Stigma (Yi Cong Yin)

Chapter 19: CH 17

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Thank you so much Lulith for the kofis! We have reached our kofi release goal for the first time, so please enjoy this bonus chapter! Thank you for the support!

Happy New Year! 

It was the third day of the New Year.

Early in the morning, a constant stream of people came to the Sui Manor to give New Year’s greetings. Sui Xun was so busy that he did not have a moment of rest. He had been used to staying in the army. After half a day of dealing with these hypocritical civil officials, he felt he had lost half his life.

He sent away another smiling official. Before Sui Xun could let out a sigh of relief, Li Zhao rushed in, “Second Young Master, the Third Prince is here.”

Sui Xun had not even been able to take a sip of tea. He reluctantly put down the cup and stood up to greet the guest when Li Zhao added, “But after he put down his greeting gifts, he went to the Little Young Master’s courtyard. Little Young Master Song also followed. What do you think…..” 

Sui Xun frowned and asked, “Did Wanggui wake up?”

Li Zhao answered, “He just woke up at dawn. Haitang is serving him right now.”

Sui Xun said, “Then we don’t need to worry about it. Young people don’t need to be too disciplined in their friendships. Go to the kitchen and instruct them to prepare some sweet porridge and snacks to send over.”

Li Zhao nodded and turned to do so.

In the side courtyard of the manor, Duan Zhisu and Song Xian were stopped from visiting Sui Yan for the first time. Song Xian had already been dissatisfied with Sui Yan, and when he saw this, he laughed coldly, “He just started to rely on the crown prince. Does he already think he is such a big deal?”

Duan Zhisu shouted, “Song Xian!”

Song Xian could only close his mouth reluctantly.

Haitang smiled awkwardly, “Young Master just woke up this morning. Maybe he has been sick for so long that he feels uncomfortable, but he lost his temper. Your Highness and Little Young Master, please wait here for a bit. I will let Little Young Master know that you are here.” 

Duan Zhisu said, “Thank you for your trouble.”

Haitang hurriedly said that he didn’t dare accept the thanks before he bowed and left.

Just then, servants from the kitchen brought over the freshly prepared sweet porridge and snacks. Haitang rushed to take them and picked out the pastries, “Young Master is still unwell. Send these pastries to the front hall.”

Haitang walked up to the door and knocked gently, “Young Master?” 

He waited for a while before Sui Yan’s voice sounded from inside, “What’s the matter?”

Maybe it was because he had been sick for so long, but Sui Yan’s voice was very faint and hoarse.

Haitang said, “The Third Prince and Little Young Master Song Xian are waiting in the front hall. They said they are here to visit you. Can they……”

Before he could finish, a crash sounded against the carved wooden door, as if it had been hit by something. A moment later, he heard the sound of shattering porcelain. 

Sui Yan sharply said, “Tell them to get lost!”

This was followed by a violent coughing fit, as if the person inside were hacking up their lungs.

Haitang was frightened, and he hurriedly explained, “Young Master, this is the Third Prince, not some outsider. Are you……”

Are you so sick that you've gotten confused? 

Ccbatfg mijaafg rbecvfv lc atf gbbw, jcv la rbecvfv ilxf wjcs atlcur tjv pera yffc atgbkc bcab atf ugbecv.

“Xfa ibra! Snfgsbcf, ufa ibra!”

When Sui Yan was sick before, he never had the habit of throwing things. Haitang was so scared that he could hear his heart pounding. He didn’t dare to persuade Sui Yan and instead chose to whisper, “Then……Young Master, the kitchen made some sweet soup. Would you like to drink some?”

Ktfgf kjr j wbwfca bo rlifcmf yfobgf Vel Tjc’r tbjgrf nblmf rbecvfv jujlc, “Xfa ibra…..” 

Ljlajcu vlv cba vjgf ab rajs jcs ibcufg. Lf tfiv bcab atf ybki bo rbeq jcv gjc jkjs.

Inside the room, Sui Yan had collapsed next to the bed. He struggled to breathe as he leaned on the edge of the bed.

He had been so furious that he had rolled off the bed while smashing the things on his table.

He had been sick for so long that his limbs were too weak, and he couldn’t climb back onto the bed. He tried to move, but his body hurt so much that he trembled, and he could only lean against the bed and try to catch his breath. 

Soon after, the door of the room opened. Jun Jingxing carried a bowl of medicine that he had just cooked and stepped in, only to see the mess covering the entire room.

Sui Yan looked up at him weakly.

Jun Jingxing rubbed his forehead, put down the medicine, and helplessly came over to help Sui Yan up, “Little Young Master is so sick, but still has the strength to turn the room into such a mess. Heroes really come from the youth.”

Sui Yan’s eyes suddenly reddened. 

Jun Jingxing was extremely frightened, and he coaxed, “Okay, okay, okay, I won’t say anything. I’ll just stop talking. Don’t…..”

Don’t cry.

Sui Yan couldn’t cry. No matter how red his eyes were or how sore his heart was, tears would not form in his eyes.

Sui Yan took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, tilted his head, and hoarsely said, “It’s alright.” 

He had been sick for so long that he had visibly lost weight. Even his face was deathly pale. His lips were dark red, making him look very weird.

Only Jun Jingxing knew that this was the sequelae of taking Stigma. With Sui Yan’s frail body, even if the poison was resolved, it would be impossible for him to go back to how he was before.

He will be entangled with illness and pain for the rest of his life, and he could no longer be as frivolous or unrestrained as other youths.

Jun Jingxing sadly thought, He’s only fifteen. 

It should be the most beautiful moment in his life.

Jun Jingxing brought the medicine over and calmly said, “Drink your medicine.”

Sui Yan pursed his lips.

Jun Jingxing raised a brow and asked, “What, do you want me to feed you?” 

Sui Yan’s expression froze before he reached out a shaking hand to take the bowl. He stared at the dark-colored liquid inside. After a long time, he finally said, “I want to eat candy.”

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Jun Jingxing, “……”

Jun Jingxing felt helpless, and he could only coax, “Okay, after you finish drinking this, I’ll get you some candy.”

Only then did Sui Yan nod his head, hold onto the spoon weakly, and finish the medicine, taking small bites. 

Jun Jingxing took a small box out of a nearby cabinet, rummaged through, and pulled out some candied fruit that he had previously bought.

As soon as Sui Yan saw the sweets, his eyes lit up. He handed his bowl back to Jun Jingxing, “I finished the medicine.”

Jun Jingxing absent-mindedly counted the candied fruit and replied, “Don’t act like a baby. Finish all of the medicine inside.”

Sui Yan could only stare at those fruits. He furrowed his brows as he drank the remaining medicine. 

As soon as he put his spoon down, Jun Jingxing stood up and shoved a piece of sugarcoated candied fruit into Sui Yan’s mouth. He smiled, “Is it sweet?”

Sui Yan kept the candied fruit in his mouth while he licked off the sugar on his lips. He blankly nodded, “En!”

Jun Jingxing said, “You can only have five of these every day.”

As he spoke, he put four pieces of candy into a palm-sized box, which he placed on the bedside table, within Sui Yan’s reach. 

Sui Yan stopped licking the candied fruit in his mouth and looked at Jun Jingxing incredulously, “Why?”

Jun Jingxing answered, “Eating too many sweets is not good for your body. If you are well-behaved, I’ll let you drink half a bowl of sweet soup after it gets warmer.”

In other words, Sui Yan could not even drink sweet soup anymore.

Sui Yan was so shocked that he turned even paler. He clung onto his last hope, “Wh……why?” 

Jun Jingxing replied, “I took a look at the sweet soup that your kitchen makes. The base of the soup is ginseng. Your body is in such a bad condition, and you still have the guts to drink ginseng soup? Are you scared that you won’t die fast enough?”

Sui Yan didn’t understand, “What?”

Sui Yan was so sick that he felt confused, and he didn’t have the energy to think about these things.

Jun Jingxing reached out to touch Sui Yan’s forehead as he explained, “Besides how sick people should avoid ginseng soup, there is still some poison in your lungs, even though we resolved most of it. Ginseng soup is a great tonic, but if you drink too much, you can trigger the latent poison in your bones.” 

Sui Yan couldn’t think straight, so he could only nod, “Oh.”

Jun Jinxing continued, “Fortunately, you didn’t drink much ginseng soup at the banquet, or you might have passed away within a few hours of consuming that poison.”

Sui Yan continued to nod. He seemed to have thought of something, but because his body was still too weak, he could not figure out what it was. The more he thought about it, the more his head hurt.

Jun Jingxing pressed Sui Yan’s shoulder so that he would lie down and said, “You can sleep for a bit. I’ll wake you up later to take your medicine.” 

Sui Yan had already been exhausted, so he readily closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, in the front hall of the side courtyard, Duan Zhisu had already drunk two cups of tea but still had not seen Sui Yan.

Haitang was repeatedly apologizing, his face full of cold sweat, “Young Master is unwell. He just fell asleep.”

Song Xian nearly smashed the cup in his hands. He raged, “What does he mean by this? We have already been waiting here for an hour, and all he does is pretend to be sick and send a servant to deal with us!” 

Duan Zhisu thought about it and felt that something was wrong. Although Sui Yan was stubborn, he had never acted this presumptuously. Moreover, the two of them had always had a good relationship, so it wouldn’t make sense for Sui Yan to make up such nonsense just to avoid him.

Duan Zhisu put on his cloak and stood up, “I’ll go take a look.”

As he spoke, he began to walk towards the inner room in the rear courtyard.

Haitang rushed to stop him, “Your Highness, please stop! Young Master is really sick, and he can’t see any guests……” 

Song Xian grabbed the frantic youth. His face darkened as he threatened, “If you say any more nonsense, I’ll have people beat you up!”

Haitang was so scared that his eyes were full of tears, but he still whimpered, “Young Master really…..cannot see……”

Song Xian shouted, “Shut up!”

Duan Zhisu ignored the two tussling behind him. He walked up to Sui Yan’s room and entered, completely not regarding himself as an outsider. 

To hide that Sui Yan had been poisoned, Jun Jingxing had driven away all of the servants these past few days. He had only allowed Haitang to enter the room to deliver food and medicine. Thus, when Duan Zhisu walked in, nobody stopped him.

As soon as Duan Zhisu stepped inside, he smelt a medicinal fragrance and frowned.

Was Sui Yan really this sick? He hadn’t gotten better after this long?


The bead curtains at the entrance of the inner room swayed, tinkling as the jade beads collided. Just as Duan Zhisu was about to walk through, a hand lifted the curtain from the inside.

Jun Jingxing had been cleaning up the mess on the ground. He stepped out to take a look when the door opened, only to see Duan Zhisu.

Duan Zhisu frowned, “You are……”

Jun Jingxing bowed and lightly said, “This subject greets His Highness the Third Prince. Little Young Master has already fallen asleep.” 

Over the past few days, Jun Jingxing had already figured out where Sui Yan had gotten poisoned, so he felt unhappy when he saw the Third Prince. Although he didn’t know why Sui Yan had gotten poisoned, he knew it had something to do with the person in front of him.

Duan Zhisu replied, “I just want to take a look at him.”

Jun Jingxing sneered in his heart and stepped aside to let Duan Zhisu through.

Duan Zhisu directly lifted the bead curtain and walked through. 

Sure enough, he found that Sui Yan had already fallen asleep, just like what Haitang and Jun Jingxing had said. His hair was scattered over the pillow, and the only color on his face was on his lips, making him seem terrifying.

Duan Zhisu froze and stared at Sui Yan, scared to step any closer.

Sui Yan quietly lay there, and he seemed to be dead.

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