Strongest Dandy System

Chapter 7538: 3596

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Who is Jiantang?

Xu Liusu asked suspiciously.

Zunhuo said to Xu Liusu, "since you are my disciple and kuishui's wife, I should tell you something."

Xu Liusu said: "master father, please tell me."

Only two meters high zunhuo old man reached out to lift the hem of the red gown.

Xu Liusu's pupil shrinks and suddenly takes a breath of cold air!

Some of them are empty. One leg is missing, which is supported by a long and thin black steel. In other words, one leg of zunhuo old man was cut off from the root of his leg.

Xu Liusu didn't get angry. After all, he had just been a teacher. It's just nonsense to say how much friendship he had for the old man zunhuo.

However, this still shocked Xu Liusu. Who could cut off the great master's leg?

But what made him even more shocked was still behind, because kuishui old woman also opened the white silk beside her ears, she lost an ear!

"This..." Xu Liusu said.

Master Jinxuan looked at Xu Liusu and asked suspiciously, "who is he?"

Qi Jinghuan quickly said the identity of Xu Liusu, because the Qi family didn't need to hide anything from the six highly respected ancestors, liuwangding!

"I see." Master Jinxuan had a good temper, but he nodded solemnly.

Immediately, master Jinxuan sighed and lifted the hem of his long shirt. One of his legs was missing, which was his right leg. Zunhuo's left leg was cut off.

"What the hell is going on?" Xu Liusu asked.

He is a little anxious, because after he and the Qijia alliance, in principle, the relationship has changed. This time, liuwangding needs to help. In a sense, both sides are in the same camp.

"Sit down first, and wait until those two old men come." Master Jinxuan sat down and showed humanity to all.

Qi Jinghuan, Xu Liusu, zunhuo old man and others took their seats one after another.

Xu Liusu's face was heavy. He knew that the alchemist, like the warrior, would lose a certain part of his body, which would lead to a great loss of his realm, and the strength of alchemy would be greatly reduced.

"As you can see, our six WANGDING and six people are nearly old and disabled." Master Jinxuan said frankly.

Xu Liusu nodded heavily and immediately asked, "master Jinxuan, who made you look like this?"

As a matter of fact, Xu Liusu has made a guess that it should be Jian Tang in the words of several ancestors, because whenever the name of Jian Tang is mentioned, whether it's zunhuo old man or kuishui mother-in-law, there is a look of hatred in her eyes.

This is the look of hatred. Xu Liusu has a deep understanding of that kind of deep-rooted hatred. Xu Liusu once had this kind of "hatred" towards situ Qing!

After Xu Liusu asked, before the old man zunhuo and others answered, there was the sound of Shenhui breaking through the air outside the door. Soon, two figures came in one after the other. They were an old man in a dark yellow gown and an old monk in a brown cassock.

"Several elder brothers and sisters, we heard that there was an accident in Xiaolei. As soon as we received the news, we immediately came here. What's the situation now? Who is the one who moved Xiaolei's hand? The Lord of Jiuyou building is still that damned bastard! " The old man in the dark yellow long shirt is mu Tianding, the master of Mu tianzhang.

And the benevolent and calm laoheshan behind him is the Duke of earth tripod, the abbot of Duke of earth!

"Don't worry, two brothers!" Master Jinxuan is safe and steady. Let them sit down first. "The situation is not clear now. I can't say for the time being, but it's probably the guy from Jiantang..."

"very good. We can't hide in the family and enjoy our old age. That guy must kill us all? If you kill him, why don't you pick some of us old guys and just find Xiaolei! " Mu tianzhang once served as the leader of a sect, so his character belongs to the type of vigorous and resolute. After asking for words, he can't contain the spirit of uprising.

The abbot of tugong was much more gentle. After reading a Buddhist verse, he dissuaded: "since things are not clear, there are many hidden things that are not clear. Although Xiaolei has disappeared, his life and death are not clear. We need to know the next step as soon as possible."

The abbot of tugong also contains a breath, but the breath is gentle and quiet, which seems to be able to suppress the breath of Mu tianzhang sect. Mu tianzhang sect calms down a lot.

"Thank you, brother tugong." Mu tianzhang teaches Taoism.

Next, zunhuo old man introduced Xu Liusu to them. Mu tianzhang also nodded slightly, but the abbot of tugong had a pair of wise eyes. He stayed on Xu Liusu for a while, and seemed very satisfied.

At this time, Xu Liusu found that the abbot didn't open his mouth when he spoke. He spoke in ventral language, that is to say, he was dumb. It's not hard to guess that he is also disabled. Maybe his tongue was cut off.

And mu tianzhang's teaching, one eye is cangmu, half open feeling, should be stabbed blind with a sharp weapon.

At this time, liuwangding had gathered five people, but Xu Liusu was not in a hurry to say what she thought.Including Qi Jinghuan and Qi Xiaolan, several people began to discuss.

The first person to speak is naturally the abbot of tugong. Among them, the only one full of wisdom is him.

The abbot shut up, but his voice came out and said, "Xiao Lei is missing in the Jiuyou building, but he may not die, because although we are all the ancestors of the Qi family, we live in different places. If he is really seeking revenge, or revenge, he should have sent a large number of experts to destroy them one by one."

Master Jinxuan nodded his head and said, "yes, there has always been no shortage of experts in the two forces of jiuyoulou and Jiantang."

The abbot continued: "so he captured Xiaolei. I guess there are two possibilities. One is that he will send someone to inform us as soon as possible and go to the rescue. They will ambush us in advance and catch us all!"

"Second, he needs something from Xiaolei, so he secretly takes Xiaolei away, intending not to disturb us. But he underestimated the eye liner of Jing Huan in Zhongzhou and was soon known by us.

The old man said, "no matter what kind of possibility it is, it's very bad for us. After all, people are in his hands!"

Abbot Tu Gong said: "so we must first find out whether Jian Tang wants to attack us or Jiu you Lou wants to attack us. If it's Jiuyou building, it's OK to say, but if Jiantang captures Xiaolei....

speaking of this, the abbot of tugong doesn't go on. Xu Liusu clearly sees that several old people are shocked. It can be imagined that if Jiantang captures Xiaolei, the elder Lei Xiaoding will come to a terrible end!

"Mad!" Mu tianzhang made a rude remark!

Master Jinxuan asked, "do you think we should wait, Duke Tu, or go to the Jiuyou building immediately?"

Kuishui's mother-in-law suddenly said, "it's the best way to go to Jiuyou old man. We don't know anything about it. Besides, Jiuyou building is in the chaotic area of Zhongzhou. It's full of good and bad things, and the land is in disorder. Even if we rush hard, it's hard to find Xiaolei!"

Qi Jinghuan also said: "so the worst situation is that jiuyoulou and Jiantang joined hands..."

the crowd was silent, and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

All of a sudden, the closed door was forcibly broken from the outside. It was a fierce sword!

But the master didn't use all his strength, so the door opened and the sword Qi disappeared!

A loud voice came from the courtyard outside.

"It's a rare scene. Five of the six kings, five masters who once dominated the Dandao of Zhongzhou, gather together!"

Respecting fire old man Meng ground gets up, the vision is sharp, toward the humanity outside the door: "dog leg son, have nine you Lou to sit behind, you dare so arrogant?"

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"Ha ha, master zunhuo is serious. I'm just a messenger, but I'm afraid to hear what you're plotting. It's a gentleman's behavior for me to open your door publicly. From this point of view, I'm not rude!"

The speaker's voice is very light, but he is full of confidence. He should sound like a middle-aged man.

"OK, everyone, I'll meet this special envoy for a while!"

At the same time, kuishui's mother-in-law, zunhuo's old man, Tu Gong's abbot, mu tianzhang's teacher and Qi Jinghuan all got up.

Qi Jinghuan asked: "Lan'er, you will follow your little friend in white later. Don't have an accident!"

"Dad, please be careful." Qi Xiaolan is a little worried.

These figures flash out and come to the courtyard of Pianzhai.

Xu Liusu and Qi Xiaolan also follow behind, standing in the door, looking into the void.

On the void, stand a man with both hands on his back and a mysterious sword on his head.

"I've seen six King Ding Gong, oh, it's a pity that Lei Xiao Ding Gong is not here..."

the sword faintly smiles, which pot doesn't open, which pot does.

"The younger generation of Jianzhou, they call us gongs. They should be the younger generation!"

Kuishui raised her hand, reversed it, and stirred up two angry water dragons. Her palms moved and patted them into the void. The two angry water dragons roared and attacked, killing the sword!

With a sneer, the sword said, "can you tell the position of the sword track if shuicanggong has lost an ear?"

Kuishui's mother-in-law was shocked. Next to her, guru Jinxuan frowned and raised his elbow. A golden shield appeared. The next moment, there was a sword strike against the golden shield. With a jingle, guru Jinxuan felt that his elbow was numb, but his sword was blocked.

Xu Liusu squinted behind the crowd and murmured: "this guy's sword is so fast, his path is so ethereal, and he was surprised. This kind of sword move is much more difficult to deal with than the sword ShenHan......"

however, Xu Liusu also made a new discovery. He thinks that this man's sword move is very similar to that sword minister.

Are these two guys from the same sword gate?

"Hehe, it's still master Jinxuan's ears."

As he spoke, the sword faced the angry dragon fearlessly. However, the two swords were raised and their heads were cut off one after another. The water fell like two big waterfalls.

"The peak of shenluanjiang, even the virtual peak." At a glance, the abbot saw the realm of the sword, and his tone was heavy."You little generation, don't say a word more, except for provocation, that is to challenge us old people!"

Master Jinxuan put down his hand and said coldly, "do you really think that even though you are from Jianzhou, we dare not kill you?"

Jian miaoran shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm just fighting back in self-defense. OK, I'll explain my intention."

Jian miaoran said: "the reason why Lei Xiao Ding Gong was escorted to Jiuyou building was that he killed Huangpu Shaoyu, the young master of Jiuyou building, and killed many of our Jianzhou disciples. Once the master was angry, he took his hand and now he has cut off his other foot....


"If you don't keep your appointment to get someone, I'm not sure if he will become the most disabled one among you."

The sword is misty but ignore a few old people gloomy terrible eyes, leisurely a smile way.

"I'll kill you!" Wood day palm teach can't help, a fist clench tightly, want to hand.

Xu Liusu suddenly came out from behind the crowd. At this time, he had swallowed the qianbian Yirong pill and put on a face. No one could tell.

"You're lying!"

With a flash of light from Xu Liusu's waist, Huangpu Shaoyu appears and looks around blankly.

Xu Liusu kicked Huangpu Shaoyu down with one foot, and then stepped on his chest. He squinted and said, "Huangpu Shaoyu is in my hand. You just want to add to the crime, when we are Shabi?"

The crowd was shocked.

Because they did not expect that Huangpu Shaoyu would be on Xu Liusu.

Kuishui mother-in-law laughs: "ha ha, what a surprise little guy..."

zunhuo old man is also in a good mood: "son of a bitch, you can see clearly where Shaoyu is in Huangpu!"

Xu Liusu reaches out her fist and smashes Mengdi at Huangpu Shaoyu. She blows his two front teeth away and his mouth is bloody!

"Stop it

The sword is misty but immediately shouts a way.

He knows that this Huangpu Shaoyu is not fake, because there is a breath in Huangpu Shaoyu. This breath is arranged by the owner of Jiuyou building himself, and no one else knows it.

Xu Liusu beat Huangpu Shaoyu to howl. He pulled Huangpu Shaoyu up from the ground and said to the sword in mid air: "cut off my six masters' feet? Then I'll dig his eye in front of you

Xu Liusu's hand quickly appeared a dark blade with sharp edge, which nearly blinded Shaoyu's eyes.

"I want you to stop!" The sword suddenly burst into a rage. When he was furious, he used his sword moves. The magnificent sword Qi filled the sky and covered the earth. One after another, the cold sword tips aimed at Xu Liusu!

Xu Liusu was not afraid at all. She looked directly at the sky full of sword rain and yelled: "you dare to do it. Let's see who will die first. I'll let him go down to the yellow spring now. You have a try!"

Xu Liusu starts to cut a cut on Huangpu Shaoyu's shoulder cruelly. The painful Huangpu Shaoyu screams incessantly. Xu Liusu doesn't stop fighting and smashes Huangpu Shaoyu in the face.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, stop fighting, do you want me to die?" Huangpu Shaoyu begged desperately and yelled at the sword in the sky.

"Well, I'll take back the sword. Don't fight any more!" The sword faintly tried square inch, anxiously shout a way.

"Shit Xu Liusu's anger didn't go away. He trampled on Huangpu Shaoyu and beat him half dead!

"It's strange that you, the sword wielder, show off your power. I don't like it!"

Xu Liusu's cold eyes swept directly to the sword, and even made her back a little chilly!

Abbot Tu Gong and master Jin Xuan were also stunned.

Qi Jinghuan was smiling.

Qi Xiaolan hid behind the door and watched the scene, her heart beating a little fast. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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