Superstar Dragon

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – The Banished Prince

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| Chapter One - The Banished Prince |


Ygor Aerouant is a dragon.

Dragons are the strongest creatures in the world. Humans, elves, witches, beastmen and even vampires fear them. They are born with unique powers that only dragons are able to have.

"Your highness, his majesty have come to a final decision. You may now proceed to the  audience chamber." A maid informed him.

He stood up and took a deep breath. His father, the king has finally made a decision? What could it be? After all his failures as a dragon, he could only imagine the worst.

The king of the Aerouant Kingdom, Marcelo Aerouant is the strongest dragon in the world. Since dragons are prideful creatures, they will only bow to the strongest one. Lineage doesn't matter to them, if a dragon who is stronger than the current king showed up somewhere, they will immediately make that dragon the ruler.

However, for many years and decades, the Aerouant family made the strongest dragons there is in every generations. This led to the kingdom being named after them.

"His highness, the second prince Ygor Aerouant, is now entering the chamber." As the royal knight announced his arrival, he couldn't stop sweating profusely.

Once again, he took a deep breath and raised his head before the door opened. 


The two big doors slowly opened revealing  the powerful officials and nobles in the kingdom on divided into two to make way in the middle. And then there, in the middle at the very front of the chamber sat his father, alongside his mother and brother.

He walked with grace and elegance, not minding all the noises and whispers surrounding him.

"Ygor Aerouant." The king said his name as he arrived in front of him.

"Father." He bowed.

"I have coddled you too much. I gave you many chances to prove yourself, however, they were all futile attempts."

The whispers grew louder. Ygor, just bowed his head and never denied anything as his father was right.

"Ygor Aerouant, you are a dragon..." He looked up to meet his father's eyes, but the king only looked at him with so much disgust.

He felt his heart slowly breaking. "...yet you are unlike one at all."

A tear fell from his left eye after his father's word. The whispers grew louder until he cannot ignore them at all.

"What a disgrace he is."

"A dragon who cannot even breathe fire. My gosh, what an absolute disgrace to his majesty and the kingdom."

"Even his power is useless. A portal? To nowhere?"

"I can't even fathom how disappointed his majesty could be. To have his own son be named as the weakest dragon."

All the whispers only added fuel to the fire as the king was able to hear all of it.

"I, the king of Aerouant Kingdom, hereby declare that the second prince, Ygor Aerouant, shall be stripped off his title." 

Ygor, who expected just the same punishment could only bow his head and cry silently. He had already accepted long ago that he will be disowned by his father.

"In addition to this, Ygor Aerouant will be banished from the Aerouant kingdom." 

Ygor, who did not expect the additional punishment, could not believe his ears. He looked at the king who is very furious at the moment. His mother tried to comfort the king while his brother looked at him without any emotions.


"Don't you dare call me that!"

"Your majesty, please don't banish me from the kingdom! I beg you, please!"

Ygor cried and begged, but all of this begging only angered the king more. Therefore, the queen decided to take care of the matter.

"Immediately, take him away from the kingdom!"

The knights obeyed and handled him without any care as he is no longer a prince.

Ygor could only look back towards his family, then to his kingdom, then to the ocean.

"Ygor, you shall never step foot in the kingdom again. Doing so will only have you killed." One of the knights who is now in his dragon form told him.

"We have warned you. Heed this warning or else your head will be delivered to the king." The other knight who's also in his dragon form said.

They then let go of him and he immediately fell to the ocean. He could see them flying back towards the kingdom.

He sank slowly to the ocean, only when he started drowning did he morphed back to his dragon form and flew away.

He is a dragon prince, however, despite being the son of the strongest dragon, he is considered to be the weakest of them all. Even a younger dragon is stronger than him.

He only had few of a dragon's quality.  He can morph into any form he wants, he has a majestic dragon form, and he has a unique power. 

The very common quality of a dragon that made them the strongest out of all creatures is the fire breath. They say that dragons will be able to do this at the age of 5, but Ygor grew up and reached 50 and he's still not able to do it.

The king had hopes for his power. 'Maybe his power will make up for the lost fire breath' is what the king thought. This is because when Ygor was born, the elder dragons was certain that Ygor held a power that is not only 'just' unique to their kind, it was super rare that only Ygor is said to have the power.

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Therefore, when the time came that Ygor can start taking classes to awaken his power, the king hired all of the experts and the best magic tutors he could give to Ygor. It even came to the point that the first prince, Zephyr Aerouant, was neglected by his parents and all the people in the kingdom.

When Ygor has awakened his power, the whole kingdom was eager to see it. The king had him perform his power in front of all the people in their kingdom. 

Everyone thought that the beginning of the performance was the portal Ygor created. They imagined strong and powerful beings emerging from the other side.

They waited and waited, but nothing came out. The king was furious and went inside the portal himself. When he came back, he was even more angry and disappointed.

The other end of the portal was a complete void. Eternal darkness is all there is. Nothing powerful, or even something with a tiny bit of power came out.

The king asked for a torch, but the fire went out the moment he came in. The king then decided to use his power, but then again, it went out.

His power was then deemed useless and weakest. The king couldn't take it anymore, and now he is no longer a prince and is forever banished from the kingdom.

Ygor flew across the world day and night. He passed by a few other kingdoms but never stopped in any of them. He is determined to stay away from all of them and live very far away on his own.


He laid on his back and floated in the middle of the ocean. A dazzling white dragon floating in the middle of the ocean under the moonlight, it will surely be a big news if anyone saw him.

He morphed back to his human form.

"Father...He really did banish me." He thought to himself.

"Where shall I go now?" 

Ygor, who knew how weak he is, is scared of living with other creatures. If ever they were to find out that he is a weak dragon and a former prince, they will surely go after him for his heart.

There is a myth in the world that if one were to eat a dragon heart, they will be given eternal life and powers. However, this is an old belief and was never confirmed. But still, some believes it and dares to fight dragons.

Ygor put his palm towards the sky. A few moments later, a portal which is darker than the night appeared in front of him.

"What use does this useless power have? Why was I even given this at all?" He was angry and disappointed.

Even though it is his power, Ygor never really went inside the portal. He lost all of his interest in it after his father started neglecting him and firing all of his tutors.

He stretched out his hand and it passed through the portal.

"An eternal void..." He mumbled.

He pushed his hand even deeper inside. "Would any body care if I were to disappear completely?" He whispered and a tear fell from his eyes.

Since only he has this power, there will never be anyone who can find him. 

"Everything that's useless is not needed." 

He slowly sat up. His pointed nose is the first part of his face to touch the portal. He slowly sat up until half of his body was inside the portal.

"It is as if I am blind." He said.

He gulped and swallowed all of his fears as he slowly stood up on the water. A quarter of his body is in, he has to jump and close the portal immediately.

"Why did I have to open it while I was laying down? This makes it less cool. Tsk." He complained to himself.

He then bent his knees, took a deep breath and jumped with all his might. And then...


"Argh" He groaned in pain.

Something really hard hit his head when he jumped. Then he...fell? but upwards?

He caressed his head and then looked around him. Unlike the endless void it was supposed to be, it was very bright. There were a lot of foreign objects.

"MY DOOR!" And then there was a guy who's wearing weird clothes. One that he's never seen before. It is like a cloak that is also a shirt?

He quickly enhanced his senses and found out it was human. He stood up and unsheathed his sword. This human doesn't seem to know how to fight, he was defenseless and even had his back towards Ygor.

Ygor pointed the tip of his sword on the human's neck.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my void, human?" 

"Stop with the acting, is this a thief's kink nowadays?!" He shouted and using his bare hands, he pushed the sword out of the way.

"AAAAAH! OMG! OMG!" He screamed at his bleeding hands.

"Your will to live is impressive." 


Ygor's eyes grew big when he shouted. 

Oh no! Seeing as how he's living in such a house, he might be a wealthy noble with a strong army!

"mmmmmfh!" He quickly put his hands on the human's mouth.

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