Starford Praxidike

Chapter 1: Starford Praxidike

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A roar filled the Elesta district of Starford Aven capital city, a giant wall protecting the citizens of Starford falls, a giant furry monster, with a fiery breath and soul-burning eyes. Charges at the Elesta district Screams echo around alerting the shocked citizens to run to safety “Villalobos is attacking” said one of the citizens, another wall dropped a colossal human-like figure holding a substantial decayed tree thrashing the Northside of starford. Triggering Grimsbane underground giant lava worm to gush lava on the east side burning the citizen, one resident screams at the top of his lungs “Monsters are attacking all sides”  the onslaught on the citizens continued until the nearby adventures subdued the vicious monsters, which took all night. 


Out of the city in a forest where tall trees stretch out as if they’re pointing at heaven, a demi-human, half-human and half-demon female named Lucia Wolfknight skilled adventure who was sent on a mission to guard her childhood friend Nada Igrec a female royal high priest who was given a mission by the head priest of Aven Hall to the forest to pick up rare plants. “So these rare plants have a name,” said Lucia, picking wild blueberries on the field. “ Rosepine, it’s a dark green plant that is shaped like an apple it grows and glows in shadows and sometimes in the caves,” replied Nada casting a magic spell on the ground allowing her to allocate the roots of the rare plant. “Rosepine What does it do exactly. ” Lucia yelled on the other side of the forest, still eating the blueberries. Nada yelled back at Lucia “they can help with internal and external illness,” a teleportation magic ring appears in front of them, and a royal priest mage appears injured and dying, 


“Starford Aven is being attacked, by Villalobos, Clamalog, and Grimsbane,” said the priest before passing out, Nada cast a spell that stabilized the injured priest from the brink of death. Trying to cast a teleportation spell back to the city, “you go on ahead I’ll follow” said Nada using one hand on the priest and the other on the ground.    


The spell teleported her outside the city wall on the Southside, seeing injured people and deceased people. Seeing the injured merchant's child, reminded her of her little brother. “They came out of nowhere and started attacking the city, we didn’t even hear them,” said the royal captain, walking with her to the gate. 


Once a thriving city full of different cultures and races, now decimated, and people are injured everywhere she looks. Bodies covered in white cloths and houses fell down. Walking down the road to her house, seeing the businesses she used to buy food and material all collapsed. Seeing a crowd of people gathering around, taking a peak, she saw bodies line up covered in white cloths. “Lucia, you are here,” said one of the area residents who alerted everyone. “I am sorry… we… we were late, the house collapsed on top of them. Crushing them in the process” said one of the elders, showing her three bodies covered.


Screaming at the top of her lungs, holding her deceased family's lifeless bodies. Nada appeared touching her shoulder “I couldn’t save them, I failed them why me,” holding them tighter “it's not your fault, the city was ambushed, Nobody knew we were going to be attacked, so don’t blame yourself.”  A month went by, sitting on the rooftop looking at the city “everyone is being summoned to Aven Hall apparently similar attacks happened in other cities” said Nada sitting next to Lucia and passing her tea “I still see them in my sleep every time I come back from a job they always wait for me, I miss them and I want revenge” standing up holding a neck bracelet given to her by her mother when she got her adventure licence. 


She was tasked with a mission of investigating other cities, with her part of skilled magicians and some untrained citizens to aid the investigation. Travelling the dangerous road with horse carriages, not knowing whether they will be ambushed.


“We are getting close to the City of Agmis, just over the field,” said Basa the alchemist Orc picking plants, halfway through the field they saw smoke travelling toward them like a desert storm. Rowan Touchard royal guardian cast spells which allow him to possess animals, he possesses a bird that was passing by. The bird's vision showed him the desert-like red smoke approaching them. “There's red smoke approaching, and it's coming in fast,” said Rowan, trying to get closer to the red smoke. Which worried the unskilled civilians “don’t worry we will put a barrel, ladies put a cleansing spell around us” said Nada pointing at the place where each guardian should be. 

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“Hey Lucy, I have a bad feeling about this, the red mist travel abnormally fast, and it changes the weather too. This might be another ambush” said Nada standing near Lucia. Shocking everyone.  “Everyone, gets ready to fight, this might be an ambush the enemy might attack,” said Lucia, taking out the axe that was given to her on her 23rd birthday by her family. Before they knew it, the mist was covering the field. Barrels they put out suddenly vanished, and demon chants and feet stumbling surrounded them, showing an army of demons. Few of the civilians got spooked and tried to flee; only their horrific screams were heard. “This is bad, I can use my powers,” said Rowan, taking his sword out with a panicking stance and looking around, Basa’s body stumbling behind them bleeding, dying from the wounds of a spear piercing his body. While Nada tries to attend to the body of Basa. A bellowing noise froze everybody. A giant faceless demon appeared in the distance with a golden ring that travelled in his neck, and ribs. Two demon warriors emerge. 


A muscular demon warrior yells at the demon army to attack, Lucia charged at the army trying to protect themselves and buy time for Nada and other priests to take cover with the injured bodies. She launches her axe, killing demons in her path. On her right Rowan was fighting the army also covering Nada “Nada get off the open and find a place to hide we will hold them off” said Lucia manoeuvring her axe like fan-cutting demons who were charging at her. Halfway through the battle, while focusing on the fight.


A muscular demon warrior appeared in front of her and kicked her in the stomach, plunging away from her team. Into nearby woods, hitting trees along the way. Covered in mud, out of breath, and vomiting blood as she struggles to stand up. The muscular demon king “I’m surprised you survived, I guess not all humans are weak” Said the demon king smirking, taking his bloody mace. “I am afraid this is where your adventure ends, girly” Jumping toward Lucia with his mace. Is this the end, I just can’t die without justice, I refuse to give up. I have no choice.


On the other hand, Nada and Rowan trying to fight the demon army alone exhausted the other demon warrior launches forward and holds Rowan by his neck, snapping it and killing him instead. Seeing a clearance from the red, smoke casts a wind spell which blows the demons away, allowing them an opportunity to cast a teleportation spell, taking Rowan with them.


Lucia takes out her black and white sword, blocking the attack, the warrior kicks her in the chest and launches her further into the woods. Clearing her away from the smoke, she uses the opportunity to drink the potion that she received early from Nada “I owe you one Nada, now then let me show you what a wolfknight warrior can do.” said Lucia coughing standing up she uses her demon form. Her demon form takes half her body, enhancing her agility, speed, and strength. Her horns appeared visible. Her feet were burning the ground, and her both hands were covered in a black silhouette, in a blink of an eye, she cut the hands and head of the demon warrior. Tears dripped from her cheeks, looking at the faceless monster that is spilling the red mist, she launched behind it taking its head off.


Using her speed, she wipes out the left demon army. Face-to-face with the demon warrior, “why are you doing this, killing innocent people and destroying people's homes” said Lucia leaping toward with her swords. The demon warrior also transformed, showing his dark wings, one being half broken. Throwing each other around with kicks and fists, injuring each other in the process, proving to be a stalemate.


In a deep voice, “you are an off-breed, Interesting but how long will that human body hold that much power,” Lucia launched from the ground toward the demon “You should worry about yourself” smirking he parring Lucia's attack. Taking a step back, he stepped on the teleportation magic ring that triggered a binding spell, and Rowan appeared above, planting the sword in the demon's right shoulder. The demon hit Rowan in the chest with his backhand, sending him flying the distraction gave Lucia the opportunity to strike for his head, but the demon used his left wing to block the sword. The demon tried kicking her, she read his intention and blocked his attack using the other sword. “How annoying” he back-flipped two times backwards and took out the sword that was placed by Rowan, Lucia's demon form was at its limit as her body. As She’s been in this form for too long and her body is aching, and her vision was blurry “I see your form is at its limit, it's time” as he was about to attack dark smoke appeared, a silhouette appeared whispering something, and he vanished. As Nada and Rowan appeared, seeing Lucia fainted face down. Rowan carried her back to Starford Aven.



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