Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chapter 26: Fiancè~2?

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Sayuri Akane is an arrogant woman. Her otherworldly beauty and charisma are the backings of her arrogance and she was proud of it. Since childhood, she never faced any kind of struggle, being the daughter of such a conglomerate and all. 

To summarise, Sayuri Akane was an exemplar woman without a flaw that one could point out. Naturally, she never found anyone in the 16 years of her life, worthy to hold her hand and become her partner. 

She just never found anyone of that caliber whome she can make hers. So when she suddenly heard that she was engaged to a certain boy and had to marry him in the future, naturally she became rebellious.

But a certain event, made her accept the engagement and soon she left her home country and returned to her birth land. 

When she first saw her Fiancè she was a little speechless. A normal high school boy doesn't have such self-confidence that Yuuta carried with his every breath. Not to talk about his above-average face and stature which she only has seen in basketball players or models up until now.

Even though not being narcissist she knew her looks and appearance could draw any man's attention regardless of age. Even at the airport, there wasn't a single man who didn't look at her way intentionally or not. She just stands out to that degree.

But to her utter bafflement, the person who happened to be her new fiancè didn't even spare a single glance until his parent didn't mention her. She was just a couple of feet apart from them but the way his eyes never wandered in her direction, made it look as to whether he was foolishly in love with his parents to notice her or he didn't find her attractive enough.

Sayuri leaned on the prior option.

But her reasoning started fading when he didn't even get startled while sitting inches apart from her. He was totally unaffected like there was a shield making Sayuri invisible from his perception.

Her pride was hurt but she endured. She couldn't let loose now when she had already come this far.

She let go of the matter and the following matter too when Yuuta didn't react strongly even upon finding Sayuri as his fiancè. She used all her tolerance she has accumulated to this date to smile at him when he said solemnly, 'Let's be happy together.'

Since everything was going in the way she didn't expect, she thought it would be better if she try confessing something which she thought could develop negatively before. Maybe it would also go in the way she didn't expect. But it doesn't mean she won't welcome it.


"Can I take some of your time, Yuuta-san?" Before coming here she took a nice bath to gather herself and wore a simple nightgown. Nothing provocative just a plain one-piece silk gown which covered most of her upper and lower body and gave a slight slit of her cleavage. 

She thoroughly studied Yuuta's gaze upon her and would have backed away if she have saw him gawking at some certain places, but again to increase her previous agitation, he didn't even look at her properly before inviting her inside.

'Act how much you can. Let's see how you beg me when I will tell you the truth.' With a snicker which she hid expertly behind her elegant smile, she moved inside and without any further instruction took the chair Yuuta had beside his study table.

The room was boring to her taste but it wasn't like she would visit him generally.

Yuuta walked solemnly toward his bed, ignoring the fact that his 'guest' suddenly changed her demeanor and got rudely comfortable just after getting enclosed in the room.

Sayuri brought her long leg over the other as she leaned back on the chair with her arm crossed on her belly. Even with such small movements, she was bathed with extreme sensuality. 

Yuuta was unfazed as he didn't find anything exciting about her at all. Well, he doesn't find anything interesting except for one girl, so he just looked into her eyes waiting for her to speak.

"I want to declare something before you raise your hopes high." Yuuta sighed and before she could have continued, spoke in an indifferent tone.

"Our engagement is platonic and would remain only for a period." Sayuri who just had opened her mouth widened her eyes and failed to utter anything.

To say she was surprised would be a huge understatement. For her, Yuuta's behavior toward her was like the tough act which protagonist showed to charm girls in the end. But here he was really unattracted toward her. Even though he said something so consequential right now, his voice was stoic as ever.

"You knew about it? How and why didn't you reject your parent's offer when you knew our engagement is just for show?" All time calm and arrogant Sayuri was crumbled a little due to the piled-up unexpectedness she was facing in a single day.

Yuuta sighed before replying.

"Well the way you looked at me and how forcibly you were suppressing your distrust, made me easy to realize that you are forced to accept this engagement. As for why I didn't say anything, then first, I don't like rejecting my parent's wish, and second I wanted to know your intention behind all this before I draw what to do about this engagement." 

Sayuri heard him and it would lie to say that she didn't find him exaggerating about her expression and all. But what he said made sense and created relief that she didn't have to go along with the threatening route to convince Yuuta about this contractual engagement.

"You are right. Under some circumstances, I accepted this proposal, so let's act like this for 6 months then I will be on my way." Sayuri was about to get up, thinking the conversation reached a decent conclusion when a cold voice made her legs tremble as she remained seated.

"I want to hear the circumstances to let you associate as my fianceè. If I don't find it reasonable enough I would break this act at this very minute. So start speaking." 

It was the first time she have been commanded so harshly. She glared at Yuuta but upon finding his cold eyes upon her she retracted meekly.

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'Guess I don't have a choice...Urgh!!" Grumbling inside her mind she started speaking about why in the first place she decided to be a stranger's fiancè.

"Maybe you have heard it from your father, that my mom died at the time of my birth." Yuuta nodded as he had some recollection of the talk he overheard with his parents. During his childhood, he usually spent his time around his parents but eventually, he made himself distant as time went by.

"I always blamed myself for my mom's death and how my father spent his time alone in the world, I feel miserable about it. My father never blamed me however I can't help but think his loneliness exists because of me." There was visible sorrow reflected in her beautiful ruby eyes, signifying how sensitive this matter was for her.

And Yuuta somehow can understand her condition as he also never felt a mother's warmth and blamed quite a decent year blaming himself about their absence.

'I am really thinking too much these days...' Yuuta shook his head to dismiss his useless thoughts.

Controlling her tears which were already making her eyes look watery, she continued.

"But now I found a chance to make up for it. My father has been seeing a woman or to say his secretary for some time now but  taking me into consideration, he hasn't married her. I don't have a problem with his remarrying especially when the woman is so caring toward my father. Moreover, I would be happiest if dad marries her and starts his new family." 

With a deep sigh, she continued, "But it seems my existence is restricting my dad from taking this last step. So when I heard about my engagement I accepted it after some reluctance as I knew if I stays around him any longer he won't remarry ever. So Yuuta-san..." She snatched her eyes back on the boy who was listening to her in complete silence until now. 

With a complicated look, she made her request.

"I just need 6 months as I know it would be enough for my father to take that last step. So for the half year, can you act as my fiancè?" Yuuta didn't speak nor did his expression change even though she shared her most important memory with him.

Sayuri felt like being watched not the way she usually men look at her but differently. Yuuta was analyzing her with his naked eyes, trying to find something which could decide his answer, and she knew what it was.

Sure Yuuta's face was somewhat to her liking but his personality was something she totally disliked but for some reason, she felt herself exceptionally small in front of him. For some reason, she wasn't able to put up the prideful mask she covers herself with usually. He was overbearing with only his gaze and Sayuri wasn't used to it.

"Okay, but you have to agree with my three requirements." As the words left Yuuta's lips Sayuri sighed in disgust as she somewhat expected this from him.

'All men are the same in the end huh...' She sighed again before raising her voice with her regained arrogance filling her words.

"If you are going to ask my underwear or my indecent pictures then fo-hickk!!" Sayuri was expressing her displeasure with her eyes closed in exaggeration but she didn't expect Yuuta to advance toward her without getting noticed at all.

He was looking down at her with a tinge of rage filled his eyes as he leaned forward after putting his both hands on either side of the table, entrapping Sayuri in between.

Sayuri shrank deeper in the chair as she felt the overwhelming aura pressuring over her.

Yuuta leveled his eyes before a bone-freezing voice expressed his thoughts.

"Listen, woman. If it's not clear to you then remember. I am not interested in you in any way. Neither your face, body, or personality makes you worthy enough for my attention. So understand this. If you again directed that gaze or voice upon me, I will do something you might not be able to recover from." After saying he went back with the same movement he advanced toward her.

The tears which Sayuri had held came out of the corner of her eyes as her face became paler. She was holding her breath when Yuuta made his point clear. She didn't know what triggered him but she made a mental note that Yuuta wasn't a man to look down upon.

"Listen carefully. If you want to live here peacefully in the name of our engagement, then first don't ever enter my room or personal space until it's an emergency." Sayuri with a still pale face nodded obediently without letting a single word out.

"Second. Outside the mansion don't ever dare to mention about this engagement. Even if it's contractual I don't want anyone gossiping about me. Is it clear?" Again a nod without pondering even a second.

"Now third and most important." Sayuri, who have received some of her composure nodded for the person to continue as she perked her ears carefully.

"What you just told me. The reason you have to be in this relationship. I want you to confess everything, to someone else too. Don't alter a single word, got that?" This time she didn't nod but raised her brows as his last condition was contradicting his previous one.

"Can I know who this person is?" This matter was sensitive for her so at least she wanted to know the person she would be sharing it with.

With a pause Yuuta's expression relaxed as he gazed outside of his window, completely betraying the cold demeanor he have been displaying until now. Sayuri was amazed to see such a change of expression and soon she realized the reason behind it.

"The girl I love the most in this world and without her consent, this contractual relationship wouldn't  continue ."


A/N: Gotcha...

I will make you all so much connected with each girl that in the end, it would become tough to choose between them.

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