Superstar Dragon

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – The Fairy Princess Has a Fairy-like Voice

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Chapter ten - The Fairy Princess Has a Fairy-like Voice


It was eight in the morning when Calvin and Ygor got done preparing to go out. 

Calvin huffed and puffed as he carried two big boxes and a guitar on his back. Ygor leisurely walked beside him. When they arrived in front of the elevator, Calvin put down the boxes.

Calvin panted. "Are your things heavy?" Ygor asked.

Last night the two of them made a deal that they will carry their own stuff. Calvin proposed this idea knowing that he had a lot and didn't want any more add-ons. However, he forgot that Ygor only has the clothes and sword his sword when he crossed over.

"Of course it is, the other box has books and shoes, while the other one has my clothes and other fragile things." 

He looked at Ygor with Envy.

Just look at his hands! So much room!

The elevator door opened, Ygor went in and Calvin struggled to push the boxes inside.

They rode the elevator quietly. "Haa..." Calvin sighed when the door opened again after just a few seconds of rest.

Ygor walked out and immediately reached the car waiting for them. Calvin looked at him regretting his words last night. 

Ygor put his things inside the car and went back to Calvin. He looked at him and Calvin looked up at him.

"Weakling." He said and bent down to carry the boxes all by himself. He even ran to the car with them.

Calvin had his jaw hanging while watching Ygor. He wanted to punch himself so much. How could he forget that this dragon is insanely strong? Ygor even lifted Calvin before like he weighed nothing at all! 

Why in the world did I even think that this idiot will make me carry his things?!

"Oi, hurry up!" Ygor called him as he sat inside the car.

Calvin just shook his head and followed him. The ride was silent until they arrived at the company. They noticed that there are a little bit more employees than the last time they were there.

Jangmi greeted them on the first floor. "Great, you two are here."

There was another woman beside her who looks significantly older than her and the president.

"This is Ms. Sylvia Co, she is the head manager at Mystique's main branch, the president-nim's clothing brand." She introduced her to them.

Calvin gulped after the introduction. He didn't expect that the clothing brand owned by the president is the most expensive and famous brand in Korea. What's more, is that it's also in the top 10 most famous clothing brands in the world!

"These two are our only trainees at the moment. They are also the president-nim's nephews. Ygor and Calvin." 

Sylvia examined the two of them. "Hmm, I see."

Ygor gulped at the look he received. 

"Well then, she will take care of you two for the whole day." Jangmi said.

"Ah, noona we thought you'll come with us today?" Ygor asked.

According to how the plan went, they will be shopping and doing a lot of things today with the stylist that the president sent. Jangmi is supposed to accompany them.

"There are some urgent things that popped up today so I will not be able to come with you guys." She smiled apologetically with her hands clasped together.

"Don't worry, Sylvia-nim is good at handling things. I am sure she will not need me."

But we will need you! T__T The Stylist-nim looks scary!

"So, have fun!" 

Then again, they rode a car to somewhere they are supposed to go. Unlike earlier though, this time it was extra silent. Only if the driver didn't turn on the radio would they hear crickets the whole time.

Applause were heard from the radio. "Hi, good morning. I am Yoo Seoyeon from Shine Entertainment." 

Ygor is quietly leaning on the window when he heard this. His ears perked up a little bit and looked at the radio as of there was a T.V.

Yoo Seoyeon? Isn't that the fairy princess' name?

"Thank you very much for inviting me!"

"No, we are much thankful for coming in Hug Radio!"

"We've heard that you have been very busy these days, thank you for making room for us in your schedule."

Ygor closed his eyes as he listened to the radio.

The fairy princess sure has a very beautiful voice.

Ygor was already charmed just by hearing her speak.

"Seoyeon has an announcement for us, right?"

"Yes, I heard that too. What would our beautiful Seoyeon announce today?"

"Yes, I would like to take a little time off from singing." 

Gasps could be heard from the radio.

"Instead, I would like to try diving into acting."

"Aigoo, our Seoyeon really had us in the first half!"

"That scared me, Seoyeon-ah!"

The talk went on until it was time for Seoyeon to sing her new single. "Now, for the most favorite segment of our listeners, let's hear 'Blossoming Flowers' by our lovely flower, Yoo Seoyeon."

When she started singing, Ygor fell even deeper for her voice. It was even softer, gentler, and more calming to listen to. He remembered the person in the photo that he saw.

The fairy princess has a fairy-like voice. Could she actually be a fairy?

"...For when the time comes" 

The song was ending and her voice is becoming even sweeter.

"...when the flowers bloom"

"know it's me, telling you"

"I love you..."

Ygor who has his eyes closed remembering the photo, felt a tingle when she said those last three words.

How nice would it be to hear that personally?

He gulped and reminded himself that it was just a song. He opened his eyes and tried to distract himself. Fortunately, a few minutes after they arrived at their destination.

Sylvia got off first and they followed her like little chicks following the mother hen.

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Ygor whispered to Calvin beside him. "Where are we?" He asked.

"We're in a mall." Calvin told him and explained what a mall is.

"Head manager-nim, we've prepared a set of clothes for men in the dressing room as the head manager-nim told us." A lady greeted them in front of Mystique boutique.

Sylvia nodded at them. "Good, let me see." Then she looked at the two behind her.

"Follow me."

They obediently followed her. Ygor roamed his eyes around. His long white hair sat on his shoulder unto his chest. He was carefree and didn't pay attention to the eyes looking at him as he walked inside.

Calvin, on the other hand, felt very conscious. He removed his glasses and fixed his hair the same way Jangmi did before. 

"Hmm..." Sylvia looked at the clothes prepared in front of them very seriously. If the clothes are alive, it'd be as if she's staring and examining their souls.

She walked in front of a white long sleeves paired with simple denim pants and sneakers. There are a variety of accessories with it such as necklaces, watches, and even rings. 

The set is very simple, too simple. She looked at the lady and ordered her to do something.

Ygor didn't pay attention in front, in fact, he even walked back into the store and fiddled with the mannequin.

Across the store from where Ygor is standing, a young lady with pink hair could be seen shopping. 

"Seoyeon-ah, your interview at Hug

Radio just finished." Her manager informed her. It was pre-recorded and Seoyeon didn't really feel like listening to it.

"Hmm..." But she wasn't paying much attention.

She was looking at the man with the long white hair from afar. She saw him from the moment he walked in with Sylvia Co, a well-known stylist among kpop artists who is very picky with who she works with.

The man was looking at the mannequin beside him. He held its hand and smiled. It was a very pretty smile. He played with it until...


"Pfft!" Seoyeon held back her laughter and looked down for a moment.

Her manager looked at her in surprise. The girl doesn't laugh nor smile that much unless there are cameras pointed at her. 

She may be very sweet and lovely in the public, but in private she is very cold. She doesn't talk much nor give any reaction. Therefore, it was shocking that something made her laugh.

She looked at where Seoyeon was looking before. It was the place where a loud sound came from. There was a tall handsome guy with long white hair with panic all over his face as he held the mannequin's arm that fell.

"Get back inside." Ygor froze when he heard the old woman's chilling voice behind him.

He looked back and saw the woman's back as she walked back inside. Calvin was there too smirking and laughing at him.

Calvin wore a simple tuxedo. His hair is also better than when he tried to fix it himself. It was like he is a whole different person. 

Ygor looked at Calvin up and down. "I thought it was a one-time thing for you to look good." He said and walked inside.


"Aw, why'd you always hit me!" Ygor complained.

"Are you coming or not?" He immediately ran towards the woman and ignored Calvin.

She handed him some clothes. "Wear this." She said.

Ygor accepted it and ran fast to a dressing area. He wore the pants, shirt, and shoes easily. What he couldn't figure out is the two black and long piece. It was like a belt but he's already wearing a belt, so it cannot be a belt anymore.

He walked out holding them and looked shyly at Sylvia. "Um, I don't know how to wear these."

Sylvia help him wear the suspenders. "Tie his hair, it's getting in the way." Then the lady tied his hair neatly.

"When I wore the same thing, it didn't look like that at all..." Calvin mumbled and everyone heard.

"You two just have different styles." Sylvia said.

Calvin walked around him. "You look like an actor." He said.

"You'd probably do well on action movies." Sylvia added as she looked at him looking like he just came out of an action movie. 

He was just simply too cool.

Calvin suits more of a gentle style. He said his music will be ballad and acoustic so cool styles didn't really suit him that much.

Sylva told the two to walk outside. She looked at how they walked in those clothes. One is slightly stiff, while the other fiddle with his suspender a lot.

She gave them advices and taught them how to walk more naturally. As time goes by, they became a little bit more used to and confident in it.

Sylvia didn't know but there's something really good with the two. It's like they work in harmony. Their two contrasting styles, when put together, actually work really well.

She went back inside and picked more clothes. She ordered the ladies around and they obeyed. She had so many ideas that it was like she'll empty the store soon.

Ygor walked into the big mirror he found across the store. He looked at himself and posed.

"You're really getting into it." Calvin said.

Ygor sighed. "I'm so handsome." 


"Aw! Why? Why?" 

"Stop that, you look like an extreme idiot." Calvin told him.

"Look, they all think you are an idiot" He pointed at some of the people inside the store.

Ygor looked around and saw that a lot of people are looking at them and pointing their smartphones toward them. However, at the very far side of the store, he saw a light pink hair looking at him.

Ygor looked at her and smiled widely.


He was so excited. He was about to walk fast but he remembered Sylvia telling him to walk slowly, look fierce, and never look down.

Out of those three points, there's only one thing he cannot do. 

Seoyeon who turned her head away when the man looked at her, noticed that he was walking toward her with a very cute smile. She felt embarrassed when she got caught.

"Look at this, it's so pre---Eh? Seoyeon-ah?" Her manager looked at her with confusion.

"Wait, why are you pulling me?" She has no idea why Seoyeon suddenly pulled her and walked out of the boutique.

"I want to go home." Seoyeon just told her when they got out of the store. 

Sujin, her manager, just followed her. When they got into the car, Seoyeon removed her face mask and fanned herself.

Eh? Why is she like this? Why is her face so red? 

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