Star Wars: The Way of the Grey

Chapter 24: 24. Chapter

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After I lost consciousness, I was consumed by complete darkness. I didn't know how much time went by since I was in this condition. However, it changed, I heard voices, and sometimes I saw pictures, only for a few seconds; then darkness replaced them again. This continued for a while too. Soon after, it changed again, now I was able to hear more of the sounds and voices; and I felt an unfamiliar presence picking up my body, then taking me somewhere. Whoever it was, he or she clearly tried to be careful; but was overly clumsy in the process of taking care of someone injured. Soon after this realization, darkness claimed me once again. 

I had no idea, how much time passed by me losing consciousness on the venator, and waking up in an unfamiliar bed in a shady room. I opened my eyes, and looked up to the roof, which was full with spiderwebs, and if I am not wrong there were more than a few blaster burn marks visible on it. The room itself was very badly maintained; there was trash everywhere and empty beer and wine bottles covered with years of dust and dirt. Wow, what the hell could have happened to me while I was out. 

I slowly sat up on the bed, my body still felt unnaturally heavy, but I was clearly much better than I would be without that darkside siphon I leached onto that crazy witch... I could sense that she was not close anymore, and the leach spell was also broken in the end, no matter it did its job...

I looked over at my battered body. I was provided with some basic first aid, and my heavy armor was removed, which left me with the very basic standard clothes under it. That meant gray long sleeves and simple brown pants with socks. I felt that my torso, was bandaged. My left shoulder was also heavily bandaged just like my right leg. Oh, my lekks were also bandaged, at the place where my ripped off helmet cut into them. Whoever did this, even if he or she was sloppy, I will honestly thank them since they tried to help me as best as they could. I felt genuinely thankful towards my saviors. It was clear that in one way or another, I managed to escape a doom scenario. If that sith assassin, and she was clearly a sith assassin, since I couldn't feel her presence to the very last moment. It is true that I was seriously injured... but my force awareness is something I am very proud of. I believe that I could still sense a powerful hostile presence when I am on the brink of death. The only exception, is if she was superbly trained in hiding her or his force presence, and also skilled in sneaking around in the more general ways. There was no reason to hide your force presence, if you couldn't hide your physical body in some ways as an assassin. 

The other proof was the fact, that she wasn't really trained in the force... The sith, never gave away more knowledge than it was entirely necessary. They never trained someone, they clearly thought of as a simple pawn in their hands to use the force, in any refined way. That woman, she was powerful in the force, it's true. But she clearly lacked knowledge, didn't even realize my force siphon, couldn't react to my lightning attack, and her attempts at using the force, were butchered, and crude beyond measure. They were good enough, against normal padawans, even against weaker knights. Yet, they would crumble against anyone, who had a good foundation and stable knowledge of the force. 

Her two lightsabers, means, that she is also well trained in the art of lightsaber combat, since any type of Jar'Kai was a sign of a fool or a master duellist. All of this information, led to the conclusion that she was a sith assassin. I guess, breaking the barrier around the jedi order, painted another, much more deadly target on my back... I kind of expected this, to be honest, but this reaction time was off. How would the sith lord, learn who exactly caused the destruction of its barrier so soon... Did I fail to hide myself from it in that meditation? No, if he would reveal my presence, I would feel his or hers, too! I am a great sensor after all, and I didn't succeed in this. Hmmm... Could it be? It must have spies in the jedi order, or some kind of way to get information directly from them. 

My line of thoughts were broken as the door, to my room opened, and a widely smiling Weequay with a long red rain coat walked into it. I looked at him, giving him a weak but thankful smile, as it was clear to me, that this man helped me out in a great deal. I was sitting in bed but still bowed my head towards him, giving my most respectful thanks. 

 - I thank you from the depths of my hearth, I don't know how, but I can sense that you saved my life, from a great deal of suffering. I am honestly grateful for that. 

There was an awkward silence following my sentence. The man seemed to be taken aback by this scenario, and he was looking at me with slightly bulged eyes, that were partly hidden by the pilot glasses that he was wearing over them. There were a few smirks and weak laughter coming from behind him. I only realized that there were another two, people standing in the door. One of them was a Weequay woman, while the other one was also a Weequay but a young man. 

The raincoat wearing one, placed his hands on his hips, and began to laugh out load without any reservation, the others followed suit, as if they were already waiting for this to happen. Then he suddenly stopped his laughter, and stepped forward into the weak light that was provided by a repetitively blinking light-bulb that was long due for a change of power cell. He also bowed towards me in an awkwardly ceremonious way while saying this. 

- Hondo Ohnaka, at your service little miss. - Then, after his bow, he immediately dropped this courtly act and fell into a just as natural, overly relaxed one. Yet, I could see in his eyes, that he was everything but relaxed at the moment. He was constantly watching my slightest moves, and even face mimics. This man was an experienced battle-hardened veteran, and that was clear to me, and my respect only grew. He reminded me of the Mandalorians, who fought against Revan. They were people who weren't afraid of anything. Even if this man turns out to be my enemy, I will respect his level of awareness and take him seriously from the start. 

He was looking at me with a raised brow, oh, I should give him my name, too! 

- My name is Nizzal Grey. Greetings to you, sir. 

There was a whistle coming from the corridor. 

- Bah! - He shouted, suddenly turning around and forcefully shutting the door in the other man's face. Before the door closed from the momentum, I heard a shout of surprise and most likely pain. I guess he headbutted the door. Note to myself, shouldn't irritate him too much... Maybe just to see where his breaking point is... I shook my head, that can be arranged later. He turned back towards me with a natural smile, as if nothing unusual had happened. 

- Now, that the nuisance is taken care of, tell me, little girl, how much credit can your parents pay for your safe return? 

I blinked... Wait, what? Okay, that wasn't what I was expecting, to be honest...

- What do y-you mean? 

- Well, you see, we are pirates, in case you didn't notice. There was a great space battle between a few separatist and republic ships, in our current looting territory. We were searching for something useful in the left-behind wreckage when we found an escape cabin with two unconscious females in it. 

Oh, the other one must be that same assassin. It's good to see that my force siphon got to her. 

- Then, after we as good and honest pirates used to do, helped you from the pure goodness of our hearts. - While he was telling me this fantastic story, the door opened slightly and the other two pirates began snickering, while looking at his clearly exaggerated facade. Suddenly he looked back, with narrowed eyes, as the door, shut itself this time on its own. 

- Sorry about that. - He said, not even sparing a shrug, then continued with the same zeal. 

- But, then, our honestly caring nature was paid back with sorrow. As one of the females, woke up, and horribly killed some of my closest friends. They were so close to me... I could even kill for them, without a second thought. The worst of all, that damn bitch just ran away, not even letting me to kill her in return. Who will pay remuneration for my lost man and woman? This is my question to you, little girl, so how much money could your parents pay?

I looked at the floor, feeling kind of uncomfortable, that damn droid stole my money. The jedi didn't pay me at all. They instead simply provided what I needed, and that didn't include money... At least not yet, and I could not lead them back to one of our bases, to take out some money, that would be too stupid, and it would risk actual exile from my order... The fact is, that I am broke, and have nothing on me currently... I kind of felt bad for myself... 

There was an awkward silence stretching over the room. I finally decided to answer... 

- I... don't have parents. I never knew them... I was left behind and lived on the streets of Ryloth, until someone took me in... 

- I am sorry, for that, but maybe this particular someone could pay for your freedom?

- He, died a few weeks ago... 

There was another heavy silence in the room. The other pirates who since then began to spy on the conversation again looked unusually solemn... 

- Oh, and I am sorry, but I don't have money. It was already stolen from me... with my ship... That woman you mentioned, tried to kidnap me too... She was a well-trained sith assassin and caught me off guard.

Hondo looked at me with thoughtful eyes... 

- Sith assassin? Are you sure about that? 

- Yes. 

- How could you be so sure of this? It's not like sith were something you run into everyday. 

- I fought with her, and lost because of my injuries. I can't really describe it, but I am sure that she is a sith assassin. 

- Hmmm... Are you one of those jedi padawans then? 

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- Not exactly, I am from a third, much smaller sect, actually, but I worked with them... I had no choice.

He raised his other brow next to the already raised one. 

- How come? 

- Well, one of them attacked me, and I... Well, I guess I almost killed him... and then they told me, that I have to work in the army for five years, or work in a mine for twenty years, if I remember correctly... 

There was another wave of surprise, but this time it was clearly caused by shock. 

- How far... The mighty Jedi has fallen. - Said Hondo, while he was shaking his head dejectedly. - I am a pirate captain, but even I am not heartless enough to send a young baby girl into a cruel galactic war. Well, at least not against her will. Do you want to go back to them? Maybe they can pay a ransom for you. - He asked, and that really surprised me.

- Well, I have made a friend, but I don't really want to go back right now? Do you allow me to think about it for a while?

- Feel free, but until you decide to go back or not go back, you will have to work with us as an honourable member of our crew... And if you chose to stay, you will have to pay back the price of your life, and my lost man's life in credit to us. I can already think of a few ways to use your force abilities, maybe it is time to visit the hutts casinos... Hehehe... Now rest girl, these two will help you out if you need something... The girl is called Claire, while the nosy one is Jack. Oh, they were also kicked out by their parents when they were young; only the one who took them in, was me. Hah! I am such a good Samaritan, I sometimes even surprise myself with myself. Well, that sounded better in my mind, actually... He kicked open the rusty door, then walked out of it, leaving behind me and the two guys who fell on their assess because the kicked out door hit them. 

Hondo barked at them while walking away.

- Take care of our new guest! She is clearly a respectable child, so treat her in the same manner! 

- Yes, boss... - Said the other two with varied enthusiasm. 

I was still sitting on the bad, and blinking profoundly... I looked up at Claire, who was pushed into the room, by Jack, who closed the door behind her... 

I looked up at her. She couldn't be much older than me; I was not proficient in estimating Weequays current age. Now, as she was standing much closer, I could take a better guess... Maybe she was about sixteen or seventeen at best. She looked embarrassed and kind of excited, too. She couldn't help herself and finally asked. 

- Those the force really exist and can you use it? - She asked this with an embarrassed, childlike curiosity glinting in her eyes. 

It was not that rare of a reaction, really; with the exception of Coruscant; there were not many worlds, who had a constant presence of large numbers of force users. To most people, Jedi were like some mysterious radical sect. For others, they were great warriors, but in most cases, people didn't really see a jedi in real life, ever, only through the media, news portals or in holo videos. With today's technology you can make anything look like reality in a video. Therefore, the general public although, acknowledged the jedi because of their very real and existing political influence. Most of them held a certain scepticism against their mysterious powers and foresight. The force was a truly enigmatic thing, that was a constant source of mystery, even for its wielders. I couldn't really fathom what normal people could think of it. 

I smiled at the young woman. 

- It exists, Claire. If you allow me, I can show it to you. 

She nodded without hesitation. I closed my eyes, and reached out with the force. There were many things in the room, lying about, but I chose the empty bottles to show her a little harmless trick. I raised up about fifty of those bottles around us in the air, slowly circling around, the both of us. 

Soon, I heard a surprised intake of air. I opened my eyes slightly and looked at the girl, who was also raised up in the air with the bottles. She was looking around while smiling innocently.

The door suddenly opened, as Hondo walked in with great momentum. 

- Oh, and I forgot to say... SWEET MAMMA! Claire, you are flying. Jack you damn bastard, what did you put in my drink now? 

- Nothing this time boss, I can see it too. 

Hondo, suddenly kicked out Jack's legs from under him, who fell on his ass generating a load noise. 

- So you were the bastard who drugged me with some crazy shit last time! I would beat you green and blue, but it wouldn't solve anything. Damn bastard, next time you should try to steal my money on the way... Stupid amateur. 

Hondo looked at me, then said. 

- Put down those empty bottles girl. I want to change them back for credits, but I have to go back to Tatooine for that, and I keep postponing the trip, since it is damn hot there and uncomfortable. 

I nodded, to him, and placed down the bottles in an orderly manner, while I also put down Claire. She seemed really happy at this moment. 

- So the stories about the existence of the force were true - said Hondo, in a thoughtful manner - I think, that those unbelievable examples were most likely true too, like reflecting blaster shots, and so on. Am I right? 

- Well, most of them, I guess. The force itself is endlessly powerful, but that power is limited by the user's body and mind. Therefore, the race of someone, and the age  and skill of them all of this accounts for one's power in the end.

- Then, I have a proposition for you so listen well. You will help me to solve a certain problem of mine, and I will take you into my little pirate gang as a full fledged member. I will tell you a few contact locations, and we will hide you wherever you need a safe place. You will also, have a share of this job's profit, and any future jobs that we may do together. Don't get me wrong, but you are clearly in the need of some quick cash, and this way, we can rid the world from some annoying bastards, while also making good money, and I am even willing to forget about your debt.

- Well, but I don't want to kill innocent people, nor rob them... 

- Such a sweet little angel, there is no need to worry, these ones are definitely not innocent. I myself have a debt to pay off to them, and I think you would also be interested in this endeavor. 

- Lets hear it then. 

- I knew that I had a good feeling about you. So everything will work out like this... 

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