Starved, Solved, and Saved

Chapter 7: 1.7 Tom Rhee

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In-Jung makes steady steps as he uses the walker in front of him as a shield. His method is forceful, but it works. Pushing the walker in front of him as he rushes and exchange gunfire, In-Jung joins the herd of undead gathering by the gates.

It helps that In-Jung is not the only human in the mixed chaotic melee between the living and the undead. He sees several young men and women finding the fight of their lives in the very gate that they were using as a choke point.

Knees down, In-Jung makes sure that the walkers don’t easily reach him. Keeping them at shoulder’s length, In-Jung uses the congestion to his advantage as he rams his way forward using the very walker that he has been using as a shield.

He wasn’t being suicidal, he is just confident that he can make it past the horde of undead which he did. Finding himself running for the stairs, he abandons the walker that has been serving as his shield.

In-Jung realizes that the walkers are actually coming from inside the Detroit Arsenal, and soldiers are trying their best to contain it… Sadly, however, the soldiers’ efforts are futile as men with dark military armor are picking off the soldiers one by one.

At that instant, In-Jung realizes who the enemy is. Raising his rifle, and aiming for these ‘terrorists’, In-Jung joins in the effort of pushing back against whatever they were fighting against.

In-Jung sets his gun semi-automatic as he wishes to conserve bullets. It takes effort to kill even one of the guys in black. In-Jung fears that he might use all of his bullets… Though there is an abundance of dead soldiers he can get his ammo, In-Jung isn’t keen on taking his sweet time to resupply bullets.

He should be doing what he should be doing, as why did he even risk his life to push his way here?

In-Jung rushes to where the office of the general is… “I am coming for you, old friend…”

From his peripheral vision, In-Jung sees the increasing casualty on the soldiers’ side. Those who are smarter decide to ride on a tank only to find themselves in a corner as the unknown militants’ forces make quick work of them.

Before this, In-Jung is already thinking about how bad the situation is as his family arrives just outside the gates. Now that he is inside, he realizes how bleak the situation actually is.

Pushing the door open, a walker attacks In-Jung. Using the blunt side of his rifle, In-Jung retaliates by bashing the walker’s head off. Inside, he sees more walkers. They all rush at him with their same retarded walking… Now, it makes sense to In-Jung why his grandson calls them walkers.

Despite being this slow, In-Jung is aware that he cannot take the undead lightly… They might be walking, and they might not be that fast just by judging them visually, but In-Jung can tell… These walkers are definitely brisk walking.

In-jung’s eyes are definitely not lying as he realizes… there are even some zombies who are between running and brisk walking… Now, that’s a threat…

Suddenly, a series of gunshots came from a corner trimming down almost half of the zombies barring In-jung’s way. Peeking from the corner is a squad composed of four people, all soldiers… They threateningly raise their rifles at In-Jung.

“You fucker! You did this!? Where even you lot came from?” The skinhead screams at the top of his lungs as he pulls the trigger.

In-Jung jumps and pushes open the door to outside where he comes from… he feels a stinging sensation in his leg… Looks like some bullets grazes him.

“I wasn’t with them! I am friendly!”

“You fucking liar!” It was a different voice this time. In-Jung peeks from the corner and sees a brunette woman who he assumes is the leader of the four. In-Jung pulls his head back in time as a bullet lands from where he was peeking.

In-Jung leans his back to the wall just beside the door. He changes his clip, only for a walker to interrupt him. The clip slides off his palm. Rapidly the walker comes at him from his front, mano y mano... This fuckers literally just come out of nowhere. In-Jung uses his arm to push the walker by its neck. He cannot have these walkers get a bite of him.

Pulling a knife from his waist, he stabs the walker in its head.

All too suddenly…

In-Jung feels something touching his head at close proximity, it was a gun’s muzzle. “I said, I am a friendly… I came here for the general, I am his friend…”

“Stop it, Mitch, I believe him…” The brunette leader defends In-Jung. “I’ve seen him take out some of those militants…”

“Sorry pal, but the general’s already dead…” The skinhead, Mitch Dolgen, who was aiming his gun at In-Jung finally redirect his gun as his leader, Mara, has already given the word. Offering his hand for the old man to take, the two gets past their difference and starts working together.

In-Jung with his four new friends gathers in the conference room, there are more people there. Judging by what he is seeing, In-Jung assumes them to be not the soldier-type, but most likely civilians working for the base.

Excluding him and the four soldiers, there seem to be a dozen of civilians… a doctor, medic, janitor, cook, and some who maybe are families visiting the base.

“Old timer, why is it you wanted to come here of all places to find a general? Are you from the military?” The brunette approaches In-Jung.

“No, we are just old acquaintances… I came to ask for help… Those things… Those rabid things… My family had an early encounter with them. The city looked calm, you know? No one suspects a thing… In the process of it, I lost my wife and second daughter…” In-Jung glumly shares his story wanting to be honest with the young brunet soldier.

“How early?” At her question, In-Jung starts having an ominous premonition.

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“My wife yesterday got bitten… Our neighbor this morning attacked my daughter… that’s it… Why?” In-Jung honestly answers the brunet’s query.

“Fuck… And you said that things still look peaceful on your way here? No wonder, we might be in a more precarious situation than I thought… No wonder no backup is coming!” The brunette soldier is not being an alarmist as in the back of In-Jung's mind, he also knows this.

In-Jung can only think of one thing right at this moment— he wants to return to his family.

“Where are you going old timer!?” The brunette holds In-jung’s arm.

“We should gather our strength together so that we can overcome this crisis!” The brunette says in conviction. This makes In-Jung halts his steps. The woman and her pals will be a great help to him… Not just in surviving this entrapment they are in, but also in protecting his family…

“Ok, tell me what to do…” In-Jung finding a good reason to stay asks the brunette at what should be done.

Mara Colin is relatively just a new soldier here in the Detroit Arsenal… She doesn’t have anything to show other than her cute looks and OCD… She is just the right person for deskwork in a boring army base such as the Detroit Arsenal.

Now, the apocalypse suddenly happens. The world stops being boring, and she should celebrate that because that’s what she has been waiting for… For things to stop being boring… Honestly, fantasizing about it and experiencing it are two different matters.

With Mitch Dolgen, her closest acquaintance, Mara finds herself in a situation where the responsibility of protecting the people falls on her shoulder… For Mara, it sucks…

“Mitch, why don’t you just take over, damn it!?”

“I am a discharged officer, okay? I drive ice cream trucks now, okay? While I admit I came asking and begging for the military to accept me again, you know how many times they rejected me… now that all things went to shit, and I don’t want to be a soldier anymore, you want me back in action?”

“Hell yeah…”


Mitch is something like an old friend to Mara… Their relationship comes to a start in the unlikeliest places, the internet. After some back-and-forth conversation, the two are able to establish some degree of connection.

“What do you think about the old-timer?” Mara asks Mitch, curious what he thinks about the Asian grandpa who looks like have more years to live than the two of them combined.

“I don’t know… What I do know though is that the moment I find a way out, I won’t hesitate to leave you…”

Some ‘connection’ and ‘relationship’ it is… Sometimes, Mara just wants to bash Mitch’s head.

“Where will you be going?”

“I told you about Peter, right? I cannot really leave my brother alone… That guy is too righteous for his own good. I will be heading to Fort Benning after this…”

“Seriously? That’s like three states… I’ll come with you…”

“Pfft… You don’t even know if we’ll get over this first…”

With that, Mitch and Mara's focus returns to the task at hand. In front of them is a map detailing the layout of the whole facility.

The plan was simple. They will separate into two groups.

Mitch and In-Jung will go and secure themselves a tank. This is the most difficult part of the operation as most of the mysterious militants are giving the tanks their full attention.

While Mitch and In-Jung are busy attracting the attention of the enemy and are trying their hardest to acquire a tank. The remaining soldiers, Mara and the other two will go and secure themselves an armored truck in which the other civilians could take shelter in the meanwhile.

The moment Mitch and In-Jung acquire the tank, the two groups will start simultaneously moving, and rejoin together. This way, they would get a guarantee of their safe exit, and at the same time, it will also give the other soldiers who are pinned a fighting chance.

This was a plan that Mara enthusiastically advertises to her group, and it looks like no one has a problem with it. They will be escaping with style and armored.

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