Stories I’ve written

Chapter 1: Bluestar

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The wails of the kits echoed throughout the barren camp. She stood there, blood dripping from her claws. Her eyes slowly traveled to the nursery den, and her heart twisted with agony, fear, anger, and guilt. She looked down at the cat underneath her, his red fur ripped out during their fight. The tom was no bigger than an apprentice, she pulled herself off the tom, kicking his lifeless body to the side as she followed the kit's cries, pushing her way into the nursery. The large thick-furred dark tabby tom stood challenging, the helpless fur of black behind him, their eyes barely almost. There were no words spoken, but the tom unsheathed his claws, his fur spiking up as he lowered himself just a bit, protecting the singular kit.

"Tigerclaw, come here. Bring the kit, too."

The she-cat's voice was soft, silky even. Her tone was calm, like a mother cat soothing her kit. She slowly sheathed her claws again, her blue eyes softening with a glist of love, Tigerclaw had almost relaxed, before remembering who was at risk, what was at risk. He let out a snarl, the kit mewing in fear, and crying out for someone, some safety. Tigerclaw's heart shattered a bit, his amber glare softening, and looking towards the kit, he took a swift glance at Bluestar, and the leader made no move to hurt she took a step back. He paused, unsure if this was a trick or not. The kit's mewls and cries force him into a more mother-like state, as he turns his back on Bluestar, bending down and licking the kit's head, comforting the poor cat.

"Join me, Tigerclaw."

He wavered, his head drooping, before raising his head, looking towards her. His teeth barred, and his fur spiked again. The words were spat out like they were poison. 

"You killed Fireheart, You killed Greystripe, You killed my mate. My poor mate, Darkstripe. My apprentice Ravenpaw. I would rather die."

"So be it."

With those words, the she-cat lunged, the dark-furred tom pushed the kit into a messed-up nest, and the kit, sensing something was wrong, fell silent. Watching as his adoptive father fought a she-cat who had killed so many, the kits mews and the adult's growls and pained shouts fill the empty nursery, then after a moment, it fell deathly silently. The kit couldn't tell who had won, who had died, or what had happened. The pawsteps filled the kits' ears, and the moss in their eyes was moved.

"Come on, little tom."

The voice and scent filled the tom-kit, the fear of before slowly dying down. The deep voice of his father and the scent of his fur gave him a headache, nonetheless, it made him calmer. He pressed his face into his father's matted fur, before being picked up, and carried out, brought in such a way, that he couldn't see the dead bodies of his once clanmates. The dark-furred adult standing outside of the camp, tears falling down. There was a ruffle in the bushes, and a tom came running out. Harmed, horribly, yet still alive.


"Not enough time! We need to go!"

The harmed tom took the elder tom's tail, yanking it, forcing him to move forward. The two had taken off running, towards a barn. The two skidded to a stop, and a sleek-furred tom stood there, Ravenpaw. Another tom was there, a bit older than Ravenpaw, but not much. The two ushered the other two in and began to take care of them. Their wounds were licked, and the kit brought food.

Tigerclaw didn't know what to think. He kept the kit pressed up against him, his tail wrapped around the little tom protectively, his stare fading into a more tired, wiser look. His eyes drooped with tiredness as his apprentice licked at a wound on his flank. He sent Ravenpaw a gentle glance, one a father would give to their kit.

"Are you okay?"

The tom was tired, the shock didn't hit him, it wouldn't hit him for a while now. He felt tired, everything was so spinny, so light. He lowered his head, unable to hear Ravenpaw's answer to his question, instead, her eyes closed and his fear ebbed away, the kits purrs contenting his father, the fire-like pelt taking over Ravenpaw's duty, watching the two toms sleep soundly, then glanced at the other two, the two were busy attending to other matters. The once deputy's sigh came out shakily, nonetheless relieved. Starclan knows why he felt so uncomfortable like something was missing.

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