Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Plants and monsters aren’t so different, really.

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Negative energies move through the soil. They move through the air. They move through the vibrations, spreading out from each and every step that a creature, infected by them, takes.


When something releases negative energies from themselves, it is easy to see.


You can see it in their expressions, their actions, their demeanor and their lack of care for themselves and for those around them. These things, these negative creatures, they are best avoided.


- Misery does love company, after all.


Perhaps that might be a cruel way to see the world. But negativity is a parasite. It will latch onto a host and then infect it and that entity will then move on to infect another, in an attempt to cure itself of its own misery, thereby spreading the disease further on and onward.


The cure is sunlight.


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