Stray Cat Strut

Chapter 130: Interlewd Two

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Love Crafted (Interactive story about an eldritch abomination tentacle-ing things) - Completed

Stray Cat Strut (A cyberpunk system apocalypse!) - Ongoing

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Fluff (A superheroic LitRPG about cute girls doing cute things!) - Hiatus

Dead Tired (A comedy about a Lich in a Wuxia world doing Science!) - Ongoing

The Agartha Loop (A Magical-Girl drama!) - Ongoing

Lever Action (A fantasy western with mecha) - Ongoing

Interlewd Two

I barely took in the interior of the cab, too busy wrestling Lucy’s tongue with my own as we slid into the long backseat.

“Greetings, honoured customers,” the taxi said. “Was your meal satisfactory?”

“Mmh,” I said. Lucy was scooting towards the middle of the seat, but she still had one hand around my neck and was making sure that my ability to breathe and think was a little on the short end.

We broke apart, for just a moment. “Yeah,” I said. “Hotel, bring us to the hotel. Myalis, turn off any observation stuff.”

I wish I could off my own. There are some things I don’t want to see.

I snorted, then was cut off when Lucy grabbed the front of my jacket in a fist and pulled me closer. She was on one knee on the seat, her other leg extended to the floor to keep her at an angle.

I shifted, sitting up properly. “Lucy,” I said.

She paused, and panted, her warm breath whispering past wet lips. “What?” she asked.

“Sit?” I asked, patting my lap.

She rolled her eyes. “Softie,” she said. “Fine.”

I grinned as Lucy shoved over and plopped herself down on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, pressing her close to my chest. Lucy could call me a softie all she wanted, this, having her in my arms all soft and warm, was the best.

My head dropped to the nook of her neck and I started peppering her with soft little kisses. I knew that it annoyed her a little. Lucy was always a bit... rougher with her affections, and she liked it like that in return.

The taxi started to move, both of us swaying just a little with the shifting momentum. I felt Lucy’s rear wiggling a little, pushing down onto my lap as I continued to press kisses into her neck and hair.

“Cat,” Lucy whined.

I loosened my hug a little, one hand slipping under the stealth jacket I’d given her. It was warm under the coat. I pressed my hand over her stomach, then up until it was atop a breast. I squeezed, just a little. Lucy squirmed some more.

“For fuck’s sake Cat,” she muttered. “I wanted to fuck, not just some cuddles.”

“Cuddles are important,” I said.

Still, I could accommodate a little. Lucy was always very straight-forward about what she wanted. It was one of the things I loved about her. She could play coy too, but it was always easy to read through.

This kind of kissing and cuddling and hugging, that just got her worked up, which might have annoyed her, but it always made things a lot more fun later.

Lucy pushed back into me. “Cat,” she muttered.

I reached my free hand lower, passing over her belly and down towards her crotch. Lucy was quick to undo her belt for me, and I chuckled as she shifted and raised herself up a little. I reached my hand down, into the warm interior of her pants, then paused.

“Cat, come on,” Lucy said.

I nuzzled the collar of her coat aside and nibbled down on her neck. She gasped, chest heaving out a little. I squeezed a bit harder as I started peppering her with kisses again. My other hand dipped lower. I could feel the soft, synthetic cloth of Lucy’s panties, the band on the edge elastic and springy. I hesitated a little before moving my hand over the panties rather than in.

Lucy leaned to the side and turned her head so that I could better kiss her.

My searching fingers dipped down between her thighs and over soft warmth. I caressed something velvety and damp. “Wet already?” I asked.

She giggled. “It’s the salad, I swear.”

I laughed and pressed another big kiss onto her cheek. “That damned salad,” I said as I started to move my hand up and down in a long, oval motion.

Lucy took a deep breath and shifted a bit, legs open wider and back arching just a little. She was like a cat pressing into a petting hand. I continued the motion absently while fondling her breast with my other hand.

She had great breasts. I could say that with no bias at all.

“Having fun?” Lucy asked. Her voice had dropped a little, becoming more sultry.

“Mmhm,” I said. “I’m just contemplating how lucky I am to be able to play with these.” I squeezed again.

“You’re just playing with the one,” Lucy said. “The other’s going to get all lonely.”

“I’ll kiss it better later,” I said. My fingers continued to trace little circles, sometimes pushing in a little deeper. Lucy might have been acting a little casual about things, but I could tell she was really starting to get worked up.

Not that I could blame her. I’d gotten nothing more than a few good kisses in, but I could already feel my underwear sticking to me. There was an aching, tingling sensation in my core, a want that had my heart thumping just a little faster. Feeling Lucy sitting on me, all soft and warm, only made it worse.

There was always this sort of... zap, when things started getting steamy. It was this sensation that started in my toes and raced up my back. I knew that my face was a little on the warm side, my ears burning up.

It was nice, it was hot, and it left me feeling... empty? Like something was missing. I wanted Lucy to grab my ass the way she always did, I wanted her to squeeze my breasts and press her tongue into my mouth, I wanted to feel her fingers slipping into me.

At the same time, the moment before all of that fun happened, the moment we were in right now, with me slowly teasing Lucy, that was the best. I could hear her heart beating wildly, felt every shift of her hips on my lap as she got worked up. She was getting more and more wet and that felt great too.

Maybe I was weird, but I imagined that need that she had, the same emptiness for something that I felt, and I imagined that she wanted me to be the one to fill that emptiness. She needed me, she wanted me, and of course, I was there for her.

It was probably a bit creepy to think that way. It’s why I never really told her. Lucy was a lot more straight-forward about that kind of thing than I was.

“Oh fuck, the food,” Lucy said.

I snorted, then laughed, a cold wash moving down my spine and pushing back some of the fog. “Right, I forgot,” I said. “Uh.”

Lucy turned a little and looked up to me. She was a little flushed, though it was hard to tell on her darker skin. “Do we have to stop to grab something?”

“My hands are already full,” I said.

She jabbed me with an elbow. “Idiot. I mean... fuck, can we just order something?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Myalis?”

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“Food, for the kittens? Like, don’t blow our budget. I... just like, burgers and stuff.”

How succinct. You know, it’s not my job to help you order fast food for your charges, right?

“Please Myalis,” I asked.

For some reason, I could imagine the AI rolling her eyes.

The sacrifices I make.

The taxi banked, and the world outside went dark for a moment even as we slowed down. “We’re here already?” Lucy asked.

“Oh,” I said. I could see the hotel’s front door just outside, a valet already moving to open the door for us. “Oh shit.”

Lucy jumped off my lap, then arched her back and tugged her pants up to redo the button on the front. There was a certain smell in the cabin now, one that I hoped no one noticed.

The valet opened the door, and I stepped out. I was hyperaware of the wetness in my pants, and I could only imagine that it was worse for Lucy who followed me out. I shoved my hand in a pocket, my fingers were damp.

We didn’t say anything as we crossed the lobby, though Lucy did hang off my arm as we walked, just like she used to when she forgot her crutches before. “Holy shit,” she said.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s leaking down the side of my leg, I swear if you don’t do something about this I’m locking myself in the bathroom with Mister Tentacles.”

I chuckled, the squirming warmth in my stomach twisting at the thought.

We got to an elevator. It was empty.

The moment the doors closed Lucy shoved me against one wall and got onto the tips of her toes, her mouth jammed against mine even as her hands reached out behind me and started gripping onto my ass so hard it hurt a little. “Fuck Cat,” she said as she broke the kiss for just a moment. “Can this thing move faster?”

The doors opened and we stayed where we were for a moment, at least until we had to break apart to breath.

I noticed that one of the hotel guards next to the door was red-faced under his little helmet. I’d have been a little embarrassed, but my mind was too foggy for that.

We raced over to the penthouse and shoved the door open. I saw kittens in the living room, a couple of them draped over the large mecha-tigers as if they were huge toys rather than war machines.

“We ordered food from... somewhere,” Lucy said as she ran ahead of me. She dipped into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and pulled out a pair of water bottles. “We’re busy,” she said.

I grinned at the kittens, made sure none were dead, noted that Katallina was sitting with Junior on one couch with Catkiller’s head on her lap, then waved before moving to the bedroom.

We made it one step in, and slammed the door behind us before we were back to ravaging each other. Lucy flung the water bottles to the middle of the bed while we walked over, mouths barely coming apart for more than a second.

My core was burning, my entire body tingled, only finding a bit of relief whenever Lucy’s arms and hands brushed by.

I flung my coat off and Lucy did the same with hers. I was wearing my skin-tight armour underneath, and it took some squirming to get out of it. We separated for just a moment as we tore our clothes off. I kept an eye on Lucy the entire time though.

Her old t-shirt flew off to the side, leaving her in nothing but a ratty bra that wasn’t quite sized right. She tossed that aside with just a moment spent with her arms bent back.

My boots came off, then I shoved the bottom half of my suit down my legs. I glanced up and saw Lucy using the edge of the bed to keep balanced as she tugged her pants down. She was trailing juices down the inside of her thigh.

My mind was a little foggy as I stepped up behind her and hugged her close. Skin on skin, so warm it burned. I gasped in the scent of her and she pressed into me for just a moment before she started to turn around.

I pushed her back, catching her forearms as she squeaked and I lowered her back-first onto the bed, her knees right on the edge.

Sliding a foot forward, I pushed her legs aside and fell down atop her, my head landing right between her breasts. “Which one did I miss earlier?” I asked.

“Cat,” she protested.

I kissed her breast, then worked a trail of pecks over to the nipple of the neglected breast. I nibbled on it.

“Cat!” Lucy squeaked. She was trying to push herself up farther onto the bed, but I grabbed onto her hips, stalling her motion so that I could leave a trail of kisses down her stomach and across her abs.

She was still wearing panties, the dark grey, store-bought things marred by a proud wet spot on the front. I tugged them down across the soft skin of her thighs.

I dipped in, and slowly, carefully, licked her from the bottom up. There was that familiar taste, the one I’d come to associate with a really good day. Lucy’s thighs shifted, squeezing her legs shut before me. It was just something she did whenever she got too excited.

I knelt lower, lifted her knees up, and placed one on either shoulder before diving in again.

A glance up and I saw that Lucy had her eyes closed, her bottom lip bit, and both hands kneading at her breasts. I grinned as I pressed in. Slow and gentle, teasing. Lucy had once described it as starting like a butterfly landing on a flower, and ending like a dog drinking out of a bowl.

I had free hands, so I brought both of them up and spread Lucy open just a little more, then I started to press circles into her opening with the end of my thumb.

I’d look up every so often, Lucy’s face, the way her cheeks puffed, the way her eyes squeezed shut whenever I pushed a finger just a little deeper in, it all made me feel warmer and warmer inside. Hell, I’d once gotten off on just teasing her for long enough.

Her thighs tightened around my head, and I felt her tensing, stomach going taut for a moment even as the flesh around my finger tightened for a bit, almost pulling my finger in deeper.

“Oh, fuck,” Lucy whispered.

Not a full on orgasm, but close.

My free hand dipped down to my crotch. I still had my panties on, but they were easy enough to push to the side.

It was a little like rubbing the top of my head and my stomach at the same time, but I managed.

“Is it my turn yet?” Lucy asked.

“Hmm? No,” I said as I came up. “Not until I have you panting for real.”

Lucy huffed and spread her legs wider while sitting up. She sat on the edge of the bed, reached under my armpits, and pulled me up. Or well, she tried.

I gave in with a laugh and climbed down atop her until I was resting over her, my face over hers. “You didn’t like it?” I asked.

“No, I just want my turn,” she said. She pushed me to the side, and I didn’t resist as I rolled onto my back and Lucy climbed atop me. “Mister Tentacles,” she said. “Come over here.”



This was written well over a month ago... about time I post it. 

Hope you enjoyed it! I'm still practicing with smutty stuff. It's not something I think I'm very good at, but it's still fun to write! 

Also, join my patreon! The next smutty thing will probably be for Lever Action, but I can be bullied with money to do more, and you'd get to it sooner too!

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