
Chapter 73: 3.10 – Saskatoon surprise

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Aurora began her flight to Canada and ascended towards the upper atmosphere.  Her strong wings beat powerfully and pushed her up past the clouds where she was able to accelerate to mach speed.  The crack of the sound barrier made her shiver and echoed in the distance.  She zoned out a little and streaked across the sky.


When she passed the Canadian border, she realized that Mistral hadn’t yet called her back.  She wondered if she’d decided to take a nap.  Crossing the Canadian border, she angled towards Saskatoon.  After a couple more hours, she arrived to see that all of Saskatoon was beneath a swirling cloud.


Leona descended through the clouds and as she did the ambient temperature dropped considerably. Even through her field, she knew that it was terribly cold.  When she emerged on the other side of the clouds, Saskatoon was being assaulted by raking windy ice.  It was a massive storm, and it seemed to be a bit out of season.  Her aura protected her from the words of the cold, but spotting the SOS Clubhouse wasn’t visible from above.  She removed her communicator from her top and tapped at it to get precise GPS directions.


She made her way over to the building that way, and found that Mistral wasn’t anywhere to be seen.  She looked for the eye of the storm, and slipped back up into the clouds.  Watching the clouds from above, she was able to discern where it was.  She angled towards it and dove back down, shooting down it as quickly as possible.  Below was a completely white and vaguely Asian woman in an ornate dress with lace frill that looked like snowflakes who was gesturing at Mistral.  She barely made out the scene with how dark it was.  From the looks of the situation, her love was trapped in some sort of snow cyclone.


Aurora looked at the apparently Asian attacker.  She had no idea of her identity.  Finally, she looked at Mistral, getting angry.  This villain was attacking her girlfriend, this night of any she could have chosen? Well, maybe that was for the best.  She took aim at the woman and released a powerful blast.  The key was getting the preemptive attack.  In doing so, she could free Mistral from her freezing prison.


Her attack, however, was deflected by the swirling ice a bit.  It punched through, but what hit her didn’t faze her.  She gestured towards her swirling tornado storm and it skidded off further into the storm.  “Another hero looking to ruin my fun!” I thought I’d play with another weather manipulator, but if you want to feel my freezing caress, I’ll share it with you as well!”


She gestured and sweeping blasts of hail crashed against her aura.  It was blinding and cold, but her field was keeping the actual icy hail from striking her directly.  The impact pushed her further aloft, but she twisted out from the icy streams and flew around, resuming her firing.  The woman swept her arms again and another swirl of ice stopped most of her blasting.  Whomever she was, she was clearly very powerful.


A bolt of lightning flashed past her, almost blinding her and struck the woman.  Aurora looked towards the angled direction to see Mistral’s silhouette standing defiant.  The ice and snow was so deep below it was almost up to her knees.  She hugged herself with one arm, seeming to be … cold?


The Asian woman grumbled, still smoking slightly and started to swirl more hail and ice around herself.


Aurora flew to Mistral’s side and wrapped her arms around her, recognizing the problem. She couldn’t protect herself entirely from the cold.  “This might help.” She applied her healing energies to her directly while hugging her and shielded her.  “I can be a shield for you, if you can take her out.” She smiled.  She could form wall constructs to defend them, but her field alone would keep her warm.


“I'm having some problems … but I think I can …” she said, taking a deep breath. Mistral gestured and the hail and wind around started to die. All of a sudden, it stopped immediately, and the clouds dissipated.  The hail turned into gentle snow.  Her attacker had disappeared. She was nowhere to be seen.


“What happened?” Aurora asked, surprised by the disappearance of the villain.  “Who was she? Do you know?” Aurora looked carefully to make sure she wasn’t mistaken.  It was disastrous to be taken by surprise.


“She called herself Snow Witch …” Mistral panted softly. “... her powers … they seem to have managed to cancel mine out.  She took me by surprise and overwhelmed me after a protracted battle.  Thank goodness you arrived when you did …” She turned and embraced her angelic girlfriend.  “We should get going and warm up a little.” The wind picked up a little and Mistral lifted off, leading the way.


Aurora followed her, worried.  “I’m glad it worked out that I could come tonight … serendipity, I suppose.” She sighed in relief.  She picked up her speed and took Mistral’s hand, nullifying her weight.  Her speed increased as a result.  As they flew together in an aerial duet, Aurora wondered why the woman had attacked Mistral.  “And now, I’m glad that I’m going to be with you until Thursday night or Friday morning, although you’re coming back with me.” She chuckled.


Mistral nodded, cold and tired.


“That person was focused entirely on you … well, until she met more resistance.”


The two flew to the rooftop of the clubhouse to touch down.  When they did, Mistral embraced Aurora again and kissed her.  She held her freezing girlfriend tightly, giving her the benefit of her aura again.  She instantly realized that her skins was cool to the touch.  “Mmm … we should probably look for her for a bit, but I just wanted to take a moment to hold you.”


Aurora brushed her fingers gently across Mistral’s cheek. Mistral smiled and spoke, “It’s always wonderful to see your face, sweetie.” She put her own hand to Aurora’s face and her fingers were like ice cubes. “Let me tell you what I know while I catch my breath.”

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After another deep breath, she looked into Aurora’s eyes. “She wandered into town an hour or so ago and called me out. I flew down and tried to talk her down, but she wanted to challenge my power with her own. She’s a mystic creature. I can sense it … but somehow she was able to overpower and cancel out my own weather manipulation … at least as it pertains to blizzards.  She shouldn’t be able to do that …”


Aurora pondered the situation. “Let’s go into the clubhouse.  You’re ice-cold.  Anyhow, I think she’ll call you out again if she reappears … and you need to be ready if that happens.  Let’s warm up.” She hugged her super girlfriend tightly. “Either a shower or a fire is what you need most right now.  My body heat in the elements can only do so much for you. Beyond that, I think whoever she is, she’s very fixated on you specially. It wasn’t a coincidence or a random natural disaster.  Do you think you can come up with a counter for her? She seems to already have one for you, and that’s worrying.”


Mistral shook her head and sighed. “I think you scared her off … her powers won’t be as effective against you … and not against the rest of my powers … but flying … she was able to overpower the winds that give me flight with her blizzard powers.” She looked to the door and shook her head again. “I don’t want to go into the clubhouse like this,” she said, looking away, a little pouty.


“Let’s go back to my place, instead,” she said.


“That’s fine with me, but let’s hurry. I’m worried about you. If you get sick, it’s not going to be a fun visit.” She winked and smiled. “Let’s go.”


The two headed back to Mistral’s apartment with Aurora’s protection. There was no way she’d let Mistral catch a cold if she had any say.  Mistral created fog in an alley to keep them hidden when she transformed back and Aurora simply vanished her wings.  The two walked in and she hugged and kissed Aurora as soon as they were ensconced in her warm apartment.  And the kiss was passionate this time.


After a moment, she nuzzled Aurora’s cheek and headed off to the bathroom. “Give me a few minutes, or come join me.” She winked, transforming back. Her skin grew paler again and her hair transitioned back to its grand platinum-blondeness.  She started to strip before her as she headed to the bathroom.  Aurora giggled softly.


“Mmmm, that’s an invitation I can’t refuse.” She practically purred, glad she could simply will her clothes off herself.  Her wings unfolded the moment the clothes disappeared, but she looked at them and forced them to shrink again.  She was eager for the hot water too after that chill, but she hoped for far more.  Aurora stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind herself as Mistral started the shower, bending down to adjust the temperature.  The view was incredibly lovely.  She admired her girlfriend as she stepped up into her clawfoot tub, into the hot water.


She looked at Aurora and smiled. “No wings?” she asked. “I was wondering how that might be in a shower.” She grinned. “Well, let’s warm up a little.” She said seductively as Aurora stepped over to her. Her hand caressed one of her breasts.



The heat of the shower was only the preface.  Mistral held her beloved against her body as the warm spray cascaded down, soaking them both when they shared the tub.  There was a slight chill emanating from Mistral’s body.  She gasped softly as Aurora stroked her soft and yet cold body.


The two kissed and held each other, moving minimally.  Denise -- Mistral -- finally squeezed her bottom with both of her hands, cupping it. “You feel good -- so good.” She sighed. “Aurora…” she whispered into her ear and closed in for another kiss, a slow smouldering kiss.  Their bodies rubbed against one another’s and their nipples scraped against each other’s.  They poked and prodded each other’s springy and slightly swollen chests.


She scratched Aurora’s back gently, and the two turned so Mistral was facing the showerhead, and it started to stream warmly down Aurora’s back. “We need to find that Snow Witch, but … I don’t want this moment to end just yet,” she whispered.  One of her hands moved from her backside to her chest where she gently rubbed a nipple with her thumb.  Her lips moved up to Aurora’s ear. “Mmmm … I’m starting to feel … much … much … warmer … how about you?” she whispered softly.

Meanwhile …


“What do you suppose happened before?” A man shrugged, watching the police and emergency units taking care of things. He turned to the man beside him. “I heard Mistral was here … think it’s safe?”


“Of course,” the man next to him smiled. “She’s the real weather witch around here!”


“Things change, boys,” a cold voice issued from behind them with a cackling.  One cold hand landed on each man’s shoulder and their terrified shrieks were instantly silenced as their bodies desiccated into frozen mummified corpses.  The villainess known as Snow Witch laughed, her voice echoing in the alley where she hid.  “That tart and her sidekick will learn like everyone else who is the new Mistress of Blizzards is …”


As the workers shivered from a sudden cold wind, the villainess stalked back down the alley, planning her next move.

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