Starting a Perverted Cult

Chapter 7: Unexpected Events II

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Once I reached the second floor of Vivian's mansion, I came across a clock hanging from the wall. The small hand was pointing to the number three, meaning that an hour had passed since when I first left home. I still had three hours before the sun rises.

Very quickly, I roamed the corridors of the second floor. I came across many doors, in there I chanced upon the kitchen; a room filled with books and shelves, which I assume to be their own personal library; and I came across two dining areas, actually, one smaller and the other one being larger with a very long table placed at the center. On the way out, I was very careful to leave things just the way they were before I came in.

I also came across many locked rooms. Curious about what's inside, I peeked inside from the keyhole and thanks to the moonlight illuminating the rooms through the windows, I saw that most of them were empty guestrooms. However, among the many unused guestrooms, I noticed one of them had an open window. Whether that I could make use of that in the future wasn't certain, but it didn't hurt to make a note in my head-

'One unused guestroom in the second floor has an open window'

It seemed like those two magical beasts were their only other measures for security. Because after I bypassed them, I didn't run into any more problems. So I rummaged through many things, but there were no coins that could be found. Either they have learned their lesson from 4 years ago about leaving valuable in the open or Huang just got really really lucky that one particular night.

I also happened to have come across the bedchambers of the two old servants, located at the very end of the corridor. After peeking at them from outside, I saw them sleeping very peacefully on their own beds. After knowing where their rooms were, I made sure to walk tread extra carefully as I passed by them.

I had searched through an entire floor already, and yet I'm still left empty-handed. I came across many vases and paintings that might sell for quite some money, but they are sure to notice it later this morning if any of them were to go missing.

I still had one more floor ahead of me, if I still couldn't find any money there then I'll probably swipe a few books from those shelves I came across earlier and, hopefully, Huang would be willing to buy them in exchange for some coins.

Finally, I made my way up the staircase and entered the last floor of the mansion. Once I stepped inside the third floor, the first thing I noticed is how noticeably shorter the corridor was over here compared to the last floor. After that, the next thing that came to my mind was the fact that there were only three rooms up in here.

Knowing that Vivian's bedroom was probably among them, I made sure every step wouldn't emit the slightest of sound as I tread the corridor.

In the first room, I tried peeking from the keyhole but there was no light in the other side. All that I saw was pitch black darkness. I put my hand on the doorknob and to my surprise it wasn't locked. So slowly and surely, I opened the door and once the light from the evening sky illuminated it, I finally saw what the room was for.

It was a large bathroom; complete with a man-made pool, which was currently empty; a regular bathtub, which was also empty; and a large mirror which took up the majority of the wall. It also explained why the room was completely dark earlier, because there were no windows in the entire room, for obvious reasons.

After seeing what it was, I quickly lost interest except for the large mirror. Remembering how those large beasts were so afraid of me earlier, I couldn't help but want to see my appearance if it was really worthy of eliciting that kind of a reaction.

But what I saw was just what I expected, nothing really changed from when I left my house. A person of average height with most of his body had been hidden underneath a dark blue cloak. The two most notable features were the golden mask, decorated with crimson roses and jet-black feathers, and a golden necklace adorned with many bright colored jewels. My face wasn't visible and the bony appearance of my limbs were well hidden. Anything that might accidentally give out my identity had been removed or covered up. I was definitely suspicious looking, but nothing too panic-inducing.

I suppose an ordinary person would be terrified if a masked figure suddenly broke into to their house in the middle of the night, but the thing was, I didn't encounter an ordinary person. They were supposed to be guard dogs, not to mention special ones that could use magic. Why would such creatures back off just from the sight of an intruder?

Whatever the case was, it worked for now and I didn't have much time to delve deeper into it right now.

I then closed the bathroom door and went towards the last two rooms.

Still walking on my tip-toes, I went in front the door of the next room. Taking a peek once again inside its keyhole, I saw a large bed with a woman peacefully sleeping on top of it. Instantly, I knew that I shouldn't enter this room lest I wake her up. I was already at the dragon's lair, it's better that I do not go even deeper and head to its nest. So I immediately moved on to the next room.

Walking on my tip-toes again, this time as quiet as I could possibly make it and went in front of the door. Just like all the rooms before it, I took a peek inside its keyhole and there I saw a desk beside the window with a lot of items laid on top of it. I saw books stacked on top of each other, a candle whose fire had been snuffed out, and a bottle of ink. This is probably where Vivian does whatever things businesswomen do.

Quietly, I opened the door and went inside. My first action was to look at the items on top of the desk- there were books about meditation and whatnot, a quill and a bottle of ink, her notebook, but most importantly, I found what I was looking for, pouches of coins.

Looking at her notebook, coincidentally, just like that time with Huang, it seems like she was just tallying her total earning this month. So immediately, I was curious. I skimmed along the tons of gibberish words that I could not understand and looked for the word 'Profit'. Huang said that he saw her have a profit of about 70,000 shekels, so I wonder what it was nowadays.

… … "Holy shit", those words audibly came out of my mouth as I couldn't hide my surprise when I finally found what I was looking for.

150,012... Down to its last digits, that was what I saw on her notebook- more than double compared to what Huang saw four years ago. I recollected myself for a moment and thought about things a bit. Judging from the fact that I found it a few pages back, it seems like it was her profit a month ago.

After I returned the notebook to the page where I originally found it in, I saw that she was still actually in the middle of tallying her total earnings this month. The words, rather, the numbers that were last written were '20,153 + 17, 564 + 18, 006 + '. Then I looked at the table and saw four pouches. Three of them had already been tied while the fourth one was left open, and all of them were a handful and filled to the brim.

It couldn't be a coincidence right? I gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

The three that had been tied were probably the pouches of coins that she had already tallied- 20,153 shekels, 17,564 shekels, and 18,006 shekels, respectively. From the open pouch, I could see several dozen gold coins generously spilled into the table. It was accompanied by countless silver and copper coins. For someone like me, who took 3 years just to save up a thousand shekels, seeing this was the greatest temptation of my life. I could understand why Huang couldn't resist and took several pouches worth 20,000 shekels total.

But… I won't fall for it. That's right, a one time robbery isn't my goal. What I want right now is to become just like a parasite that continually siphons blood off of their victim. Just like a tick on a dog, I want my bites to be negligible so that the victim is unaware of my presence, otherwise she would want to get rid of me. But it should also be just enough to help me grow strong in the meantime.

After thinking about it, I looked at the pouch on the table again. Vivian was probably seated on this chair, tallying them earlier but got sleepy and decided to do it tomorrow instead. It was understandably why she would feel sleepy, how long would it take to tally all of these coins?

A single copper coin was worth 1 shekel, a silver coin was worth 50 shekels, while the gold one was worth 200 shekels. The easiest to count would be the gold coins, but there were only a few dozen of them. After that she would have to sift through the numerous silver coins and countless copper coins in order to get an accurate tally of her total earnings.

In this case, her own meticulousness, trying to tally them down to their last digits, is what brought her this problem in the first place.

With a smile, I took about 400 shekels from the open pouch laying on the table. I wouldn't take any more than that since it might be too obvious. But losing 400 from a pouch that contained several thousand, shouldn't be that too noticeable.

Then I also took random amounts of money from the three pouches that had already been tallied. Since they had already been counted, it was unlikely that Vivian would check on them again. But if she were to tally them again, it would be bad if she noticed all of them had been reduced by a similar amount.

In fact, I decided to add more coins to one of the pouches so that it would look more like she had just miscounted them on her first tally. After all, she might get suspicious if she found out she undershot all of her first tallies.

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"So where are the other untallied pouches?" I murmured to myself

If she was earning 150,000 on a monthly basis, then there should at least be a couple more of them laying around here. I looked at the desk and noticed that it had drawers underneath. Deep in my heart, I hoped that the two other drawers had the other pouches in them so that I wouldn't have to search for them elsewhere.

At first I thought that my wished had not been answered, because all that I found in those two drawers were notebooks, extra bottles of ink, and a stack of blank papers.

With a sigh, I rummaged through the other possible locations in the room and I didn't have to search for long, because I immediately found it in the next drawer after. There were 5 more pouches grouped together in that one compartment, all of them presumably had not been tallied yet. So I opened each one of them, took the amount of money that I needed, and carefully closed and returned them exactly the way that I found them.

The pouch tied to my side never felt as heavy as it did now, I probably had just a little under 3,000 shekels right now. It was several time the amount that I would usually earn in a single month, and with this I only needed to get out of the mansion and I would've succeeded in this endeavor. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 4:30 in the morning and realized that all of this took a lot longer than what I originally estimated.

I had to hurry, so I quickly fixed all the items that I touched in the room, and promptly went out.

On my tip-toes, I walked past Vivian's room and headed down the stairs. However, to my shock and horror, I saw that the lights in the corridor had already been lit… Someone was already awake. Four fucking thirty in the morning, and someone was already awake.

Deftly, I took a peek inside Vivian's room and saw that she was still there, peacefully sleeping. Which means that it was either one or both of the old geezers that were up and running this early in the morning.

Afraid to walk down the stairs, I crawled as I slowly descended the stairs with my head at the front so that I would see in case someone was in the hallway.

I was relieved to see that there was no one, so I quickly stood up and started descending in a normal manner. When, not even halfway down the stairs, I heard the loud howls and the whines of the two magical beasts. The voices of the servant also became clear, and with a questioning voice, they wondered:

"Why so noisy this early in the morning?" the voice of an aged woman asked

"Leave them be, they must be hungry." another voice replied, this time much deeper, indicating that it was a man.

However, the howls of the beasts didn't stop. It was then that I heard the sounds of footsteps quickly approaching, before I could even react I saw one of the large wolves run down the hallway, headed straight towards the third floor where I was.

I, who was still frozen in the middle of the staircase, met eyes with the wolf, who in turn also froze when he met my gaze. After locking eyes with me, he quickly ran back, howling to the two servants on the first floor.

"Motherfuckers… they're telling on me." I realized what those two were planning to do

Shit… I can't go downstairs if that was the case. I retraced my steps and once again, I was at the corridor of the third floor. I didn't expect that their day would begin so goddamn early, with them walking around the lower floors, it would be an extremely monumental task to get past them without being seen. What should I do now?

"NO! STOP! Don't go there, the lady is still sleeping!" Then I heard the panicked shout of one of the servants in tandem with the rapid taps of several feet hitting the ground and the growl of the wolves.

I didn't need to see it in order to know that both of the wolves were quickly making their way here. It seems that seeing me in the same floor as their 'master', made them throw all cautions to the wind and head straight to here. If they were to attack me in reckless abandon, then they would find out that I was actually weak and that they have no reason to fear me. That would only make things so much more worse, and it's not too far-fetched to think that they might just maul me to my death.

At the moment, the two closest room to me was the bathroom and Vivian's bedroom. The bathroom had no windows in it, so going there would be just delaying the inevitable. With no choice left, my feet took me to the master's bedroom and fortunately for me, Vivian doesn't lock her door and I was able to get inside.

"Haaa… Haaa…" Despite the panic in my heart, I still made sure that every move I made didn't make any noise that might wake up the woman sleeping in the room.

Looking around, I was surprised that a single bedroom could be larger than our entire cabin. In fact, when I looked at it, I realized Vivian's bed alone would probably take up half the space of our entire cabin. I also realized that I hadn't actually seen Vivian's face up close before, because for a split second, I couldn't take away my eyes from the sleeping beauty in front of me.

However, I had no time to admire teal haired beauty in front of me. Because a few seconds after entering the room, I heard the snarls of the wolves right just in the corridor outside. At the same time, the pants and heaves of the old servants that chased after them could be heard.

"Stop! You're gonna wake up the lady at this rate!" the old geezers still believed that this was just one of the beast's antics and didn't consider the possibility that they had been pointing them to an intruder all along.

But it was to my benefit, so I wasn't complaining. I was already nervous enough as it was, so instead, I focused on the fact that Vivian's room actually had a door that led to a balcony. It wasn't visible if you were to only peek from the keyhole because it was located at the side. But one I saw it, I knew that I had another way out and quietly made my way there.

Even now, I could hear the servants desperately trying to stop the beasts who was knocking on the door to Vivian's room. Then just a few seconds after I had left the room, Vivian was unfortunately woken up from her slumber. She didn't notice my presence at the balcony, as she was too focused at the beasts scratching and knocking on her door.

"WHAT'S WITH THE RACKET THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING!?" I heard her shout, clearly not pleased about having her sleep disturbed

"We're sorry, my lady! Lupus and Luna are too rowdy today." a servant from behind the door hurriedly apologized

At the same time, at the balcony. I wanted nothing more than to get away from this place, now that all of the mansion's residents were awake. Outside, the sky was still dark and the streets were still empty. The neighboring houses still had all of their lights out, so I then climbed the handrails and went up to the roof. I made sure every step was light and quiet, so that no sound would be heard from the ceiling.

From the rooftop, I made my way towards the tall tree, which was quite the distance from the mansion. But leaping from here to there was still possible, especially since the potion was still in effect. Underneath me, I still heard muffled voices and groans, probably because the beasts were still causing a ruckus.

It was thanks to those noise, that they didn't hear the sound of me jumping into the tree and the loud rustle of its leaves and branches. The hook that I used a few hours earlier was still there, untouched and fastened in one of the branches. Quickly, I untied it and made my way to the top of the wall once again.

And from there, I jumped but just as I was about to touch the ground, I kicked myself off the wall and used that to redirect my momentum to one of the bushes instead, in order to soften my impact. While several twigs stuck roughly at my body, the mask I was wearing did a good job of protecting my face.

And just like that, with my heart still beating wildly, my first heist ended.

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