Star Wars: The Deprived Sith

Chapter 1: The Broken Boy

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His fist comes at my face in full force once again.

It hits me with a loud sound, and I fall to the floor.

This is the 4th time today. I don’t see the meaning in it, but I guess he does.

I think this is better than the knives at least. They take a long time to heal and are bothersome to move around with.

I think he is angry again. I don’t really know, but I will just stay here.

“You fucking slave! why don’t you react anymore!?”

He screams at me as he is panting for air.

I don’t understand what I should do, so I will just stay quiet and lay here.

“F-fucking hutt-spawn!”

He yells as he delivers another kick to my face, as the blood starts flowing down my face.

He looks at my bloodied face with a strange smile and turns around, walking towards the door.

He has short black hair with an unkept beard and wrinkles on his face. He should be pretty old, I think.

It shuts with a bang and it’s only me again in this cold, dark room.

I guess it’s time to check the marks from yesterday.

I look down and see my almost naked, malnourished body full of scars and dried blood.

The only thing covering me is a cloth over my middle regions for some reason.

I tried to remove it a long time ago, but when they came in that day, they kept going for hours.

So It’s probably better to just let it be.

When ma’am comes in with the knife, it takes a lot longer for the flesh to close.

I have a few open wounds on my chest and thighs that I can see.

I know I have a tone more on my back as that is the usual spot, but I can’t reach them, so I just let them be.

I guess I will just close my eyes and I will wake up once it’s time again.


I woke up when a sharp object was slashed across my entire chest.

I opened my eyes and saw ma’am standing there gritting her teeth.

She was an older woman with neck length brown hair and brown eyes.

Then I looked down and saw a long, deep red mark going from my left shoulder to my right hip.

Soon, the blood flows down my body en masse.

The floor quickly turns red from the gray brown sand color.

I look up at her and she looks shakingly at my chest before she turns around and starts screaming.

“Mallan! Help! We need to dump him!”

After a few seconds, Sir comes in and looks around.

His eyes stop at me with widened eyes, then move to Ma’am with an incredulous look.

So his name is Mallan. I have never heard that name before. Do I have a name?

I look up at them and ask what popped up in my mind.

“Do I have a name?”

They both turn to me and freeze.

After the shock is over, Mallan runs up to me with a metal stick in his hand and swings it at full force at my head.

It connects with the right side of my head with a loud sound and everything goes black.

3rd person POV

The couple looks at the teenager slumped on the floor in a pool of blood.

A strange thing is that his wound has stopped bleeding and is closing at a such speed that it is visible to them both.

They look at each other, and the woman is the first one to speak.

“We need to get rid of him before we get involved with the Sith Empire.”

She says while biting her nails.

Mallan stays quiet and just nods at her words.

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“Leave this to me. I know some people who can get rid of him before anyone realizes.”

Right after saying those words, he sprinted towards the exit of the room at full speed.

He arrived in a well lit, luxurious room with various paintings and tons of boxes.

At full speed, he rummages through one of them and picks up a small item.

It was a comlink, a tool used for communication.

He clicks it, and a loud, brief sound plays before Mallan speaks.

“Hey, I need help to dispose of someone!”

He said in a slightly panicked tone.

For some time, the comlink was completely quiet until a creepy voice came through.

“Kekeke, what is it that the mighty Mallan the scummy would want from a small pirate like me?”

It voiced in a sarcastic tone filled with amusement.

Mallan gritted his teeth and took a second to calm himself.

“I need you to get rid of a kid with possible force powers.”

the other side of the comlink went awfully quiet after hearing that.

“That’s no good Mallan… Like seriously no good.”

Was all that it said in a neutral voice.

Mallan’s eyes went bloodshot and his anger went over the top.

“Do you think I don’t fucking know that! Thats why I’m contacting you, you fucking idiot!”

It was a serious offense to have a force sensitive hidden from the Sith Empire, moreover now that the galactic war as people are calling it has started.

“Fuck it, I will fix it if you pay 10 times more than the usual, and I want a ship of planet.”

After he finished those words, he disconnected.

Mallan stood there, his face going through a ton of emotions.

First, it was anger, anger at the high price, but also anger at the situation he found himself in.

Then came resignation. He understands why this has to happen and that it has happened.

After that was neutrality with a mix of irritation.

Mallan used the holonet to transfer the credits to the man he contacted.


After around 30 minutes, 3 people show up outside the residence on BH-7X Custom Hunter speeder bikes.

They all had a brown hood with only a skull mask visible.

A big blaster rifle was also strapped to their back.

Only one of them walked towards the entrance where Mallan and the woman stood.

After a couple of heavy steps, he stopped arm’s length away from them.

"Good looking, as always, I see."

The woman frowns at his remarks and scolds him.

"Shut up and do your work, pirate!"

The pirate is not faced in the slightest and just laughs quickly before speaking again.

"Well then, bring it here and we will fix it."

Mallan runs back into the building, and after a few seconds comes back out with a big blood stained bag over his shoulder and hands it to the pirate.

He opens the bag to inspect the inside, then closes it and looks up at the couple.

"Your little hobby sure looks fun."

He said with clear disgust in his voice, then walks towards the speed bikes and placed the bag on the back of his speeder.

The pirates started the speeders and took off through the streets of the city.



Hiya, author here. Just wanted to tell anyone some things, if someone is even reading this...
Well let's begin with the easy and quick to understand things.
This is AU, simple right? for those who don't know what that is it means "Alternate Universe" So not all things will go acording to the original.
Then a important thing to note down is that I am not a genius, I don't know absolutely everything about star wars, even harder when I'm writing about the old republic and all that. I know most, and a lot, but absolutely not all, some things may not be according to the exact history and knowledge.
Yeah that's about it. Oh, right, one more thing. I am not a native english speaker, BUT I can confidently say I'm almost fluent. I am also using a grammar editor even though I might not necessairly need it. But I am in no way perfect, so I make wrongs.
Lastly, please do give me feedback.

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