Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

Chapter 24: Realm Of Gods:Asgard

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3:00am Monday*

*Two days later*

Haile is getting ready to go to the old lady's Cafe before he goes to the devil's torture house, he really doesn't know why he puts himself through that shit, it is definitely not worth it, he would rather just go throw blast at the school and kill Rais with holy power to get the war started, but he didn't want to go that route, he thought of with koneko and akeno getting closer to them an tried his hand at rias but only enough for her to know he's interested.

Yesterday he met up then went and had a little make out session with sona and Tsubaki both together which surprised him a little but he guess neither of them wanted the other to get ahead of them, after that little situation, he got to meet all the rest of Sona's peerage a little later on.

The rest of the day was spent with Aika right now she was the most vulnerable both emotionally and physically as a human, of course he's not gonna turn her into a devil, or maybe he could then remove the evil piece, something to think about.

Then he went home to Ophis and Asia, he told Asia to go bathe and made out with Ophis again but was once again interrupted by the ultimate cockblocker which he was frustrated this time but didn't say anything as it wasn't her fault, probably.

Right now he's up early to put some things out of the way, he ate, bathe, brush his teeth and everything already, all he needs is directions and he's good and ready to go.

Ophis and Asia are still sleeping together they were hugging each other thinking it was him or more like Asia hugging ophis and ophis letting it happen as ophis was looking at him.

He had on his clothes and shoes and was ready to go as he wants to go somewhere else first, he looked at ophis who is looking at him intently without blinking.

."Ophis tell me how to get to the asgard, I want to go there."He asked ophis, he wants to go see if he gets that metal so he can create his ultimate weapon, he hadn't decided what to call it yet.

Ophis thought about it for a bit."Mmmm here."She then said ans held out her hand creating a purple snake that swirled around her palm radiating with dragon god energy.

He took it raising an eyebrow."This will let me enter the asgardain realm?."He asked her cause it seemed unlikely, but maybe she had the coordinates in this snake.

Ophis nodded her head."Use this and think of where."She said closing back her eyes with her hugging Asia and getting squeezed in return.

He didn't bother to disturb her any longer, he just went forward and kissed her and Asia's forehead and gave ophis an extra on her lips.

Then he left the house going on a little Journey, he put on a mask and a cloak hiding his physique, he also wasn't wearing his usual shoes he had just a normal no brand ones, along with his Disguise between seals no one can know who he is other than Indra who can read minds and see the future, but he also doesn't take much action, that future sight is probably bulshit, he just read the minds of people and see what they're going to do in the future.

Haile looked at the snake in his hand, he went through everything he got to see if he forgetting anything, he can't afford to make any mistakes even with Disguise as he will be in the territory of Supreme God's most more powerful than even himself.

He mostly has to watch out for Odin even though he is no longer as strong as before because of old age he is still a God of wisdom and magic so he is the biggest threat.

."Haha I'll see what chaos I can cause in the Norse pantheon."He chuckled and said to himself as a silver glint pass through his eyes.

He took the snake in his hand and summoned a Teleportation magic circle using it but instead of a purple circle since it was with Ophis power it still became silver-white in Color.

He took one last look at the house then smile an disappeared leaving nothing behind on his way to Asgard the realm of the Asgardain Gods.

Upon his disappearce Ophis opened her eyes in surprise."No...."She had lost connection with the snake for some reason, she had given him that so that should anything happen it will alert her and she can rescue him in time.

She looked at Asia sleeping peaceful in her arms not knowing the possible dangers that Haile could find himself in especially if Thor is there.

.'Make it back, or....'Ophis had a purple flash in her eyes.

.'Asgards lifespan will be over.'

Poor Haile doesn't know what sort of disaster he could possibly let lose on the world if he took to long to come home and she took it that he die.


Asgard, Realm Of Norse Gods

A silver-white magic circle appeared in a forest in the land of God's and from it rose Haile who is scouting the area to see if anyone is around but he didn't see anyone realizing he's in a forest.

."Mm I must say this realm is extremely beautiful, kinda like the depiction of the garden of eden but even more so, makes me want to check out the heavens."He said with a little admiration as he took in the view, because the little forest he was in was thick he could see some float islands in the sky, some with water falls going both up and down.

."That must be the palace of Odin."He said to himself looking at the paradise in the skies, it even had a sun probably artificial but he wasn't captivated though so went on because he still have things to accomplish.

He started walking in the direction of those floating islands even though they look close there were in actuality very very far away so he started moving quickly.

He knows he will probably have to pass through several asgardain cities to reach the palace but with Disguise it will be pretty easy, it would be another story if heimdal existed within dxd, he was such a crucial part of asgard as he can see everything that is taking place.


With certain thoughts in mind he took off running at lightning speed seemingly a flash of light as well moving through space breaking the sound barrier.


5 minutes later.

He was running for a little while now and the floating islands still was not any closer but in the distance on the ground he could see a city but it wasn't surrounded by a wall it was in a blue barrier.

Haile frowned a bit as he saw that barrier and realized that it spread further than the city, it all probably connected to multiple city with the palace also within it floating in the sky.

."Shit, to get into the barrier I may need to break it, or maybe there is an entry point some one could leave."He said to himself, that barrier could be a big problem if tried to break in, it probably had anti Teleportation, it was totally outside of his expectations.

He Instinctively went on guard, reason being, why would the asgardains need a barrier in there own realm that must mean there is some threat to be had.....



Luckily he went on guard in time, right in front of his face rows of teeth appeared out of nowhere barely leaving him any room to maneuver, he jumped back.

But he is a master at combat he twisted his body in mid air and shot some magic under his feet creating a platform pushing himself to the side barely dodging the teeth and landed on his hands and flipping back up.

."Well shit, what the hell is that."He said taking controlled breathes as he observed the creature before him, it looked like a mix between a dragon and a wolf almost like a hybrid.

He decided to look at the statistics cause he doesn't think this creature is normal it looks very unnatural as if it wasn't suppose to be.....



TITLE:Abandoned son of loki, Failed Experiment, Hybrid Monster, Failed Divine Beast, One Of Many.

RACE:Hybrid dragonwolf(Failed Divine(Weakened)

DIVINITY:Artificial Divine(Fail(weakened)



SACRED GEARS/WEAPONS:God Killing Fangs(Failed(heavily weakened)

ABILITIES:Dragon energy breath(Failed(weakened) Wolf Claw Slash(Failed(weakened) Fire breath(Failed( weakened) 


.'Ohh....should I just let him eat me, this is to pitiful.'Haile thought as he looked at the monstrosity, he was joking of course but he did feel a little bad for the poor creature, overall the things a failure.

Haile look the the failure up and down."Don't worry I'll put you out your misery."He said his eyes glowing silver-white and he raised his hand at the beast.


The beast roar weirdly in anger as if it understood what he said, it sounded like a dragon roar at first but then it turned into a howl halfway through then it sounded like a dog crying.


."Pfft...Hahahhahahaha."Haile suddenly broke out into laughing at the beast it was to funny, it was like roaarwoooowoof all at once.

The failure seeing this ran at him in fury at high speeds it brought up its claw and swung it at him creating five large six foot blue slashes with one claw.


It flew at Haile with Immense speed but he didn't even bother to dodge he held out his hand creating a defense magic circle.


The five slashes clashed with the magic circle for a few moments before exploding on itself and disappearing into nothingness.

."Mmm that was actually quite good for a failed product and there are supposed to be more of these, were these a result of trying to make another fenrir and Midgardsormr."He said to himself putting his hand on his chin in thought, maybe he could gain something useful from these failures.

Haile looked at the Fangs with a glint in his eye."Failed God slaying Fangs, just because it's a fail doesn't mean it doesn't have the essence."He said to himself with a smile speading on his face and a silver aura coating his body.

The Failure seeing the evil smile instantly shivered as if reminded of something and turn tail and fled with extreme speeds not looking back.

Haile just stood there frozen looking at it run away."Damn dog, come back here."He said catching back himself, he wasn't expecting it to run, it had more intelligence than he thought, he chased after it.

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1 minutes later

."This stupid dog is faster than I thought, but the more abilities you have the more I want to catch you."Haile said with a slight smirk as he closed in on the Failed dog slowly as he took his time.

He pointed his finger gathering a bit of silver-white colored magic and compressing it on his fingertips, blasting it at the beast before him.



The Lazer blast hit the back leg of the beast making it trip and roll for a whole 300 feet from the speed it was going at before stopping.



He took this chance to teleport to its location and stomp on his back breaking its spine causing it to howl out, to finish the job he reached down and peirce its back with his hand pulling out its broken spine.


He threw the bloody spine on the ground, made his hand glow with silver energy and flicked it shaking off the blood on his hands looking at the now silence beast with interest in his eye.

."Mmm let me borrow one of these."He said reaching into the trembling beast mouth grabbing onto one of its Fangs and pulling breaking it off.

The beast convulsed in pain but couldn't even open its mouth to scream it could only lay there helplessly and endure the pain waiting to die hopefully quickly.

Halie looked with curiosity at the bloody fang in his hand."A weakened God Killing fang."He said observing the fang in detail up close with his status....

NAME:God Killing Fang(Failed)


DIVINITY:Slight Divinity

ENERGY SOURCE:Divine Energy(Inactive), Dragon energy(Inactive), Life Energy(Inactive), Death Energy(Inactive).



ABILITIES:God Slayer(Failed)


STATUS:Created by loki in an attempt to make a God Killing machine.

.'Man loki really went all out with this didn't he, four Energy Sources all of them top class and hard to get, maybe the Life Energy is the easiest to get as sperm contains that but it would take a monstrous amount to add up.'Haile thought to himself, the only ways to get death Energy is to get a God, a God that represents death or cause a massive massacre, or go to the realm of the dead hades realm in the Underworld.

."Life Energy could also be gained from someone with youki/kI/Chakra, the only ones with that is Youkai and I know just who to get it from if I need it, if I actually needed it."Haile said thinking of the energies it was made of, he smiled about at the ability that literally makes his life easier.

He squeezed the fang in his hand." ""Absorb"" ".He said making the fang glow slightly and then it started to wither turning from white to gray then it turn into dust particles.

He clenched his fist."This is interesting, it was still missing some things, it turns out I can't even use the God slaying quality as my body doesn't have the elements that is needed, it seems I still need to make that weapon but it will definitely be easier with these energies."He said to himself checking out his statistics and his newly add energies next to his pure divine like extra elements or attributes.

He looked down at the beast lying on the ground."Thank you for your usefulness, to repay you I will make you disappear and put you out your eternal misery."Haile said with a cold glint flashing in his eyes as a smile graced his lips as if he is really doing the beast a favor.

All the wolf could do was look at him him with a fearful despair as it could do nothing but watch as everything was taken away from it, even it's own life.


He gathered energy on his fist and punched at the Failed Hybrid, he connected and destroyed its body leaving not even blood behind along with creating a 12 meter long circle crater under where the beast was supposed to be.

He rubbed his hand together dusting them off and began walking in the direction of the Asgardain cities once again as he put the other three fangs in his pocket that he took before he destroyed it.

He decided move at full speed toward the city this time which is to basically teleport, he summoned his magic circle under his feet and disappeared.


He reappeared back minutes away from the slightly fluctuating blue barrier, he could clearly see the city inside of it but now the problems come.

."How the fuck do I get in now."Haile said to himself, he was totally at a loss as for what to do now, there is no way he can break in, not on his life, from what he could see this shit was made by multiple God's and he probably knew just who as well, they were all Major Gods.

."Thor, Odin and Vidar, making my life difficult."He said with a slight smile on his face, but luckily The God had his back from the moment he stepped into this world, he is so lucky that God decided to let him keep the ability, without it his life would have been so much harder.


He Slash down with his hand while using Absorb at the same time tearing out a space for him to jump through before it closed back behind him.


Odin's palace

A old man with gray beard and hair could be seen sitting on a Throne in a beautiful and majestic palace, he sat there as if sleeping then suddenly he opened his eyes flashing in blue.

."Now who is it this time, is it loki again, can't a old man look at som-I-I mean uh rest my eye for a bit."The old man said to himself smiling weirdly as looked directly in front of him as if seeing something others can't

He then stopped and came back to reality."Mm I probably should really check that out VALKYRIE, COME HERE."He suddenly shouted to the side of him.

."I'm right here your perverted majesty Odin-Sama."A beautiful woman in a suit who seemed to be in her late teens with long straight silver-white hair walked out from behind the Throne.

Odin opened his eyes widened and froze."...uh how long have you back there for Girl Who Never Had A Boyfriend rossweisse."He ask with a slight blush on his face and put his palm on his cheek shyly.

The woman name rossweisse looked at him with no a change in expression."Disgusting, what is it you need Odin-Sama."Though she said that she still knelt respectful on the ground and ask him, even though he was a great pervert he was also a Great God, all father of the North.

Odin at her words gained a serious expression and looked to the great barrier."Right I sensed a breach of the divine barrier, I want you and two other valkyries two go check and see who it is."He said with a focused look as if trying to see who it is from right there.

Rossweisse expression became even more serious and worried."Do you think it's Lord Loki again, he is the only one who possess the power to breach it without breaking it."She said contemplatively as she also looked at the barrier that protects there people.

Odin shrugged his shoulders."I don't know, all I know is that I hope it's a cute girl for me, if it's a guy then just execute him for breaching the contract of world's and if it's loki....just return back to me and let him be, you can't stop him, take this for the other valkyries they can't disobey you."He said to her and gave her a medallion over flowing with divine energy and write on it is the word "Order".

Rossweisse looked at the medallion in her hand with wide eyes."Odin Sama are you sure, the others won't take just kindly to you giving me this."She said with a nervous look on her face.

Odin laughed at her expense."With this they can no longer bully you until you give it back, so just don't go to far."He said and then shut back his eyes and going off to "dream land" once again gaining a perverted smile on his face.

Rossweisse sighed looking at him and turn around gaining a serious professional look on her face as she walked out the Throne room headed towards the other valkyries.

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