Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chương 83: Lenient parent?

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When last night Yuuta mentioned about the trip, Mio thought that he was just excited about this moment and presented the idea casually.

They were just a couple in high school who generally go on trips with friends if only things go as planned. And even such trips are very rare.

And Yuuta was proposing a vacation trip to just the two of them.

Mio accepts that she would be over nine to be alone with Yuuta at an exquisite onsen or something but that's simply impossible.

Or so she thought….

"So you want my permission to take Mio for a vacation, huh? Quite daring I must say."

Currently, in Nanami's residence, Yuuta was sitting in front of Mio's mother, early in the morning. The reason he came was obvious.

The drowsiness which Mio carries for half an hour after waking up, instantly exhausted as she saw Yuuta walking in.

He was wearing a turtleneck white sweater over blue jeans and had a small bag in hand, seemingly ready to leave for a trip right at the instance.

Yumeko(mother) was flabbergasted upon seeing Yuuta so out of the blue and also the request to take Mio came out of nowhere as well.

Mio never mentioned or tried to convince her mother about any trip even though it might have worked more positively if Yumeko would have knew this already.

But looking at Mio's startled expression it seemed her daughter was as well not told about this plan beforehand.

A defeated smile bloomed on Yumeko's face but she expertly held it and made a stern expression.

"Coming to ask my daughter for a vacation even though it's just some months since you guys started dating. And you guys not even thought of lying but came for asking permission eh? Did you take me as a lenient guardian just because I approved you as Mio's boyfriend so easily?"

Her tone was nowhere like before or how Yumeko usually talks. She deliberately made her voice sound quite cold and serious in order to test something out.

Mio felt the matter growing out of hand since her mother never talks in such a way even if someone offends her. And now, Yuuta came so nicely to ask yet she was nearly scolding him.

But Mio knew it was also not her place to say anything. Despite being so open-minded, there should be a line that her parents must have drawn for her. And looking at the situation, it seemed this was that line.

On the other side, Yuuta was calm as ever.

He heard each of the older one's words and only chose to respond when he felt the other party was done speaking.

"I apologize if my action has made you offended, but by no means, I assumed Nanami-san was a lenient parent since the kind of girl Mio has grown up to, requires a lot of close watching. It was just my wish to spend a vacation with Mio alone so please don't blame her. Now I will take my leave since I already have… "

Yuuta bowed his head and was about to get up when Yumeko's still stern voice halted his movements.

"Who said you can walk away whenever you want."

Yuuta blinked in perplexion since this time he felt some amusement mixed in Yumeko's tone as he instinctively dropped his butt which was raised from the sofa.

Mio, who was about to walk forward and stop Yuuta from leaving, also felt there was something weird going on with her mother.

Fortunately, the woman didn't make the two anymore anxious as she spoke this time in a lighter tone.

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"I was just kidding Yuuta-kun. Please don't mind my words. Of course, you can take Mio with you. Now you wait here until I prepare this girl."

Without waiting for any kind of response Yumeko dragged Mio away.

Yuuta was stunned for some seconds by how easily she brushed off the matter in a casual way even though he knew, Mio's mother was not amused entirely by this situation.

Well, this was to be expected but what Yuuta has to ponder about was his abrupt actions which put Mio in such a troubled spot.

'Well, I will reflect but first… '

Looking in the direction where Mio was pulled, a soft smile made its way to Yuuta's lips.


Back in Mio's room, Yumeko was arranging a bag with Mio's clothes and other necessities without worrying about her daughter's continuous blabbering.

"...wouldn't it be too sudden, mom? I am not prepared for this…but I can't reject him either….What to do?"

Mio had a friendly relationship with her mother. Asking her for dating tips was not something new for her especially after she came to know about Yuuta.

But Yumeko was not going to help her daughter in this. Mio has to tackle these things by herself.

Rather than that, Yumeko felt something more important to talk about as she turned toward Mio and spoke after holding Mio's shoulders.

"More than that, Mio."

Mio focused her eyes on her mother since she felt it was important.

"I am not going to tell your father about this trip since you know how protective a man he is. So take care out there. I believe in Yuuta-kun that is why I am allowing you to go. So please don't do anything to ruin my trust in him, okay?"

In the chaos of the events, Mio completely forgot about her father. Thinking of him sitting in front of Yuuta, in place of her mother… Mio felt a shiver run down her spine.

It was true that it was inappropriate for a sixteen-year-old girl to go on a trip with her boyfriend but her mother was believing in her and Yuuta.

And that was enough to make Mio feel responsible and elated at the same time.

With a heavy exhale Mio connected her forehead to her mother's as she responded in a whisper.

"Mmhmm. I will do as you say, mum"


A/N: - Some guys might say, I outstretched this matter but I felt this was something I needed to detail.

Well, drop a comment and share your thoughts ~

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