Strongest Dandy System

Chapter 153: 155

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Kill Xu Haoran and the system rewards 5 fighting runes.

However, five of them were not included in the talismans issued by the lieyangzong.

That's why there are a few more.

Xu tassel mingled in the crowd, and with a smile, he could not help touching his nose.

I didn't expect that the old guy was very strict. He found out.

But Xu tassel naturally did not speak.

The system is the golden finger to master the world.


Although there are more than 5 runes, we can't find out which is false!

"It's disgusting that some people take the fake for the real."

"Well, if it is found out, it will be severely punished!"

"That's it. I killed the demon and got the red talisman. This guy is so hateful. I want to pick his skin and light the sky lamp."

"All right, all quiet!"

In the noise, Lieshan suddenly drank, and immediately looked at Xu with suspicious eyes: "Xu Liusu, hand over your four green runes, and you, Xiong Lin, Su Yue, Chu Huai, all of you hand over the fighting talisman. This elder wants to examine and approve! "

The spearhead points at several people in an instant!

After all, Huang Youqing is one of the few people fighting Fu.

This is really questionable.

Doubt that Xu tassel can really kill so many demons?

"Ha ha, the end of this little line is stable. How about checking it? Are you afraid of it?"

Xu tassel light smile, waving four green light.

The mountain beckoned.

Look left, look right, frown.

"Elder Lieshan, can you see whether this talisman is true or not On one side, Zhao Yanliang said.

"Elder Lieshan, you should take a careful look. If someone is confused, it will be a disgrace to the clan. You must ask him to give an account."

Zhao Gongming suddenly said: "we have worked hard to kill the big demon. If the rules are unfair, wouldn't we let the disciples feel cold?"

"Yes, I hope elder Lieshan can give you justice."

A group of Zhao Gongming's vassals echoed their words.

It's a pity.

After a long time, the old man of Lieshan took a puff, frowned and shook his head: "it's really the clan seal of the sun. There's nothing wrong with it."

There are ancestral seals on all the talismans.

Zongyin can't cheat people.

Unless you are a Wupin weapon refiner, you can make a mark with spirit control and fire skill.

But obviously, Xu Liusu can't be a Wupin weapon refiner.

In turn, Lieshan continued to check Xiong Lin's fighting amulets and found nothing.

"It's strange... Is it other disciples who cheat?"

Excluding Xu tassel, it is impossible for other people to fake.

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"Have you finished the investigation? Elder Ganglie's leprosy, I've been grateful for all the flowers I've been waiting for." Xu tassel put his hands on the back of his head and laughed coldly.

"Well, you're lucky. Take it back!"

"Thank you, elder Ganglie..."


The mountain glared at him fiercely, not entangled, a wave of hand, suddenly Xuanguang in front of the condensation of a gorgeous screen of light.

There are two rows of bells jingling and ringing, and the light curtain reflects the scenery here.

A series of secret orders are flying from the array. Each channel is diffused by sound waves.

It's like the wind chimes in the secluded wind valley.

In the center of the array, there is a big list of Jin Hui Zhan Zhan. It appeared in front of the public.

The large and winding characters of Diaolong are strong and powerful.


the imperial edict of heaven ran, spread thousands of miles!

"It's haoyin array and tianzhaobang. We have a chance to get ahead!"

The disciples screamed and their faces were very excited!

Xu tassel raised his head and took a little glance, but also came to be interested: "this is Hao Yin array and Tian Zhao bang?"

"Ding, system detection, this is the first class array and yellow imperial edict list."

"Haoyin array has the function of transmitting sound between the main cities, and the imperial edict list of the Yellow level is only available to the Marquis and prefectures of the Qin region. It can be imaged and spread thousands of miles away!"

Xu tassel swayed his chin and squinted: "that is to say, today's events will spread all over the territory?"

He suddenly thought of the plot of the lieyangzong.

I can't help but be curious.

Why is it necessary to display the imperial edict list to let the world see if we want to kill one hundred disciples?

"Later, there will be a fight for the spirit of the fighting rune. It's just a small episode. For the sake of absolute justice, the disciples who have doubts about the holder of the rune can choose their opponents to challenge, and the winner can get all the spoils of the opponent."

"According to the final statistics, we can select the test position of fire heart array."

Smell speech, Xu tassel head a cast, then see the beautiful sister beside her.

Lieyun leaned over: "you are the triple cultivation of Wuhun state, and you are rich in booty. Later, Zhao Gongming will challenge you."

"It doesn't matter, I will challenge him..."

Xu tassel squints, if so.That would be fun!

Sure enough, next, the mountain will challenge the rules later.

There were many greedy eyes in my eyes.

Xu tassel is not aware of any difference.

After all, it was so strong before.

Which disciple would challenge him foolishly?

But Xiong Lin is different.

They have become the target of the group attack.

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