Star Wars: The Way of the Grey

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter

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The prologue of the story can be found in the description of the series. It describes the origin of the main character. (Author's note.)


One day later in the living quarters of my somewhat reconstructed sith temple. I was sitting on an oversized armchair, in a quite depressed mood. My partially opened eyes were looking at a spot on the ceiling. There was nothing interesting there and that was the point.

After the ritual, my mind was overwhelmed with information. Memories old and new were jumping around in a hazy storm that reminded me of the cruel sandstorm on Korriban. There was one instinct or thought that came back again, and again, and again... That was to leave this place as soon as possible; it was too painful to be here. Every master's master died in this place, every memory that I inherited urged me to run away, to leave. The thought of death and solitude lingered in these old corridors. It was a heavy feeling that I never felt before the ritual. I tried to make myself look at the things that I liked here, with the childish thoughts I had before, it didn’t work. Every item and every corner here brought back memories, memories I didn’t have before. Every item here had a story and in most cases many stories. It was a museum created from the items of the masters, in other words, the members of my family. Yes, many masters thought about their apprentice as their child, or at least their family. In many cases, the masters spoke out loud or in their minds addressing the future holders of their memories this way effectively speaking through time and space.

Note to me, don’t do this type of communication in the company of others, especially not out loud or I will be condemned as a crazy individual. My face suddenly turned red, and I felt an unnatural embarrassment assaulting me out of nowhere...

- Oh no, master Ari, that crazy Cerean was locked up once for half a month because of this exact reason...

Oh, force help me... I would say that I have second-hand embarrassment, but taking into consideration, how the ritual made me act it is probably first-hand embarrassment... The only silver lining is that it happened hundreds of years ago.

I forcefully shake my head to make the memories disappear... This whole situation began to look like a bad joke. Anyway, back to the topic, I wanted to leave this place for the foreseeable future, and wander around the galaxy to my heart content. What I really wanted was to go to places where the older memories originated, and look at the things I find there, match them with my memories, and find out how much changed. For the better or the worst, also I wanted to go and add new places to the archive that was, how most of the masters called our shared memories. An archive, that was always at hand and completely safe from thieves. Well, it was always at risk from eradication too, in case I die randomly. Even the thought made me cringe; I could not bear it... I can’t be the one responsible for the loss of our archive... Well, that was the reason why, many masters were afraid of going out and living a more safe and secluded life, in one of our many secret bases spread out all over the galaxy, and that living style lead to the stagnation of the archive’s information quality. I mean if you only watch the net, you can’t really learn quality information and how do you recognize what is true and what is false or simply a lie. So I will not do something that stupid...

- I will go out and live my life as I want to. If I die, no one will get the memories and therefore no one could curse me for my stupidity later, heh!

There was a powerful shift in the force behind me; it was so sudden and unexpected that I instinctively rolled out of my seat creating a high-pitched girlish squeak on the way.

I even head-bumped a table near my chair... ouch. I was very disoriented and confused, the ritual effects lessened somewhat, but the memory overload of the brain is still there. While my thoughts were all over the place a craggy voice resounded in the room.

- Such impudence, to risk your ancient’s memories in such a blatant way. This stupid behavior led to the destruction of more than one line of memories in the past. I will not stand aside and watch as my own legacy disappears in the dust of time.

My confusion somewhat cleared from the sudden scare, and head injury, I looked up to the towering ghostly figure standing before me. The moment my gaze fell on the familiar mask, I instinctively gulped with newfound fear. With my childish weak voice trembling I could only voice out a name...

- Re-Revan...

- It is Darth Revan for you.

He was standing before me, looking down at my trembling figure, I felt his scrutiny, he was piercing me with his sharp eyes when his anger spiked seeing my obviously scared form, his eyes glinted with malice and a terrifying golden hue. He was once a true Darth lord, the influence of channeling the dark side without reservation always leaves behind a deep scar on one’s body. That never heals entirely. In my memories I knew, that I had nothing to fear, since a force ghost, has a very limited arsenal to influence the physical world. Therefore even one as powerful as Revans could not hurt someone with as much knowledge of the force as me. Yet the legends and memories I had gained after the ritual built upon each other made Revan look like a godly all-knowing and all-powerful entity. Those memories and my general confusion clouded my judgment, and I was scared witless by his sudden appearance. It didn't really help, that I actually had his memories, and so I knew most of those legends were actually true if a bit exaggerated. 

- Ma-master Revan I didn’t mean it that way. I just wanted to... to explore and extend our common knowledge of the galaxy and...

- Silence!

- Squeak!

- Stop creating those utterly embarrassing sounds! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself! You have more than five thousand years of memories, how can you still act like a child!

- B-but, I am a child, my body is a child at least! I can’t control it; they are my body’s natural habits. They are instinctive!

- By the force! I should have made it into a dogma to not give our memories to children. I thought that the memories will have enough power to overwrite the general stupidity of a careless child!

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- Excuse me!? Am I the stupid one now? I don’t know about that, at least I had enough guts to show my face without a stupid mask, Mr. big nose!

I immediately regretted saying those words, I wanted to apologize, but the threatening silence that engulfed the room made those words stuck in my throat... In the and the haughtiness of my childish self won over logic and it decided to pour more oil on the already burning fire.

- Anyway, what could you do about it? You are just a force ghost after all, humph!

There was a dangerous spike of anger, and a cloud of malice and hate began to fill the room. My confidence also started to waver as I watched the sadistically cringing eyes of Revan, I could only see his eyes, his big nose was miraculously out of sight. My lips curved to a smirk as I imagined his giant nose under the mask. He quickly realized the cause of my smirk, it was not that hard really, since I was stupidly staring at the place where his nose should be. Suddenly I had a bad premonition, I looked up into his eyes, and they were already turned into glowing golden rings. When he saw that my attention was back on him, he voiced out a few lines of words practically dripping with malice.

- I may be a force spirit, but you had forgotten who exactly built this sith temple in the first place. Activate unit HK-47!

The smirk from my face immediately disappeared hearing that dreadful activating code... My face turned from its natural light grey color into an almost white shade. A few seconds later I was able to hear the first heavy robotic steppes closing on our location. Revan was looking at my terrified face seemingly enjoying and most likely siphoning my suffering and fear. At last, the air pressure door lock opened on the farthest door, as a copper-colored, at least two meters high fully armored droid walked into the room with an arsenal of different weapons. Many of those weapons were long forgotten, used by bounty hunters to capture or kill force sensitive’s under the Mandalorian wars and even before those... Yet the biggest problem was the droid itself, an assassin droid, created by Revan himself, and I was currently in the body of a thirteen-year-old child, without the muscle or stamina that needed to challenge such foe, my body was far from its ideal condition and well, my current bodies midi-chlorian number was only a bit above average... Those numbers are not really important they are only crude estimations of one’s raw force power. With enough knowledge and control over the force, I can achieve almost anything so those numbers will be more than enough... The only problem is that I am a somewhat clumsy child right now. My body could not withstand the pressure of channeling that much force either. Don’t get me wrong, for a child, I am well built, but looking at it from an adult's perspective, well you see... I couldn’t find a way to deactivate that droid, not even talking about destroying it, especially without a long-range weapon. While the droid came closer, I looked back to Revan with the legendary round pleading eyes of a child, on the verge of crying. The bastard only smirked, then said with glee.

- Kneel!

- What?

- (Observation, curious, hopeful) Master Revan, is this the meatbag I have to clean out?

- Kneel.

- ...kay...

- (Observation, disappointment, realization) Ah, so it was just another slave of masters. One more meatbag to endure. What a pity.

- It is indeed, HK, you have a new order; from now on you will guard this pitiful excuse of a meatbag with your current body. She will soon start her adventure around the galaxy, and I need you to watch over her if she acts stupid or reckless endangering my legacy... In that case, I order you to stop her stupidity with force, and save my memories, they are unfortunately in her mind right now.

- (Astonished, frustrated) Can’t you just create a safe copy of your memories then eliminate her?

- No, it doesn’t work that way, unfortunately.

- (Frustrated, resignation) I understand master, it never ceases to amuse me, the inconvenience of meatbags. Droids are much more sophisticated, I have hundreds of copies of my memories. My superiority is obvious.

The droid came over to my silent kneeling form on the ground it picked me up with one hand and started to walk out of the room while constantly insulting me in many different ways. With another force pulse, I sensed as Revan’s force spirit left at least for now.

- Damn, me and my big mouth...

- (Observation, relived) Oh, it speaks.

- ...

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