Strongest Dandy System

Chapter 7847: 3906

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After some comparison, Xu Liusu finally found two nine grade peak fighting guns from the spoils. He specially chose the long gun with the attribute of cold ice, one named cold sky and the other named cold king.

These two ice weapons were once the most powerful weapons in a certain territory of Yinzhou. Unfortunately, they somehow fell into Xu Liusu's hands.

In this way, Xu Liusu gathered together four battle guns. One is the fire god battle gun, which can be infinitely advanced. It is the best among the fire attributes. Not only does it have the fire god war spirit, but also the fire yuan after the fusion of demon fire and Phoenix Fire, which is the main source of mystery for the battle gun.

It can be said to be the best of the best.

And Guixu is the real Shenxuan battle gun.

Xu Liusu has never seen a weapon in the Shenxuan realm. Maybe the sword of Tang Dynasty is, so the power of the sword is beyond people's imagination.

To some extent, the grade of Guixu is higher than that of Yanshen war gun.

As for Han Wang Han Tian, his level is not high, but his attribute value is very high.

So this set of configuration is quite satisfactory for Xu Liusu.

To comprehend the meaning of wind and snow, we should naturally combine it with the meaning of war equipment. For example, Xu Liusu's gun idea and Wu Youlan's knife idea.

"Brother Wu, have you ever practiced the cold ice attribute skill?" Xu Liusu waved his hand. At this time, four battle guns were suspended in front of him. He looked at Wu Youlan and asked.

"I have practiced."

Wu Youlan is the top Sabre cultivator in the younger generation. Naturally, it is impossible to only cultivate sabres with a single attribute.

At this time, he pinched the rhyme, and the knife box was opened, like a peacock's screen, forming a fan. A long knife was inserted into each interlayer.

"Aoxue is determined."

He picked up his fingertips, and a long blue sword, three fingers wide, was very narrow and sharp. It came out!

As soon as Aoxue Dao appeared, it suddenly exploded around, rolled up a thousand feet of flying snow, and then fell down, full of air!

"Good Dao!" Xu Liusu exclaimed, this Sabre is also a nine grade respected sabre. Even in terms of the fineness of forging, it is not inferior to the original form of Yanshen war gun.

"In this way, the difficulty of cultivating the blizzard world will be greatly reduced." Xu Liusu's eyes twinkled with a fine light.

Next, Lord Lu wrote out in detail the steps of cultivating 'Blizzard world' in the messenger.

The steps are very simple. The first is comprehension, the second is soul separation, and the third is fusion. The minimum requirement is that the cultivator must reach the peak of the deified Vajra realm or above, but the spiritual strength must reach at least 40 levels. Just as it happens, Wu Youlan and Xu Liusu have met these two conditions.

The two sat down, because there was no one around to disturb them, so they didn't deliberately put too many body protecting gods around them.

Moreover, both of them are extremely gifted experts. Naturally, in the process of cultivation, they can feel the guidance given by Lord Lu most accurately and complete the initial stage of the skill very well.

Between the ice and snow, it was foggy, cold wind, dancing wantonly, and the sky was dark. Only two figures, one black and one white, sit in the middle, emitting a faint mysterious light, which is a strange bright color in the cold world.

Their progress was very smooth, and their understanding was almost effortless for them. After all, both of them had practiced the ice cold attribute. In addition, Xu Liusu also had the extremely cold and mysterious meaning in his body, including the foundation that ice Zun liyaozong had laid for him.

These are not the most important.

The most important thing is that with the help of master Si Sheng in Qishan, Daozhou, he obtained the inheritance of Wen daozun. So far, his ability to comprehend any martial arts, martial arts and even martial arts is very terrible.

Within half a day, in the cold snow, there were two spirits, who appeared on the snow in the form of gods.

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The virtual soul of the divine seal condensed by Xu Liusu is obviously larger because he has laid a solid foundation before. The ghost of the divine seal condensed by Wu Youlan is not small, but it is a little inferior to Xu Liusu.

"That boy named wuyulan is also a smart man. However, you should remind him that when he wanders away from the gods and spirits later, he should not be too entangled in the fusion of sword ideas, and let himself be completely immersed in the wind and snow world. Otherwise, he will be possessed by evil." At this time, Lu Ye's voice came again.

Xu Liusu, with a dignified face, told wuyoulan these things without omission.

Wuyoulan nods.

I don't know how long it took. The two gods' virtual souls have become big enough. From a distance, they look like two gods in this dark wind and snow world.

One of the two virtual figures holds four battle guns, which are different in color and bright. The other virtual shadow was holding a huge ice blue long knife.

"It's time."

Xu Liusu said at this time.

The feeling stage passed so smoothly. The next stage is naturally the "soul leaving" stage.

Xu Liusu and Wu Youlan both released the empty shadow of the God seal in front of them and walked to a deeper place in the xueya cave.

The xueya cave is hundreds of miles around. Although there is no living person, there are many ice demon animals living here.

If Xu Liusu and Wu Youlan, who are in a state of soul separation, encounter obstacles from monsters, they will naturally have to kill.

Otherwise, once the virtual soul of God seal is damaged, their noumenon will also be severely damaged.

Suddenly, the wind and snow roared, and a huge blue vortex appeared in the dark sky, spraying out a blue column of light!

Those powerful pillars of light instantly joined together, converged into a huge blue river like light band, and descended downward.

A huge snow lion with bloodthirsty eyes and delicate blue ice crystals on its forehead is crawling on the snow. The huge blue river like light band converged on its forehead at this time.

"Is a top demon master..."

Two tall shadows appeared near the blue river.

Xu Liusu looked at the snow lion and said faintly.

Although the Demon Lord has reached the top level of the famine ban, most of them can spit out people's words and incarnate into adults.

However, demon owners who generally survive in the wild can choose not to open up too much wisdom and not to cultivate into human form, because maintaining the original instinct and blood of monsters can keep their combat effectiveness to a certain extent.

"Roar!" The huge snow lion roars wildly. It is absorbing the heaven and earth aura of the snow cave.

Xu Liusu thought he could drive them away with his own momentum, but he didn't expect that the snow lion would take the initiative to launch a fierce attack against them under the roar!

"Such a beast?" Xu Liusu was stunned and immediately smiled. He just wanted to try the handle of Shenxuan gun - Guixu!

The spear went back to the ruins and stabbed forward. On the tip of the spear, a deep invisible black hole appeared, just like an abyss!

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