Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

Chapter 33: Magical Truth

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*12:00pm Wednesday*

       *Lunch time*

Class was finished for now as it was lunch time, only three people were inside the classroom now, Haile with a smile on his face, Aika with a crafty glint in her eyes and Asia sitting in confusion.

."So...Haile DARLING, aren't you going to introduce your SISTER to me, I would like to meet her."Aika said sweetly as she hugged Haile arm and smile staring straight at Asia.

Haile knows what she is up to."You better not try to bully my little Asia or I'll have to give you that promised punishment."He said with a slight smile hanging on his lips.

."Ohh I'm so scared, please don't give me a punishment AhMmmm."Aika said as she rubbed her breast against his muscles.

Haile raised an eyebrow, it seems that it may have backfired on him."Ah well, this is my kinda adopted sister."He said quickly changing the subject before it gets out of hand, he kinda is weary to give her any real power, if she gets anymore stamina on top of her perverted power she will suck him dry, though he is not afraid he'd never say that....

."Oh I see, so that's the one you told me about huh, didn't you told me she was a mature lady....I don't see it, like at all."Aika said as she looked Asia from head to toe putting her under observation making her nervous.

Haile tilt his head in confusion then he realized."No, that's the wrong one, that's Ophis, this is little Asia, my Asia is quite cute isn't she."He said with a smile as he looked at Asia who was steaming now.

Asia embarrassed kept her head down."Ca-can't you ple-please not talk about me as if I'm not here."She said stumbling over her words at the beginning.

."Haha don't be embarrassed Asia, we will be sisters from now on, we should get to know each other, you can be comfortable around me."Aika said letting go of Haile going over to Asia and holding her hand.

."Let's go somewhere we can talk, I have lots of things to ask and tell you come come."Aika dragged Asia and went along on there way leaving Haile alone.


Haile just sat there speechlessly looking at the door not knowing what to even say, he just really hope she doesn't turn Asia into a pervert like her that would be bad new, very very bad new for him.

."*Sigh* I'll go and see what Sona and Tsubaki is up to today, I'm starting to miss them, is that a good sign or a bad sign, I don't know."Haile said to himself as he got up from his seat as he walked to the door headed to the students.


While he was walking to the door from the speaker by the door he heard a voice tell him to come to the student council, he recognized the voice it was Sona's voice.

."She must have redd my mind, but why does she want me now, did something happen, the voice didn't sound urgent."He said to himself as he continued walking along now in the corridor, he'll move a little quicker incase it's actually an emergency.


Soon he arrived at the student council he walked fast, even though he was slowed down a bit trying to dodge some girls, he walked up to the door going to knock on it.


Before he could knock on the door it open and Tsubaki walked out, who then noticed him and a wide smile appeared on her overly serious face as she stop walking.

."That was quick, I was just going to look for you incase you didn't hear the broadcast, come in Sona wants to ask you something."Tsubaki said lighty as she turned back around as he was who she was looking for.

Haile raised an eyebrow at her."What is it she wants, hope it isn't about the peerage thing, that's not even possible even if I wanted to."He said with a then disinterested look on his face, in no life would he submit himself to anyone or anything, even though it caused his death but he would die again if he has to.

But he still followed behind her to see what's up, he walked in after her and closed the door behind him, he was a little surprise as everyone was here, Sona's entire peerage was inside the office.

."So what's going on Sona, why have you called for me and good morning everyone, good to see you Momo, Ruruko, Yura, Reya, Tomoe...Saji I guess you to."Haile said greeting all the ladies with a smile but then he smirked and said to Saji.

."Hey Haile!!!."


."Good morning."

."Hey ya!!!."

."Good day Haile."

All the girls of Sona's peerage greeted him back with there own unique personalities coming out even in just there return greeting as they all had a refreshing atmosphere around them.

."Hey bro that messed up, aren't we good brothers, we are one of the only actual men in this entire school."Saji said as he seen the difference in treatment between him and the other girl's.

Haile eyelids twitch slightly.'When did we become good brothers, I doesn't know, but he is getting to comfortable.'He thought but he didn't say anything to bad for Sona's sake but he did make a remark.

."Haven't heard of the pretty privilege huh, beautiful people get more attention that's just how life works, either have to be beautiful or special in some way which you are none of the above."He said with a smile on his face, he is getting kinda tired of seeing Saji's face, early today he thought of killing him three times but didn't as Sona would lose a valuable pawn, maybe he could find a replacement.

Saji just stood there speechless as he had no come back, he felt a bit embarrassed as he put a glance to Sona who he saw wasn't even looking at him or probably aware of his existence.

Sona just sat there watching the two bickering with a slight smile on her face."Yes anyway, the reason I called you here was because of an important yet not urgent reason, we are all going to the familiar Forrest to get Saji a familiar, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us, I don't know if you have a familiar or not but if you don't maybe you can get one and maybe Asia would like to get one for herself as well."She said in one breath, she really just wanted to be close to him.

Haile's eyes widened in realization.'It's that time already, familiar Forrest, I guess since rias doesn't have a new member in issei then Sona is the one who will be going to the familiar Forrest, I could probably find a use for a familiar, probably but not likely but I'll still go anyway.'Haile thought as he put his hand on his chin rubbing it to gain more wisdom in making decisions.

."Alright I'll go, I'll also get Asia but I want to bring along one other person, who as of right now doesn't know of the supernatural, her name is Aika."Haile said to Sona with a smile on his face.

."The glasses pervert girl!!!."8×

Everyone scream out in surprise, it seems that Aika was pretty popular but maybe not for all the right reasons.

."Did it really have to be that perverted girl, couldn't you have chosen someone else, I hope she isn't corrupting you."Sona said with worry in her voice, she clearly knows that girl and she was not up to anything good.

Saji jumped in suddenly."Come on prez love has no boundaries if he wants to have a perverted lover he can, the same as if a commoner wanted to fall in love with a noble."As he said that he had a strange look in his eyes as his eyes unintended flickered to Sona.


The room was in complete silence from what he said, saji was in an awkward silence as no one reacted to what he said, he thought he had said something smooth but no one said anything or even laughed.

The reasons the girls didn't react was because they understood somethings that saji does not know, the woman of his dreams is already taken by Haile.

."Ahem anyway, about that familiar for me when will we get going."Saji said trying to clear the atmosphere and bring back everyone's attention to the matter at hand and that he was the Mc of this excursion.

Sona nodded her head then looked at Haile."You can go along and get Asia and the pervert aika, we'll make preparations by then."She said as she looked at Haile with a warm smile on her beautiful face as she looked at him.

."Alright I'll be right back, excuse me lady's.....saji."Haile said with a smile on his face as he turned leave, he actually has a plan for the familiar Forrest, if some sources are true then there is a familiar that he wants in that Forrest and he will have it no matter what.

He walked along to the door, open it and left the room going to Asia and Aika, it's actually easy to fine the two without have to sense for them because they both have his ring, he realized that awhile ago.

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Anyone with his ring cannot hide from him at all because it contains his magic which is an extension of himself even in another dimension or world's apart.

He walked looking around, he is following the ring he walk pass the classroom and is headed to the back of the school quite further from the occult research club.

Out behind a tree, he walk to them as he smile because he can see them sitting there talking to each other happily and eating lunch they look extremely close already in this short amount of time which was a surprise to him, but he also knows it's not that simple.

He walk up behind them, he stood behind the tree that they are resting there backs on trying to listen to what they are talking about hoping it's not anything to back for his little Asia.

."Have you ever tried sucking his dick?."

."N-no we didn't even yet, we only kiss..."

."What, but you live with him, how did I get to him before you, he must not like you then."

."WHAT, that is not true he loves me alot, he doesn't love you, you are just a toy to him that's why he had sex with you."

."Oh, you think so huh, he will give me his full attention because I'm just a toy, I don't think so, he loves me more than you, why don't you just admit it and submit to the fact that I am better than you."

."No I am better than you, I'm the most useful to him so he loves me more than you, I can do things you will never be able to do in ever."

."~Well if that helps you sleep at night then sure but when he makes sweet love to me he will be telling me how much he loves me as he pours his baby maker into me, then I will suck his dick from the back getting all the last drops~."

."..You better stop or I will kill you, I can kill you easily, I can also hide your body, no one will ever know about it."

Haile was honestly shocked, especially about Asia comment, he didn't know that his sweet innocent and cute little Asia could have such a nasty and vile mouth, that was a surprise of its own, did she always have this vile side of herself or was that his fault which it most likely probably is.

.'Why do all nun have to have a crazy side to them, they always go so extreme, it's either they are crazy or there not no in-between.'Haile thought to himself as he listened to them bickering back and forth.

Then what they are fighting over, they are fighting for him, fighting for the most of his love, was he that good, he didn't know that he had this level of technique before.

He decided to show himself before it gets even more out of control but he has to make it look like he has only just arrived and did not hear there entire conversation.

He walked away a little bit from the place they were seated."Asia, Aika where are you!!!."He shouted out as if trying to see where they are, he didn't look exactly in there direction.

."Right here!!!."2×

They both answered at the same time getting up and coming in his direction, smiling as if nothing at all happened.

Haile secretly raised an eyebrow." was your little girls talk, I hope you are close now, I would HATE to see anything but you both getting along with each other."He said with a smile making sure to magnify the word hate, so they have to get along or else.

Asia and Aika shared a glance and a spark flew out there eyes, then they had a moment of understanding with each other all with eyeball communication, they smiled at each other putting there hands around each other.

."We are the best of friends, we love you!!!."

Haile just looked at them but didn't bother to say anything about that he was here for something else."Girls we are going somewhere fun with the student council, I hope you can be ready for something "magical"."He said looking between the both of them.

Aika is confused from what he is talking about going somewhere magical, Asia was also confused at first as she tilted her cute head but then she realized what he meant, magical meaning it concerns the supernatural side of things.

She looked across to Aika in worry, even though she didn't like her she didn't hate her either, she might not be able to handle the truth and break down mentally from the shock, she would hate to see that happen to someone.

."So just tell me Aika, do you trust me?."Haile asked her seriously.

Aike didn't even think about."Yes I do, is that even a question?."She said not batting an eye, he was the only person she trusts, even more than herself.

."That's good then, remember the ring I gave you, that is not a fake, everything I told you about that is true, but as an ordinary person I can see why it's hard to believe so I'll let you see for yourself, come with me."Haile said turning around and walking away to the student council room.

Asia looked at Aika who was just there frozen."I know of it as well, it's true, but you must decide if you want to know the full truth or not, your normal mind might not be strong enough to handle it, if you love Haile I would suggest stepping into his world but, your decision."She said kindly to her with a strong front of wisdom when she turned around to follow Haile it broke down instantly and she blushed in embarrassment and walked faster.

Aika stood there, then she reached into her pockets and took out the golden ring of her love and his love for her."Is it really know what it doesn't matter, I'll follow him anyway, what could go wrong."She said to herself as she smiled happily and ran after him putting the ring on her finger.(A.N..I realized everytime I said to myself what could go wrong the worst shit always happens, does that happen to anyone else, I'm curious.)

Haile glanced back and sighed in relief as he saw her following behind, it was not something one could force everyone acceptance level is not the same so it best sometimes to let the person choose.

Soon Aika caught up to them and they walked in silence all the way to the student council.


Haile, Asia and Aika all arrived at the student council room finally, Haile knocked once and open the door let his girls enter first then enter himself. 

Everyone was still in there, everyone that didn't meet her most looked at Asia in curiosity, they already know who Aika is, she has a reputation of her own.

."This is Asia my kinda little sister, take good care of her."Haile said introducing her to everyone which they nodded and waved at her and she did the same shyly standing behind him.

Sona push up her glasses."So is everyone ready, the Forrest is dangerous, hope you made preparations to fight."She said as she glanced and Asia and Aika then to Haile who nodded his head at her.

Sona got up and and went to the center of the room."Haile can you help me with the magic energy, I don't think my magic is enough to take all of us especially you, it will take alot of magic to take a God, how about I create the magic circle and you supply the energy needed."She asked him, she even didn't have even one percent of the necessary magic.

."Sure that is a small matter, come I'm ready to go."Haile said as he held Aika and Asia's hand and walk to the center of the room where the magic circle will be summoned, the others of Sona's peerage gathered there as well.

Sona stood close as well she took a deep breath as she her hands glowed in blue and a giant blue magic circle appeared beneath all of them big enough that it was more than enough space.

."If it was just me I would never be able to use this, this rely on the fact that we are not to far from each other's strengths."Sona said in amazement as she looked at the magic circle, she had never created one this big before, this is something her sister would be able to do with ease.

."This is really happening."Aika said in shock as she froze up.

Haile held her hand tighter so she wouldn't freak out, he tapped his foot on the ground and the magic circle glowed brighter and turned golden as his magic took it over.

Sona look on in surprise at this but didn't say anything, it was within her expectations that something like that would happen, this magic circle is no longer just control by her if he wanted to he could change the coordinates.

."Let's go, to the familiar Forrest."

And they disappeared from the student council room.

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