Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

Chapter 31: The Heart To Exist

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*8:33am Monday*


Haile is now on his way to class after leaving the occult research club, he on the way fixed up his clothes that were a crinkled from the spar, he fix up his hair and everything going back to normal.

He was not worried about getting there late anymore he is already late, he took his time walking back infact he was trying to delay as long as possible, he'll just go there to let aika be aware of his presence so she knows he is here.

He finally after five minutes arrived to the class, he slide open the door and walked in."Sorry for being late."He said to the teacher that this time it was an Oldman with a ball head and long gray beard.

When he walked in the class was already started so the girls couldn't scream out but they started whispering his name with each other.

Aika seeing him eyes glowed with happiness as she thought he wasn't coming today as he is never late, but now she can finally relax as she snuck a wave at him.

Haile smile to her and gave her a secret wink.

The teacher frown at him."You are late, you are Haile I presume as you are the only one marked absent, don't let this happen again, you are new so I'll give you a break, find your seat."He said with a dissatisfied expression on his face towards Haile.

Haile's eyes flashed for a moment and the teacher felt a shiver go down his spine as he felt a trickle of sweat drip down his back, he didn't know what's happening.

."Watch your tone next time you speak to me."Haile whispered to him as he passed him by going to his seat, the teacher didn't even know what to say as his mind was clouded in fear, he shakily went back to teaching. 

Haile sat down by his seat in the back close by the perverted trio, he looked across and saw issei with a depressed aura surrounding him as the others had big smiles on there face.

He smiled as well as he knew the reason for it, he didn't get to have that date with Raynare because he killed her by destroying the church so issei probably thought he was stood up, to back for him.


*12:00pm lunch*

Haile had a big smile on his face that the torture was over, in between he wanted to just destroy the whole school and be done with it, but he figured it could be good training for his mind.

Some of the girls came up to him trying to seduce him, it was four of them that was apart of the kendo club but he turned them down gently, he waited for everyone to leave as he knew someone else was waiting for him as well.

The ones that left last were the perverted trio two were celebrating and the other had a devastated and distressed expression as he walked out like a dead person.

Aika was there sitting patiently for everyone to leave, after they did she go up and went to Haile.

."Darling how are you doing, I missed you, couldn't you have stayed the night."She went up and sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck and hugged him.

Haile held her waist with a smile on his face."Come on, I told you about my two sisters and the other people I have, I still made almost the whole day for you."Haile said softly as he nibbled on her ears gently.

."So, can't I be jealous, you are a really devious person, how could you drop that bomb on me so suddenly in my vulnerable state."

."Supposed I had committed suicide from the shock, would you have even cried for me or would you just have jumped to some other woman instantly."She said half jokingly as she put her face into his neck.

Haile was silent as he frowned."Do you really want to know the answer to that question?."He said with a gentle smile on his face as he hugged her tighter in his embrace as he felt her body trembled slightly.

She nodded slightly in silence.

."*Sigh* I would not cry for you but also wouldn't be happy either at least for a while, I haven't yet develop that connection with you is all."Haile said and told her the truth, it's not much to him if she learns the truth.

Aika was silent for a moment then she said."You know, you are quite the dick, how am I supposed to feel about that, but I understand, we getting together was probably a mistake to you, but since we are together I'll try to make it work somehow."She had an expression of defeat, she can't even do anything as it's not like she's not happy, infact her existence was perfect as soon as he entered it, before it was hell for her just to live.

Haile just has a frown on his face, he was indeed a bastard, he had purposely told her in her vulnerable state as in that time she had no one and would be more tolerable of anything he did less she lose him.

."I can't tell you not to be angry or anything like that but all I can say is that I will take care of you, so don't worry about that part."He said seriously as he hugged her closer.

Aika hugged him back tightly as tears came from her eyes as she secretly wipe them away."Can I have some time alone Haile just to gather up my thoughts and fix myself I can't let you see me like this."She said as she hid her face in her hands and got up off his lap.

Haile got up and patted her back and before he left he gave her a kiss on the forehead as he walked out the room in his thoughts.


Haile is now walking towards the student council room to see Sona and Tsubaki, he was still thinking about what he had done to Aika, he didn't really feel sorry for what he did but as she will be his he would like her to be as emotional solid as possible.

It would be a sad day if she suddenly had an emotional breakdown when with him, even shameless perverts has feelings, so he didn't want that, he has to get her acclimated to the others in the early so she can heal with them having a place in her mind.

While he was in his mind he arrived at the student council room, he set his mind right before he entered and meet with them as he didn't want stray thoughts to get in the way of his decisions.




He knocked on the door waiting for them to open, his mind is now clear and ready for any, he fixed up his clothes a bit more and flex his muscles to himself a bit, yeah it was slightly narcissistic bit who would dare complain.


The door opened and a beautiful white haired girl peek from behind it, she had blue-green eyes and an almost perpetual serene expression on her face as she looked on.

."Hanakai, nice to see you again, how are you oh yeah and good morning."Haile smiled as he saw her, he had meet Momo Hanakai on Sunday when he had officially met all of Sona peerage.

Momo who had realized it was him had a strange look in her eyes as a small smile appeared on her face."Haile goodmorning to you as well, I'm fine and hope you are as well, if you are looking for Sona and Tsubaki they are not in the office at the moment."She said as she knew what he was here for, she was kinda surprised when she first heard of his relationship with there king and queen but they had no choice but to accept it, but it also helped that Haile was very likable and handsome.

."Oh, they are not in, do you know where they could be at the moment, I came to see them."Haile said as he raised an eyebrow as he looked around, maybe they are checking on the other students, they are very dutiful after all.

Momo put her finger on her chin."Mm maybe they had went to talk to Lady Rias, they had something important to do in the Underworld I think I can't remember properly."She said in deep thought.

Haile had a thoughtful expression on his face.'Could it be about riser, was this when he was getting ready to come to the human world to see his former "fiance" Rias, that probably means that Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta from the church will be arriving soon, next week maybe, that also means that High elf fallen cocomeal will show up soon to declare war, I'll definitely "help him".'He thought as a smile form on his face as some fun is definitely to come, things will be much easier.

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He came out from his thoughts as he looked at Momo who was staring at him in a daze, he decided to save her."Hanakai, are the others in the room, is Saji in?."He asked her, he would like to say hello to the others as well, he quite liked them all, an overly serious but mushy on the inside people's.

Momo gained a weird expression."...Ah Mmm, when are you going to tell him about your relationship, Saji I mean, everyone already knows of his obsession with the president."She whispered to Haile, she kinda felt bad for Saji, he is in love with a woman that is already taken by a man and one so great as well there is 0% chance of him winner her back like even a number less than 0 if it existed.

."Why do I need to explain myself before him, we are not that close, that is Sona's job to do, I don't care enough for him to care about sparing his fragile feelings."Haile said brutally with a casual look on his face as he looked Momo in the eye with his own golden-brown eyes.

Momo shrugged her shoulders as well she doesn't care that much for him either, they had not even met for long he had only joined the peerage awhile ago, but she felt the need to speak up for him as they were fellow peerage members.

."Anyway the others are inside, Saij is also inside, just don't break him to much he is still a precious pawn so he still has to be functional, come on in."Momo said as she sighed, she can't force him if he doesn't want to do it.

Haile smiled and walked in as he open the door and little further, he didn't really care for modesty as he had already met everyone in there already, he Saji which was one of the first he met.

."Hey bro, what you doing here, you came to hang out with me, oh i still haven't gotten lunch yet."Saji's eyes lit up as he saw Haile who he now considers to be his friend after the misunderstanding, got up and walk towards Haile sharing a fist bump with him.

Haile smile and nodded at him in greeting along with the fist bump."Well I actually came to "discuss" something with the president and vice president but I heard from Hanakai that they are not here but I decided to greet you all, so hello everyone."He said finally acknowledging the girls in the room as he observes them.

Tsubasa Yura is a mature looking beauty with dark blue eyes reminiscent of the deep sea, shoulder length dark blue hair and a face that made it seem like she would have a cold personality but she had an almost perpetual slight smile on her beautiful serious looking face.


(A*N* Confession: you can probably tell but, I just came from reading a cultivation novel, but don't worry they won't be made of jade or have a Phoenix nose or some bulshit, it will go back to normal next chapter ????)


Tomoe Meguri on the other hand looks the complete opposite, as she had a cheerful looking face and bright eyes as if a sun glowing in the dark world, she had brown eyes and red-brown shoulder length hair in bangs with a single strand of hair sticking out from the top, in short a very beautiful and hyperactive girl someone fun to be around with divine energeticness gracing the world.

Reya Kusaka now is a beautiful slim girl with long brown hair that ends in two short braids and matching eyes, she has mature radiance about her reminding one of those yandere big sister types you would see in ah..., but instead of out going she had a reserved grace and elegance to herself that made her stand out amongst others as she sat there just observing everything with a cosmic intelligence.

And last but not least Ruruko Nimura, Ruruko is a short girl with brown hair in long twin ponytails and green eyes, she wears a pair of green clips in her hair, she looks innocent and seem to have a hyperactive personality as well, beautifully crafted by the....

The first to respond and speak up was Tomoe."Hey Haile nice to see you as always."She said excitedly as she jumped up as she ran to him, she considers herself the closest to him as they got along the best, she jump straight at him.

Haile held out his arms to catch her so she doesn't fall."Aren't you to young to be jumping into the arms of a man you had only met once."He said with a smile on his face as he patted her back, he liked this kind of cheerful girl, they always seemed to be so full of energy and happiness it really rubs off on him and he likes that feeling.

Tomoe long out her tongue at him."Are you going to do something to me then?."She asked with a crafty glint in her eyes.

."Nope....You have nothing I want."Haile said watching her expressions, he purposely looked down at her nonexistent breast.

Her face turn red as she jumped off him."'re not supposed to be honest with girls ahh."She went into a corner of the room and draw circles on the ground.

The others in the room laughed at her behavior.

."Well my elegant devils I'll get going now."He said as he walked up to them each including Momo and kiss the back of there hand gentlemanly and graced them in his presence.

Then he left most of them in a blushing mess, the only one not acting like a extra shy maiden was the blue hair beauty yura who just smile and accepted it with her own grace.

While Saji ignored off to the side felt uncomfortable, he is starting to remember exactly how handsome Haile was and the guy also had game, his mind instantly flashed to Sona.

Haile gave him a nod before leaving the room not having accomplished what he wanted but he had no complaints at all, None at all.



He is now walking back to the classroom to check up on Aika, he had given her a little time to gather her thoughts, it's still up to her if she wants to stay with him or not, if she leaves he'll just forget about her and move on, it will do nothing to his life.

."But I still kinda hope she stays, that would really means my game wasn't enough to keep my woman, though if she leaves she'll need to find a horse."He said to himself as he smirk and walked along more briskly with confident steps.

He arrived at the class and just walk straight through, he smiled as he saw Aika sitting by the window looking through, she looked a little lonely right now.

He walk up to her silently, he stood behind her without saying anything, infact it was Aika who spoke first before he had the chance.

."You know Haile, I've been thinking, it's not about us necessarily, but something I've been thinking about for a long time, that...should a day come when I, I don't know disappeared suddenly or something.....would the others around me life become better, what purpose does my existence even serve, you know, what do you think."Aika said to Haile with her back still turn to him as she gazed outside with a calm expression.

Haile just stood and listened to her when she finished he sighed."Mmm you know Aika, I think that also every human in the world at least at some point in time had those thoughts, but the difference that separated the strong from the weak is one decision, would you choose to act upon those thoughts or choose to toughen up and bare through it, life doesn't GET easier, YOU get stronger and MAKE it easier, so what will you choose."Haile said with a sharpness in his gaze and words as he looked at her back.

He had also gone through all of this, when he had lost everything of his twice, the first time he had thought of killing himself and giving up on life he was three years old that time, but because of circumstances he got to live a bit more only because he didn't have the courage to die a painful death.

After that fail he never again once though of it, he had realized on his second loss that life gets no easier, at that moment he decided that if it doesn't get easy then he much make it his bitch and gain control of it, in the end he not only gained control of his own life but also control of others.

He just continued to watch her awaiting her answer to his question.

After 2 solid minutes aika finally turned to Haile, he eyes was firm, firmer than she probably ever was in her life."Haile just tell me one thing, do you think you would ever be able to love me for real."She asked that seriously.

Haile shrugged his shoulders with a smile on his face."Life is unpredictable, who really knows, but there is a chance, but what I can say for sure, is that you are one of the good things in my life, if the heavens itself try to take you from me it WILL be no more."He said as his eyes glowed.

Aika looked at him for a moment before a beautiful smile spread on her face."Hahaha did you have to be so cheesy with saying that you care for me, even if you don't love me now I will definitely make it happen eventually."She said as she stared directly into his eyes with a loving expression.

Haile just look back into her eye."You know, you're making me feel like a real bastard, I will try my best to treat you better, anything you want just tell me and it's done, just don't take it to far or I'll have to give you some punishments."He said with a smirk on his face.

Aika returned her own smirk and stood up."Oh might I ask what kind of punishment, best be careful I might try to be a bad girl on purpose."She said seductively as she rapped her arms around his waist and tipped toed and locked lips with him.


Haile just let her have her way for now and just stood they.

She broke away the kiss and licked her lips."Mmm I'm glad you didn't kiss anyone else before you came to me."She said with a satisfied look on her face.

Haile just shook his head, what is he going to do with her in the future.

."Anyway I'm feeling better now, you can go see those others, they probably want some attention from you as well, I know the feeling..all of it."Aika said returning to her past self as she stared openly at his dick print.

Haile sighed but then he smiled, at least she is herself again."Well I'll see you late baby."He said with a smirk on his face as he walk out the class.

Aika had a shocked expression on her face as she just stood there watching him leave.

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