Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

Chapter 26: Battle Of Gods

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Asgard Odin's palace.

."Thor if I might ask, where are the other Norse Gods and Goddesses, I haven't seen anyone since I was here not even the rumored valkyries."Haile asked in curiosity, the God's were such a obscure species, if they were not important to the storyline they were spoken of but not shown or no information was given about them.

Thor shrugged his shoulders."I don't know they actually go all over the world, or maybe some corner of asgard as do I."He said dismissively, he does not really care what the others do.

Haile nodded."Well I was hoping I could at least get to see a Goddess, I've never seen one before."He said with a bit of disappointment in his voice, the only God's he'd ever seen were two old men and Thor, he at least wanted to change his perspective of what God's could be, Ophis doesn't count she doesn't even have Divinity.

Thor rubbed his chin in thought."Hmm maybe, would seeing a valkyrie be enough, they are the closest things to pure God's as they are

demigods by blood, between them and the Goddesses the only real difference is power."He said to Haile after some thought.

."Valkyrie, Odin's little group of virgin Demi-Gods, definitely he is an old pervert, no disrespect to you."Haile said but then realized his words at the end, he was still Thor's father.

Thor gained a dispirited expression on his face."*Sigh* it's alright, it's not a lie he is indeed and old pervert."."He said as his head drupped down.


There was an awkward silence in the room creating a weird atmosphere for both Haile and Thor before Haile broke it.

."Well anyways, how about you help me to the treasury my good brother."Haile said, he wanted to get the materials for his great weapon, he also wanted to see the legendary treasures of God's.

Thor nodded but he gained a serious expression."But first how about a little spar with me, I want to see your true power."He said finishing it with a grin on his face, his eyes flashed with a blue light as he released a bit of his pressure, around his body lightning struck every so often.

."Ho you want to challenge me, you better have Mjolnir on hand then."Haile said with a smirk on his face as he also released some of his own pressure back to Thor with a silver-white aura covering his body.





There aura's clashed against each other creating sonic booms and lightning in the room cracks spread across the ground under them like spider webs.

They looked at each other with big smiles on there face as both of there eyes were glowing, Haile's own were silver-white as he still had on Disguise between seals and Thor's own were a blueish-white as it flashed with lightning.

."Hahaha very good very very good, let's go somewhere else before we destroy my father's palace."Thor said dispersing his aura as he viewed the dismantled room around them, his father will probably pass out when he sees this.

Haile also realizing this also put a stop to his aura as well before standing up."Alright, I'm ready, my blood hasn't pumped like this in awhile, a true battle."He said excitedly, the battle with Ophis doesn't count, that shit is more of a beat down on his end than a fight he's not embarrassed to admit it.

."Let fight in the sky's for more room for our movement and to not destroy to much of the land."Thor said getting up and walking to the doors motioning with his head for Haile to follow him outside.

Haile followed along behind him cracking his knuckles with a crazing smile on his face as his eyes glowed brighter and brighter.

They arrived outside and face each other both smiling then they both started to levitate off the ground Thor using his magic and Haile creating his silver-white wings on his back.

They floated up and ascend into the sky's high above the floating islands, then they stop and got serious as there aura's surrounded them causing the air to get heavy and licker with small sonic boom almost like it was boiling from to much pressure.

Both of them as if rehearsed raise there hand at exactly the same time as a glint pass through there eyes.


They disappeared from there spots and clashed fist as it connected sending shockwaves across the sky's like thunder echoing out, it sounded like space itself was shattered.


In the clash of fist Thor generated a bit of lightning on his fist giving him the advantage as Haile was tossed away into the air barely regain his balance after a couple meters flapping his wings to stop.

."You really deserves your fame across the world as one of the top strongest being in the universe even more so than your father, but show me some more, use your full power or you will definitely lose this if I go all out!."Haile said in excitement as his aura around his body got thicker as he used Enchanted on himself using his full physical strength as he surged with battle intent as space warped around his body as if it dare not exist with his immediate vicinity.

Thor smiled wildly at this."Oh you think you can defeat me, my brother it seems I have to show you why I gained that fame in the first place."He said as lightning flashed around him more violently his body was soon coated his lightning like a cloak, he looked like a ferocious lightning beast as he grin.

Dark clouds formed in the immediate sky bringing darkness over the islands, above them a strike of lightning fell on Thor lighting him up as his figure attracted the lightning and glowed brighter in dark blue.

He then clenched his hand gathering all the energy of the cloak along with the lightning from the clouds onto it making it glow brightly as he looked to Haile with a smirk.

There flew at each other at top speeds and swung there fist at each other with a smile on there faces they own respective aura's the only thing that can be seen in the sky's.



A large explosion was the result of there clash, the shockwave was so great that space actually was ripped apart inside a destructive aura could be sensed that was the result of the clash.


But it was also a very decisive victory for Thor, Haile was thrown down from the sky and landed on the island of Odin creating a crater like a meteor.

While Thor was still flying as if nothing happened he floated down from the sky smiling as the spatial crack healed itself.

."My brother, I hope you've learned a very valuable lesson today."Thor said with his chest held high in pride at being able to show off to his now youngest brother Haile.

Haile got up off the ground and dust of himself off he was not injured by that, he raised an eyebrow at Thor."What was that last move you did."He asked him curiously, that was really interesting, almost like he borrowed power from nature itself, he thought that was an ability reserved for Youkai.

."What, you mean when I gathered the lightning into my fist, that's nothing fancy, that's just control of my element, lightning is my ability I was born with I didn't learn it, also my lightning is the strongest so it can control other weaker forms of lightning."Thor said to him with a smile, this was his pride, if not for this ability he would not nearly be as powerful as he was even with Mjolnir as the lightning allows him to give Mjolnir its true destructive edge that brings out it's full potential.

Haile rubbed his chin in contemplation.'I've absorbed a little of the lightning, I wonder if it would be the same strength for me or if it will be weaker as this was his unique ability."Haile thought, in the clash he realized he was being overwhelmed and chose to use absorb to take about some of the power, but he only took a little bit.

."You are really powerful though, I didn't expect that, you are at Major God Class."Thor said with a little bit of pride for Haile, he was actually proud of him and glad that he is powerful, he can protect himself from almost anything with that power, he wouldn't have to worry about him.

Haile smile and put out his fist to Thor who smiled back and did the same sharing a fist bump that caused a little shockwave.

."Anyway now that that's ove-."


As they were talking a loud shout of a woman could be heard from behind them, they both turn around and saw a woman in a suit Haile recognized her but Thor did not.

."Oh, you know me, but I know not of you and why you're in my father's palace."Thor said with a sharpness to his words as lightning flashed around them causing the lady to shiver slightly.

She gain an Oh expression before she calm down."Your highness I'm a new valkyrie of his majesty Odin Sama, My name is rossweisse, granddaughter of great valkyrie Gondul."Rossweisse said with a serious and respectful manner as she bow her head to the God of justice.

Thor raised an eyebrow at one thing in her sentence."Oh, Gondul has a granddaughter, I didn't even know she had a daughter."He said think back trying to remember the vicious old lady from the past, she was very strong at the level of God's.

."Your highness what is going on, suddenly they were these great explosions of power and lightning in the sky's above the palace of Odin Sama."Rossweisse said reminding him of her questions, that was not a joking matter she couldn't even come close or even see anything up there in the first place.

Thor realized what she meant."No that wasn't anything much, that was just a little spar between me and my sworn brother Haile here."

."Oh and you showed up at the perfect time, he said he had wanted to meet a valkyrie."Thor said stepping back and presenting Haile in a grand fashion with his arms open wide with a smile and winked at him, he knows what his good brother wants.

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."What, someone can fight against you?."Rossweisse was shocked to say the least, she had grown up hearing story's of the almighty Thor about how he was actually the strongest of there pantheon and not Godking Odin who is the all father of the Norse.

She looked at Haile who she didn't really pay much attention to as she was standing infront of The Thor and had to show utmost respect for him.

Her eyes slightly widened when she looked at him, instantly in her mind she started comparing him to every male she had ever seen in her life and still couldn't find one that could match him.

But she was still a serious and duty bound person, so she instantly went back into serious mode and bow her head to him, a man that can fight against Thor could never be weak and she should show respect to the God's.

."Nice to make your acquaintance Lord Haile."She said and held back up from bowing, she had never even heard of his name before, but he is definitely a beautiful man, maybe a God of beauty.

Haile smiled at her gently."Nice to meet you as well my fair lady."He said walking up to her and held her hand kissing the back of it gentlemanly as he looked in her eye.

Rossweisse did not expect this and her face started to steam and blushed red as she left her hand out."I-i nice-for you to meet me too."She said once again, she had never even touched a man before in her life let alone let him stare into her soul, this man is definitely a God of beauty or something along those lines.

."Mm I guess that is true, I must say I didn't expect the valkyries to be so beautiful, seeing as for how long they've been around, but you change my view on how beautiful a being could infact even be."He said still looking into her eye as he spoke some sweet words of bulshit pull directly from his ass.

Rossweisse stood there smoking like a chimney as her hand that was still in his stiffen up, she didn't know what to do or say.

."Hahahaha brother you'll make the poor girl pass out."Thor chuckled see this situation, it seems his brother is a smooth talker and lady's man, he now wonder if he had kids, is he an uncle again.

Haile smile and let go of her hand."Well it was nice, meeting you, me and Thor have something to do now bye bye."He said and walked away along with Thor, headed towards the treasury.

Rossweisse stood there still Blushing on her own."That...that man is dangerous, I have to do some more training."She said seriously with a red face, then she thought back to her grandmother, who would probably have pushed her to marry him seeing her current behavior.


Haile and Thor were now headed towards the treasure vault so Haile can pick out the treasure of his choice for which he was excited for.

He turned to Thor."What kind things does the treasury contain, it must be legendary."He asked him with curiosity, asgard has been around for years on top of years they must be packing in Divine treasures and maybe even some fossils of ancient beast.

."Well..uh.....there is alot of gold....probably."Thor said gaining an embarrassed look on his face, he started to look around nervously and whistling looking suspicious.

Haile seeing this stopped walk and dropped his smile."What do you mean by that, alot of Gold, what do you mean by alot of gold and even a probably."He said squinting his eyes, he had a bad feeling about this.

."Wel-well you's just...kin-kinda like..what ha-happened was, loki you know loki my mischievous little brother, he kinda rob us in the past trying to create fenrir and Midgardsormr."He said finishing with a defeated sigh as he didn't dare lock eyes with his brother.

Haile's eyebrow started to twitch."No wonder that damn perverted old man agreed so readily to my demands, he was broke and had nothing of worth in the treasury."He said with a sigh as he took a deep breath, he was bamboozled by a pervert, he wanted to go in there and give his a punch in the dick breaking it off.

."*Sigh* sorry man, but maybe there were some scraps left over from the robbery."Thor said feeling a little guilty about it for tricking his brother Haile, but at that point in time he was angry he was lied to that's why he didn't say anything.

Haile sighed again as he started walking."Well whatever I'll see what I can get anyway."He said as he continued towards the treasury which he didn't even know where it was yet he was walking infront.

He just walk and hope he's on the right path it would seem weird if he were to suddenly stop and go behind Thor and let him lead.


They soon arrived at the vault or should Haile call it just a room with a thin barrier around it that looks fragile and could be shattered with a touch.

Thor saw Haile's expression of doubt and smirk."Oh don't you dare underestimate this didn't you learn your lesson already, this barrier may look like this but even I can't break it even with my full power."Thor said with pride which was weird as why would he feel pride from being unable to break something.

."Then how did loki break in then and rob you."Haile said folding his arms waiting for the answer to this great question of mystery.

Thor who was full of pride instantly deflated at that."Loki....he is strong you know and has all sort of weird spells and techniques and his sons are also strong."He said with an embarrassed face as looked at the barrier he was just so proud of, it really didn't seem so impressive now that he thought of it.

."Anyway come on open the thing."Haile seeing his embarrassed decide to spare some of his feelings and go in to see what he could salvage.

Thor sigh and looked at the barrier he raised his hand and touched it."⅔⅚⁸ⁿ."He said some complicated equation and pore magic into it and the barrier disappeared.

."Aren't you weary of me, why did you show me the password."He asked in doubt no matter how much you trust someone you can't just let then in on all you secrets.

Thor smirk again."The password changes by itself everyday, it never reuses the same one twice, but all the ones that made the barrier in the first place would instinctively know when we come here the new equation password."He said happily showing off the greatness of asgard to his brother.

Haile nodded."That is indeed fascinating and interesting, anyways shall we."He said walking into the vault to get something.

They both went into the vault and the first thing they could see was a sea of gold that looked like a lake, it looked almost like liquid.

."Woah you really wasn't joking when you said alot of gold, this is more than just alot of gold, you could probably buy the entire human world with this amount of gold."Haile said in slight amazement, he had never seen a fortune of this level, even he himself in the pass only had a one hundred billion fortune.

Thor nod his head in appreciation of the gold as well.

Haile started walking around looking about, he actually seen some weapons and stuff littered around the room but nothing strong or useful for someone at his level.


He looked around the vault for half an hour but didn't find anything useful, all he found was some useless weapons that he took up in anger, even if they were useless to him he can give them to Asia and Aika.

Not finding anything he wanted to leave."Your father really bamboozled me hard, but just one thing, do you have any spare Uru, I need to get some."He said to Thor, he really need that to truly make his weapon indestructible or almost at least.

."Oh is that what you wanted, I have a piece in my room, you should've said that's what you want I would've given it to you, I have no use for it other than collecting dust."Thor said to him with his hand on his chin in thought.

Haile's eyes widened in happiness."Really, I didn't really think you would have it, not after seeing how broke you all were as gold has not much value amongst the God's."He said brutally riping all of asgard apart with his ruthless words.

Thor felt like he was stabbed in the stomach."My brother must you insult us so, it wasn't our fault, loki is a tricky bastard to deal with."He said in defeat as he turn to leave for the Ure.

Haile shook his head and turn to leave as well there was nothing else in this room for him to have or even want to have.


Haile had gotten the Ure to make his weapon, he and Thor are now in the outskirts of the great divine barrier chilling on a huge rock they were sitting on, well Haile was sitting and Thor was standing further behind him.


." when are you leaving, I know you've gained what you wanted so you probably won't be staying for long."Thor said with a sigh, they were truly getting along nicely he didn't wish to part just yet.

Haile was silent for a bit then smile."Do you have to make it sound like I'm dying or something, you could always come to the human world to see me hahaha."He said with a chuckled, Thor made the atmosphere so depressing.

Thor nodded his head but beings as strong as him especially with his affiliation can't just travel through other beings territories without there permission, well he could but that would cause chaos he didn't want as a God of justice, he would have to seal himself heavily.

."Well I think I'm going to leave now before I don't want to leave."He said getting up and walking to the barrier infront of them, he looked at it this barrier was also really strong like the one at the vault.

One cannot even teleport on the other side its as if all space coordinates are blocked off and can't be felt.

."Do you want me to create an exit fo- well never mind."


Haile swung down his hand at the barrier and cut it create a space, he took another look at Thor."Tell rossweisse goodbye for me."He said then he jumped through the cut it closing behind him.

Thor looked at it him outside the barrier for a bit before smiling and walking away back to the palace.

."*Sigh* another Chaotic brother of mine."

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