Sunflower : [A sunflower based litRPG]

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: I have been to the mountain

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Burch struggles to walk, rising up along the mountain path.


It is a path not carved by toiling hands or by digging claws, but rather by the shearing of the wind over a span of countless generations.


Having walked for the full day since we were on the shore and now for the start of the night, we very slowly begin to rise.


Despite the fact that we are moving closer towards the sky, towards where the sun hangs for most of its life, it is becoming colder. There is little protection from the wind up here.


The rocky terrain rattles, stones coming loose as Burch treads over them.


- Ahead of us is a cave.


“Let’s stop for the night,” says Burch, rubbing her head. “I don’t feel so good.”




There are many reasons for you to feel unwell, Burch.


I assume that your body is unhappy with the raw meat of the crab and with the exertion of your tearing muscles and with the deep hunger of your belly.

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- But I would find it most unwise.


Burch looks around at the cave.


It is a shallow thing, being little more than an indented hole in the rock of the mountain. But it provides shelter from the wind.


She sits down, letting out a long exhalation, her head drooping the moment she falls down and plants herself against the rocks. Deep exhaustion has overtaken my friend to a point where even I can do little about it.


This is most unfortunate.


I look around from where we sit, having an overview of the lands behind us.


The sky is bright tonight, but not because of the moon, which has gone into hiding. But rather, because of the manifold blanket of stars, hanging heavily over the world.


It seems that I have no choice then.


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