the water. The destroyers followed suit as the Free Land vessels set themselves up to observe the Naran fleet and Deriaton One.

“What’s our position in relation to the Naran fleet?” Captain Sareia asked.

“We’re more than 1,000 kilometers southeast of Deriaton One and its escorts.” The female Velor announced.

“Are we far enough away so that they can’t detect us, but we can still observe them?”

“Our sensors are more than capable of reaching them. We’ve also patched in with the global satellite surveillance system and we’ve launched a few observation drones. We are far beyond the radar and psion-detectors of the Naran fleet.”

“The destroyers all report that their sensors can reach the Naran fleet as well.” Sashi announced.

“Excellent!” Captain Sareia smiled as she sat back in her chair. “Now then, let’s see exactly what Deriaton One is capable of.”


The Deriaton One’s bridge…

“Are you certain that there is no one in the vicinity of the target areas?” Captain Retora asked.

“No, Captain.” The navigator Shyree replied. “Both the radar and the magical detection spells are not showing any other presences within 700 kilometers. I must admit, the range of our upgraded sensor systems is most impressive!”

“You should be impressed. Our best magic engineers were able to double the range and improved on the psion-efficiency by 50%, thanks to our PSBs. And I’m certain you and the rest of the crew has noticed the increased speed and maneuverability of Deriaton One, have you not?”

“I agree, Captain.” The helmsman stated. “The ship is more responsive and we arrived at our destination far sooner than expected.”

“Now that you’ve experienced how Deriaton One can maneuver, we will now begin testing the most vital function… combat!”

“We’ll be testing the weapons on these uninhabited islands?”

“Our scouts have done a full sweep of the area.” The captain assured. “There isn’t any life on these islands and no nation has laid claim to them. We’re free to use them for target practice.”

These words lessened the tension among the bridge crew as the Kraister Guns began swiveling towards the port side. With several large PSBs already in place, the helmsman stated she had hocked onto target and was ready to fire. The target in question was about 10 km in diameter.

“Fire!” Retora barked.

Both guns let off a salvo of highly-concentrated psions. Unlike the Zedan War, these were more focused beams and shot out over the ocean at a greater distance. At a distance of 30 miles, the beams hit a small island and caused a massive pair of detonations. The entire island shook from the impacts as a large mushroom cloud formed.

A few seconds after the first shots and new PSBs were loaded, Retora repeated her command. “FIRE!”

The Kraister Guns again let loose with twin beams of mass destruction. With no delay between firings, the guns wreaked havoc on the target. On the third salvo, the entire island broke apart and was reduced to debris that eventually sunk into the ocean, leaving no trace of the island ever being there.

“Target has been completely destroyed.” The Naran helmsman announced. “Incredible! It only took three salvos to destroy the island!”

“I only wish we had these improvements during the Sword Beach Operation.” The Deriaton One’s captain remarked. “We wouldn’t have needed the Missouri’s help at the time.”


On the Michigan’s bridge…

“I have to admit, that was impressive.” Captain Sareia commented. She turned to her helmsman. “What was the readout on those beams?”

Kisla nodded as she replied. “According to our sensors, each shot was equivalent to a 5 kiloton warhead or low grade particle beam cannon.”

“Could our deflector shields withstand that kind of power?”

“Without a doubt, Captain. However, I wouldn’t recommend taking repeated salvos.”

“Point taken, Helmsman.” She then turned to her First Officer, who was ironically the only male member of the bridge crew. “What would your overall assessment of Deriaton One’s combat capabilities be so far?”

Commander William T Stone cocked his head in thought for a moment before answering. “By the Kraister Guns alone, I would say that she rates a Class C threat level. Deriaton One could give a Vanguasrd-Class Destroyer some trouble and might even pose a threat to a light to medium cruiser.”

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“And we still haven’t seen their Point-Defense weapons or Mana Over-Wave Cannon in action yet.”


The Council…

“Well, that was unexpected.” Ben commented as he and the other members watched the surveillance footage beamed from the Michigan as well as from the satellites in orbit.

“Hmmm, so it seems that Deriaton One is far more advanced than we had initially anticipated.” Naasak remarked.

“I suppose that we should still be confident that they only have one of these types of vessels and we still have a fleet in space.” Viska mentioned.

“What makes you think they only have one?” Anida pointed out. “This ship is called Deriaton One after all. So that would mean there might be more.”

“Point taken. However, I doubt they could match up to the fleet in terms of overall firepower or numbers.”

“In any case, this display is quite unsettling.” Nerto spoke up. “The fact that Naran was able to achieve this level of destructive power puts a whole perspective on the matter. And we just received some more disturbing news.”

“Which is?”

“I’ve just received a communiqué from one of our observatory stations over the Vados continent. It seems that Naran finally managed to get their hands on a Steel Soldier.”

“I can imagine that the creators of the Steel Soldiers aren’t going to be happy that Naran will be getting into the Battle-Mech business.”


Somewhere in Euracon…

“Why?! Why did you let Naran capture a Steel Soldier intact?!” Garres Lorcra demanded as he and his son spoke with Number One.

“I thought those machines were equipped with a self-destruct system to prevent their capture?” Vexor asked.

“They are.” Number One replied in a disinterested tone. “We just decided to let Naran have one of the lesser models.”

“Why?!” The former ruler of Sath demanded. “I thought the plan was to use the Steel Soldiers to raid the countryside and weaken the Naran forces!”

“A most inefficient plan.” The leader of the Dreanat stated. “Not that I’m surprised from such an inefficient ruler.”

“You can’t just decide this without our permission! The Steel Soldiers are ours!”

“On the contrary, they belong to us!” Number One stated. “We were the ones who provided the material and knowledge to build them while you provided the plans. Not to mention deciphering that relic of the First Ones.”

“You can’t just do whatever you want with them!”

“Calm down, Your Highness. This is all part of our ultimate goals. And considering their advancements in magical technology, I think it would be in our best interests to let Naran use it to improve on the Steel Soldiers. It will be all the more fitting to let them do the hard work and we reap the rewards.”

“So… the capture of the Steel Soldier was just a scheme to get more of Naran’s technology for the eventual takeover?”

“Indeed. I wouldn’t have allowed them to have a Steel Soldier otherwise.”

Number One’s answer actually calmed both the egotistical former king and prince as they believed that it were all according to plan. However, the fact that the Dreanat had deliberately let a Steel Soldier be captured raised some suspicions and concerns. For the moment, they would play along but would keep a careful eye out for any treachery.


On the bridge of Deriaton One, Captain Retora nodded as she received news of the capture of a Steel Soldier. The capture and study of such a weapon would give Naran the means to match Free Land’s Battle-Mechs and strengthen the army’s capabilities. She turned her attention back to the main viewscreen as the crew finished with testing the point-defense weapons and was satisfied with their rate of fire and accuracy.

Now it was time to test the ship’s greatest weapon, the Mana Over-Wave Cannon. Its target would be the largest, uninhabited island in the testing zone. The dark-skinned elven woman sat down in her command chair and touched the rune symbols on her control panel, activating the mechanisms to charge the weapon. Sitting beside her was her First Officer, Asra.

“Mana Over-Wave Cannon at 90% capacity… 95% … 99%... we have achieved full power, Captain.”

“So fast! The improvements to the Cannon are most impressive!” Retora remarked. “Are we locked onto target?”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Very well then…” Retora addressed the helmsman. “FIRE!”

Like before, the ship’s most powerful weapon formed a huge ball of energy at the front of the crystalline focusing lens in the cannon’s muzzle. Immediately afterwards, the ball elongated into a bolt of energy one-tenth of a mile in diameter and a mile in length. The surface of the ocean below the beam parted as it sped by at tremendous speed. Once it hit the target, there was a gigantic flash of light, followed by an explosion that sent a shockwave in all directions. The island was totally vaporized as large tidal waves were formed and threatened to crush all in their paths.

Even Deriaton One would not be exempt as both the shockwave and tsunami came rushing toward them. However, Captain Retora would not order a withdrawal.

“Activate defense barrier.”

Before the shockwave and water could impact the hull of the ship, several images of rune circles appeared and formed a defensive wall in front on the oncoming waves. The shockwave reverberated backwards after hitting the energy barrier, while several billions of tons of seawater splashed harmlessly against it. The ship hovered proudly and untouched, while the escort fleet struggled to ride out the aftermath of firing the Mana Over-Wave Cannon. Finally, after a full minute, the ocean subsided and the shockwave died out.

The final test of Deriaton One, the magical defense barrier, had been completed.

“Status report.”

“All energy readings and systems are reporting as nominal.” The second-in-command reported. “There has been no drop in power levels whatsoever. We could fire the Mana Over-Wave Cannon again if we needed to.”

“There is no need. I’m certain that Free Land now understands the power that we possess.” Retora stated as she got up and walked toward the main viewscreen. She stopped a few feet from it and stood with her hands clasped behind her back.

“I’m sorry, Captain, but I don’t follow.” Asra said as she stood up to join Retora. “What do you mean about Free Land understanding the power we possess?”

“Have you not read the technical reports on Free Land and the Star Alliance?” Retora asked with a slight bit of annoyance. “It’s very likely that Free Land has been watching all this time and had seen Deriaton One’s new capabitlities.”

“How can this be? We are in a very remote area and our detection systems have picked up nothing within a 700 kilometer radius.”

“That distance is nothing to their eyes.”

“They are able to see things at that distance?”

“They could see things at a thousand times greater distance or more… much, much more. I’ve read the reports of the diplomats who visited one of their orbital stations. They have these floating surveillance golems beyond the planet’s atmosphere. They call them surveillance satellites. With these satellites, they could observe something as small as bird from the other side of world. They have telescopes that far outstrip even our best magical viewers and magnifiers. As of now, I wouldn’t be surprised that they observed Deriaton One’s activities ever since we left port.”

“But… how is that possible? If they can truly see that far and with such clarity and accuracy, that would mean that none of Naran’s activities are safe from their eyes!”

“Hmph! Let them observe! Sooner or later, we would have revealed Deriaton One’s power to the world in any case! There’s nothing they can do about it and soon, we shall once again take our rightful place as the greatest nation on Istaria!”


The Michigan’s bridge…

“Now that had some serious power.” Captain Sareia commented.

“I’d rate that main weapon to be at least equal to a Class B anti-proton cannon.” The First Officer concurred.

“And how did the Council react to that display?”

“They were quite shocked to see that Naran is now in possession of weapons that could actually pose a considerable threat to the Star Alliance.”

“I bet they were. Makes me wonder what other surprises they’ve installed on that ship.”


Deep within the depths of Deriaton One’s hull, the Cryterian circuits continued to slowly acclimate and assimilate the magical energies and inner mechanisms of the ship. Soon its primary function would be fulfilled.

To be continued…

Author’s notes

Sorry it took so long for me to write and upload this chapter. With my house being remodeled, I didn’t have much time to write until now. Hopefully the next update won’t take as long.

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