Starfinder: Guardian of Vesta

Chapter 46: Chapter 45: Unnecessary Friction

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Annette wasn’t kidding when she said she would take care of everything. The first thing that needed to be done was to officially file the paperwork for the declaration but Annette told them she’d take care of the particulars and just have them sign off when ready.

It was hard to tell who was more excited about their acceptance—Annette or Ellie. Even though it was Ellie’s life on the line, Annette seemed to be thrilled by the prospect of two more friendly faces on the council, anything to help her outvote Belladonna and Cassara.

“Do you think we’re doing the right thing?” asked Jenna once they were back home. “I only agreed to it because you did but is this really the best thing to do?”

Alex sat down on the edge of their bed and kicked his shoes off. “Why did you accept if you still have questions?”

Jenna shrugged and let out a guilty smile. He needed no further explanation than that.

Alex stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I appreciate your vote of confidence greatly, but you don’t always have to do something just because I did. I’m not that kind of man. You don’t need to think like I do or share the same beliefs or anything like that.”

“I know that, Alex. It’s just . . . hard for me. How do I explain it?” Jenna was quiet for a moment as she found the right words. “It’s just that I’m used to being attached to someone where I literally felt like just an extension of them. Not allowed my own opinions or thoughts. It’s a hard habit to break.”

“I’m not him, Jenna,” he whispered. “I know there’s baggage there but that’s not me.”

“Believe me, I know. It just takes some getting used to.” Jenna smiled at him shyly. “It doesn’t help that the more I see of you, the more I realize you know what you’re talking about. You have a lot of experience, Alex.”

“So what you’re saying is I’m old,” he teased.

“Maybe a little.” Jenna leaned in closer and kissed him tenderly. “But I’m liking every second of it.”

“Well as long as you’re happy.”

“Oh, I am. If I’m not, you’ll know it.”

“Good to know.”

“Looks like I’m not the only one that’s a little happy.”

Jenna’s hands moved to his tented pants and she started to rub at the bulge softly.

“I can take care of this,” she whispered.

“I like the way you take care of it.”

She grinned at him wickedly. “Lean back and take your pants off.”

Fifteen minutes and one hand job later, they crawled into bed. It was already late and they were both tired, which meant that it didn’t take long for Jenna’s breathing to slow as she drifted to sleep. Right before Alex could go, he heard his P-com go off with a new notification. He shifted to grab the device from the bedside table.

Jenna groaned at the loss of contact as he read the message. “Who is it?”

“My new boss,” answered Alex. “Looks like I start my first command tomorrow morning.”


“Well, it didn’t take us long to get integrated into Vesta, did it?”
Alex shook his head to answer Rick’s question. It was already early morning, and both men were part of a small convoy that was making its way to the mining biosphere. The convoy contained two groups of ten VDF soldiers, alongside two lieutenants. Rick was one of the latest soldiers, having been given his commission the day before yesterday.

“And now here we are going out to this godforsaken mining hole,” mumbled Alex.

Rick elbowed him in the side. “You already sound like one of the native Vestans. The novelty starting to wear off on you?”

“Wait until you see it,” warned Alex. “It’s no wonder they lose so many men. They’re sitting ducks up there by the mines.”
“Gee, Alex, you’re really giving me the warm and fuzzies about this place.”

“I thought you ought to know. Just watch your back when you’re up there, okay? And keep an eye out while we’re moving. Dawn is one of the worst times for attacks from what they told me.”

Rick made sure his pulse rifle was set for automatic fire. “It’s still better than prison, Alex. Even if we only last a few weeks here.”

That actually made Alex chuckle. “Ever the optimist, eh?”

“When you’ve got a girl like Nikki warming your bed at night, then yes. How about you? Making much progress with Jenna?”

Alex’s head bobbed from side to side. “She’s thawing. Let’s just keep it at that.”

Rick elbowed him in the chest. “Come on, man, you have to give me more details than that!”

Alex smirked at him. “I don’t have to give you shit.”

“It’s all right if you don’t say anything,” said Rick. “But blink twice if she’s been sucking your trouser snake.”

Alex couldn’t hold a laugh in. “Trouser snake, eh? Haven’t heard that term in a while.”

“I thought it was appropriate. Anyway, I’m glad to see you like this. You needed it, desperately. I’m not going to say anything more about it, especially not about my sister. But this is good for you. This place might be a little crazy but it’s good for you.”

Alex only nodded to that and didn’t say anything further. Rick had a point after all. Jenna was a breath of fresh air and she was probably the person he needed most in his life.

She was the only way he’d be able to come to terms with the failures of the past.

The fact that she had troubles of her own highlighted the fact that neither of them were perfect. But maybe they could be just what each other needed?

The thought put Alex in a good mood as the rover convoy arrived at the mining biosphere just as the sun was lifting off the horizon. Unfortunately, his good mood wouldn’t last for very long. It all started when he was due to meet the two lieutenants on duty at the mining biosphere that day. There were only five lieutenants in total in the VDF and technically, Alex outranked them all. Each of the lieutenants oversaw a team of ten men so that made it crucial that Alex develop a good working relationship with them.

And unfortunately, he didn’t get off on the right foot with either of them.

Alex found them waiting in the main administrative office for the VDF in the mining biosphere, a cramped space that had one too many open bottles of alcohol nearby (Alex suspected this was where Commander Rooney spent too much of his time).

Both men were sitting when Alex entered but they stood up to attention once they saw him. The badges on their chest identified them as Lt. Rob Decklan and Lt. Hans Mueller.

Right away, Alex could tell that Hans was going to be trouble. He had the kind of look on his face that told Alex that he thought their roles should be reversed, and that Hans should be the captain. He was about thirty in age and he wore a thick mustache that just so happened to draw attention to his nose, which was about two sizes too big for his face.

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Rob was more of the quiet sort. There was nothing remarkable about his looks, but Alex saw that he gave constant looks over to Hans, which Alex interpreted as looking for direction. It also appeared that Rob was just a little younger than Hans, possibly in his late twenties.

“Captain Hawthorne, sir, we’re ready for your orders,” said Hans, taking great pains to emphasize the captain part. After that point, introductions were made all around, and Alex shook hands with each man.

“At ease, men,” he said, taking a seat. Alex found that both Hans and Rob didn’t take their seats, and they continued to look down on him, making things more uncomfortable.

“We might as well start with the elephant in the room,” said Alex. “I was made captain only yesterday by Commander Rooney. I’m very aware that I’m still a newcomer to Vesta and that men like yourselves have been here for a long time.”

“Twenty years I’ve been on Vesta, sir,” added Hans. “And I’ve been a lieutenant for the last five years. I have a lot of experience doing this job.”

Alex nodded his head, understanding the hidden meaning.

I’ve been here twenty years and in the leadership for five. Who the fuck are you to think you’ll be giving commands to me?

“Like I said, I’m aware,” said Alex. “I’m also aware that I’m bringing a lot to the table as well. I fought for over fifteen years in the Orbital Wars back on Earth. I’ve seen my share of combat and I’ve lost a lot of friends along the way. But that experience has allowed me to sit here in front of you today.”

Neither man said a word to that, although Rob looked at Hans to see if he might, further reinforcing Alex’s suspicion.

“I’m going to need your help in understanding the operation here on Vesta,” continued Alex. “I’m going to be relying on both of you to get me up to speed. I can assure you that I’m a quick learner and that all I ask for is fairness. Show me fairness and competence with what you do and you’ll get the same in return. Do we have a deal?”

Again, neither man said anything right away but it was Hans who spoke up first after a few moments.

“We have a deal. All that we’d ask is that you remember that we have the experience here on Vesta. Vesta may not be perfect but we have a certain way of doing things around here. Ways that have served as well for a long time.”

“I’m very accepting of local customs but in my short time here, I’ve noticed there are quite a few things that will need to change,” replied Alex. “Hopefully, we can be united on what things need to stay the same and what things need to change.”

“Hopefully,” replied Hans. “Either way, we’re looking forward to working under you, sir.”

The sentence was said with so much sarcasm that Alex could easily read between the lines.

Eat shit and die, motherfucker.

Alex pursed his lips and nodded. “All right then, why don’t you two brief me on your intended patrols and positions today.”

For the next ten minutes, both men went over their standard operating procedure in regards to the defense of the mining biosphere. Hans and his men would operate the watchtowers, allocating three men per tower. The remaining four men would walk foot patrols and the base of the mining biosphere while still sticking within the inner bowl of the landscape.

It was here that Alex raised his first objection.

“Why don’t we have the patrols range further out?” he asked. “I’d like the men to climb into the higher terrain that surrounds the biosphere. That way, we can see any threats before they materialize on the lower plain.”

Hans shook his head vigorously. “Those aren’t my orders. We’re not allowed to go into the rocky foothills around the biosphere. Commander Rooney, and the Vestan Council, have mandated that we stay as close to the biosphere plain as possible.”

“That makes no tactical sense whatsoever,” replied Alex. “We need to occupy the high ground so that we can have visibility over any threats. Staying down here makes us sitting ducks.”

Hans crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I didn’t make the rules. I just follow them, Captain. If you have any disputes about that, feel free to register them with Commander Rooney.”

There it was again. Eat shit and die.

“You can be assured that I’ll do that,” said Alex before looking at Rob. “And your group? What are they doing?”

“Taking up positions within the biosphere itself. We’ll occupy the garage, the entrances to the mines as well supporting operations for Lt. Mueller’s team.”

“Fine,” said Alex. “Let’s make it happen. I’ll be making my rounds to make sure everything goes to my satisfaction.”

“Commander Rooney doesn’t do that,” interjected Hans. “He mostly just stays here in this office for most of his shift.”

“I’m not Commander Rooney, Lieutenant,” replied Alex firmly. “And I’m going to get to know the men under my command as well as make sure they are doing things correctly.”

Alex saw Hans clench his teeth but he didn’t make an outburst. Instead, he simply saluted.

“Understood, sir. We’ll get to work right now.”

So began one of the most frustrating mornings of Alex’s life. Hans, and Rob to a lesser degree, seemed to relish in objecting to everything that Alex pointed out, so much so that Alex started to lose his patience.

“I’m beginning to think this entire detail wants to be killed by bears,” said Alex around noon. “At least they think it’s preferable to listening to any advice I have to impart.”

“They’re proud men,” said Rick, who was taking his break in Alex’s office. “It’s going to take them some time to come around. I’m sure they want to work with you, just that they want to show that they have a good handle on things already.”

“Is that what they say when I’m not around?” asked Alex.

Rick gave him a guilty look. “Not exactly.”

“So what do they say?”

“It’s not worth repeating here. You just have to earn their loyalty a little more, Alex. It’ll come with time.”

“Time is the one thing we don’t have much of here,” grumbled Alex.

“We’ll make do with what we got.”

At that moment, Rick’s P-com began to go off. A hologram of Nikki appeared on the screen.

“What’s up, babe?” asked Rick.

Nikki’s face looked ashen. “I just heard the news. Serrano has officially declared his candidacy for the Vestan Council.”

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