Star People

Chapter 73: Star People Side-Story 15: Moon Shot Part 1

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Star People

Star Story 15

Moon Shot Part 1

June 1st, 15 AE, 0700 hours…

Atlans Space and Research Association (ASRA) Launch Pad #17…

Lenns Hodder stood on the observation deck and let off a low whistle as he and his subordinate gazed upon the tall and metallic device that was being moved towards the launch area. It was over three hundred and sixty feet in height and weighed more than six and a half million pounds. Its general shape was like a fifty-caliber round and most of its mass was the rocket fuel mixtures of liquid oxygen, and hydrogen. The Kingdom of Atlans had painstakingly followed the plans of the original Saturn V rocket that the Star Alliance had given to them. It had taken them two and a half years to construct their means of getting into space under their own power. There would be no hitching a ride on a Star Alliance vessel or using the TPS this time.

The mission to fly to the Moon, make contact with Free Land’s Lunar Colony #19 and return to Istaria, was projected to take seven days in total. The rocket was christened as the Atlans Challenger and it had three stages. Sitting atop the nosecone of the final stage were exact replicas of the original Apollo Command Module, Service Module and Lunar Lander. The Command Module was named as the Voyager while the Lunar Module was named the Wyvern. In addition to the Saturn V blueprints, Free Land had also given the Kingdom of Atlans complete written, audio and video documentation of the research, calculations and history of mankind’s journey to Earth’s Moon in 1969. This allowed the Atlans scientists to make the proper and correct calculations needed for their own moon mission. Fortunately, the distance between the planet and the Moon, as well as the orbit and rotation of both, were roughly the same and therefore Atlans could use virtually the same calculations used by the Apollo 11 crew.

After months of careful and often stressful research, development and construction, ASRA was ready to make its first monumental step into the heavens.


T-Minus 30 minutes…

“Attention all Starnauts! Attention all Starnauts! It is now T-minus 30 minutes to launch!” The PA speaker boomed. “You are to begin suiting up and undergo final preparation checks!”

Instead of using the old terms of astronaut or cosmonaut, the Kingdom of Atlans had decided on their own name for a space voyager. Since their ultimate goal was to join the Star Alliance and journey among the stars with them, the term starnaut seemed appropriate. Even though nearly all of their space-faring technology came from the Star Alliance, Atlans wanted something that could identify as their own.

Though Lenns and Ackar volunteered to undergo space training as they had already experienced traveling beyond Istaria’s orbit, they were turned down as they were seen as Atlans’ main liaisons to Free Land and were too valuable to risk in space with their lesser technology. The three starnauts for the first manned mission to the Moon were chosen from the Atlans Air Force, formally the Atlans Army Air Corps. Each one was a highly-trained and experienced pilot and had experience flying biplanes, monoplanes and even the new Sabre jets.

The starnauts were Captain Hikes Varget of the Scarlet Squadron, Lieutenant Brigs Sandro of the Indigo Squadron and Lieutenant Maxel Fiser of Silver Squadron. All three men had undergone months of intensive training in order to prepare themselves for their sojourn to the Moon. Every exercise done by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin was followed including sleep deprivation, weightlessness, high G-Force spins in the centrifuge and extreme cold. Since they would be traveling in a vehicle that didn’t have any of the safety measures or amenities of a Free Land shuttlecraft, the starnauts had to anticipate and train for any dangers they may encounter in the vacuum of space and on the Moon.


T-Minus 15 minutes…

The three starnauts stood on the elevator platform as it ascended upwards on the launch tower. They were fully suited up in their newly-developed spacesuits, which were quite similar in appearance to the ones worn by Armstrong and Aldrin. After reaching the top of the tower, the three men walked across the gangway and towards the Command Module’s hatch. Captain Varget was first to enter, followed by Brigs and Fiser.

On the ground of the ASRA launch facility, tensions were riding high as systems were triple and quadruple-checked. Due to the assistance of Free Land, the ASRA scientists and engineers had avoided many of trial-and-error accidents that had plagued Earth’s early history with spaceflight. However, with this first flight into the unknown, the Star Alliance’s role would only be as observers.


The Council of Prime Directors…

All six of the Prime Directors watched with interest as the conference table’s main holo-viewer displayed the historic event with crystal clarity. Throughout the many nations of Istaria, those who possessed magical viewers or television sets were also watching the attempt to reach the Moon.

“This must be what it was like in 1969 on Earth, correct?” Nerto asked.

Ben nodded. “According to records, more than 650 million people had tuned in to watch the launch of the Apollo 11 on July 16, 1969. Those who had no television sets listened with their radios.”

Nasaak took a sip of coffee. “The rocket is primitive by our standards today, but it should be up to the task for a short trip through space, such as to the Moon. Has Lunar Colony Number 19 made all the preparations to welcome the Atlans starnauts?”

“Yes, they are ready for the arrival of the Lunar Module.” Anida confirmed. “Although I have to question, why did the Atlans people want to land at Luna 19 and why did the colonists agree so readily?”

“It’s due to practicality and a bit of nostalgia.” Ben answered. “Lunar Colony Number 19 has the largest landing zone. The surface is mostly flat and level. The starnauts shouldn’t have any problems touching down there.  And the area is nicknamed AA Alley.”

“What does the AA stand for?” Sierg asked.

“In Fundamental Language or English, the AA stands for Armstrong and Aldrin, the first two men to step foot on Earth’s Moon.”

“It looks like they’re coming close to launching.” Viska remarked, causing the Prime Directors to look back at the main holo-viewer.


T-Minus 5 minutes…

Captain Varget took a deep breath as he went through his final checklist on the Command Module’s computer. Sitting beside him, Lieutenants Sandro and Fiser were doing the same. With less than two minutes left, they finished all their final preparations as Mission Control spoke to them over the communications systems. They all signaled that they were ready as the Atlans Challenger was about to embark on its historic voyage.

“Countdown is T-minus one minute…”

“This is it, gentlemen. We’re about to embark on the greatest journey ever attempted by Atlans!” Hikes stated.

“This is just our first step in joining Free Land among the heavens!” Maxel added.

“I can’t wait!” Brigs said as the Mission Control announcer began the final countdown.

“We have T-minus ten seconds… nine… eight… engine ignition systems are active… five… four… three… two… one… IGNITION!”

At the bottom of the rocket, the first-stage rockets all let off a huge explosion of flame as several tons of fuel was ignited. The Atlans Challenger rumbled for a brief moment before slowly beginning to climb upwards. The launch tower retracted its gantry platforms as it started to fall backwards.

“Liftoff! We have liftoff!”

The first-stage engines expended thousands of gallons of fuel in seconds as the Atlans rocket began to pick up speed. The spectators at the ASRA center and around the world were in awe as the mighty machine climbed higher and higher towards the heavens. With the exception of the Dwarf Nations, those from the Star Alliance weren’t very impressed but still found enjoyment at the event.

Within the Command Module, the three starnauts found themselves being pressed into their seats as their space vehicle was attaining speeds and altitude that their Sabre jets couldn’t possibly achieve. The G-Forces they were experiencing were unheard of. Hikes glanced at the readouts and his eyes widened as he saw the speed they were approaching; 6,000 miles per hour or over 9,600 kilometers per hour. They were going over 8 times the speed of sound! Furthermore, they were approaching an altitude of 42 miles above the planet’s surface.

Two minutes and thirty-eight seconds after launch, the main engines of the first stage were shut off as small retro-rockets ignited and caused the bottom part of the Atlans Challenger rocket to separate. Once it fell away, the second stage engines ignited, causing the rocket to accelerate to greater speeds. The launch escape system at the top of the rocket was also discarded. The rocket no longer followed a straight vertical path but started to angle itself along the curvature of the planet. At this point, it was well over 100 miles above the planet’s surface.

After burning for more than 340 seconds, the second stage engines cut out as the entire section started to separate and fall away. The third stage engine ignited, which pushed the rocket towards a near-planetary orbit. As the engine turned itself off, the three starnauts let off sighs of relief and relaxed for a bit as the ship coasted along on its own momentum. The men were in awe as they looked through the viewport windows and saw their homeworld below them.


The Missouri’s bridge…

“Scans of the Atlans rocket show that all three starnauts are in good health and there is no damage or malfunction in any of their systems.” Taichen announced.

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“It looks like they made it into a stable orbit.” Mark said as he sat in his captain’s chair and watched the main holo-viewer. “Not bad for a first try.”

The star battleship was holding its position midway between Istaria and the Moon. Mark had been ordered not to interfere with the starnauts’ mission to reach the Moon under their own power, but he was authorized to rescue them if something went seriously wrong.

“So their next move is to coast along their near-planet orbit until they reach the coordinates closest to their Moon and angle their ship in the right position to fire their engines. That should put them on a direct course toward their target. I believe that was called a lunar injection.” Harken remarked.

“Considering the difficulty of this maneuver and using such primitive technology, I’d say it was quite extraordinary that the people of Earth were so successful more than 250 years ago.” Reelan stated as she smiled at her husband.

“Yes, we were quite the determined folk, even back then.” The Missouri captain admitted.


“Yes, what is it, Ensign Gatsbu?”

“Considering the inherent danger and the chances of them miscalculating the time of the lunar injection engine firing; perhaps we can give them a bit of a nudge in the right direction? It wouldn’t be a problem for the Missouri’s tractor beam.”

“Negative on that idea, Ensign. I know you mean well, but the Council has specifically ordered us not to interfere with the Atlans Moon Mission. We are authorized to save them if their lives are in danger, but they’re on their own from Istaria to the Moon and back. They have to do this, by themselves. Besides, considering how fragile their ship is, I don’t think it could stand up to the tractor beam.”

“Acknowledged, Captain.”

“It’s a little heartbreaking to see these people try so hard at something that we take for granted.” Mark’s First Officer commented. “We could give them the technology needed to make this trip easier for them.”

“Negative on that idea as well, Commander.” Mark shook his head. “We’ve already given them the means to reach space, but they have to learn the trials and dangers that come with the territory. With the exception of the Dwarf Nations, every race in the Star Alliance had to undertake their own baby steps into the void. In fact the dwarves are already planning their own space program. They’re using our advanced tech, but only as a starting point. They want to make their own designs instead of copying what we had before. They’re also incorporating their new anti-gravity systems and Neo-Psion reactors.”

“Well, they certainly are an industrious race.”

“The Atlans Challenger has just reached the lunar injection coordinates.” The Missouri’s navigator announced. “They are now performing their main engine burn.” A few seconds later, she nodded. “They have achieved the correct trajectory and are en route to the Moon. Estimated time of arrival will be 3 days.”

There was a round of applause among the bridge crew after the announcement. Afterwards, Mark asked the navigator when the Missouri would come within visual range of the Atlans rocket.

“At their present speed and heading, they should be within visual range of the Missouri in less than 38 hours.”

“Excellent! By now, they should be doing their transposition and docking maneuver to assemble the completed spacecraft.”


On the journey to the Moon…

“Command and Service Module have separated from Stage 3.” Sandro announced as the front part of the Third Stage had opened up, allowing the Command and Service Module to move out into open space.

Behind them were the Third Stage and the Lunar Module. After carefully manipulating the maneuvering thrusters, Hikes managed a full 180-degree turn and carefully moved the ship back towards the open end of the Third Stage. All three starnauts let off a sigh of relief as they felt the tip of the Command Module hook up with the Lunar Module. Hikes then backed the Command and Service Module out, taking the Lunar Module with them. With its task completed, the final stage of the Saturn Rocket V duplicate drifted away. It would later be picked up by a Free Land space salvage team.

After flipping the completed Atlans Challenger spacecraft another 180-degrees; the three starnauts decided to relax a bit and have lunch as they continued to coast towards the Moon. They began opening their freeze-dried and liquefied rations and found them to be barely edible. All three men had eaten Free Land’s Instant Ration Packets previously, and wished they were dining on them instead of these substitutes. The original plan was to stock up on the Packets, but since they needed water to properly cook them, it was seen as not feasible in zero gravity. They would have to make do with the freeze-dried and liquid food.



June 2nd, 15 AE, 1830 hours…

“Over there! It’s the Missouri!” Sandro cried out as he and his comrades crowded around the observation port and gazed upon the star battleship. Comparing it to the Atlans Challenger was like comparing a guppy to a blue whale.

On the main observation deck of the Missouri, Mark and Reelan stood and watched as the tiny craft approached them. Synchronizing its speed and direction with that of the Atlans craft, the Missouri was soon parallel with the Atlans Challenger. After a minute or so, Mark and Reelan gave the three starnauts a salute. In response, they saluted back as the star battleship began to turn away.

As they watched the Free Land vessel become smaller as they moved further away, Fiser let off a sad sigh.

“What’s the matter?” Hikes asked.

“I wish they could have let us come on board and give us some Instant Ration Packets to eat!”

“I’m with Fiser on this one!” Sandro agreed. “I don’t know if I can stomach four or five more days of that frieze-dried and liquid crap!”

“Sorry gentlemen,” Hikes apologized. “We’re on a tight schedule for the Moon. We have neither the time nor the fuel to spare for a grocery trip.”

“Damn it.” Both lieutenants swore.

“Well… chin up. Our target landing area is Lunar Colony #19. Maybe we can pick up some grub there? We just have to tighten our belts and hold out until then.” Hikes said with a grin. His subordinates smiled in response.


June 4th, 15 AE, 1700 hours…

Hikes, Sandro and Fiser were astounded at what they saw when the Atlans Challenger moved into lunar orbit. From the surface of their home planet, they had only seen the Moon as a bright, distant ball in the night skies. However, now that they were much closer, instead of seeing a desolate, rocky orb with craters, mountainous terrain and debris; they found out that the Moon was far more crowded than they expected.

Ever since the Star Alliance had come to Istaria, they had not only established settlements on the Alder Continent, but also several colonies on the Moon and in orbit around it. On the surface itself, there were a total of twenty-five population centers; all technologically advanced and each one was covered by a huge, protective dome. Furthermore, a small portion of the Star Alliance Fleet docked at numerous lunar spaceports. Several destroyers, cruisers and even a few Supernova-class battleships passed by, making the Atlans Challenger seem even more diminutive.  

After making two lunar orbits and spending over a half-hour at just gawking at the unbelievable sights, the starnauts got back to the business at hand. Checking their maps, they set a course for Lunar Colony #19, which was located near the darker side of the Moon on the southern hemisphere. After another fifteen minutes, they sighted their destination and began to prepare the Lunar Lander for its trip toward the landing zone, nicknamed AA Alley.


The Council of Prime Directors…

“Well, I have to congratulate the starnauts for making it this far under their own power.” Nerto commented as he and his colleagues watched a live feed of the Atlans Challenger making its way to the landing site.

“Now comes one of the tricky parts.” Ben stated. “Landing on the Moon in one piece. There will be no gravitational vector-assist to help them.”

Just after he said those words, the Lunar Lander detached from the Command Module and began its descent toward the Moon’s surface.

To be continued…

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