Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chương 85: Trust in him?

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After a long journey, which in turn became too short because of the conversation Yuuta and Mio constantly were engaged in, they both got off the train at Naganohara station.

The weather was chilly as ever and more so because the place Yuuta chose was around the hills area of the Kanto region. The onsen was situated higher up which meant the temperature would degrade even more.

But remembering the place they have to eventually end up in, gave Mio enough tolerance to hang in.

And also, the human warmer she has by her side works fine as well.

"Let's wait there. We have an hour for the next bus."

After Yuuta returned from the inquiry center he held Mio's arm and led her to a nearby cafè.

Mio nodded since she also wanted something hot to drink.

Yuuta took both of their bags on his shoulder without any struggle before walking into the warm and cozy coffee shop.

There were people inside but not to the point where it could be called crowded. Some couples and some families were occupying the tables and many of them glanced at the two as they walked in.

"Let's go."

Yuuta took Mio to the two-person seat near the entrance where the scenery outside was in full display from the glass bane.

Mio got so relaxed in the warming sensation inside the cafè that if not for Yuuta urging her, she might have stood near the entrance for who knows how long.

"You sit here. I will get something for us."

Mio absentmindedly nodded and soon noticed that there were no serving waiters around which meant it was a self-servicing place.

'Ah, I should tell mom. '

Mio took out her phone from the bag and called her mother as Yuuta proceeded to put the order. He didn't order too much taking the route further into consideration.

"One hot chocolate, one cappuccino. Umm. Two croissants and an extra cheese chicken burger without ketchup."

The counter in charge had her eyes fixated on Yuuta and nearly forgot to write the content he ordered. But thanks to her job habit, her fingers ran on the keyboard without her paying attention to it.

When she saw the handsome boy raising his brows, then only she came back to her senses and refocused her gaze on the screen.

"That would be 844.99."

Yuuta handed her a thousand and received the change and receipt token soon enough.

"Please wait for your number."

Yuuta nodded with perplexion still written over his face as he saw the weird behavior of the cashier but he didn't ponder much and walked back.

He has grown accustomed to being looked at by people around him because of his facial features and peculiar hair but still, he feels awkward in a situation like these.

"...yup. Okay."

With her eyes following Yuuta as he approached their table, Mio said bye to her mother and disconnected the call.

Yuuta took the seat opposite to Mio even though he wanted to settle on a single chair with Mio on his lap, as he asked about the call.

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"Did she say something?"

Yuuta was worried about Mio's father finding out about the trip and calling her to return but thankfully Mio showed no sign of concern.

"Nothing in particular. Just told me to take care and give you this."

Saying so Mio guided her hand inside her bag and took out a small envelope before extending it toward Yuuta.

Yuuta knew what it was but before he could have rejected it, Mio spoke with her gaze narrowed.

"It's my savings, Yuu. I know your allowance must be a lot but, we should spend it in consideration right?"

Another reason among thousands to love this girl. She has learned about his feeling a while ago yet she never tried to take advantage of Yuuta.

Yuuta knew rejecting the money would hurt Mio so he took the envelope but didn't forget to correct her misunderstanding.

"It's not my parent's money I spend Mio. I myself do earn too."

Hearing Yuuta's words Mio raised her brows in perplexion since she never heard him working part-time before.

Putting the envelope in his bag, Yuuta cleared out the clouds of her confusion.

"I am an official developer in dad's company and earn hefty from the stock market. So you don't have to worry since it's your boyfriend's money you are spending."

Mio was genuinely surprised to hear that Yuuta has such professional like works at such an age. For a second she thought he was joking since it was too absurd to think that a boy at age of sixteen could work in the company as well.

But as soon Yuuta slid his phone toward Mio which was showing the transactions of his account, she grew tense.

"Ah, don't show it to me! I believe you."

Mio found a such thing to be kept private as she hid her eyes behind her palm as if to not see anything which she shouldn't.

Yuuta chuckled at her antics as he heard the counter blink and the token turning green in his hand.

"I will be back."

He patted her head in adoration before walking to the counter.

Through the gaps of her finger, Mio gawked at Yuuta's back as she felt overwhelmed by the level of trust he had in her.

Mio felt warm but slightly guilty since unlike Yuuta, she really doesn't open herself in front of him. Unlike him, she still hesitates about whether she should tell him some of the things or not.

'I have to do something about myself.... '


A/N: - This trip would change various things and this would be the beginning of the end.

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