Superhero World of Reversed Gender Roles

Chapter 16: Chapter 3.2

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As Madden and her mercenaries made their way through the dark, poorly lit house, they made sure to check room by room, signaling each other with hand signs.

Once they finished with the bottom floor, they went up the stairs, careful with their footsteps so as to not creak the wooden floor.

Now they could hear faint fleshy slapping noises and moaning coming from the room at the end of the hall.

Madden’s heart sunk, bile rising up her throat. No, no, no! Goddess NO! She forgot all about stealth and sprinted like her life depended on it towards him, her beloved.

Her mercenaries followed her example and ran with her.

Having heard their running footsteps, the noises from inside the room ceased.

Once Trailblazer reached the door, she extended her palm and willed her power to shoot out. A cone shaped torrent of fire impacted the door, making it explode into burning chunks.

Now that she could see into the room, her worst fears were confirmed. She saw the man she loved dressed in a wedding dress, chained to the bed. Pussy juice covered his face, his erect dick, and chest, bruises littered his body. Worst of all he didn’t even react to them walking in, he just kept muttering “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Dark, murderous rage took over her mind. Where was Undertaker?!

She signaled her goons to go in first. Trailblazer had combat experience and knew that the vanguard always had the highest risk.

The mercs stepped into the room and as trained military women, they knew to immediately check the sides of the door so-

Undertaker, completely naked, cum dripping down her pussy, was waiting in ambush at the left side of the doorway, just waiting for them to step in.

The merc closest to her raised her assault rifle and tried to shoot, but Undertaker was faster. She seized her on a chokehold, using her forearm to crush her windpipe. The merc dropped her assault rifle and frantically tried to pull the forearm away so she could intake air.

Undertaker caught the assault rifle as it was falling with her free hand and started firing upon them, all of her shots perfectly aimed at the unarmored parts of their heads that were not covered by helmets.

Thankfully Trailblazer wasn’t her first or second target so she had time to react and spew forth a stream of fire in her direction. The flames were white hot, surprising her. The most she had managed in the past was blue flames, but maybe her rage was pushing her power to the limit.

Undertaker, the assault rifle, and hostage all melted away. The shots stopped either due to her being dead or the rifle melted—she couldn’t see with all the flames.

As the mercs relaxed, Trailblazer started backing away unnoticed, putting them between the flames and her.

“Fuck! She got Marian!” one of the mercs growled, spitting on the floor. “Who was that bi-”

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Out of the flames a half melted creature shot out in their direction, twisting the neck of the merc who was talking. Everyone started firing upon the monster as they were felled one by one. All the while Madden patiently charged up a ball with heat energy.

When all the mercs were dead and Undertaker turned to Trailbazer, flesh falling of her in rivulets, Madden unleashed her charged attack—a blazing white hot ball that shone like the sun.

Everything in a small circle was instantly incinerated. Madden could see how all the mercs and Undertaker were burnt until all that remained were black bones.

The whole room was falling apart, the wooden roof and floor on fire, the brick walls melted. The fire was slowly but surely making its way to the other side of the room, to Erin. Madden hurried to him. She had to get him out of here before everything collapsed.

As she got near the bed, he looked at her with one good eye, the other swollen under a bruised, black eye, with fear and started trembling. It broke Madden’s heart. She extended a hand to wipe away his tears, but he started struggling frantically, hysterically, “No! Get away! Don’t touch me!”

She tried to calm him down, “Shhh Shhh Shhh, I’ll get you out, okay. Don’t worry, you are safe. No one’s gonna hurt you.” Her words calmed him down a little, but he was still shell shocked.

Madden wiped her own tears that had spilled due to the tragic situation and set about melting the ends of the chains, so she could free Erin.

Once she was done, she scooped him up in a princess carry and walked rapidly out of the room. All the while, she uttered calming sounds and rocked him up and down in soothing motions.
Eventually, he felt safe enough to cling to her and bury his face on her chest, something which made Madden ecstatic. Few things made a woman feel more proud than protecting her man.

By the time they made it out of the building, he was fast asleep, the stress and exertion taking a toll on him.

Trailblazer made her way into the van, careful not to wake up her man. She laid him on her lap as she drove away, the feel of his body against her igniting her body and making slick run down her thigh. But taking advantage of him now would ruin her relationship with him. Patience Madden, by the Goddess just hold on a little longer.

Madden to an area of the slums that was empty, then she pressed a button on her car key, calling her expensive sports car towards her. It would self drive all the way from the area where she parked it thanks to the system Machina had installed on it.

In the meantime, she started stroking her sleeping beauty’s hair. Then after some hesitation, his back. This proved to be a mistake because her arousal spun out of control after touching the exposed skin of his back exposed by the dress.

Shit! She couldn’t take it anymore! Her skin tight pants were completely soaked now and she was breathing hard. It was intolerable! Then an idea struck her! Fingering herself didn’t count as taking advantage of him, right? She wasn’t doing anything wrong, it was her body after all.

As she waited for the car, she dipped one hand carefully under her yoga pants and the other under her sports bra, being careful not to wake Erin up. She bit her lip as she circled her nipple and clit, oh Goddess that was the spot!

All the while she luxuriated on the feel of his drop dead gorgeous body pressed against her, imagined it wass him doing this to her. She could almost picture his tomgirlish attitude, his sharp eyes. Goddess, tomgirls were the best.

She came hard, her hand on her mouth trying not to make noise.

As she laid there panting, she saw her car come. She got out and placed Erin inside her car. Then she set fire to the inside of the van. She drove home.

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