Stigma (Yi Cong Yin)

Chapter 1: CH 1

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Edited By: Sab

In the thirty-ninth year of the Fengxing era, the emperor passed away. 

The city was covered in heavy snow, and the whole country was in grief.

In the middle of the night, the long imperial corridor south of the Chengan Palace Gate was filled with mourning banners that danced in the chaotic snow. Against the backdrop of flickering lights, it resembled the road that led to the Yellow Springs.

Towards the west, after crossing two long, vacant streets, was a dark, dismal abode. This was the residence of the only prince without the imperial surname. Above the entryway, the plaque read Prince Jing’s Manor.

A clear set of footprints were left on the snow-covered limestone path, and a man robed in black court dress walked slowly, his clothing dragging behind him in the snow. 

In such heavy snow, he didn’t carry an umbrella, so a heap of snow rested on his shoulders. He held a small sandalwood tray and on top of it was a jade bottle, full of wine. A thin layer of frost had formed on the bottle because of the freezing weather.

It was already midnight. The gates of the residence were wide open, and from the outside, Prince Jing’s Manor appeared to be grand and majestic. However, the inside was very desolate, full of wilted grass, and it was not much better than the famous haunted houses in the capital.

As the heavy snow fell from the sky, Song Xian walked through the vestibule, passed through a veranda, and arrived at the residence of the Jing Prince.

The courtyard of the Jing Prince Sui Yan was small. It had been left untouched for a long time, and wilted grass covered the entire area. There were only a few small kerosene lanterns burning quietly on the promenade.

Song Xian was expressionless. He stepped in steadily without spilling a drop of the wine from the bottle in his hand. Just as he entered the courtyard, the door on the side suddenly opened.

Song Xian looked over to see Sui Yan stepping out of the room.

According to rumors, even though the incompetent, good-for-nothing prince Sui Yan had been confined for a year, he was still incomparably beautiful.

He was dressed in a purple robe embroidered with begonia flowers. He was extremely gorgeous. Standing in the corridor, he looked as if he had just stepped out of a painting. 

The two had not seen each other for ten years, but Sui Yan still looked like that calm and graceful youth from before.

Sui Yan’s peach blossom eyes narrowed, and he sauntered towards the bench in the corridor, lazily lying on it as if he was the only person in the room. He stared at the small lantern by his feet and seemed to be in a good mood.

Song Xian stepped forward and placed the small sandalwood tray on the stone table nearby. He lightly said, “Wanggui, it’s been a long time.”

Sui Yan seemed to be stunned for a moment. He squinted at the person in front of him and finally smiled, saying, “It’s been a long time. Who are you again?” 

Song Xian, “…..”

“Song Xian, I used to study with Your Highness and the Third Prince,” Song Xian lightly replied, “Your Highness is really forgetful. But thinking about it, in the seven years that His Majesty and I were confined to Canglin Temple, how could Prince Jing, the true master of the court, remember a nobody like me?”

Song Xian?

Sui Yan blinked, but he couldn’t remember who this was. However, he heard the resentment in the other person’s voice, and he hurriedly replied, “Ohhh, now I remember, Song Xian. Lord Song must be very busy. How would he have the time to come visit me?” 

Song Xian didn’t expose him. He glanced indifferently at Sui Yan’s vibrant clothing and the lantern by his feet, and he warned, “The whole nation is in mourning. I’m afraid acting so ostentatiously is inappropriate.”

During the national mourning period, whether it was high-ranking officials or the common people, they had to dress in plain white silk, and all forms of entertainment were forbidden.

Sui Yan replied, “Isn’t today the Lantern Festival? What’s inappropriate? Oh, did the emperor pass away?”

Song Xian furrowed his brows. 

“I’ve been in this damn place for over a year. Except for the housekeeper who delivers my meals, I haven’t seen a single person. Surprisingly, nobody informed me about such a major event.” Sui Yan stood up and untied the purple robe he wore, revealing a thin plain garment inside.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an exquisite mourning robe.

Song Xian furrowed his brow, “You already knew that the emperor passed away?”

Under such heavy snow, Sui Yan, who was just wearing a thin robe, was already shivering from the cold, but still he smiled, “That’s not true. I have been longing for his death. After so many years, these mourning robes can finally be of use——So, Lord Song, why have you come to find me so late at night? Is it to inform me of the will of the new emperor?” 

Vbcu Wljc kjr regqglrfv, “Lbk vlv sbe xcbk?”

Vbcu Wljc ifa atf rcbk ojii bc tlw, jcv tf ilutais gfqilfv, “Pa’r cba tjgv ab uefrr. Ccv lo P’w cba wlrajxfc, atf klcf ybaaif lc sbeg tjcv wera yf oliifv klat ‘Valuwj,’ gluta?”

“Valuwj” kjr j rfmgfa wfvlmlcf bo atf qjijmf. Pa kjr erejiis ulnfc ab wfwyfgr bo atf lwqfglji ojwlis ktb kfgf klmxfv. Ycmf atfs vglcx atf klcf, atf vlrugjmf atfs mjerfv atf gbsji ojwlis vlrjqqfjgr. Ktflg ilqr klii yf rfjifv obgfnfg, jcv atfs klii bcis tjnf akb tbegr ifoa ab ilnf.

Song Xian took a deep breath and said, “The late emperor’s last words were to let His Majesty grant Your Highness this glass of wine.” 

In the royal family, the meaning of granting wine was crystal clear.

Sui Yan’s eyes flickered.

He glanced at the exquisite wine bottle, and thought, I plotted so hard for Duan Zhisu for so many years only to die at his hands? Damn it all to hell.

All these years, Sui Yan did many things to vindicate Duan Zhisu both openly and covertly, yet nobody knew. Even the late emperor thought Sui Yan had been so calculating just to benefit himself. 

No, Sui Yan thought, I have done so much. I can’t hide it anymore, or else I won’t be able to die peacefully.

Sui Yan held an attitude of “not letting everyone live in peace even after dying.” He turned slightly, his blue silk shawl hanging like a waterfall. The corner of his lips curled, and he whispered softly, “Lord Song, do you want to know why the late emperor still fears me even after his death?”

A trace of disgust flashed in Song Xian’s eyes. He clearly knew of Sui Yan’s sins, and he recited, “On the surface, you’re arrogant and willful, and you show indifference for the happenings in court. However, you rallied many court officials in secret. In the three years that you were in court, if any virtuous and loyal ministers’ political views differed from yours, they would not escape from tragedy and death. Even the people were furious, and their complaints about you can be piled into a mountain.”

Sui Yan’s eyes curled. He looked like a wealthy young master without a care for the world. An outsider wouldn’t be able to imagine that he had done all of these cruel and ridiculous things. 

This man was beautiful, but deep down, he was very cold-hearted and cruel.

Sui Yan smiled, “If someone like you, who just returned to the capital, can see everything clearly, then the late emperor must have known of all the things that I have done. But do you know why he only kept me in confinement after everything I’ve done?”

Song Xian was silent.

Sui Yan didn’t feel like he was performing a one-man show, and he said to himself, “He didn’t kill me or free me. He feared me and doted upon me, yet he let Duan Zhisu grant me a glass of Stigma before he died. Doesn’t he want me to accompany him in death?” 

As he spoke, he felt ridiculous and laughed.

“But what am I to him, that he wants me to accompany him to die?” Sui Yan’s imagination ran wild, “Does my Imperial Uncle also have that kind of dirty thoughts about me?”


Song Xian furrowed his brows. He couldn’t understand what Sui Yan meant by “also,” but he didn’t think more about it, directly asking, “Why?” 

Sui Yan stopped his provocation, and said indifferently, “Because the Second and Fifth Princes, who were doted upon, were all defeated by me.”

Song Xian was shocked, “What?”

“The Second and Fifth Princes orchestrated the death of the Crown Prince at the palace banquet seven years ago, and they placed the blame on the Third Prince, Duan Zhisu. As a result, everyone related to Duan Zhisu was punished by the death of a thousand cuts or exile. Even the Third Prince himself was imprisoned at Canglin Temple for seven years. If you are wronged, there’s a debt to be paid back. I just paid the two princes back. They weren’t wronged. Do you agree, Lord Song?”

Song Xian felt that Sui Yan seemed foreign, and his indifferent face was full of shock. 

Sui Yan smiled softly and whispered, “Lord Song, Duan Zhisu and I have known each other since childhood. He didn’t even come to see me one last time. Do you know why?”

Song Xian felt numb as he listened. He couldn’t reconcile the demon in front of him with the graceful, smiling youth in his memories.

Sui Yan’s voice got even softer, “It’s because the new emperor believes that I only remained unscathed that year because I betrayed him. While everyone related to him was implicated, I was bestowed with the title of prince when the late emperor went to Canglin Temple, becoming the only prince without the imperial surname.”

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Song Xian’s eyes darkened, and he murmured, “You really….did that?” 

That year he was still in the capital, and he remembered the night before Duan Zhisu had been convicted, Sui Yan had gone to the palace overnight and returned the next day.

Since then, Duan Zhisu was imprisoned in Canglin Temple for life, while his closest friend, Sui Yan, was only asked to reflect for a few days. Sui Yan had also been granted many treasures and medicinal herbs, and was soon bestowed with the title of prince, becoming a sensation.

It was precisely because of this that all these years, people in court believed that the reason why Duan Zhisu was imprisoned for so long and remained in exile because Sui Yan sold out his master to protect himself.

But only Sui Yan knew the truth. 

Sui Yan blinked at him and smiled slyly, “What do you think?”

Song Xian didn’t know how to respond.

Sui Yan smiled softly and whispered, “Lord Song, although I have done a great deal of evil all these years, I haven’t changed my original intentions and loyalty to the Third Prince. Oh, he’s now the emperor. Will you tell His Majesty everything I told you today and let him spare me for old times’ sake?”

Song Xian’s expression remained horrified, and he replied, “Naturally.” 

If what Sui Yan said was true, then he had no intentions for the throne. He had simply wanted to vindicate Duan Zhisu. If Duan Zhisu learned of the truth after bestowing this cup of poisoned wine, how much regret would he feel?

Looking at the smiling Sui Yan before him, Song Xian suddenly saw the graceful, luxurious, and pure youth from back then.

Song Xian was in a daze. Sui Yan still looked like the frivolous, unrestrained youth who leaned on fences and tossed flowers.

Song Xian moved his lips, “You….why did you do this?” 

Sui Yan blinked and replied, “Lord Song’s question is strange. We studied together with the Third Prince back then. When he fell into dire straits, you accompanied him at Canglin Temple for so many years without a single question. Is it strange that I schemed in court to help vindicate him?”

Song Xian was silent.

He wasn’t the only person who had cared.

Sui Yan said, “Then Lord Song must remember to go back and report this to His Majesty the new emperor, so Wanggui won’t have any regrets.” 

Song Xian responded absentmindedly. Just as he was about to take the ridiculous bottle of “Stigma” back to report to the emperor, he heard Sui Yan give a soft “ah.”

He turned to see the thin and handsome man pick up the bottle of “Stigma” that had been placed on top of the small tray.

Before he could react, Sui Yan downed the poisoned wine.

Song Xian was stunned. He reacted a moment later, aghast, “Sui Wanggui!” 

There were still some wine stains on Sui Yan’s lips. His lips were dark red.

He gently threw the jade bottle onto the ground, and it shattered. Sui Yan softly said, “Lord Song will tell His Majesty, right?”

Lord Song was stunned.

Sui Yan looked at his expression and seemed to find it funny. He laughed loudly. 

“Lord Song, you must tell the new emperor about how I survived in this dangerous and treacherous court all these years for him. Tell him about how I worked hard to wash away his grievances and how I racked my brains to drag down those two princes. Tell him about how I became such a wicked and scheming person for him.”

Sui Yan’s tone was full of malice, but his voice was as soft as water.

“Finally, tell him about my willingness to die for him. Tell him how I was granted death with a glass of ‘Stigma’ in this desolate courtyard.”

Song Xian couldn’t help but take a few steps back. 

After Sui Yan finished speaking, he seemed to have lost all of his strength. He staggered back onto the couch, closing his eyes lightly.

Song Xian’s lips trembled, “You had to…”

Sui Yan snorted and replied, “Yes, I am this kind of person. Even if I die, I won’t let everyone live happily. Of course, you can choose to conceal this matter. But knowing Duan Zhisu’s, he will find out about everything within half a year.”

Song Xian, “You…..” 

Sui Yan was annoyed. He didn’t want to waste time talking to Song Xian. He quietly said, “Lord Song, you have been here for too long. Go back.”

Song Xian was shooed away. He left muddle headed, only reacting once he reached the door of the manor. He froze for a while before hurriedly walking towards the palace.

Sui Yan was still lying on the soft couch lazily. His lips were very red.

He seemed to be unaware of his imminent death. He hummed an unknown tune, but it was so off-key that he couldn’t bear to listen to it anymore. 

The snow fell harder and drifted onto him from the open corridor. Soon, half of his body was covered by a thin layer of snow.

Sui Yan didn’t notice it. Upon closer inspection, his eyes had lost their brilliance long ago. He was still humming slowly.

Footsteps sounded nearby. Sui Yan didn’t open his eyes, lazily asking, “You came to see me off?”

A man dressed in red stood beside him, a red cloak draped over his shoulder, blocking the raging wind and snow. 

The man was as pretty as a beauty. There was a seductive cinnabar dot between his brows, and his eyes drooped, filled with coldness. Seeing the miserable condition that Sui Yan was in, there wasn’t the slightest ripple in his eyes, and he coldly said, “I’m here to collect your corpse.”

“Pfft,” Sui Yan laughed. He opened his long, narrow eyes and said, “Yuejian-ah, you are even willing to collect the corpse of someone like me. Seems like you really value the old relationship between us.”

Yuejian coldly replied, “If I hadn’t come to collect your corpse, all of your enemies in the capital would whip your corpse before throwing it into a mass grave to feed wild beasts. Prince Jing, who used to be so powerful, could die in such a way. Aren’t you afraid of becoming a lonely ghost?”

Sui Yan replied thoughtfully, “Dying like this is not bad.” 

Yuejian was silent.

The two of them waited quietly. The wind whistled by, bringing snow with it. Sui Yan’s body was soon covered with a layer of white snow, making his face seem even paler.

After a long time, Yuejian softly said, “Sui Yan?”

Nobody responded. 

Yuejian said, “Wanggui?”

He tilted his head and saw Sui Yan, who was lying on the soft couch. His eyes had been closed for a while, and a layer of frost had formed on his long lashes.

Yuejian leaned over and stretched out a slender hand to wipe a trace of blood from Sui Yan’s lips. After a while, he whispered, “You are too tired.”

He untied his red cloak and laid it upon Sui Yan’s cold body. He smiled as if the person in front of him was just sleeping. 

“Go to sleep.”

The courtyard was full of lanterns, and the snow fell, sparkling like crystals.

After the heavy snow, everything was covered in silver.

A new emperor rose to power, and a new dynasty began.

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