Supreme Empire

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 The Prince’s Offer

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The Prince's Offer

Walking in silence, Edward led us out of the room and into the hallway. The sound of our footsteps echoed in the quiet space, until he suddenly spoke up. With a tone filled with pride, he asked, "So what are your names?"

James stepped forward and proudly announced, "My name is James, Your Royal Highness Edward."

As I watched James, I couldn't help but notice the excitement in his voice. He was clearly thrilled to be speaking with the Prince.

I was lost in thought, watching James when suddenly I felt a bump from his hands on my back.

Startled, I turned to look and saw the prince's gaze upon me.

The Prince's voice was laced with annoyance as he asked, "Your name?" I tried to ignore it, knowing that as a prince, he held a higher rank and power than I did.

I responded with respect, not wanting to offend him. "My name is William, Your Royal Highness Prince Edward."

The Prince held my gaze for a few moments, before turning and continuing down the path. I turned to James and saw the frustration on his face.

James' voice was soft but angry as he accused, "What were you doing, going into a daze when the Prince was asking you a question?"

"James," I spoke, trying to ignore his anger. "Before we left, mom told me to tell you to be careful about what we say and do in front of the prince. Talk less and don't say much." I figured this was the best time to tell him, as we were out of earshot from the prince.

"What?" James' anger was growing more visible by the moment. "Did you just ignore what I said?"

"What are you just standing there for?" The prince's voice echoed in the distance, calling out to us with a sense of authority. As we turn around, we see him standing there with a determined look on his face, watching us from a distance.

James immediately responds to the prince, shouting a hasty apology. He hastens forward, signaling for me to follow him and apologize as well.

I couldn't help but sigh as I watched James act so subservient to the prince. It was embarrassing to see him behave like this, but I didn't have much of a choice. I followed his lead and apologized to the prince, feeling slightly uneasy as we continued walking.

The prince led us to a stunning garden, filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery. A magnificent fountain stood at the center, surrounded by a beautiful patch of grass.

Once we reached the center of the grassy patch, the prince turned to face us and spoke in a firm tone. "Listen up," he said, "I'm going to be the next emperor."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise at his obviois statement. He started rolling up his sleeves, looking serious and determined.

The prince's gaze locked onto ours, his eyes serious and intense. "As the children of the grand duke," he began, "I'm willing to offer you a place as my subordinates."

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I couldn't help but burst into laughter as I heard the prince's words. It was so absurd to see someone I considered a child, speaking with such authority and making such an offer.

The prince's face turned red as he pointed at me, clearly upset. "Why are you laughing?" he asked, but my laughter only grew stronger, making it hard for me to catch my breath.

The Prince's face turned red as he pointed at me in anger. "You! Why are you laughing!?" he exclaimed, his voice raised in annoyance. Despite his frustration, my laughter only got louder and I found myself gasping for air as I struggled to contain my mirth.

I looked at the Prince and spoke with a grin. "Your Royal Highness, Prince Edward... Once you become the emperor, all of us will automatically become your subordinates." I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of this young "Child" going on a power trip.

"You!" he yelled and pointed at me, his face now flushed with anger.

Suddenly, I felt something flying towards my head and I quickly dodged it. I turned to look at my attacker and saw that it was James. I felt a slight anger rise in me as he had just tried to hit me, but before I could even say anything, he spoke.

James stepped forward and spoke in a firm voice. "William, do not disrespect Prince Edward. He is going to be the next emperor of the Gloryfield Empire." He turned to face the red-faced Prince.

"Your Royal Highness," James said, his voice filled with conviction. "I am willing to pledge myself to the future emperor." He put a fist to his heart and got down on one knee, acknowledging himself as a loyal follower.

I looked at James in confusion and shock. I knew that my actions were disrespectful towards the Prince, but for James to pledge himself to Prince Edward was a surprising turn of events.

I stood there, stunned, as I watched these events unfold before me.

Pledging to someone was a serious matter, far from being a simple act. It meant offering one's complete loyalty and devotion to a person, and if the pledge were ever broken, the consequences were dire. The pledge-breaker would have both of their hands chopped off, rendering them unable to wield a weapon or use magic again.

"James, are you insane?" I asked, trying to make sure that he fully understood the gravity of his actions. The pledge was not yet official, as it required a special type of magician to cast a spell that would bind it to both the pledger's hands and heart.

If the pledge was ever broken, an invisible chain would be activated, causing the pledge-breaker's arms to be chopped off.

Breaking the pledge was not an easy feat, as it required the pledge-breaker to be stronger than the pledge caster. In James' case, if he had pledged to the Prince, I was certain that the Emperor would have use his strongest magician to enforce the pledge.

"Silence," Prince Edward interjected, his voice stern and commanding. "Your name is William, is it not? You have disrespected me far too much today, and for that, I will punish you. I challenge you to a duel, and I will defeat you thoroughly, letting the shame of your defeat be your punishment."

Prince Edward then turned his gaze to James a satisfied smile broke out on his face staring at James who was still kneeling before him. "I acknowledge your pledge," he said. "We will make it official at a later date, but for now, let us start the countdown from three." He said as he turned his gaze towards me.

"We shall have a battle"

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