Strongest Dandy System

Chapter 35: 35

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The young man in blue didn't expect that Xu tassel could be unhurt with a sword, and his gloomy eyes glanced at him with dignity.

He is an outstanding disciple of hanzong's Wufu, and his practice of "chopping the sky sword" is domineering and powerful.

I thought killing Xu tassel was like cutting vegetables, but I didn't expect Xu tassel to catch up so quickly.

They ran away and chased each other.

At the corner of a small valley, the young man in blue suddenly turns around and looks at him with a murderous look in his eyes. Then he throws out six sword lights with his backhand, and the sword is not only roaring.

"Hanzong extreme sword formula, six flow cut the sky!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The light of the six swords is as fast as thunder. The light of the sword sweeps on both sides, and the thick trunk breaks and collapses. It has great power!

"Cut the sky? Kill you

Xu tashu's eyes were cold, and he raised his gun to roar. The rampant spear flowers were hanging upside down. In the air, countless gun lights gathered and scattered. The light of the coming six swords hit the spear awn and went out one after another. It was not the combined strength of the big Luotian gun at all!


The young man in blue was shocked and stared at Xu tassel and said: "I have two sons. No wonder you are so arrogant. If you have the seed, you will come after me. However, you must not regret it!"

With a cold smile, Xu Liusu's eyes were full of murderous intent: "xiaobizai..."

"Ding, the host encounters the pretending villain Feng Gu. He comes from the hanzong Wu mansion of Tianyuan County, and cultivates himself as a martial spirit state."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. If you kill Feng Gu, you can reward the dandy by 10 points."

Xu Liusu said in a low voice: "very good, the reward of 10 points is enough for me to kill you!"

Feng Gu snatched the spirit of snow cloud leopard.

Actually, it's all about killing yourself.

If he had failed to cultivate himself, he would have died by his sword.

For this kind of forced criminals, Xu Liusu is not only a butcher, but also a butcher.

"Ghost shadow, heaven's pole step!"

Xu tassel at the foot of the real yuan wild surge, ghost repeatedly gush thin, body close to Feng Gu!

After half a column of incense,

Xu tassel came to a clearing in the dense forest with a big Luo Tian gun on his back and walked leisurely with a smile on his face: "Feng Gu... Do you still want to run?"

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At this time, Feng Gu held a sword and stared at Xu tassel. His eyes were strange: "do you know me?"

Xu Tasu's mouth overflowed with a sneer: "of course, the dog's name is easy to remember... That year you were not. Li's sow, which was raised less, so this little should revenge for the sow!"


Feng Gu's eyes changed, and then he took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said angrily, "you little beast, how dare you fart! Believe it or not, I'll kill you

Xu shusu shrugged his shoulders, held the gun with one hand, and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. What's important is that you'll soon be a dead man!"

Feng Gu laughed wildly: "ah ha ha ha ha, dead man? I admit that you can kill the snow cloud leopard with only nine levels of physique. You have some strength. I intended to let you go, but your stupidity lies in chasing me here. Since you are here, you don't want to leave alive. " His voice was cold and he was sentenced to death.

"Come out, all of you!"

Feng Gu clapped his hands, and his eyes became more and more ferocious.

"Elder martial brother Feng, why have you been there so long? I've been waiting for all the flowers."

"Ouch, I also brought a handsome young master. I like this look. Elder martial brother Feng Gu, or I will give this handsome young man to me."

"Hum, don't you make any noise. Didn't you hear what little Baipi said? He said that Feng gufei, a gilt, obviously dared to challenge our hanzongwu mansion. I think he is tired of living."

"If you're tired of living, I'll kill you. I'm nine times physically. In my eyes, it's just a mole ant. It's not enough to plug my teeth."

From the shadow of the tree came four men and three women, each in blue, with swords hanging around his waist, and his eyes were haughty and looked at Xu tassel. Then he took steps to surround Xu tassels.

"Well, his face is quite white, but I don't know if it's good to see or not to use..." a swordsman with a proud look was pale and licked his lips with excitement.

His name is Jia Kang. The cruel words of "killing if you are tired of living" are just what he said.

"Don't look down on him. He was killed by himself." Feng Gu had a funny smile on his face.

"Snow cloud leopard? Ha ha ha ha, Feng Gu, it seems that you have taken advantage of it again. Isn't the spirit of snow cloud leopard in your hands? I'm afraid that you cut off the beard and chased after him foolishly. " Jia Kang laughs at random and doesn't pay attention to Xu tassel.

Feng Gu said casually: "for the spirit of the snow cloud leopard, I've escaped to now. I'm tired. My waist and legs are sore. I'm so angry."

"Ha ha ha ha ha." People around him laughed again.

Feng Gu smiles faintly, and Yu Guang glances at Xu tassel, revealing a faint sense of killing: "Jia Kang, go and try him. If you kill him, I'll call you big brother."

"Yes, elder martial brother Jia, open your eyes to younger martial sisters. Well, let's see if this handsome boy can do it A Han Zong woman laughs the flower branch to tremble, act coquettishly way.The other three women joined in.

"Ha ha."

Jia Kang sneered and walked towards Xu tassel step by step with his sword. He said with a wicked smile: "ha ha ha ha, I also have this idea." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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