Strongest Dandy System

Chapter 167: 169

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Recruit students?

Chu Huai is surprised.

Xionglin was surprised.

Zhao Gongming was surprised...

even Zhao Yanliang was surprised.

All the people present were shocked...

this is a fantastic purpose.

Recruiting disciples in front of the old face of the patriarch of the burning sun?

In the whole field...

if there was no shock, I'm afraid only the mountain...

"recruit disciples? Ah ha ha ha ha, yellow mouth child, fantastic! Why do you think you have a cheap mouth, a pretty appearance, a lot of means, and a high level of talent, so you can talk a lot in front of my mountain? "

The mountain roared with laughter: "recruit students... I recruit you paralyzed!"

"Hum, if you can recruit disciples, how can I not? Is it because you have a broken fire

Xu Tasu retorted: "what's more, the broken fire array is not strong at all. It's not the same as it was broken by this little slap?"

The aura of heart array without fire is abundant.

Xu tassels have absorbed most of them.

So for him, the lieyangzong.

There is no use for it.

Now, he's going to do his own thing!

"Can you come up with a stronger array than the heart array without fire? You can take it out. I'll take out my eyeballs for you to use as eggs

The mountain gave a cold smile, and his face was extremely contemptuous.

I'm kidding.

The top five array is the ten years of lieyangzong.

How could it be that you, a little doll, would take it as soon as he said it!

"Be an egg. Play with an egg?"

Xu tassel thumbs up: "good, bold, worthy of being an elder whose anus can be split, that is, cow force, admiration and admiration!"

"But if you can't take it out, you'll give your life to me. I can't bear it when you humiliate the power of the clan."

"You must bear with it, and hand over your two old eggs."

Xu tassel hook up the corner of the mouth, evil smile.

Play with me?

Ben, don't play to death!

Xu tassel spread out his hands and a golden talisman floated in his palm.

"Ding, it costs 400 dandy points for the host to buy the jindouyan spirit array. The total cost of the dandy is over 900, which can reach the first level of nobility."

"First class nobles enjoy privileged treatment."

Xu tassel can't help but be happy.

But now he has no time to pay attention to aristocratic privileges.


The golden light is clear, and a touch of golden light like silk is shining brightly.

It's like a God's mansion, and the light shines everywhere.

These golden awns instantly formed an array of eyes.

Roughly, there are at least 83.

The eyes of the array are dotted with each other.

A bright golden flaming array leaps with gorgeous fire, and forms under the gaze of a group of silly eyes.

It is divided into six parts.

One pass is the most abundant place of aura.

The flame level of waiwuguan also decreases in turn.

It is also a five grade array, but the force grid is much higher than the heart array without fire.

"What the hell is NIMA?"

The mountain burst out a rude word, two old eyes are almost staring round.

Xu Tasu laughed: "anal fierce, I don't know how this array is compared with the heart array without fire? I don't want to use this to recruit disciples. Anyone who worships the king's clan can become an entry-level disciple and practice in the jindouyan spirit array for free. "

"This array is full of vitality, and there is no side effect of cultivation. You don't need to hand in any bullshit spirit spirit spirit rune. If you want to come, you can just suck it up and go away!"

Xu tassel's white paper fan opens.

This time, it was engraved with the word "steal King clan".

"Come on, first come, first served."

All of you are gaping!

They all started to jump inside.

This is no less than the fire heart array's Wupin Yan array. It can't be fake.

If you don't use fire, you have to go through ten days.

And soul.

The difficulty is much higher than the golden array in front of us.

"Xu, elder martial brother Xu, is this array really as good as you said?"

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"Elder martial brother Xu, even if I didn't go in, I could feel that the array is powerful. We won't be burned to death."

"Elder martial brother Xu, dare you want to go in and try and give us a look."

One suspect.

Questions came one after another.

After all, Xu Liusu is a peer.

They don't dare to make a rash decision.

If you believe it.

What to do if you die in the array?

"Master Chu, I don't believe you

"Believe it!"Chu Huai hardly hesitated: "what the master wants me to do, the disciple will do it!"

"Well, take off your clothes and get in!" Xu Liusu said.

"Ah? disrobe? Do you want to undress? "

Chu Huai's face turned red: "take off here?"

Xu Liu Su white eyes: "nonsense, you go in to know!"

Chuhuai "Oh" and takes off his coat and pants.

"What do you want to do with your pants off? Just take off your clothes."


that's it.

Chuhuai is the first person to eat crabs bravely.

Small face flushed, summoned up courage to stand in front of the golden fire: "I want to join what to steal?"

"Steal King clan!"

"Yes, steal the king clan!"

Chu Huai finished, but he didn't get into the array.

The golden light soon wrapped his body.

Xu Liusu hugged his chest and was very satisfied: "well, it's the best way. In fact, you can take off your pants... It's just a little indecent."

Why take off your clothes.

The jinyanling array is recommended according to the attribute of Xu Liusu and Da Luo.

But the Da Luo Zhu Tian is the method of quenching body.

Therefore, the flame power of jindoulingyan array can refine meridians.

This is a very strange array.


Sure enough.

"I'm so happy!" Chu Huai felt comfortable all over, as if all his limbs were broken through.

At this moment...

when he was about to reach the double heaven of Wu Hun state, tianlinggai suddenly burst out a touch of golden light and went straight to the sky.

This is the scene of breaking through the triple heaven of Wu Hun state!

"A breakthrough

"Chuhuai has made a breakthrough

"NIMA, I'm a force

There are so many comments around me that I can't believe my eyes.

Even the burning mountain is stunned. Seeing the present, I feel like I am dreaming.

"Now, can you believe that Ben is less?"

Xu tassel looked at all people: "give you three seconds time, expired do not wait, do you want to join the pirate king clan?"

One second.

"I join, Mr. Xu, and I, Wu Liang, join the pirate king clan!"

"Big brother, I and Xiaoyue also join the pirate king clan!"

Xu tassel squints and smiles: "good, very good, you will be the first group of old people of the pirate king clan."

The second second.

"Young master Xu, I quit guanglingzong and joined the robber King clan."

"Young master Xu, I'm a disciple of Tianfeng city. I'll join the pirate king clan!"

"Master Xu... Me too."

"Master Xu, I'll join you!"


in just three seconds.

Besides some of the 300 disciples in the main city Tianjiao.

The number of people who submitted to Xu tassel and Wang Zong was 102.

Xu tassel was extremely satisfied: "mm-hmm, great. Take off your clothes and go in. Don't worry. My Lord is outside. No one can disturb you."


"Thank you very much, Lord Xu!" the voice of the hundred disciples was loud and clear


Crackling, he took off his clothes and jumped in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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