Star People

Chapter 68: Chapter 53

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Star People

Chapter 53


May 30th, 15 AE…

Orbital Observation Station #9…

“That’s strange…”

“What’s the matter?”

“I keep on getting this weird reading for a brief moment, but it always flickers out.”

“What kind of reading?”

“I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m actually getting what looks to be a Planet Ravager reading, but it seems… corrupted.”

“A Planet Ravager?! That’s not something to be joking about!”

“Trust me, the last thing I want to do is joke about a Planet Ravager! But I can never get a definitive readout. Ever since we received that Mechanoid energy report from Station #15, we’ve been constantly monitoring for a clear reading. However, it never stays around long enough for us to get a lock on it.”

“How long do these signals appear?”

“It’s always just on the edge of our detection range and never longer than a tenth of a millisecond. A good portion of the signal matches that of a Cryterian Planet Ravager’s energy signature, but the rest is too garbled.”

“What other evidence do we have that it could be a Planet Ravager?”

“The fact that we’re not getting a definitive reading is suspicious. One of the Planet Ravager’s tactics is to hide its energy emissions behind a cloaking field. We’ll have to report this anomaly to the Council.”

“Better safe than sorry I suppose.”

As the two surveillance operators began making their report, on the planet below, the ship known as Deriaton One, was almost complete with its conversion into one of the deadliest threats the Star Alliance had ever faced.


May 31st, 15 AE…

Polaris City, the Conference Chamber of the Council of Prime Directors…

“The possible re-emergence of the Planet Ravager is no laughing matter.” Benjamin stated as he and the other Prime Directors finished reading the report.

“I assure you, there is no one laughing here.” Nasaak remarked. “The Planet Ravager is anything but a joke.”

“Though the Dwarf Nations were not part of the Star Alliance at the time of the first appearance, I have read the reports on this abomination.” Sierg said. “I wouldn’t wish this thing on my worst enemy.”

“Indeed.” Nerto agreed. “But the question still remains… how could have the Planet Ravager returned to Istaria? Is this another one that followed our ion trails to this world?”

“Negative.” Viska shook her head. “Our surveillance satellites and deep space sensor networks detected no positron drive energy nor were there any hyperspace disruption fields. Wherever this new Planet Ravager came from, it wasn’t from space.”

“Perhaps it was the same Planet Ravager we faced before?” Anida suggested. “It could have regenerated itself.”

“That’s also not possible.” Nasaak countered. “When we trapped the Ravager in all that duralyte polymer and lava, we made damned sure that the whole thing, including its core, was tossed into the Sun. There’s no way that thing could have regenerated itself from that.”

“Point taken. So what other possibility could there be?”

After giving it some thought, the Velor Director spoke up. “The only other possibility I can think of is General Order Seventy-Five.”

This suggestion caused everyone except for the Dwarf Director to become silent. After a minute, Sierg broke that silence with a query.

“Forgive me, but I am not familiar with General Order Seventy-Five. What exactly is that?”

“It’s a standing order among all military personnel and citizens of the Star Alliance.” Benjamin explained. “All Cryterian technology is to be destroyed without question or exception.”

“So you do not try to capture and study any of it?”

“Oh we did try during the war with the Cryterians.” The Kyteeri Director said. “There was an attempt to incorporate the Cryterian technology with our own, and that backfired on us with extremely deadly results.”

“What happened?”

“We found out to our horror that the Cryterians’ hatred of all organic life was deeply imbedded into their machines’ programming. There was just no way we could circumvent that drive to kill.”

“That error in judgment cost the Star Alliance nearly 200,000 innocent lives when the experiment to use Cryterian technology ran amok. Since then, General Order Seventy-Five was created and we’ve never tried to repeat that experiment.”

“I see. So what does Nerto mentioning General Order Seventy-Five have to do with this possibility of a new Planet Ravager?”

The Velor nodded as he replied. “As you know, both the Planet Ravager and its Mechanoids will regenerate themselves from damage or lack of energy. And their primary mission will be to destroy all organic life. Therefore, any attempt to integrate the circuitry of a Mechnoid or a Planet Ravager will inevitably cause the device it is merged with, to adopt that programming. Consequently, General Order Seventy-Five not only pertains to the Mechanoids and Planet Ravager, but also any remains or components that are left behind after they are destroyed.”

“Ah, now I see what you’re getting at. You’re thinking that this new Planet Ravager may have come from a piece of a Mechanoid that might have been overlooked.”

“Exactly. We were very meticulous in collecting all the remains of the Ravager and Mechanoids in Bisra and Vados, but I fear that we might have missed a few shards.” The reptilian Director then addressed his Terran colleague. “Where were those signals coming from?”

Benjamin took a deep breath before answering. “Vados... roughly near the southern border of the Naran Kingdom.”

“Oh dear, I was afraid of that. It is possible that we didn’t get all the remains of that squad of Flying-Type Mechanoids that crossed the border. If Naran is using Cryterian technology, then that would explain their recent advancements in magitech, especially with their flagship, Deriaton One.”

“Are you telling us that those idiots in Naran had basically built a Planet Ravager?!” Nasaak exclaimed.

“Indeed. The Cryterian technology didn’t need to regenerate a new body for the Planet Ravager. The Naran engineers had unknowingly provided a new body for it. And since Shenshirine had cut all ties with Free Land, there was no way for Naran to know about General Order Seventy-Five.”

There was another stretch of silence as the Prime Directors considered the potential death and destruction that could soon be unleashed upon the planet again. Finally, one of them spoke up.

“There is a chance that we could be wrong.” Sierg suggested. “The sensor readings weren’t 100% certain that those signals belonged to a Mechanoid or a Planet Ravager.”

“Even if the probability was less than 1%, I’d rather not take that chance, especially when it deals with a Planet Ravager.” Benjamin said with a frown.

“We all share your sentiment, Ben.” Anida agreed before addressing the Dwarf Director. “We don’t blame you for being skeptical, Sierg. You’ve never dealt with something as dire as a Ravager before, but believe us. We’d rather have a continent-wide infestation of behemoths than to deal with another Cryterian doomsday device.”

“I believe you.” The elderly dwarf said. “However, in order to alleviate or confirm our fears, I’m afraid that we must find out for certain, if a new Planet Ravager has been created.”

“And how are we going to do that?” Nasaak asked though he had a feeling he already knew the answer.

“I believe that we must swallow our pride… and ask Shenshirine.”

“Why am I getting flashbacks of our talks with those idiot rulers of Euracon?”

“Oh come now!” Viska soothed. “It won’t be as bad as that!”


Half an hour later…

“All right, I admit it. I was wrong. It was that bad!” The Fairy-Winged Director thought as she rubbed her temples.

The Council of Prime Directors had just contacted the High Command of Naran and endured twenty minutes of rants, accusations and demands from the ruler and his prime minister. The Catian Director was again very tempted to wash his hands of the matter and let those idiots keep the Ravager, if it existed.

“I could tell that Shenshirine took great enjoyment out of that exchange.” Benjamin remarked as he reached for a bottle of the 22nd century version of Tylenol.

“Well of course that pompous ass enjoyed it.” Sierg stated as he took out a small metal flask of Velor Brandy and took a swallow. Normally, drinking alcohol was not allowed in the Conference Chamber, but for Sierg’s people, it was no different than drinking water. “He knew that he had something that we wanted to know, and he had the gall to demand Free Land advanced technology be given to him, as well as Star Alliance Membership with Naran leading. And here I thought nobody could exceed Xerxal’s arrogance and stupidity!”

“And after all that nonsense, we still don’t know if there is a Planet Ravager in the Vados continent, or if Naran possessed any leftover Cryterian technology.” Nerto let off a tired sigh.

“Is there any other way to find out if the Planet Ravager is in Vados, other than going through the Naran High Command and Shenshirine again?” Anida asked as she swallowed an antacid.

“We could try inserting a few agents into Naran like we did with Zedan.” Viska suggested.

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“I’m not too certain that would work.” The Catian Director said. “Inserting Terran spies into the Zedan continent was a success, since the Zedan didn’t have advanced technology and it wasn’t that hard for our agents to blend into a human society. However, Naran is a bit different and our agents lacking the level of magical ability of the average citizen might be seen as suspicious. There are humans in Vados, but most of the population of Naran is composed of elven races. If our agents are discovered or captured, then it will be a major international incident and a diplomatic mess that we’d rather not deal with.”

“I suppose we’ll have to make do with satellite and drone surveillance.” Benjamin stated. “Until we have definitive proof that Naran has Cryterian technology, we can’t invade the continent without just cause.”

“That’s what I hate most about this situation.” Nasaak growled. “We’re forced to wait until disaster strikes.”


The Kingdom of Naran, Royal Palace…

“Well done, Your Majesty!” The Prime Minister praised. “You certainly put those arrogant Free Landers in their place!”

“Indeed.” The Naran ruler said with a smug expression. “It was quite satisfying to have the high and mighty Council of Prime Directors reduced to begging to speak with us.”

“A pity that we could not get any advanced Free Land technology out of the conversation.”

“Hmph! It will only be a matter of time before the Star Alliance comes begging to trade for our advanced magic technology.”

“What do you mean?”

“You did notice just how anxious they were to see if we possessed any Mechanoid remnants, did you not?”

Hmmm… come to think of it, yes they were very anxious.”

“And I shall tell you why. Simply by adding those circuits, we were able to take a tremendous leap forward in magical machinery performance. I daresay that we have met or even exceeded the level of technology of the Star Alliance!”

“I see! Yes, if that is the case, then perhaps we do not even need to have any of Free Land’s technology if ours is already the equal to it.”

“Precisely! With the project to create our own Battle-Mech army underway, I think that Naran is about to reclaim its title as the greatest nation in Istaria! And I think there is no better way to show our superiority than at the upcoming World Gathering.”


In another secret location…

So… Shenshirine is going to attend the World Gathering and show off the fruits of his magic engineers’ labors, eh? Quite an opportunity! His arrogance and overconfidence are at their peak.

I believe that now is the time to strike. My operatives tell me that they have already begun implanting the Mechanoid circuits into the Giant Soldier prototypes with extraordinary results! I see no reason to delay the takeover any longer. The nations of the world shall witness the fall of Naran and the rise of Euracon!


April 1st, 15 AE…

“What’s this World Gathering?” Benjamin asked as he and the other Prime Directors were having lunch in the Conference Chamber.

That morning, the Council had received an invitation for Free Land to attend an event called the World Gathering. Sierg began explaining as he ate his lunch, which consisted of a hearty beef stew and a bottle of bourbon.

“The World Gathering is an event in which all the superpowers and major nations come together to discuss planet-wide politics and display their greatest achievements. The event lasts for five days and is held every ten years. It was created by the First Ones. Even though Naran doesn’t want to admit it, since Free Land is considered the strongest nation in the world, they expect us to take part in the Gathering.”

“Considering how Shenshirine treated us yesterday, I don’t see any obligation or merit in attending the Gathering.” Nasaak grumbled as he ate from a plate of fried chicken.

“I do agree that he treated us quite poorly, but to turn down the invitation would not only insult the Kingdom of Naran, but also the other nations as well. The Empire of Sath, the Kindom of Atlans and even the Dwarf Nations have all accepted the invitation.”

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to attend, if only to respect the other nations.” Anida said as she ate from a small plate of pasta.

“Yes, I believe this will be an excellent opportunity to strengthen our diplomatic relations and perhaps mend our connections with Naran.” Nerto said as he devoured a curry dish.

“I’m a little hesitant that we are expected to display our greatest achievements.” Viska pointed out as she nibbled on some fruit. “Does that mean we have to show the entire fleet in space?”

“I don’t think that we need to do something that extreme.” Benjamin said as he enjoyed the classic meal of a hamburger, French fries and a soda. “Although this world seems to revolve on the idea of gunboat diplomacy, we don’t have to have one of our Supernova-class battleships show up at the Gathering. I believe that sending in the Missouri, the Yorktown and a few cruisers and destroyers will suffice.”

“That’s more than enough to wipe out the entire planet ten times over.” The Catian Director remarked as he munched on a drumstick.

“There’s another reason for this amount of force. It’s very likely that the Kingdom of Naran will be eager to show off the capabilities of Deriaton One.

“Ah, I see. And if our fears that it has become an imitation Planet Ravager are confirmed, we’ll have the necessary equipment and firepower on hand to begin dealing with it.”

“We should also have some other forces on standby as well.” Viska suggested. “Even if this knockoff Ravager is weaker than the original, it’s best not to take any chances.”

“Agreed.” Anida nodded. “So when is this World Gathering?”

“According to the invitation, it will begin on the first day of next month.” Sierg stated.

“Very well.” Benjamin said as he finished off his meal. “Please contact Captain Delan, Admiral Tarhesse, and all other ship captains and commanders involved in the delegation we are going to send to the World Gathering.”


April 2nd, 15 AE…

Andromeda City, the Delan home…

“Captain Mark Delan of the star battleship Missouri, reporting for duty.” Mark saluted.

“Commander Reelan, First Officer of the star battleship Missouri, reporting for duty.” Mark’s spouse saluted.

“At ease.” Admiral Margoline said as he addressed both of his subordinates on the main holo-phone. He then began to give them their newest orders concerning their participation in the upcoming World Gathering event. After five minutes of explanation, he then said, “Are there any questions?”

“A few… Sir!” Mark stated. “Am I to assume that we will be on omega-level standby, due to the possibility of the Planet Ravager appearing?”

“You assume correctly, Captain. The Council has reason to believe that Naran may be using Cryterian technology in combination with their magitech.”

“That’s a deadly combination, Admiral.” Reelan remarked. “The Kyteeri learned early on that Cryterian technology feeds on psions, and the Star Alliance learned that using it in combination with its technology was a bad idea.”

The Terran admiral let off a tired sigh. “You don’t need to remind me of that disaster. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Naran looks to be repeating that mistake.”

“Are they not aware of General Order Seventy-Five?” Reelan’s husband and superior asked.

“They simply do not wish to listen. Due to the fact that the Mechanoid circuits are greatly enhancing the performance of their magically-based technology, they do not see the danger. Our surveillance drones and satellites have been receiving stronger positron signals from Naran, specifically from the area where Deriaton One is docked. However, we still cannot determine with certainty that those signals belong to Mechanoids or a Planet Ravager.”

“What about the other nations attending the World Gathering? Shouldn’t we be warning them as well?” Reelan asked.

“Unfortunately, without concrete evidence, we can only give them speculations. Furthermore, we cannot risk setting off a worldwide panic needlessly if no Mechanoids or Ravager appears. At this point, we can only prepare for the danger and pray that we’re wrong.”

“In addition to the Missouri, and the Lexington, I would also like to request a few destroyers from the 110th Flotilla to join us as well.” Mark said.

“You will have them, Captain Delan.” Margoline nodded. “We figured that you would need a top-notch anti-Mechanoid force and Captain Vikes’ crew is among the best. He’s already being notified.”

“Thank you, Sir!”

“General Kurdo has also been notified and is now in the process of setting up countermeasures should the Planet Ravager make an appearance.”

“I thought the Council finally managed to retire Kurdo again.” Mark’s Kyteeri spouse said.

“That old Catian was too stubborn to accept it. It’s just as well. In any case, you have your orders. You are expected to have the Missouri ready to attend the World Gathering in 30 days. Margoline out!”

To be continued…






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