Story Of Kunning Palace

Chapter 28: Chapter 028

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After doing the bad deeds of bullying others, Jiang Xuening returned to his house without any psychological burden.
What's there to worry about?
In order to break off the marriage, a girl's family insisted on giving the object of marriage the reputation of "ke wife", and the other party was also known for being upright and upright, and it was not known who was unlucky when it was spread; besides, if they wanted to do it because of themselves Jiang Xuening was so eager for others to judge this incident.
If the trouble got too big, wouldn't she be able to leave the palace just in time?
It's a sure-fire deal on both sides.

  That night, Yan Lin really sent her some exam questions that he had inquired about. Of course, they may not be complete, but you know the general direction and which books to take. , It should not be difficult to pass the exam tomorrow.
After all, it's just to look at everyone's knowledge, not the real exam.
The purpose of the exam is just to eliminate some people who are too bad.

  After Jiang Xuening got it, he glanced at it roughly and found that it was almost the same as the previous life. After reading it, he put these pages on the fire and burned them. Although she doesn't care about herself, if this thing is seen by others, it is inevitable that Yan Lin will be found, and it will not sound good to say it.
Such a good night's sleep.
The next morning, after getting up to wash and dress up, she pushed open the door and saw at a glance that, early in the morning, there were several ladies from aristocratic families holding books outside, standing or sitting, chanting in a low voice recite or memorize.

It seems that everyone is really working hard to stay.
Jiang Xuening suddenly felt that being so lazy was really out of place.

  It was probably because of the sudden incident between You Yue and Yao Xi last night when everyone heard the door slam, and when they raised their heads and saw her walk in, there was a bit of fear and fear in their eyes.
Only a few people took the initiative to greet her.
Among them was Fan Yilan, the only one in the group who did not crawl to read a book. She even smiled at Jiang Xuening: "Mr. Jiang Er is early."
"Miss Fan is early.
" Qi Zihua, with that real material, always calm and calm.
This indifference is something Jiang Xuening cannot envy.
She has always been kind to those who show kindness to herself, so she also nodded to her and said, "Everyone seems to be up early today, and it seems that they all attach great importance to the academic examination school."

  In the early morning of late autumn, there is a faint cold mist floating in the sky.
Girls in different clothes stand in the corridor reading.
No matter how you look at it, it is a pleasing picture.

  Fan Yilan glanced at the others and said, "After all, you probably haven't experienced such battles before, it's natural to be nervous, even I couldn't sleep well last night, so I woke up early today. But Miss Jiang Er was the same as the previous two days, she slept until dawn, which is really admirable."
What's not good about envying her for being able to sleep? Jiang Xuening was really dumbfounded.

  Sitting on the other side was Fang Miao, who had rarely put down all kinds of astronomical almanacs today, and picked up a copy of the Analects instead, and after hearing Fan Yilan's words, he interjected sourly: "How does Miss Fan know, it's us. Everyone here didn't sleep well last night, and it's impossible for Jiang Er girl to sleep well. Everyone in the court and the public knows that Jiang Shilang and Mr. Xie are good friends and have contact on weekdays. If Jiang Er girl doesn't say anything else, she can always know something. Mr. Xie's preferences, and also know what to pay attention to when answering the exam for a while, right? We will be miserable, and we don't know which one to cradle."
Having said that, the voice suddenly stopped.
Fang Miao finally realized something that she had neglected before, she stood up as soon as she patted her forehead, and came up to pull Jiang Xuening's hand: "Miss Jiang! Miss Jiang! I forgot you have 'power' Oh man. Well, what, if it's convenient for you, can you tell us a little bit about what books Mr. Xie likes to read, and do you have any special preferences when grading papers?"

  Although Xie Wei has contact with Jiang Boyu, that is a matter of adults, Jiang Xuening is now just a little girl who died at the age of eighteen and said that she was nineteen years old, what can she know?
If Fang Miao asked this question in her previous life, it would be asking the wrong person.
It's just that Jiang Xuening really knows this life.
Who told her that she was reborn and knew the content of the test paper in advance?

  When Fang Miao asked this, the sound of reading in the corridor became a little smaller for some reason.
Jiang Xuening noticed that many people were looking at her, and her mind moved slightly: Why don't you do this kind of "good thing" of "benefiting others and benefiting yourself"?
The better others do in the exam, the worse she appears to be!
Fang Miao originally tried to ask. Seeing Jiang Xuening's eyes flickering, she said in her heart, "Sure enough, I won't tell." After all, everyone is in a competitive relationship at this time. Who wants to help their opponents?
If one is accidentally squeezed out, who will cry?
So she sighed: "I'd better continue to read my "The Analects of Confucius", it's better to hug blindly than not."

  But she never expected that, Jiang Xuening looked at her and laughed, and said to her: "The Analects of Confucius is to be read. If there is still some time left, it would be good to read Mencius. I also know that Mr. Xie has taken the test. The school is not too difficult for us, so we just have to see what everyone has learned. So according to the order in which ordinary scholars read, "University" and "Book of Songs" must also be read. My father did have some friendships with Mr. Xie. , but I don't know much about Mr.'s habits. I only know that Mr. Xie also prefers well-written words rather than good answers on the answer sheet. No matter how good the answer sheet is, if the words are not neat and clear, Mr. Xie will They'll all be thrown out of there."

  Everyone was stunned when they heard it.
Some people didn't expect Jiang Xuening to say it directly; some people were thinking, she just said it so easily, whether it was true or not; some people were a little suspicious of what she said.
Even Zhou Baoying is reading today.
Her little face was pink and tender, her brows were wrinkled, and she looked confused: "How can it be? Isn't reading, reading, knowledge, and cultivation the first? If it's just because the handwriting is not good enough, you will be punished. It's too unfair to be dismissed, isn't it? If there are already many questions on the exam paper, the handwriting will inevitably be scribbled in a hurry..."

  Jiang Xuening smiled: "Then I don't know."

  She didn't have much contact with Xie Wei in her last life, and they didn't even have the chance to meet each other. I only heard that when he presided over the scientific examination, his knowledge was excellent but his words were not good enough. Wait.
Originally a first-class was put into two-class;
the original two-class became a three-class;
the original three-class may have no name.
There were many scholars in that department who were dissatisfied, so there was a case of Shilin asking for an order to withdraw Xie Wei's examination of the chief executive officer, but Xie Wei still went his own way and had no intention of changing it at all.
Then it was over.

  Jiang Xuening didn't know why Xie Wei was like this.
Anyway, she said everything she knew, and it was their business whether others believed it or not.

  Because of Zhou Baoying's question, many people were suspicious of Jiang Xuening's words just now.
Only Xiao Shu looked at Jiang Xuening with admiration.
Because she knew that what Jiang Xuening said was true.

  After all, the Xiao family was very powerful in the court. Although Xiao Shu was already familiar with the eldest princess, and her knowledge was not bad, it was basically impossible to be persuaded to go home at this level. But once it comes to the academic examination school, it is a matter of face. Someone had already inquired about Xie Wei's habits and preferences for her, among which "good writing" came first.
She knew but never thought of telling others.
However, Jiang Xuening actually said it all...

  Isn't this person half selfish?
For a while, Xiao Shu felt that she didn't understand her very well, and then she felt that compared to this person's magnanimity, her little thought of competing for the first place seemed to be inferior.
Her heart suddenly became very complicated.

  But I don't know, at this moment, Jiang Xuening's heart is about to bloom: these silly girls must hold the Buddha's feet, take advantage of this time to read the book, and write carefully when answering the paper, Ben Gong will leave the palace smoothly and go home early. The "grand cause" of the future depends on you all!

  Everyone else was hurrying to read the book, but Jiang Xuening felt that her life had never been so hopeful. She walked into the Liushui Pavilion and wanted to make a pot of tea for herself. Ask them to take the test.
It's just that it didn't arrive, and just after the water was boiled, an "uninvited guest" came in.
Jiang Xuening raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

  Yao Xi.

  Xu is because she cried yesterday, and she cried even more after Jiang Xuening left, so her eyes looked a little swollen, and when she walked in from the outside, her eyes kept falling on Jiang Xuening.
Dressed in apricot red clothes, it looks good in an instant.
But Jiang Xuening could feel her unwillingness and anger from her clenched palm.

  Jiang Xuening stretched out his hand and slowly placed a set of tea sets on the tea tray. He just smiled: "Miss Yao, don't worry, we asked what you said yesterday, so you only said it. Although I am not a good person, I have Any grudges or grudges that are said in person, and I don't do anything like slandering the descendants behind my back, so naturally, I don't need to worry about me going back and talking about it everywhere."

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  Yao Xi felt like she was slapped in the face again.
After all, words like "slandering behind the back" and "heirloom small stories" sound like they mean something.

  She took a deep breath and said, "I asked myself that I have no grievances or enmity with Miss Jiang Er. After I went back last night, I deliberately inquired about it, but I didn't think that I offended you in any way. There is some disagreement between them, and it's just about targeting her. But your words are clearly aimed at me. I didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and I always felt that this was strange. Even if the girl was complaining, her reaction seemed to be a little too aggressive. , I have to wonder, what is the relationship between Jiang Er girl and that Zhang Zhe?"

This is because if you can't figure it out, you have to suspect that there is something between her and Zhang Zhe. I'm afraid that if there are any eyebrows, they will just be used as a reason to break off the marriage with Zhang Zhe.
Jiang Xuening is very keen.
That's all, if you come to question her in the previous life, she may not have a clear conscience; but if you ask her in this life, now she doesn't even know Zhang Zhe, where did the "relationship" come from?

  Jiang Xuening leaned forward, using a teaspoon to put the tea leaves in the tea into the pot little by little, and said without changing his face: "Master Zhang Zhe is a speaker, he is upright, and he is upright. Name. Although Xuening is also a villain, in the past two years, he has realized the truth. Although not everyone in the world can be a gentleman, it doesn't matter if he is a villain. Gentlemen, it is best to follow the way of a gentleman. Miss Yao seems to be suspicious of what Zhang Zha and I have, but after today, Miss Yao goes out to inquire and finds out that I have never met the legendary Lord Zhang. Once. If you want to do something out of it, you should stop thinking about it as soon as possible. You feel that this marriage is not good, and it is understandable that you want to quit. The world seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. But some things are not good if you do too much. Miss Yao wants to break off the marriage and do no harm to herself. Where in the world can there be such a good thing? "

  "Miss Jiang Er's words are really nice." Yao Xi listened to her tone of voice that had nothing to do with him, and felt extremely harsh, "I only heard that you were not good at getting along in the mansion, but now you are talking on your feet. No back pain, really wait for you to encounter such a thing, to be worthy of such a marriage, I am afraid that it may not be better than me!"

  This is the bloody mouth.
Jiang Xuening thought that when she was the worst at being a human being in her last life, she also clearly told Yan Lin that she wanted to be a queen and that she wanted to marry Shen D. She didn't find any innocent reasons for herself, let alone go to Yan Lin's body. What dirty water is pouring on him to stigmatize him?
And she took a fancy to Shen D before the accident in Yongyi Hou's mansion.
Regardless of whether something happened behind the Hou Mansion, she was going to marry Shen D, and she didn't have the heart of the stone. It's just that the two things collided, and there was a suspicion of falling into trouble, which made Yan Lin hate her even more.

  She raised her eyes and looked at Yao Xi's eyes, and suddenly became a bit mocking: "I see that Miss Yao didn't seem to have any intention of harm last night, but today she seems to be going to the point of a bull's horn. If I were Miss Yao, firstly, when I meet such a good marriage, and my father, who is a cabinet bachelor, thinks this person is good, it is too late to marry happily, so why do we need to break off the marriage? Second, I think this marriage is not good. I really want to retire from my marriage, but I don't want to throw such unpleasant dirty water on people as 'wives' and ask people how to get a wife. A decent gentleman will not force it. Thirdly, if I am determined not to bear the name of being a 'snobby' and want to break off the marriage, I might as well just sit at home and wait."

  When Yao Xi listened to the front, she couldn't help but tug at the veil and secretly hate, but when she heard her last sentence, she was suddenly startled: "What do you mean by that?"

  Jiang Xuening was seeing Yao Xi's disgust at the moment, just as the water on the side was boiling, he said coldly: "I'm going to make tea, if Miss Yao doesn't want to sit down and have tea with me, don't be there. This bothers me so much. I have to go to school in a while, why not read more books while I have time?"
Read more books, and don't bully the poor.
She has experienced a lot in her last life, and that's all she has learned. She can only tell her so much because she is not allowed to marry Zhang Zhe in the future. If Yao Xi understands, she understands, and it doesn't matter to her if she doesn't understand.

  Yao Xi, however, said that she didn't give any face, and became angry again.

  Everyone had chased away the guests, so she didn't want to stay any longer, so she left with a flick of her sleeves.
But when she went out, she realized that Liushui Pavilion was not Jiang Xuening's territory alone. How could she rush people up like she was the master?
But at this time, it would be too low to go in again, so I had to endure it.


  About two quarters later, Jiang Xuening just finished drinking two cups of tea, and someone came to pass the message outside Yangzhizhai.
He only said: "Several gentlemen have come over from Wenhua Hall and brought their examination papers. At the beginning of the morning, they will start the test at Fengchen Hall next to them, and they also asked the young ladies to follow the slaves and wait to move to Fengchen Hall.
", followed the palace people to Fengchen Hall.

  It didn't take even half an hour to walk from this hall to Yang Zhizhai, where the companions lived, and they arrived in a while.

  Jiang Xuening raised his eyes and saw that Fengchen Hall was the main hall, with side halls on both sides, side rooms, and mountain houses. There were neither carved beams nor painted buildings. Most of the doors were only painted with varnish, and there were only five steps in front of the hall. The five virtues of the sage.
After entering the palace, it is like a school.
The first place is where the gentlemen give lectures, the lower part is full of tables and chairs, and the desk is equipped with ink, ink, ink, ink, etc. On the west wall, there are several square tables, several chairs, bookshelves, and tea tables, which should be for Mr. They took a break between the two lectures.

  They each chose their seats and sat down.
Jiang Xuening was a little terrified of Xie Wei after all, so he directly picked a bookcase in the farthest corner where the light was not very good and looked a little dark. Although it might be a bit tedious to write something for a while, it can avoid the eyes of others.
At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Gentlemen, please."

  Everyone immediately got up again.

  Jiang Xuening stood in the corner and looked back, and saw that Xie Wei was wearing a loose blue robe today, with a green jade hairpin, his brows and eyes were not stained with dust, and his lips had a bit of a usual smile, and he went up with the other three. The old pedant with gray hair and beard walked in from outside the hall. In terms of appearance and bearing, he stood out from the crowd, not to mention that he was too young among the people of the same rank in the court.
There was a lady from an aristocratic family who had mocked others for mentioning Xie Wei's blushing before but only after seeing it did she realize that the person wasn't talking nonsense at the time.
For a while, many people dared not look directly.
Jiang Xuening even looked at Xie Wei and immediately lowered her head: she didn't dare to look at Xie Wei, but hoped that Xie Wei would not pay attention to her anyway, she just needed to finish the answer and hand it in when he told him to get out Feeling is enough.


  Xie Wei was involved in the hall with a pile of questions rolled up. As soon as he put it on the table, he looked up and his eyebrows moved slightly. He glanced around the corner again and then saw Jiang Xuening standing with his head bowed in the dark corner.
His unrolled fingers froze slightly.
An old Hanlin next to him asked him, "Ju An, what's the matter?"

  Xie Wei only pointed at the palace servants who were standing at the entrance of the palace, and said lightly: "If there is no strong wind, rain, and scorching sun in the future, open the window sash in the east corner." The
palace servant immediately replied: "Yes."
Then he passed by Jiang Xuening, and pushed open the window sash that had been tightly closed earlier.

  The light of the sky outside poured in suddenly, all of which fell on her body and also illuminated the desk and pen and paper in front of her.
At this moment, Jiang Xuening felt that he had nowhere to hide.
There was already a scolding in my heart: With this posture, I clearly suspected that Ben Gong was going to cheat in the dark! Hey, look at the "good" answer sheet that Ben Gong will give you this time, and teach you what it means to be "inexperienced"! I can't get mad at you!

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