Sukuwanakya Dame desu ka? Isekai

Chapter 12: 12

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Chapter 12 Lizards



December 30, 2022

 (Last update of the year, I will try to continue with this next year. I wish you all a happy new year !)

"The first and second ranks attack while slowing them down. The third rank must use bows and magic to mop up the enemy rear, one after the other."

The battle began under Beck's direction.

Wind magic and arrows are shot from the third row.

Apart from magic, the accuracy of the arrows is not very high.

The temporary archer C is especially mediocre.

When he experienced a crack for the first time in the battle of the second layer, Temporal Employee C injured his right hand.

It should have been treated with light magic, but was it insufficient?

He used my shield to catch the oncoming orcs, bounced them off and used his upper back to strike with his shield from above, knocking them to the ground. I demonstrate my level 4 shield art without remorse.

Beck seems to approve of my shield art and allows me to do something very close to the heart of his defense.

Yes, I'm glad I have it. It's the most useful skill I have at the moment.

However, I was a bit surprised that it's not much different from Beck's Level 3 Shield Technique.

Apparently, I don't have enough experience, to make full use of the skill.

Well, this is a feature or something that people don't like, so let's not worry about it.

And I'm good at offensive magic.

I don't know why, but it's more powerful than people of my same level. Also, I can do things that are normally hard to do, like parallel activation and high-speed continuous firing. I don't know why.

"I'm going to fire a fireball at the orcs in the rear."

In response to my words, the vanguard takes half a step back and readjusts their shields to hide their bodies.

The two orcs being grazed by the shields are slaughtered by the wind magic, and five explosive fireballs are fired at the orcs in the rear.

The wind blade pierces the neck of the orc in front of him and splashes fresh blood into the air. He is dying, but still breathing. Behind him, the limbs and chunks of flesh of the orc on which the explosive ball landed burst into pieces.

Explosions and shouts in the rear stop the orcs in the vanguard. The orcs in the rear are panicking. No party member would miss such an opportunity. The next moment, a simultaneous attack is unleashed, resulting in the total destruction of the orcs. They close in on the one orc barely alive. I hold the orc with my left hand and thrust my sword into its neck. The dying orc looks at me with empty eyes, as if he has already made up his mind. Type A, activation. A success. I obtain my long-awaited Level 1 Water Magic, and finish him off. "Michinaga, you've done perfectly this time. Well done." "Thank you." Today, for the first time, Beck praised me. "That's really great magic power," he said. And "you're so skilled at being able to use more than one spell at a time. What kind of practice have you had?" "I'm not quite sure, but I've always been able to use it that way." I say I lie smiling at Thor-san's words. I'm so impressed with myself that I come up with one appropriate word after another.

I've heard that when you tell a lie, you tell lie after lie so that the lie won't be discovered. I feel like I am becoming a great liar. By the time I realize it, I won't have fraud skills, will I? "Master, here is a dropped object. A spear." When I was collecting magic stones from the orcs, Dita-san picked up a short spear. I hadn't seen that before, a fallen object. Come to think of it, the armors that the kobolds wore before and the orcs this time aren't called falling items, right? In this case, falling items refers to items that sprout from cracks. The drop items aren't in treasure chests or anything like that. While I admire the trivial, I'm intrigued by the objects I see falling for the first time. "It's a karma item, isn't it? Keep it." "Aren't you going to try it?" I asked Beck-san, who was about to hand over the object of handing over the short spear, to the temporary worker C-san. "I'm too scared to use a weapon that I don't even know what kind of magic it has." Temporary worker C looked at him, as if the gift he had just received had never occurred to him. "Oh, well, that's right." I still feel like I'm playing a game. The most important thing to remember is that you should never use a weapon you don't know how to use. 'Was the treatment of your right hand insufficient?' I offer Mr. C, a temporary worker, to treat it again with light magic. "Thank you. But my right hand seems to be fine. It's been a long time since I've had an injury, so maybe it's psychological'. I see. "Well, if you feel anything wrong, please let me know at any time." Having said that, I assessed Mr. C, temporary worker, and looked at him. He has level 2 artillery. I think it would be better for him to engage the first or second line with a spear rather than a bow, with which he has no skill. "Do you want water?" Marielle arrives with a cup. "Oh, please." I receive the cup and ask one of the mages to fill it using water magic. I could use the water magic I just received, but I'll restrain myself here. While drinking the water, Beck-san moved. "Everyone, no one is injured, right? Let's go down to the fourth level." "Yes, sir." Everyone's responses overlapped with Beck's words, and we resumed our activities.


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 ◇ ◇ "As for the objects you mentioned earlier, how do you find out what magic they are endowed with?" While advancing in the lead, he poses a question to Beck-san, who is standing next to him. I enter the fourth layer leadership was exchanged with Thor-san. The current leaders are Beck, Dita and me. However, we are not in the lead because of our search and rescue ability. It is just a coincidence of numbers when the first leading group got tired and took over. It is impossible for a newcomer like me to be entrusted with the all-important task of searching in the direction of travel. In charge of scouting the direction of travel is promising newcomer Marielle. I am sad, but I have no choice but to accept it because this is the reality. "You surprise me again and again, but you don't really know anything." "I'm sorry." the guild appraiser will take a look at it. That usually clears things up. If you still don't get it, you can ask a test store to do it." Proof store? What kind of place is it? I vaguely imagined it, but I asked. It sounds like a dangerous profession. "They literally equip slaves and test the effects." What's that? I'm scared, it's much more dangerous and scary than I imagined. "Huh? That's very dangerous, isn't it?" "That's what slaves are for." They don't seem to care about the four female slaves here. "Actually, this is the first time I've seen a slave person. I don't know many things about them. other than ...... slaves are miserable, aren't they? I've never heard of their treatment and all that." I swerve in surprise and confusion. "Oh, well, what the heck, be careful not to fall into slavery." Huh, fall into slavery? What's that, am I now in such a dangerous position? As I try to ask Beck, something suddenly pulls my hair. "There's a lizard in front of you. It's the one Mr. Thor let go." Marielle whispers in my ear from above my head. "Give me the exact distance and position." Marielle asks for information, making the hand signal for the whole group to be still and quiet. Space lizards, I'd really like to get a near-death shot and get some space magic. I use Qualification towards the darkness ahead just to be safe. Got it, grading. The distance and position are perfect. And I can confirm space magic level 1. At this distance, the probability of an accurate shot is too bad. Let's fire a volley of rock bullets. "The distance is about a hundred meters?" and "The location is on the rock on the right." "Thank you, Marielle." With that scant information, I can't hit it properly. I thank her and activate my earth magic. Countless stones scattered like projectiles , hitting the space lizard in the face. "Okay, did I get it? Use the appraisal." "You did it, you've killed the space lizards." "Space Lizard?" "You can even use earth magic?" Mariel's voice was followed by Thor's and Beck's. ...... looks like I killed it. Nothing to be seen in the appraisal. In other words, they were either dead or on the run. As for Marielle's report, I must have killed him. While everyone is praising me, I head over to where the space lizard was with mixed feelings. I can't say anything until I check the lizard I killed, but I think the projectiles were too much. Let's think about it. Next time, I'll use the orthodox wind blade or hit it with magic like a jackhammer to knock it out. As I was thinking these random thoughts, good news suddenly fell from Marielle on my head, "There's another one, lizard." "Where is it? Distance and position, please." As before, I ask for information, while using my own assessment to determine distance and location. It crawls along the wall. Conditions are better than the previous one. Hoping it would be better this time, I hit it with the ground hammer . There was no response. Did I get it? The earth hammer was a random idea before, but now it seems like a great idea. Apparently, I haven't lost the habit of being strongly influenced by my most recent thoughts. "You got it, you got it again!" Marielle is beaming. Dying or dazed? Whichever it was, he stopped moving while he was alive. Following Marielle, I repressed my urge to jump and ran towards the lizard I had, level 2 space magic.

"Stop running!"

"Watch out!"


some voices tried to stop me from behind, but I ignore them and run towards the space lizard, mentally apologizing.

It's okay, it's alive. I can see it, space magic level 2.

Type A, activated.

Level 2 space magic disappears from the space lizard in front of me. The next moment, it stabs my sword.

I have the space magic I always wanted.

"This one I killed too."

Deep down I was really excited, but I didn't show it, I pretended to be calm and lifted the corpse of the space lizard and showed it to everyone.


 ◇ ◇


"You idiot! I know you're glad you killed it, but what's wrong with you that you're running around freaking out!"

Beck's angry voice echoed in the maze.

As if the special achievement of killing the space lizard never happened, he is being scolded, or rather, instructed by Mr. Beck.

I'm on my knees apologizing. Yes, even if you think about it, it was a thoughtless act.

Mr. Beck is right. It's too much to think about leaving the group alone in the maze and running forward.

Depending on how you look at it, it's suicide. I can't say anything, I can only apologize.

Deep down my guts are churning. I have level 2 space magic and I'm thrilled. I'm afraid that if I find myself in the same situation, I'll be left with nothing again.

"Sorry, sorry."

Beck-san who is guiding me and I who am apologizing.

The other team members, led by Thor, are also laughing as they watch us.

"I know how you feel, you killed two space lizards in your first maze. I understand, but it's not enough, no matter how many lives you have. From now on, be careful. Now, get up. Let's go"

After saying that, he lightly patted me on the shoulder and started walking forward.

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