Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The not-birds, they pursue us for her eyes. There is fog. I would prefer sunlight

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It is nighttime once again.


My friend of dubious attractiveness rests off to the side, her two stumpy, poky upper branches are wrapped around her lower limbs, as she lays there before the fire, pulled into a ball.


I have determined, after much deliberation, that the two things on her face are indeed eyes and not seeds.


Birds have eyes. So I know of them. But the eyes of birds are black, soulless things.


- They are not to be trusted.


However, this means that she can not be a sunflower. Sunflowers do not have eyes.


Maybe she really is a fish?


The questionably fishy friend of mine lays there, down on the fertile dirt. Her eyes stare into the fire.


It is good, yes?


The soil here is nourishing. The fire is warm and I suppose it is better than not having a sun at all. I hope you enjoy it. But I suggest that you do something about that leaking water you have there.


You are wasting nutrients. The soil is already damp and if you water your eyes too much, they might sprout too early or they might even rot.


- Do eyes sprout like seeds?

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I do not know.


I am a sunflower.


However, as of right now, there is no sun to be seen.


How unfortunate.



Why are we in a dark place?


This is not good. I can not see the sun from here.


I am an unhappy sunflower. My petals droop, my leaves droop, my head droops. My stalk hangs, almost limply, over the body of my friend, who had abducted me.


The morning had come, the sun was good today. But we have left the way. We have left the sun. I do not know why, but something seems to have spooked her. Something seems to have been behind us. Not that I would know, I was just busy looking at the sun.


She has taken me into the forest. She has taken me into a small cave.


I strike my head against the rocks as we crawl inside. But I am okay.


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