Strongest Dandy System

Chương 7973: 4033

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"You..." After the strange eyes followed the prestige, the mood seemed to have undergone a great change, and there was a slight tremor in the tone.

"Impossible, this is impossible, when did such a person appear out of thin air in the prison?"

The strange eyes made a faint questioning sound. But the voice of doubt was accurately caught by Xu Liusu.

Appear out of thin air?

This black-clothed human race with a bamboo stick and a bamboo hat has never been here before?

Just as Quiet Eye and Xu Liusu were in a state of astonishment, in the corner of the prison, the man in the bamboo hat with an extremely mysterious temperament spoke.

"The God of the Divine Sea in the Divine Sea Territory, the endless underground prison in the Divine Sea, the disciple of Dao Zhai, the bamboo stick Tianmang..."

The man in the bamboo hat said some words without coherence, but Xu Liusu was able to summarize and connect some things from these few words.

The god of Shenhai Territory, the title is the God of Shenhai, and he is one of the masters of the ten realms in the known realm of the other side of the starry sky. Among them, Ye Shuming is also one of the god-like realm masters. host.

Although I don't know if Ye Shuming, who is the head teacher of Tianlin Palace, has reached the top of the second-generation Tongtian list, at least, if he can match the master of a world, his strength will definitely not be inferior!

The so-called underground prison in the sea of ​​gods was the mysterious prison in front of him. Xu Liusu knew that this prison was not necessarily in the sea of ​​gods, but probably in other places.

Indiscriminate, refers to the meaning that no one can escape, no one can struggle out...

And Dao Zhai disciple...

Xu Liusu's eyes gradually brightened.

As early as a few years ago, he had been familiar with mainland classics, among which the most important one was - the peerless secret of Tongtian List.

Jiang Yanghao founded the Sword God Sect, which was later renamed Tianzong. The first person, Xu Wanjue, left the world and became independent, and did not establish any clan, but it is suspected that a certain southern Xu clan grand master is his descendant.

Du Qingtian founded Dushengmen, Ci Xuankong founded Tianfo Temple, also known as Tianfozong, Demon Patriarch Bai Yunlan founded Yaodizhou, Wu Xilei was Xiaoleizhou, Demon God Emperor Jiang founded Mozhou...

And Dao Di Pingyi, a small secret organization founded, is naturally Dao Zhai.

This is what Wu Youlan told him.

Nian Jiu also told him.

Really...Senior Pingyi?

This is a bit too surprising.

But soon, Xu Liusu deliberately calmed himself down.

First of all, it is impossible to know whether this person is Pingyi or not. What if someone else pretends to be him.

Secondly, even if it was true, Xu Liusu hadn't really understood the past and character of the most powerful swordsman on the Tongtian list - the top sword repairman.

What if he is not as kind as other people say?

What if, he is a murderer?

Or what if, he was a good person at first, but then he became a demon...

At this time, there was no prison, and it was very dark. Xu Liusu didn't dare to move, and the strange eyes didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

Time seemed to be frozen. Beyond the darkness, there was still darkness, and the silence and extremely depressing atmosphere.

At this time, the man in the bamboo hat spoke again, his voice was still very calm, and the words he said still couldn't be connected in series:

"Dazed... time... Lei Fa... kill, time!"

"What does this mean?" Xu Liusu was completely in a daze, but soon, he tried his best to guess the meaning of these words.

In a daze, does it mean that I should not continue to be in a daze?

Time... Time is running out?

Lei Fa, it is the Lei Fa that I just used with the help of Senior Thunder God, did he recognize it? He knows that Senior Thunder God is helping me. Obviously, they should know each other. Do I need to communicate with Senior Thunder God now? Or communicate with senior Dijiang, let them see if this person in front of them is an existence that can threaten me?


"Time!" the bamboo hat man spoke again!

Just when Xu Liusu was still hesitating, the strange eye opened its mouth and let out a strange howling sound. This time, the strange howling sound turned into a real attack and penetrated, as if piercing through some kind of barrier that was boundless. Yes, the sound soon spread to the outside world!

Next, Xu Liusu saw an unforgettable scene.

In the darkness, the man in the bamboo hat could only vaguely show his outline, and shot directly.

He touched the bamboo stick lightly, and the bamboo stick suddenly burst into dazzling luster, turning into a beam of light like a knife light, and humming like a dragon's chant!

Immediately afterwards, the bamboo stick became calm again, coiled quietly on the ground, and the man in the bamboo hat also returned to normal.


The scream came from the strange eye.

The scarlet light surrounding the strange eyes is collapsing, disintegrating, and even gradually disappearing.

Immediately afterwards, the light turned into an orange-red flame, which burned strangely, but the burning did not last long and dissipated.

The strange eyes are dead...

Xu Liusu froze in place, feeling his heart beating wildly.

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This powerful undead spirit with at least forty-sixth level of mental power died with a single movement of the bamboo hat man...

Everything returned to calm and back to normal.

Xu Liusu also felt his spiritual power emptied for a moment.

This is a bit too strong, and, he shot in the spiritual world.

This knife seemed to slash and deform the environment, and the boundless darkness in the endless prison was suddenly broken, just like before dawn.

"You have lost the best chance. Now, many creatures in the Divine Sea Territory can detect this place, and they can also detect you."

At this time, the bamboo hat man suddenly spoke again, and this time he was able to speak a complete sentence.

"Can you notice me?" Xu Liusu frowned upon hearing this, planning to escape from the obsession of the spiritual world and return to the ancient temple outside the ancient city.

"But it's not in a hurry, come and sit down." The bamboo hat man suddenly spoke again, this time his tone became much gentler.

Come and sit? Xu Liusu was obviously hesitating, but since the other party's voice was so gentle, it shouldn't be detrimental to him.

What's more, if the man in the bamboo hat really wants to attack him, even though Xu Liusu is in a state of soul, he will definitely not be able to escape from birth.

"Okay." Xu Liusu had a good impression of the human warriors, or the seniors of the human race, but he still walked over cautiously.

He came to the door of the cell where this expert was imprisoned, and the surrounding darkness seemed to be removed a little, and Xu Liusu could clearly see the general appearance of the man in the bamboo hat.

"Very, very young?" Xu Liusu's eyes froze for a moment, and for a moment, he felt that the man in the bamboo hat in front of him might not be Senior Pingyi.

Because he had fallen into a misunderstanding before, thinking that seeing a powerful sword repairer in the starry sky on the other side might be Senior Pingyi, this is a kind of longing and longing from the heart. After all, who wouldn't want to see the first generation of peerless peers on the Tongtian List, who are all legend-level figures in the mainland of Kyushu...

Although Xu Liusu has met Di Jiang and Wu Xilei, and these two big brothers should show their true colors, they still exist in spirit bodies, not real people, and they don't have physical bodies for the time being.

"You know me? Or, do you really want to know me?" The man in the bamboo hat was sitting in the prison. At this time, Xu Liusu was sitting facing him, with a layer of prison between them.

This prison seems to be forged from fine steel, but it is obvious that this dark material is stronger and more indestructible than fine steel.

"I don't know him, I just feel that senior is very proud." Xu Liusu swears, he wants to test it out first.

"What?" the bamboo hat man said hoarsely.

Through the purer brightness, Xu Liusu could see clearly the face of the man in the bamboo hat this time. He was really young, full of heaven and full of energy, not at all like the disguise he was wearing now, nor like a big boss.

If they meet for the first time, most of them may think that this is just a disciple of a certain big clan, and it is absolutely impossible to link him with Dao Zhai.

"It means very powerful..." Xu Liusu didn't say much. So far, he is not sure whether the other party has malicious intentions.

"Don't be nervous, you should be able to guess my identity by looking at me." The man in the bamboo hat smiled faintly.

In fact, I can't guess it.

Xu Liusu secretly said.

Sword Emperor Pingyi is just a good wish in his heart, Xu Liusu knows that the mysterious sword repairman in front of him is probably not Pingyi.

If so... wouldn't it be a coincidence, if you can capture a sea-monster casually, you can capture a peerless true body?

And the most important thing is... Although the man in the bamboo hat in front of him is very strong, he is only at the same level as Lu Ye or lower than Lu Ye at most.

It can't be the real Pingyi.

"I'm Dao Di Pingyi..." the man in the bamboo hat said suddenly.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Xu Liusu coughed immediately, his face flushed.

No way, does this admit it? Is it that Peerless in the Tongtian List is so upright?

"You are Dao Diping senior?" Xu Liusu pretended to be surprised.

"You don't seem to be surprised." The person suspected of Pingyi said lightly.

"In other words, I am his avatar." The person said, and then he said again: "You can also call me Ping Er, or Second Senior, or Second Brother."

Second brother...Xu Liusu stared at the Dao Xiu who had suddenly become reckless in front of him, and the favorability in his heart began to rise sharply for some reason.

Brother, what a name!

"Come in and sit." Ping Er stretched out a finger, and a cold light shot out from the finger, piercing, and directly fused the black rail, emitting white smoke.

You obviously already have the strength to leave here, why do you still stay here? Could it be that it was just to wait for him to come.

Xu Liusu became a little stunned.

When did I become a favorite, and so many peerless peers wanted to find me, so if that's the case, then I can talk to Ping Yi... No, it's Senior Ping Er, and it can be more relaxed.

Xu Liusu walked in, sat next to Ping Er, turned to look at him: "Second Brother..."

"Well, yes, your name is Xu Liusu, right?" Ping Er said.

"How did senior know my name, and...Second brother, you are..."

There were too many doubts, and there were too many questions, Xu Liusu didn't know where to start asking.

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