Summoning the Kingdom of Erusea

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 – Decision

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International Space Elevator
Selatapura, Gunther
24 September 2019
16 February 1639

Under the structure of this behemoth, there are some men doing their job. Approximately 400 meters beneath of the sea levels, these men are working together to accomplish their job.



"So, I just concluded that this Elevator isn't worth completing."

"Really? Why?"

"Well, you see, the International Space Elevator was previously located on the equator. Now, it's located on the north, quite far from the equator based on the Satellite imagery."


"Not only that, the current energy production is too much. We are currently oversupllied by this facility's energy production, and we don't know what to do with it for now."

"Hmm, so that would end up with free energy for the entire country I guess?"

"Well yes, highly possible. It's just how the department who deals with it can do the job. A new cable or something, I don't know."

"Understood. So then, when will you hand your work to the government?"

"I don't know, maybe after I finish it. You know, how long this superstructure can hold on is still unknown."


Leiforia, Leifor
17 February 1639

The capital city of the Empire of Leifor, Leiforia. The previously busy and lively city now looks empty. Not until the level of ghost city, but it was not that busy anymore. The main reason is, of course, the White Giant Unknown Object. After the second passing, the Leiforian Government immediately evacuated its citizens to the central or eastern region for their safety. The Emperor and the Government, meanwhile, stay in the city to keep the national morale.

The Emperor of Leifor, Kaiser Wilhelm IV sat on his throne, located in the Imperial Hall, precisely located in the center of Imperial Palace. His right hand was holding his head, when he listened closely to what one of his generals read.

"So, the Civilization that was located far to the west probably is the one who is responsible for all attacks that occurred last week on all of the Mu continent?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Kaiser Wilhelm IV put his right hands, then he fixed his sitting position. His face was also full of confusion as the Civilization on the far west, as all of them know, were so backwards. But, the Flying Bird that they just saw is so big and too advanced for such civilization to achieve.

"Can we actually believe this information?"

"Well, Your Majesty, this information was coming from the mouth of the Erusean delegation. So we may need to take it with a grain of salt."

"So this information is not credible enough, they can make this information all they want since we don't know exactly, huh?"

"Your Majesty, there's also a small citation that said, we must consider if they're telling the truth."

Kaiser Wilhelm IV shaking his head in confusion. As much as this may be unacceptable and unreliable, the citations make him think about it again.

"Hmm, right...the consequences..."

His imagination suddenly shows his minds where that Flying Bird was dropping his load into the capital city, and those load which were bombs, causing severe damage to the city. While their fighter Squadron, who are supposed to defend the capital, were deleted in mere seconds by the white small unmanned aircraft.

While the Kaiser was busy imagining the what if scenario, the General was reading the next page.

"Your Majesty, there's another report regarding the Erusean Navy."

The sentence quickly disrupted the Kaiser's mind and caused him to snap back to reality. And when he heard the word 'navy', both of his eyes were shining, indicating that he was very interested.

"The navy, yeah, what do their ships look like?"

"Apparently, their ship's design is weird. More than the Holy Mirishial Empire design itself, although they share some similarities."

The Minister of Defense was shocked. If that was true, then that would means one thing,

"So then, there's a possibility that this country called Erusea is using the Ancient Sorcereous Empire artifacts and equipment to develop their equipment!"

The Minister of Defense exclaimed his thoughts with great enthusiasm. With those large sounds, he successfully attracted the attention of the Kaiser itself, and nearly of all people that were currently in the Hall.

"Interesting. If that's true, there must be many of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire relics on there, especially their equipment and research documents," the Kaiser said.

"Considering the facts about that Western Continent, that must be true," said one of the Imperial Generals.

Most of the people who are in the hall share one voice, "The Erusean are using the Ancient Sorcerous Empire relics to achieve their current technological advancement, and that White Giant Unknown Flying Object must be one of the lost Ancient Sorcerous Empire super weapons."

Most of them agreed, but of course some of them were looking with the eyes of disagreement. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Morgan is one among them. He stood up and said, "I believe it was too quick to come to this conclusion. Did you all remember when the Gra Valkas Empire first appeared 5 years ago? The Easterners thought that they were the Ancient Sorcerous Empire or at least, their subordinates due to their uniqueness in terms of names, cultures, or even military equipment. And in the end, they're not, not even their military equipment and technology were based on the Ancient Sorcerous Empire technology. I think it would be better if we come to their country and look at it by ourselves."

The thoughts of Morgan silence the entire Hall. The silence though, quickly breaks by a laugh from a person. That person is the Minister of Defense, Johan Ferdinand von Bücker. He quickly stood up after sipping a glass of coffee, and places it again on the table before speaking, "There is a fairly visible difference between Erusean and Gra Valkans, Mr. Morgan," he said.

"First of all, what kind of country can build that massive unmanned... uh... aircraft? Whatever that thing's classification was, that was simply too big. Even the Holy Mirishial Empire can build the Flying Battleship Pal Chimera only because they got so many Ancient Sorcerous Empire relics."

He stopped talking while his right hand took the previous glass, and brought it to his mouth and drank the coffee until the last drop.

"So then, did the Gra Valkas Empire possessed something like that? Well, no. And if you look at the design of their ships, it resembles the Holy Mirishial ones, at least some of their previous design. This, my friends, is the proof."

Von Bücker's long explanation successfully making Morgan speechless. When they're looking at the images of Erusean ships, their design was completely different from most of the world's design, but some of Mirishial's.

"So then, after we know from where Erusea can develop their technology in just 50 years. So, in case they decide to do something, we have the upper hand with Mu support."

"Yes, but we shouldn't anger them."


The sentence that just comes out from their Kaiser mouth stunned them. Von Bücker, especially, left with his mouth wide open as he didn't understand what his Kaiser was thinking.

"What we need from them is just their payment from all of the damage they caused to our properties and lives that were lost by their actions. You must remember that our primary focus is the Holy Mirishial Empire."

"Such a wise decision."

"Understood, Your Majesty!"

"And also, Minister Morgan, I think you're right."

"Yo-Your Majesty?"

The entire Hall was completely speechless when the Kaiser agreed with Morgan's thoughts.

"We will visit their country for the sake of the security of our country. After all, the Gra Valkas Empire came from another world, the same case may have happened to the Erusean too."

Although that was fairly acceptable, the entire Hall was still holding their beliefs that the Erusean simply achieved their current technological levels due to the Ancient Sorcerous Empire relics.

Augustus von Herdenburg, the Minister of Interior said,
"Well, that's probably true. But, if Erusea is another country that got transported to here, what is actually happening with this world? "

Everyone then began to think about it. The Gra Valkas Empire was transferred from their world to here. Now, if Erusea was also transferred, what's actually happening?

Didn't want to waste their time, the Emperor ended the meeting immediately.

Then, on the same day, at night, the Erusean Diplomatic Groups received the request to visit their country. And not long after, an envoy from Holy Mirishial Consulate visited them too with a similar request. After consulting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the acting Ambassador gives the green light to the Leiforian and Mirishial. They were scheduled to depart on 21 February 1639.

Nishinomiyako, Fenn
18 February 1639

The port city of Nishinomiyako, a big coastal city located on the west side of Fenn Kingdom. Being a coastal city itself makes it vulnerable to blockade and a naval invasion. The Fenn Kingdom is small in terms of size and population, thus making their armed forces smaller compared to their neighbors Gahara and Awan. That's why, a small force consisting of two Holy Mirishial Navy light cruisers and six destroyers as escorts were currently being anchored here.

"According to the data reported by the port authority, we could set sail tomorrow."

"Understood. You may go now."

"Yes, sir!"

Shortly after the staff just got out of the room, another staff member entered his room in a hurry.

"Calm down, what's making you hurry here?"

"Sir, there's a sudden order coming from the Central Command!"

The word Central Command made the Rear Admiral Arsip Lapas eyebrows raised.

"It's straight coming from Runepolis?"

"Yes, sir!"

"What's it?"

"The Central Command has canceled this mission, and they are ordering us to come back as soon as possible. But not only that, they also want us to take any Mirishial citizen on Fenn and Gahara, except for the diplomatic staff."

The order is strange and very concerning. It's not an usual order, given the Kingdom of Fenn itself is, in fact, a pretty peaceful country. For something like that, there must be something big happening.

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"Understood, you can go now. Dismiss!"

The staff then saluted him before he went. Rear Admiral Arsip Lapas, after he was sure the staff had gone, quickly picked his Manacom A500. A simple version of the regular manacom which retained the original function, but also can be used to send a message in case the recipients cannot answer the call. Although, it only works if the recipients using manacom can receive a message.

His fingers quickly tapped on the number which appeared on the button of the manacom device. A total of 8 completely different numbers which seem like to be randomly picked. But it's similar to phone numbers in Strangereal. The device then makes a sound after he clicks a certain button. And then, not long after, someone answered it.

"What do you need from me? I'm on a train right now. So be quick."

"Admiral Varka, sorry for the sudden call but, did something happened on Runepolis?"

"That depends on the topic you mean. If it's in the economic sector, then nothing big is happening."

"Ah sorry, I mean, foreign policy and military."

"I don't know about foreign policy, nothing seems to have changed and I'm of course not handling those sectors. But for the military, the Seventh Fleet had been deployed to Esthirant, and the 29th Armoured Division also had just been ordered to move here."

"Ah, thank you. Nice information, but it seems not related to the evacuation that just happened here."

"Actually it is."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes. The main reason for it, according to my observation, is the Gra Valkas Empire. Our national security has been threatened by them since last year. So then, you must be ready at any time."

"Thank you for the information."

"You're welcome, stay safe."

"Yeah, thanks."

He then hurried to the door, and opened it with his right hands. The guard gave a salute immediately as they didn't expect it. Lapas didn't reply, his eyes were too busy looking at the harbor than looking at the guard. It still looks normal, not many Mirishial citizens were there.

"One thousand civilians eh, seems like we can handle it."

What lies in his vision is a normal public harbor, not military ones. The Holy Mirishial didn't possess any military bases on the small island kingdom, instead, they got permission to place their forces there. Partly because the Fenn kingdom needed the Mirishial's protection in case something bad happened, but mainly because the military bases on the Parpaldian Empire were enough.

Junis District, Runepolis
Holy Mirishial Empire
20 February 1639

The Junis District, one of the fourteen districts that form the Holy Mirishial capital city, Runepolis. It was one of the largest districts in terms of size of land, and since it was also the one of fifth districts that was passed by The Great River, it's no doubt the district has a fairly big population. Just by entering the district for a few minutes from the Albion district, any person would be greeted by the high rise housing building and many people's walking on the sidewalk. Most of the District residents are government employees and military personnel, since the District is located so close to the Albion district and of course, the Military Headquarters.

On the Headquarters of the Imperial Holy Mirishial Armed Forces, footsteps can be heard across the West wings of the building, on the third floor to be exact. There are at least five men's walking on the floor. Their destination is an office, the office of a Lieutenant General.

After they arrived, one of them swung his right foot, aimed at the door with all his strength. The door immediately slammed open, showing the Lieutenant General who is currently writing something on their eyes now.

The Lieutenant General didn't move his eyes, not even a single inch after his door was rudely opened by force. That, of course, attracts the attention of other people near there. Angered by his attitude, one of them walks towards him, then places his right hand into the desk before saying, "Lieutenant General Ampas Leison, we have some questions that you must answer, right now!"

The hands of the Lieutenant General, named Ampas Leison, finally stopped writing. He then places his pen, then raises his head to face the person in front of him.

"Say, Brigadier General Torken, what kind of question do you need to ask?"

Leison eyes were calm, even his head and body not cowering. Footsteps also can be heard behind Torken, telling that the other four person has entered this offices.

"You are the one who sent orders for the 29th Armoured Division to move on Runepolis, right?"

"Well, yes."

"And the evacuation on the east too?"

"Ah, no. I just told Reiga to do that."

"What!?" Shouted a Colonel who is behind.

"Ho...How in the world can you influence the Minister of Foreign Affairs?"

Leison didn't answer it quickly. First, he took his body to the back, so then, his body was leaned on the soft chair.

"The answer is simple, because we have the same goal."

Torken eyes got narrowed. He didn't understand it at all. Yet, how Leison talks before, including the tone and his eyes looks very convincing.

"What kind of goal do you two have?" He asked.

"To make the Holy Mirishial Empire Great Again. Do you want to join us?" Ask Leison with a serious tone.

"Ahahahaha, are you serious?" Ask one of the Militer Officers on the back.

"Why must I join you? " Torken asked again.

"Well, I can explain it, even right now if you want."

Torken shivered. He knows very well that this man is plotting something and he must report it. But, the fact that Reiga joined with this man made him very curious. So then, his right hand took the chair to the left of him, and he finally sat there.

The event was unexpected, making the other officers behind were speechless and frozen by what had just happened in front of their eyes.

"Wha-what are you doing!"

A Colonel, who was angered by what he just saw clenched his fist, and with an angry face, he said, "Fuck it, I will report it by myself!"

He then started to move his feet, followed by a Brigadier. One of the other colonels, after seeing what they were trying to do, immediately tried to grab both of them while shouting, "Wait, stop, we are surrounded!"

When the other two were about to run to the Center, the other military members who were outside of the room were blocking their way. The Brigadier then looked at the Security Camera, and after he realized it was turned off, he could only say, "Shit! "


The Belkan ambassador to Erusea, Alexander Meyer walked from his office to the embassy door, where a Belkan army officer was waiting for him.

"Sir Ambassador, may I know what would happen to us?"

Meyer thought for a second before he answered the question.


"Hmm, understandable."

"You know what, this embassy might become an office for the Belkan government in exile if it continues."


"I wonder if our families in Strangereal are okay," the Ambassador muttered.

Meyer then continued to walk to the door for a daily jog. When he wanted to push the door, it suddenly opened from the outside. A man in a formal uniform appears in front of him, it can be said that he was an employee of the Erusean government, judging from the pin and emblem he has on his uniform.

"Good morning, Mr. Ambassador! My name is Lê Văn Giang, an employee from the Erusean Ministry of Foreign Affairs!" The man in front of him introduced himself.

"Understood. How can I help you in this situation?"

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs your help with this crisis by giving a list of Belkan citizens who are currently in Erusea."

"Understood, please wait."

Meyer immediately walked back inside of his room, when an employee was inside of his room placing a cup of coffee. The employees who saw Meyer looked like they were looking for something and walked towards him.

"Can I help you with something, Sir?"

"Uh, no. No need. It's just a single document consisting of Belkan citizens who are here currently."

"Understood. Is it the Erusean who asked for it?"


"Ah, I thought they would ask about Gründer or something. "

"Nah, Gründer is Osean property."

"Oh, right."

"Huh, formally. But well, speaking about Industry, I wonder how the Erusean will feed their resource hungry Industries since they are somehow kind of poor in resources."

After he gets the documents, Meyer immediately grabs it and gives the documents to Giang.

"Thank you for your cooperation. " After that, Giang immediately left the embassy and Meyer went jogging. 

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