Star Wars A Galaxy reborn

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

After talking with the 5 of them some more, Alexander had sent them down to the planet to gather people who would support them for a better life for the O'reenian people.

Alexander had even promised that any O'reenian who fights against the Magnus will be given immediate citizenship and receive a reward.

Naturally, all planet's he conquers the population's will become citizen's of the Terran Ascendancy, but they must earn it first by working hard and proving their Loyalty.

Back on the planet, the majority of the planet was mostly in control of the Ascendency (I'm going to just start calling it the Ascendency instead of the whole name to shorten it) with exception to a few location's which proved hard to take but after conquering a few areas which freed up some droids Alexander had gathered his forces into three separate location's.

From those location's they will commence a coordinated attack on the Capital of the planet, 'Fort Maximus' which was a strategic location for the defending O'reenian military.

And they needed to hurry since they O'reenian's are also gathering their soldier's to prepare and defend Fort Maximus. Alexander had already ordered Fighter's to go and intercept them while the three armies commence their attack.

At Fort Maximus, the O'reenian soldiers were standing on top the walls of the city, waiting for the enemy to start attacking. Inside the city were the last remaining fighter's of the O'reenian military. The Pilots were resting since they have been fighting for hours now, and they need a break, or else they were going to collapse.

But when do they ever get what they want, as the Alarms started ringing and their commander started ordering them to get to their fighter's.

As they ran outside, they saw 3 Massive Capital ships above the sky with Fighter's flying out of the Hanger. And as they were running to get into the cockpits of their fighter's they saw gunships that were escorting transport's landing all around the city.

By this time they had already climbed into their fighter's and were about to take off in the direction of the Ascendency fighter's. But suddenly, bomber's from the Ascendency Capital ship had started bombing the hanger, destroying some of the O'reenian fighter's and killing the pilot's.

The commander ordered them to forget about their comrades and go fight the enemy. They were hesitant at first, but nobody wanted to be punished for not obeying order's, so they took off, leaving behind their comrades.

But as soon as they exited the Hanger, they were shot down by a group of Gunships, which landed right in front of the Hanger. The doors of the gunship's opened as the Sentinel droids started shooting inside the Hanger.

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The remaining soldier's in the Hanger started exchanging fire with the Sentinel droid's, but there were too many of them, and they were being overwhelmed.

After about half an hour of fighting, the Hanger was successfully taken by the droid's as the O'reenian's inside were either dead or unconscious.

One O'reenian who was still alive and conscious was listening to the droid's who were talking

"Hanger #4 has been secured, moving on to secondary target" Said one of the droids

"Good, squads 1-7 are engaging the enemy in section 2 of the city and should be done within a couple of minutes and will meet you at coordinates 17732-713 to assault an enemy stronghold" It was the Droid commander that was speaking

The O'reenian had crawled to a blaster that was near him and grabbed it. He aimed it at the Droid and pulled the trigger. The Blaster shot flew toward's the droid and hit it right in its chest area, but a blue looking force field had appeared and absorbed the blaster shot.

The Droid walked over to the O'reenian and stepped on his hand, causing him to scream in pain. Then the droid aimed its rifle at the Screaming O'reenian and killed him.

After the O'reenian was dead, the droid contacted the Main Command "reporting one more O'reenian soldier KIA"

"Affirmative unit 11134 proceed to secondary objective"

"Roger that" Said the droid as it left, followed by the other droid's and boarded the gunship outside. The Gunship took off and proceeded to another location in the city.

Meanwhile, Alexander was on his ship looking at the number of O'reenian's that were being killed in this war. The numbers were going up every second that went by, as the current count was 837,674.

This number didn't faze him at all, since he was sure that in the future, more people would be killed in wars than the number that he is looking at now.

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