Star Quality

Chapter 6: 6. After the Callback

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“So, that was an… interesting experience,” I say to Lance after we’ve left the room where our callback took place. Once again, I drove to L.A. from San Diego for the audition. It’d be much easier if I lived here, but I guess it’s too early for such plans. Besides, Adam wouldn’t want to move. He’s never liked the city, my ties to it, or my friends, always making a point of how much he loved our lives in San Diego. How much of a fresh start it was for us, which I found ironic, really, after my discharge.

“That’s one word for it. Can you believe Romelle dragged Katie in to audition? Lucky the guy playing Pidge got sick. Well, not lucky for him, obviously.” 

“Yes, Romelle is fond of dragging in strays.” That voice rasping into my ear from behind me is Keith, who has been listening to our conversation without us noticing. Heat creeps up my spine, but when our eyes meet, his mouth slants into a hint of a smile. 

For a moment, my breath falters, and I get lost in the sharp beauty of his carved cheekbones, in the enormous eyes with the color of the sky moments before dawn breaks. Keith’s beyond attractive; he’s stunning. The realization punches the wind out of me, but guilt already nibbles at its heels. I’m with Adam and not in the business of crushing on movie stars. Still, it’s impossible to tear my gaze away. In theory, it should be easy, right? Just a flick of my head and the spell will be broken. But in reality, he’s a sun I orbit, the pull toward him as inevitable as gravity. 

“Sorry, didn’t mean to intrude,” Keith says with a quirk of his brow. Then he wipes his face clean into an impassive mask. “We’ll be in touch,” he adds the Hollywood mantra and saunters away, gliding like silk through the drab hall. I struggle not to watch him, but my eyes keep swiveling back to his retreating form. 

“I’m thinking the rumors might be true,” Lance grumbles, trying to burn holes into Keith’s back with his eyes. “He is kind of a dick. Doesn’t matter how hot he is.”

“I don’t think he’s that bad.” What I don’t mention is how every time our eyes met during a scene, a small zap of electricity rushed through me, charging the surrounding air with energy. Based on Lance’s reaction, I was the only one experiencing that, and it meant nothing. Just a reaction to the unusual situation. Then again, no one from the other actors elicited such a response, as much as I might like them, especially the massive Samoan guy with a yellow bandana who just seems so… friendly. 

“Because you see the good in everyone, Papa Bear, but it’s true what they say. Never meet your heroes. Even though I gotta admit, the guy can fucking act. And so can you! Where have you been hiding that?”

“In the cockpit.” 

The doors to the audition room fly open, and Katie and the rest of the hopefuls spill out. 

“Oh hey, guys, you waited. Sweet. I want you to meet someone.” She grabs the hand of the guy behind her and pulls him toward us. It’s the dark-haired guy that’s almost as tall as I am. He’s wearing a broad smile on his open face, and his brown eyes are creased with amusement, making me immediately warm up to him.

“This is Hank. He was auditioning for Hunk. This is Shiro, and the pointy chin over there is Lance.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say at the same time as Lance says, “Don’t change the subject, little lady. What happened in there? Also, pointy chin?”

“Hey, if the nickname fits…” Katie shrugs, and Hank and I both chuckle. “Anyway, I was grabbing a snack before coming to check on you and ran into Romelle, who liked me and invited me to try out. Funny, huh? She said the cast was too big a sausage fest, and the show might benefit from more female presence.”

“Why did she pick you, then?” Lance grins at her.

“Shut up, Lancelot.” 

“Don’t listen to him, Katie. You were great. But wouldn’t that interfere with your studies?”

“I’ll tell you what wouldn’t interfere with my studies: making some decent money so I can actually pay for them. And I’ll take actor’s pay over PA’s, that’s for sure.”

“Well, we won’t hear anything soon. These things always drag,” Hank says. “You guys want to get something to eat? I know a great Mexican place right around the corner.”

“Sure, I could eat.” Lance slings his messenger bag over his shoulder and looks at me. “Shiro?”

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“Sorry, have to go home. Adam’s not happy I’ve been gone again.”

“Adam can—” Lance starts, but Katie stamps on his foot, “—get lonely, I guess. Well, see you soon, big guy. Don’t leave it that long next time.” 

“Uh, sure,” I agree, already knowing that with a job search and Adam’s quiet resentment, I won’t be making a trip to L.A. in the foreseeable future. We all head out, and despite only being here twice, I easily lead us through the labyrinthine hallways toward the exit. That’s all my military training is good for these days: finding my way through complicated office buildings.

“Yeah, one more thing I’ve heard through the grapevine,” Katie says. “They’re having the auditions here because they want an American cast, but the show will be shot in Canada. Tax breaks, or whatever. That’s apparently why they needed Keith so badly on it. He’s Canadian, and when you have a Canadian lead, you also get a break on CGI—provided it’s done in a Canadian studio.”

“Canada, huh?” I ask. “Well, it might be a refreshing change of scenery.” 

“Really?” Lance asks. “Adam wouldn’t mind? You know the production can last six months? The dude throws a tantrum when you’re away for one afternoon, let alone half a year—ouch! What’s your problem?” Katie elbows Lance in the ribs, and she’s a little overzealous in her effort to protect me. 

“Remember what we talked about, Lance?” she hisses at him.


Katie raises her brows.

“Oh. Right. Right! I’ll be good.” 

“Do I want to know what this is about?” I ask. 

“Not really, Papa Bear.” 

“Okay then. Have a good time. Let me know if you learn anything,” I say, and they both nod. “Nice meeting you, Hank. Don’t take them too seriously. They’re all bark, no bite.” 

“Mean, Takashi,” Lance says, pouting, while Katie throws herself at me.

“It was nice to see you doing so well, Shiro. Drive safe.”

“Always do.” 

I wave at my friends and settle behind the wheel, feeling a stab of envy that they can all grab lunch together, going over the callback and sharing gossip, having fun, while I head back home, toward the low-key disappointment Adam directs my way most of the time these days.

That’s not fair. He’s just exhausted from caring for me during my recovery, which took a toll on both of us. Things will improve now. They have to.

But as I drive away, the road unspooling in front of me like a silver ribbon, I’m not sure I believe that. Instead, my memory reminds me of how wonderful it felt to be a part of a team again during the callback, even if the team is miles apart from a military unit. And yet. As we acted out the scenes, I no longer felt discarded and broken. Chipped, maybe, but not completely shattered, especially when Keith’s eyes caught mine and a slow, lazy smile unfurled on his lip. 

Shaking my head at my foolishness, I banish the memory, but the warmth in my chest it conjured lingers all the way back home.

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